Clarke sat on her bed, tears flowing from her eyes as she ate her soft vanilla ice cream. Her mind dawned on the fact that her best friend Raven Reyes had been sleeping with her boyfriend Finn Collins for months and months. She had no one to turn too; Raven had been Clarke's one true real friend. Or so she had thought, but she now sat crying over the two people she loved the most love each other but not her. She didn't know how she would cope with life, she had no one, her mother and father had sadly died in a car crash a couple of years ago.
Over the next few days she tried to get on with her life, her job but with Finn gone she felt like she had nothing, in fact she had nothing. One day she decided to go out to the local bar 'Ark Jaha'. She didn't know what she would find there, to her surprise a few of her high school friends were there, Jasper and Monty. She spoke to them for a while or rather listened as they told her countless stories of their holidays in their gap years some of the stories couldn't help but bring a smile to her face. For a few moments she had forgotten all about Finn and Raven, but just for a few moments, her mind was wandering and she couldn't help it. She had never cried in front of the guys before but she couldn't help it. Tears ran from her eyes as Jasper and Monty tried to comfort her, asking her what was wrong. She inhaled quickly and told them the story with an occasional sob coming from her mouth. Jasper and Monty didn't have sisters so they had no idea how to react, instead of trying to think of a good plan they just hugged her and walked her home. She walked with her shoulders slouched and her head down, as she occasionally bumped into people as she was walking down, she muttered apologies to each unfortunate bump. Jasper and Monty hadn't really been watching Clarke they had just been murmuring between themselves about her. However Monty looked up to see Clarke arguing with a tall, dark haired man who was standing in front of a heavily pregnant girl. Monty and Japer cautiously approached the commotion with a worried look only to hear Clarke fighting her side. "I'm very sorry I bumped into your girlfriend and I'm sorry I wasn't looking but I'm going through a tough time at the moment."
With that the dark haired man let out a chuckle "She is my sister and you think that you're going through a tough time she has a human growing inside of her so she doesn't need idiots like you getting in the way."
The dark haired girl looked embarrassed as she said "Bell come on leave it, look she didn't mean it." she tugged at her brothers arm as she pleaded for them to leave.
Clarke looked into the girls eyes and said "I am truly sorry; it's Clarke by the way." The girl smiled and said "Octavia, and this here is my ignorant brother Bellamy."
"It's nice to meet you, you both," she said nodding to Bellamy when he let out the snidest comment that had been said yet, "It's alright, princess." With that Clarke stormed off leaving a very amused Bellamy. "You had to do that didn't you Bell, sometimes you take it too far." Octavia was the next to storm off, leaving Jasper and Monty staring open mouthed at Bellamy. He just nodded and the two scarpered after Clarke.
A few weeks had passed and Clarke was starting to return to her usual self. She had even gone back to work which was especially hard because everyone knew what had happened, but Clarke decided it was best to go back. It was a late Monday night when Clarke's boss called to her "Room 3 pregnant teenager, this one is yours." Clarke sighed and left heading for Room 3 when she heard a familiar voice. She must have been mistaken, so she entered the room anyway. There on the bed lay the one pregnant teenager she wished it hadn't been, there lay Octavia. Clarke didn't have any time to speak before Bellamy shouted "You have got to be kidding me."
Clarke was done with being sorry she just turned on her heels so she was facing him and said "So sorry but you're stuck with me!"
With her remark he just took a step back and said "Brave Princess." He sat down not wanting to continue the conversation anymore. With that Clarke spun on her heels once again so she was facing Octavia and said "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise I wasn't expecting you."
Octavia giggled and said "I wasn't expecting you to be my midwife either!"
The two girls giggled in unison as Clarke said "I don't think he was expecting it either," Octavia couldn't contain her laughter at Clarkes joke.
The two sat for a while talking about all the medical stuff and when Clarke had told Octavia all she needed to know, she told "I am here to make your labour as comfortable as possible, so I am, is there anything you need, like some vanilla ice cream!" Octavia looked up, nodded and smiled.
As Clarke walked out of the room she noticed that Bellamy was fast asleep and she chuckled to herself as she left to get the ice cream. When she returned she saw Octavia looking hopeful as she said "I haven't had ice cream in ages Bell says it's bad for the baby."
Clarke smiled and said "I'm the midwife and if I say its ok then its ok." The two girls sat for hours chatting about all sorts of stuff and Clarke even managed to tell Octavia the story of Finnan ad Raven without a single tear. That's when Clarke realised Octavia was a person she just met and she could tell her anything, maybe Octavia was Clarke's real best friend!
Bellamy woke with a start to see a girl with gleaming blonde hair sitting on the edge of his sisters bed as they ate ice cream and laughed, for once he saw Clarke not a threat to Octavia but a friend and that's all Octavia needed a friend.
Octavia noticed that Bellamy was awake and she gave him a small wave, Bellamy strolled over and said "So I guess ice cream can't hurt,"
Clarke looked up and said "Not unless you get the tub at throw it at someone, then it can hurt." Octavia let out a snort.
Clarke smirked, then she saw Bellamy's horrific bed head, his dark curls falling across his forehead, Clarke didn't even realise but she was checking Bellamy out. She shook her head and said "Are you expecting anyone else at the birth."
Bellamy didn't even let Octavia answer "No."
Clarke walked closer to the bed and said "Octavia are you expecting anyone else at the birth," Octavia looked reluctant and nodded "The father."
Bellamy was taken a back at his sister's new found confidence as he watched Clarke nod and walk slowly out of the room watching her every step.