"Viv hurry up!" Olivia yelled into the house "I'm coming!" Olivia heard her daughter yell back. Vivian came down the stairs with several bags. She had dark brown hair that reached her butt with hazel brown eyes , wearing black tights with a black loose shirt with white letters printing out the word 'bitch' and boots. "You really have to wear that shirt?" Olivia asks shaking her head "I do" Viavian says confidently "I don't get why we have to move all the way from LA to NY just because the guy was caught, everyone you knew already thinks your dead why not keep it like that?" Vivian bables with an attitude.

"Vivian just get in the car" Olivia says sternly "Vivian listen to your mother please" Jason says coming out with the last box of their things. Vivian rolls her eyes "fine... wait we're driving to NY?" Vivian asks seeing the car. Olivia frowns "What did you think?" Jason shakes his head with a laugh walking past the two girls "Flying duh" Vivian says as if her mom and dad were the dumbest people on earth. Olivia pushed her daughter out of the door "get in the car" Olivia closes the door and locks it.


"You know this is really hard for me" Vivian says in the back seat. Olivia rolls her eyes "oh please Viv" Vivian leans foward in the car "it is" she says dramatically "I mean this is like what a ten hour drive-" she gets cut off by Olivia "actually it isn't that lo-" this time Olivia gets cut off by Vivian "would you let me finish geezz" Vivian flips her hair before continuing "as I was saying... I don't even have my phone cause a certain someone took it away,I'm not pointing fingers but uhh" her eyes darted to Jason keeping her eyes on him "and now I have nothing to do" she says turning her head back to Olivia "andddd I had to leave all my friends! How's that fair?" Olivia can't help but laugh at her over dramatically daughter.

"You can sleep" Vivian rolls her eyes "mommmmmm" she complains with frustration. Olivia laughs, Vivian leans closer to Olivia's ear and whispers "mom please get my phone by dad please" Vivian begs in a whisper. Olivia smiles and nods, Vivian sits back with a smrink and watch her mom work her magic.

Olivia moves her hand and casually places her hand on Jason's leg, she slowly starts moving her hand up and up and up Jason's leg coming closer to his ear "baby why don't you give Viv her phone back, I think she learnt her lesson" Olivia whispers in a low sexy tone. Jason looks at Olivia with a cocked eyebrow.

Vivian sits staring at her parents a part of her thinks that it's actually disgusting... but on the other hand it's cute. Vivian knew they loved each other, very much but they weren't in love with each other.

Jason sighs in defeat and gets Vivian's phone out "what am I going to do with the two of you?" He asks handing the phone to Olivia who hands it to Vivian. Vivian gladly takes it and immediately unlocks it, her face falls "it's on 10%" she says in all seriousness "like you could've charged it" she says falling back in the seat "Whyyyyy is the world against me?!" She says in the most dramatic voice she has.

Olivia and Jason laughs, Vivian sits up straight again moving foward "mom" Olivia turns her head to Vivian waiting for her to continue "How's the people you know like in NY?" Vivian asks laying her head on her arms "Well.. theres captain Cragen.. I know you'll just love him! He has always been like a father to me.. he's also the only one who knows that my death was fake" Olivia says "then there's Fin and Munch they were my big brothers they are amazing you'll love them, Fin has the funniest jokes and he likes making bets so you two will get along no doubt about it" Vivian smiles "then Munch, he's funny.. weird funny.. he has all these conspiracies" Vivian smiles "that's awesome! Do you think he'll tell me some?" Vivian ask excitement dripping from her voice

"Oh yea he'll tell you ALL about it" Olivia says with a laugh "and then there's Alex and Casey, they were our ADA's, they are really fun trust me! Alex is more calm but she's funny and Casey is like pure crazy out of the courtroom of course" Vivian smiles "and then there's Elliot" Olivia says softly, she clears her throat "you'll love him, he was the best partner I could ask for. He's funny, stubborn and a pain in the ass" Vivian notices the way she talks about him, but she couldn't recognise what it was "he always had my back" Olivia says meeting Vivian's eyes again.


They finally get to their new house, it's a big white house with a pool and a huge yard. Vivian climbs out and sees a little puppy in their yard "mom?" Her voice questioning "is she pretty?" Olivia asks, Vivian's eyes dart at Olivia's "it's ours?" She asks excitedly. Olivia nods with a smile and watches as she runs into the yard. Vivian picks up the dog and walks to Olivia petting it "look at all this skin!" Vivian says. Olivia laughs and pet the dog too "What's her name gonna be?" Olivia asks "bitch" Vivian answers petting the dog "in the hella no!" Olivia says mocking Vivian's voice. Vivian makes a face "fine her name's Daisy" Olivia nods in approval "much better" she says and kisses Vivian's head moving into the house.

"Viv baby!" Olivia yells setting out the plates "Jason babe!" She yells again "come eat!" She yells again. She hears Vivian run down the stairs behind her Daisy running too and then Jason from the TV room. They sit and start eating, talking and laughing. "When do I start school?" Vivian asks "you start next week Monday " Olivia answers and Vivian nods "you going to make your reappearance tommorow?" Olivia smiles and nods "I thinks so" Vivian looks at her mother sensing she's nervous "you know they'll be happy to see you" Olivia smiles a small smile "and i'm coming with" Vivian says confidently "okay" Olivia says laughing "help me with the dishes" Olivia says. Vivian sighs dramatically but goes and help her mom, Jason helps too. They finish quickly and get ready for bed.

Before Olivia gets in bed she walks to Vivian's room. She opens the door and the only light in the room is coming from Vivian's phone, Vivian looks up from her phone to her mom and smiles, Olivia walks over and hugs Vivian who hugs her back "night Viv" Vivian smiles "night mom".


Vivian woke up when her dad left for work at 7, Vivian decided she'll let her mom sleep some more while she showers. When she finished she woke Olivia up and started getting ready while Olivia showered. Vivian decided on a grey and baby blue flower dress that ended in her mid thigh with grey flats. She let her hair hang loose with a baby blue flower crown and making light curls at the end of her hair. She applied some mascara and eyeliner and went to her moms room to see how far she is.

She sees her mom standing naked in front of the closet "ewh" Olivia turns around and throws a pillow in Vivian's direction who laughs at her dodging the pillow "I don't know what to wear" Olivia says turning back to the closet. Vivian joins her mom in front of the closet and start going trough the clothes "ewh, old, gross, trash" Olivia stares at Vivian as she criticises her clothes "I am here" Vivian pulls out a light boyfriend jean and hands it to Olivia "put it on" she orders. Olivia pulls on a black lace pantie and then the jeans which fits her perfectly on all the right places. Showing off her long legs, curves and most importantly her ass.

Vivian then hands Olivia a black loose blouse, Olivia puts on her black lace bra and then the blouse. Vivian looks at her mom then pulls out a pair of black boots and shoves it to Olivia "put them on" Olivia does as she's told. Vivian takes a few steps from her mom and looks at her creation then steps foward again undoing the top button of her moms shirt to show off a little cleavage "perfection" Vivian smiles.


"Wow" Olivia says looking at the building "they repainted the place" Olivia sais parking the car. Vivian stares out the window to the building to see paint already coming off "wow you're old" Olivia looks at her daughter "excuse me!" she says and playfully hit Vivian on the arm. Vivian bursts into a fit of laughter before getting out "come on lets go!"

Olivia gets out the car and her heart starts beating rapidly, she starts shaking a little, Vivian reaches to her mom taking her hand "it'll be okay" she says squeezing her hand. Olivia smiles at her daughter. They walk into the building and come to a stop in front of the squadroom. They walk in completely and Olivia doesn't spot anyone she knows, a blonde women comes towards her with a smile "hi can I help you?" She asks in a sweet tone "I.. I'm looking for-" she gets cut off by Fin his voice unsure "Liv?" Olivia looks up and sees Fin staring at her with utter shock "Fin" she croaks out as tears escape her eyes.

She runs to Fin into his arms hugging him tightly "but you're dead" Fin says pulling away to look at her "witness protection" Olivia says biting her lip "look how long your hair is" he says noticing her hair ending in her mid back "Liv you haven't aged at all" Olivia laughs "she doesn't think so" Olivia says pointing to Vivian. Olivia pulls Vivian closer "Fin this is my daughter Vivian, she's 15 and a pain in the ass" Olivia says nudging her elbow in Vivians side playfully. Vivian smiles and shakes Fin's hand "when were you pregnant?" Olivia shakes her head "I wasn't she was placed under me and Jason's care when she was 7" Olivia says with a smile "Jason?" Olivia nods "my husband" Fin nods impressed.

Munch walks in not noticing Fin and Olivia he throws down his keys on his desk and sits down. Vivian biting her lip to hold her laughter in 'this guy looked hilarious' Munch mumbles something to himself "I swear I'm gonna-" he stops in his mid sentence when he spots Olivia! His eyes go big, he shakes his head rubs his eyes and look up again "No! Fin I'm seeing things!" He says nervously and pokes at Olivia "it's real" he says Olivia and Vivian burst out laughing "Munch it's me! Olivia.. I was out under witness protection and this is my daughter Vivian" Olivia says "I have no words!" Munch says as he hugs Olivia then start talking to Vivian, Fin joins in.

Nobody notices when Elliot and Nick walks in, Nick immediately walking to his desk but Elliot noticed a women who's back was in his direction. He stared a little to long at her ass and he looked away frowning, he turned his gaze back standing up. As he walked the women turned around and he was met by Olivia's face. His legs went jello and his body numb he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Elliot rushed over to her, hugged her tightly, Olivia taken aback by his action just hugs him back just as tightly. He buries his face in the crook of her neck "Liv" he whispers. Olivia strokes his hair smiling "it's me El" Elliot pulls away from her wanting an explanation "witness protection" Olivia says Elliot nods understanding "I'm gonna kill IAB" Olivia smiles. Elliot's gaze turns to Vivian then meets Olivia's eyes. Olivia pulls Vivian next to her "and this is my daughter Vivian"

*A/N: continue or not? Please review and tell me what you think... I apologise for grammer mistakes I really am trying to make them less one more thing go follow me on instagram - svumarish my 600th follower gets a shoutout :)