An American gem tale



Beach City was almost deserted. When the giant alien hand ship appeared. The first thoughts on many minds was: I need to get my family to safety! Or How can we help?...

Unfortunately for every mind that was thinking that; you can bet their was someone else thinking: How can I profit from this?...

Even more unfortunate was that one of those minds was Arnold Royalton...


15 year old business prodigy Arnold Royalton watched the crystal gems fight the homeworld gems through his binoculars with a calculating interest.

Few in beach City actually knew who he was. And the few who did simply knew him as the sole provider for the cheap, useless, junk they sold as merchandise...

And that was more or less true...but Royalton had bigger ambitions...and today they might just be realized.

18 year old Cruncher Block having been born to a family of lumberjacks; would have grown up big even if the family hadn't had a history of gigantism.

As it was he stood a proud 10 ft tall as Royalton's top enforcer. Although he usually wore a goofy grin, it was all a facade. Underneath it all was the heart of a killer, and a cruel cunning.

He wasn't as smart as Royalton...but smart enough to get the job done...And to Royalton that was all that mattered.

It took a lot to shake the man who once twisted a grizzly bears head off(he did it while it slept, but impressive nonetheless!)...But he wasn't ashamed to admit how terrified he was now!

"Uh...Boss? You know when you ordered us to remain in beach city. We didn't put up much of fuss...but mainly because we assumed we would be safe inside your secret bunker!"

Royalton gave a dismissive shrug. "Relax, I have it all planned out. If the gems defeat these "new" Gems we'll scavenge whatever Gem tech we can get. I've already bribed and blackmailed enough government officials to prevent any problems from the earth front.

If the gems are taken away, we raid their base for everything that isn't(or is) nailed down. If the Gems are destroyed and the new Gems seek conquest; I will present myself, my men, and resources at their disposal.

They'll need someone to rule us "lowly primitives" after all. I already have a list filled with our potential usefulness (backed with large amounts of evidence) to an invading army."

Cruncher nodded reassured. "Oh...okay then...Wait, what if they just want to blow everything up? Y-you got a plan for that too right?"

Royalton sighed. "Many plans, but unless you have a budget the size of small country tucked away somewhere; none we can effectively implement.

Not to worry though, at 3/4th's; the law of averages is literally on our side here. Besides, if a advanced galactic civilization that has mastered faster then light travel really wants to destroy our planet, why would they come down here to fight the gems?

Also, I hate to say this; but in that scenario we'd be no safer in the bunker than we are here. Cruncher turned deathly pale.

"Er-" "Shut it! Snapped Royalton. I think it's ended!" Sure enough the new gems had defeated the gems and had taken them aboard their ship. Which was now leaving. Royalton smiled.

He turned to a now relieved Cruncher. "Well, what are you waiting for? Send the signal!" Cruncher nodded and soon dozens of thugs began to loot the gems base...and plant charges...



Also don't forget to give a shout out to my mom's birthday story on my page!

AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.

But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Love me, flame me, review me