Okay so this is the last chapter so enjoy. Finally some Rumbelle!
The day had finally come for Nathan to go home, the town seemed to be on edge but Belle was happier than a cat on prozac. The sun was shining and the birds sang in the trees, she felt like her fairytale had come true; well, it would once she had Nathan Gold to herself. Emma had shown up at her apartment a few days earlier and asked Belle to give a statement about Zelena and Gaston. The latter had tried to flee Storybrooke but his car had broken down just as he reached the sign, funny how that kept happening. He had been arrested and was sat in one of Emma's holding cells next to Zelena Green. Belle tried to forget what had happened, she just waned to be happy for her Nathan. That's right my Nathan not Zelena's. Emma had been very sensitive and made no attempt to push Belle one way or the other, that was what she liked about the blonde Sheriff, she was god at her job and could remain calm under stress. Belle thought she got that from Graham. She had woken before the sun that morning unable to sleep longer, she was giddy with excitement. The dress she had bought with Ariel and Ruby was set out on her bed when she came back from her shower, hair still damp. She soon had it dry and in those perfect loose curls that Ruby had long since dubbed Belle hair, Belle slipped on her bra and panties the soft sky blue lace cuddling her curves. She smiled seeing herself in the mirror and then pulled on the white and black plaid dress, running her hands over the lace section to smother out any creases. The dress looked better than she remembered. She had the perfect shoes to go with it too.
Belle bent down to the bottom of her closet and pulled out a jet black shoe box, she had found them not long after the dress and she couldn't resist them. They were gold with a black lace design over the top, the same lace as on her dress. The shoes were her preferred killer heels and made her stand in just the right way to show off her breasts, Belle love them. There had also been some with a white base rather than gold, they probably would have matched her dress even better but Belle couldn't help wanting to ware gold for Gold. It was silly but it brought a smile to her face. Belle had a plan and she wanted everything to be perfect.
The drive to the hospital was the longest in her life. She had made the trip so many times over the last four months, she had worked it out the night before that two visits every day for four months and eleven days was two-hundred and sixty-six visits. She had seen more of Nathan over those months than her own father. Belle quickly found a parking space, the hospital was never very crowded in the little town of Storybrooke. She took a moment silencing the engine and gathering her thoughts before she finally stepped out of the car. The heels she had picked out clicked as she walked and Belle couldn't help but hope that he would like, no love, her outfit, it was all for him after all.
As she entered the hospital she noticed people looking at her, obviously they were curious what she was doing with him now he was awake. She didn't care what they thought, to the town he was a monster whereas to Belle he was her hero, the man she loved. Belle just had to tell him when he knew he was awake. The elevator seemed to take forever in its climb to the third floor and when the doors finally opened she nearly ran into Doctor Whale.
"Hey Belle, you look nice."
"Oh." She said nervously as Victor looked at her with a knowing smile. "Thank you."
"He's just getting dressed so I would leave him a minuet. Bodyguard man brought him his stuff."
"Yeah, him." It seemed bodyguard man was Ethan's new nickname, Victor had come up with a couple since they'd met and Belle was beginning to lose track. "Gold sent him away though, something about his shop. I didn't tell him you're coming so be aware of that."
"Okay. Did your tests show anything?"
Belle was so worried that just as she got him back some kind of damage would have been caused and she'd lose him again.
"Belle, because he's awake I can't tell you everything in case he finds out, but there's no lasting damage that we can see. Its some kind of miracle, four months in a coma should have done something, but he's fine. Its like he's just had a long nap."
Seemed Victor telling her nothing meant he was still going to tell her everything. Victor seemed amazed and to be honest Belle was a little herself. Belle said her goodbyes to Victor who had other patients to see and waited a few moments outside Nathan's room while he finished getting dressed. When she felt like she had waited long enough and had gotten sick of people looking at her like she was a gold-digger Belle knocked on the door.
Belle pushed the door open to reveal Nathan stood by the foot of his bed as he finished pushing his tie in place. His cane hung on the bed rail but he soon took it for support when he saw Belle.
"Hi." Belle really had no idea how to greet him. Was he Nathan or Mister Gold?
"Hello, Miss French." Mister Gold then. "What brings you here?"
Belle was too busy thinking of what to say to notice the way Gold's eyes roamed over her dress, a slight smile appeared on his lips when he noticed the gold shoes but he quickly hid it away. He didn't remember her visits, though the moment they shared when he woke up was a dream. Those two-hundred and sixty-six visits had never happened in his mind and that pained Belle more than it should have. Still Belle smiled and was pleased when he returned it, even if he tried to hide the up turn to his lips.
"I'm here to take you home." He opened his mouth to protest but Belle wouldn't let him. "No arguments."
That made his smile grow. A blush drifted across his face to match his dark red tie as he truly looked at her, taking in the dress that was just a little too short for man not to notice. Nathan couldn't help letting his eyes drift down her body to her killer heels and back up when he thought she wasn't looking.
"Then I won't argue. Thank you Miss French."
"Belle." She corrected.
If she was going to tell him she loved him, he was bloody well going to use her first name, it wasn't the seventeenth century.
The drive was silent for a while but not uncomfortably so, he fiddled with the top of his cane and Belle thought it cute. She didn't know he was nervous being in such a confined space with her, wanting nothing more than to kiss every inch of her body. To make her scream his name. To be able to love her. Belle thought the drive home would make him see that she cared but all it did was make Nathan think she felt guilty. She did but that was a background emotion now, love was primary.
"Me and Ethan, em Mister Dove." She began in almost a stutter before her courage caught up with her. "We kept collecting your rent, Ethan put it in one of your safes, so there's no madness for you to return to."
"You collected the rent?" He tuned to look at her, his voice held disbelief.
"Of course. It kept things on track, we didn't want you to have to deal with chaos when you woke up."
"How did you know I would? Everyone would have been happy if I hadn't."
"Don't say that."
"Its true."
"No its not. I would have been devastated. So would Ethan."
The two fell back into silence after that, Belle because she was trying not to imagine life without him and Nathan because he didn't want to see her upset. For a man who was go very good with words he couldn't seem to find a single thing to say to the woman he loved.
Soon they pulled up to the large pink house, that Gold would insist was salmon not pink, and Belle silenced he car's engine. They sat for a moment before Nathan filled the void.
"Thank you for the drive, Miss...Belle." He corrected himself. "It was very kind."
He pushed open the car door and swung his legs out, then hissed a little and all anger, fear whatever it was she had felt when imagining life without him was gone, replaced by concern and love once more.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, just a little stiff still, then again being asleep for four months will do that to you."
Belle smiled at his quip, she could see he was trying to cheer her up after the comment he had made and it worked.
"Let me help you."
Before he could utter a word Belle was out the car and by the passenger side door. How does someone in such high heels move so quickly? Gold thought in took his hand and helped him up with a smile, he didn't like to seem weak but with Belle it didn't feel like that. She didn't look at him like he was weak as Milah would have, no, Belle had a good heart and only wanted to help. This girl has a heart of gold he thought, oh if he knew how right he was.
"Thank you."
She linked her arm with his, half wanting to help support him and half wanting to touch him. Together they climbed the steps to his front door, Gold breathing in her perfume the entire time. She so perfect, so lovely. His mind raced with complements but he was too much of a coward to voice them, Belle was only being nice to him because she felt guilty for the accident and because she was a good person, nothing more. When they reached the door Gold rifled though his pocket for his house key that Belle quickly took from him and opened the door. She held it open for him to step inside and then set the key down on a small coffee colored wooden table just inside the door with a smile.
"There you go, home safe and sound."
"All thanks to you."
Belle was worried that she had missed her chance to tell him she loved him, but it suddenly hit her that Ethan could have been wrong about Nathan's feelings. In that moment Belle told herself something she hadn't since her mother had died, do the brave thing and bravery will follow. With a deep breath Belle looked up at Nathan, starring right into those gorgeous dark eyes.
"Ethan showed me the ledger, that my rent's half what it should be. Told me that you stop talking if you see me, that you smile, that on days you talk to me you're happy. He told me that you love me." She felt tears building in her eyes, whether from happiness or pain she didn't yet know. "So I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer truthfully. Do you...Nathan, do you love me?"
Everything was silent for a moment as Nathan just looked at her in shock, Belle's heart tingled with anticipation. He couldn't believe what she was asking him, he had always thought she would be upset, disgusted, angry if she found out, he didn't deserve her and he knew it. Belle could do so much better than him, in his opinion he wasn't worthy to look at her let alone love her. However, though all his worries and concerns he couldn't see a single ounce of negativity on her beautiful face or in her charming voice. Do something brave for once in your life, Nathan! He mentally screamed. If she hates you after then so be it, at least you know you tried. Not that she could ever love you back. Finally, finally he breathed out.
She couldn't hold back the grin of pure happiness, he love her.
"Good." Belle cupped his cheek. "Because I love you too."
Everything in Nathan Gold's world stopped, he could die a happy man. The moment their lips met a fire erupted in her very soul, a blaze that would never die as long as they were together. A rose that would always remain in bloom. His lips were smooth and warm, delicate even. His kisses were soft and hungry but for some reason he pulled back.
"Why? I'm a monster."
He couldn't believe that anyone could love him. Gold was a monster he knew it. Bae died because of him, he didn't deserve love.
"No you're not, a monster wouldn't have saved me, wouldn't have cared. And even if you were a monster you would be my monster." His face was painted with disbelief and shock. Belle bit her lip on the most seductive was possible. "Now, would you please shut this door and slam me against it?"
She loved him, him, old and crippled unworthy him. In that second he decided that he would be with her, love her, until the moment she told him to stop. He was hers, forever, for a hour for an eternity, however long she wanted. With his mind back from his thoughts Nathan slammed the door and pushed her against it, his lips back on hers in seconds.
She tasted divine like the angels themselves had moulded her from the purest of ingredients. He mapped her mouth with his tongue like at any moment she would push him a way and tell him it was all a cruel joke. No, Belle's not capable of that. She moaned against his mouth, practically purring against his touch. Eventually he pulled back for air.
"Come on."
Nathan took her hand and led a smiling and slightly giddy Belle into his living room, before he had a choice Belle pushed him down onto his couch and straddled his hips. Cane clattering to the floor, but neither cared. His delicate lips found her neck, licking, sucking and biting until there was the perfect claiming bruise. God, she's perfect! The two panted against one another.
"Wait, wait, wait." His heart dropped hearing those words. "Is this a good idea? You just woke up, don't you need all your blood in your brain." That made him chuckle.
"Its a bit late for that, darling."
Belle looked down and grinned at the bulge that had appeared in his pants, it was nice knowing she was the cause.
"So it is."
Her hand reached down and cupped him pulling a needy moan from his kissed lips. Belle's nimble fingers made quick work of opening his belt and pulling down the zip, the whole time she had her eyes locked with his. Sapphire blue meeting golden chocolate. Nathan sucked in a breath when her hand reached inside and wrapped around him, softly she stroked him enjoying every little noise he made. His eves fluttered shut but soon burst open when he felt her shift and pull off her sky blue lace panties. Belle made sure their eyes were locked as she lined him up with her entrance and then lowered herself onto him.
"Oh God!" She couldn't help it, Belle had longed for that for so very long.
"I try." A little quip, just to make her smile. He loved her smile. His hands drifted over the lace of her dess. "You look beautiful in this." He told her.
"Wore it for you." She told him as she gripped hold of him, like she would died if she didn't. "Move, please move." Belle was begging, she didn't care, she needed him.
His thrusts were firm and rhythmic, his hands holding her hips as she rose and fell. Panting in pleasure, lust, love. The rhythm became erratic as their need grew Belle was dangling on he edge whispering sweet nothings into his ear as his lips teased her porcelain neck, hands tormenting her sensitive breasts. He thrust faster and faster, harder and harder, panting more and more. Until finally Belle could take it no longer, the rapture overtook her spilling over into euphoria, bliss and ecstasy that all escaped as a scream. Her walls clamped down on him and Nathan followed her not long after, nails digging into her hips just enough to ground her. Without that little bit of pain Belle felt like she could have drifted away on a cloud of post-orgasmic bliss, not that Belle really minded that.
"I love you, Nathan."
"Oh, I love you too Belle."
It didn't take long for Nathan to find out about what the obsessional and stupid minds of Zelena Green and Gaston Rose had attempted. He wanted them dead, tiny pieces dead but Emma had already had them transferred to Boston for trial on charges of; conspiracy to commit rape, attempted rape, and whatever else Emma could get to stick. He knew the Sheriff had moved them quickly so he couldn't get at them.
Throughout the trial Nathan had done everything possible to destroy Gaston and Zelena, they tried to hurt his Belle and he would not let that stand, never in a million years. They were both found guilty of course and Nathan may or may not have paid several people in each prison to make Zelena and Gaston's lives a living hell. They wouldn't be killed no, that would put an end to their suffering and Nathan Gold was not that kind, no matter how much he wanted them dead.
Ethan soon told Nathan what Victor had done in the store room and as thanks Nathan paid off the entirety of his student loans. Victor insisted it wasn't necessary but Nathan did it anyway, without Victor's moment of homicidal rage Zelena and Gaston may have gotten away with their crimes.
Zelena Green was banished to the Oswald Psychiatric Hospital, commonly known as Oz, where her condition could be treated. To be honest Nathan hoped it evolved electroshock. Neither one would ever return to Storybrooke, if they did Nathan would waste no time in having them killed and buried in the woods where no one would ever find the,
A year passed and people slowly grew used to seeing Nathan and Belle together. No one mentioned Gaston or Zelena any longer. Victor and Eric took to him once they actually started to talk, Victor and Nathan had a very similar humour as it turned out. Ariel and Ruby had fought over being her maid of honour and so in the end Belle had just announce they were co-maid of honour, they seemed happy with that. Ruby's favourite color was red whereas Airel's was a sea green, both wanted their dress to be their favourite, but they wanted to match as well. They had gotten into a friendly war about it, like the genius she was Belle had decreed they were both to ware knee length black halter-neck dresses with a ribbon belt in each color. This is why you're the smart one, Belle Ruby had told her at the time.
Not long after the wedding Belle had announce she was pregnant and she had never seen Nathan so overjoyed, he was made to be a father, even after Bae. Her Papa hadn't been too pleased about her marring Nathan but over time he came to realise that he had no say, what Belle and Nathan had was true love, nothing could come between that, not even a coma.
Their child was a girl with her mother's hair and eyes, while everything else was her father's, she was beautiful, their little miracle. Deka Colette Bailey Gold was to them a product of true love and obviously a Daddy's girl, but Nathan had no argument with that. She was named for her grandmother and her older brother, both she would never meet. Two years later they welcomed a second child, another girl, with bold blue eyes like her mother and sister. They named her Claudia but she affectionately became known as Claude. Azah and Kyoya, Ethan's Labradors, had a litter of puppies and so the girls got one each for Christmas, naming them Beauty and Beast much to their parents amusement. The two puppies completed their family perfectly. Gold loved his daughters, his wife. And eventually he came to learn something he had never thought possible before...
...even monsters could have happy endings.
"Real is not Dreams, Dreams are not Real. Unless you find the fine line...and erase it"
- C. Elizabeth, Absolute Obsession.
"And will I tell you that these three lived happily ever after? I will not, for no one ever does. But there was happiness. And they did live."
-Stephen King, The Dark Tower
The End
There is a part two thanks to Veronicaleighbooks. So that will be posted soon. To be honest I'm glad she requested it because I really didn't want to leave their characters there.