They told her that she was her parents "little delight". That she was their pride and joy, that they loved her so much that it hurts.

Eden finds it ironic that she was the reason they died.

Even as she stared at her dead mothers face-even in death she was beautiful; hair made of fire, eyes made from emeralds, forever frozen at 21- and listened to her mother tell her not to blame herself, all Eden could think was,

"If she wasn't born, they wouldn't be dead"

Maybe they would have a house in Godric's Hollow, with a green lawn with a white picket fence. Little girls with black hair, and boys with a shock of red hair running around joy on their young faces as Lily and James Potter, as beautiful as ever, ran after them, or maybe they just sat on the faded, white porch swing that groaned and creaked as it gently swayed back and forth. It was perfect and everything Eden ever wanted but knew she would never have. It was one of the many things Eden accepted a long time ago.

They first thing Eden accepted was when she was 11-years-old and as she sat on the bed in the hospital wing and stared into the blue eyes of Albus Dumbledore she realized that her life would never be normal. An abnormal childhood filled with unexplainable-at the time- events, random people walking up to her and shaking her hand with adoration shining in there eyes. Then going to Hogwarts and finally there were people like her, who could do things like Eden. People who didn't whisper about "that weird Potter girl, who could do freakish things." But when Eden arrived at Hogwarts the weren't whispering about her freakishness, but instead they were whispering about her defeat of the Dark Lord, Voldemort. How she was destined to do good things, how was the "most powerful witch of her generation"

So, yeah, Eden realized pretty early in life that she would never lead a normal life. If people weren't talking about her abnormalities they were talking about her 'immense power'.

What utter bullocks.

The second thing Eden accepted was that James Potter was not her biological father. How could he be? Eden looked absolutely nothing like him. Sure she looked a lot like her mum, but there was no Potter in Eden, no messy hair, no impaired vision, and Eden certainly didn't have James Potters height.

There was also the fact that Eden's biological father contacted her the summer before 3rd year. He didn't know about Eden until a few months before and wanted to double check she was his. Apparently he was a big deal across the pond and women always claim they were having his child just to get some money out of him. So Eden and him exchanged letters for a few months before she visited him the summer she turned 14. She met his team, the Avengers, and Eden and them got along famously.

So Eden stayed in New York for the months of June, July and most of August before returning to England for school.

Eden's father, Tony, didn't know she was a witch. He, along with everyone else, thought she attended a school for the extremely gifted. Some wondered why Tony was never offered a spot for everyone knew Tony Stark was a genius, Eden offered the explanation that only the children of Alumni could get in. It was very picky on who got in, she said with a amused look on her face.

Everything changed after fourth year.

Eden was more withdrawn, which was saying something. She was paler then usual, she lost weight she couldn't afford to lose, her eyes dulled. She would wake up screaming in the night, begging for Cedric to run, to hide for "them to save him, please!" After the second night of waking someone up, Eden got J.A.R.V.I.S to sound proof her room. They had enough problems all on their own, they didn't her messed up life to deal with too.

After Sirius died, Eden got scared. She couldn't even protect her own magical godfather, how is she supposed to protect her muggle father who lived in another continent? The answer was easy, she couldn't.

So Eden did what she does best, she pulled away from people whom she grown to love like another family. Her letters went from bi-weekly to weekly. From there it went down hill with no intention of stopping. She got into fights with Tony about her lack of trying in maintaining their relationship, they got into fights over everything really. It got so bad that they ceased all communication with each other. This happened around Christmas of sixth year. She spent Christmas crying her eyes out while her friends tried to comfort her, along with her girlfriend of the time, Ginny. Eden pushed through, but a little part of her broke after that.

January 10th 2014

It was two years after the final battle, and Eden was doing alright.

Ginny and Eden tried dating after the war, but they were two very different people who would always love each other-they were each other's firsts after all- but just didn't seem to fit together anymore. Eden had a long string of boyfriends and girlfriends after that. None of them lasted more then a couple weeks, for the first time in her life Eden was playing the field. Oddly enough, Eden was perfectly alright with that. She got to meet new people, learn the do's and don'ts of relationships all though trying new things and putting herself out there.

Currently, Eden was single and ready to mingle. Preferably in a foreign country.

Brazil to be specific.

Eden decided to travel the world. She was going to experience different things and damnit she was going to have fun. So Eden travelled, all over the world.

First was Brazil, where she meet Lucas, a gorgeous mechanic who had a deep voice and magical hands. They had one unforgettable month together, he showed her the best parts of the city she was staying in. Not the superficial tourist version, but the heart of the city. Where people laughed and danced freely with the joy of young children, where the food was authentic and tasted like heaven. At night they would lock themselves in the hotel Eden was staying at and stay up to all hours of the night and fall asleep sweaty, with blissful expressions on their faces. That all came crashing down when Eden noticed someone following her.

They cornered her late at night when she was walking back from Lucas's garage, he was working late and wouldn't be able to join her that night. 'What a shame' Eden though wistfully as she dearly hoping for Lucas's company that night. As she took a left turn past an alley, a hand shot out and grabbed her hair and yanked her into the alley.

Her scalp burned from the harsh handling of her hair, but Eden ignored that as her mind suddenly cleared and she knew exactly what to do.

For the better part of 4 years many people have complained about Eden's elbows being too boney, and for they first time Eden felt happy she had such boney elbows. Quickly, Eden raised her arm up and jammed it right into her attackers hip causing them to stumble and they let out a distinctly masculine grunt. Eden turned around so they were facing him and using his surprise to her advantage, Eden kicked her right leg up in between his, hitting him right in the groin. He let out a groan of pain and dropped to his knees in front of her and quickly, Eden punched him with surprising strength considering her small build. He was out cold but not dead, Eden could tell by the rising and falling of his chest. Eden crouched down next to him and pushed his left sleeve up to his elbow. With a groan, Eden hung her head in resignation before she reached into his pocket to see if he had any ID. Unsurprisingly he only had a couple of crumpled of bills and a few Galleons. Eden took those, she didn't want any muggles finding them and getting themselves killed. Or obliviated.

Whichever came first really.

Eden sighed and stood up before she bended down and hoisted her unknown attacker onto her thin shoulders. She stumbled under the weight a bit before she got her footing and apparated out of there. Appearing in front of the Brazilian ministry, she walked into the entrance which was filled with witches and wizards who has places to go and people to see. They all stopped when they noticed a young red headed witch, with a man almost twice her weight on her shoulders. Eden promptly dropped the body onto the ground causing her shoulders to sag in relief when the weight was taken off them, and said,

"Do what you want with him."

Before turning around and leaving without giving any further details.

It took approximately 2 seconds for people to snap back into action, and by the time they got outside to question this mysterious red hairs lady, she was gone. It took them 2 days to identify him as an English wizard named Greg Mason, known death eater and wanted for the murder of 13 people.

After Brazil it was India. After India she stopped in Egypt to visit Bill who was doing an expedition there for a couple of weeks, she even got to help a bit. It was wonderful and the adrenaline rush was amazing but it wasn't Eden's cup of tea. She didn't appreciate the scorching sun and never ending sand. But it would be a nice place to visit later. After Egypt, Eden went to France which was nice. She got to improve her French and the cool days was a nice contrast to the heat filled ones in Egypt. It was also nice for her sunburn, Eden burned easily. Another reason not to stay in Egypt. She visited the Delacour's who had a lovely property in France. It was more in the rural part of France, so rolling green hills and beautiful forests. Eden stayed with them when she was in France, she tried to refuse but they were very adamant that she did. Eden figured that Bill owled them to keep an eye out for her, Bill seemed to think something was wrong with Eden. She claimed to be perfectly happy but he didn't believe her, she told him he was wrong.

Well, he wasn't exactly wrong. Something had been bothering Eden as of late.

She missed her dad.

Not James Potter- who even though he wasn't her biological father, she still loved him dearly- but Tony Stark. She looked him up when she was in Brazil (and no it wasn't as creepy as it sounds. She googled him), she saw that he was happy living with his team and their various partners in the Avengers' tower. She didn't want to impose on their little family, she didn't want to be a nuisance. Even though Eden has spent the past 8 years of her life surrounded by people who love her, living with the Dursley's had taken its toll on Eden. No matter how many times people told her she wasn't, she will always feel as though she is a burden that no one wishes to carry,

China, Japan, Chile, Russia, Scotland, Ireland. Eden travelled many places. But no matter what she always sent her friends a letter every couple of days to let them know she wasn't dead in a ditch somewhere.

But then Germany happened.

For 3 straight months no one heard a thing from Eden. Not a whisper, not anything. There was search parties, there were tears, there was many 'Please God if you are listening, please bring her back to us' whispered. There was even some thought as to calling her muggle father, but that was quickly shot down as he was a muggle. But then she turned up in Sydney, Australia of all places with more scars then before and one new tattoo to add to her- apparently- growing collection. And absolutely no memory of the past 3 months. Eden spent one week at St. Mungos trying different potions to try and bring her memory back but one very frustrated Dr. Lamb told her that it must be her repressing the memories because they were so traumatic.

Useless he was.

Eden had 17 years of traumatic memories if that's how her brain reacted then she was pretty sure she wouldn't remember any of her life.

Against the protest of the Weasley family - Hermione included, her and Ron were engaged! - Eden kept on travelling. But Eden had only one destination in mind. Rome, Italy.

Eden always wanted to do something crazy there and say," When in Rome" so she was going to Rome and no one was stopping her.

Eden had one wild week in Rome, that was for sure. It was pretty much one big blur of flowing drinks, good music, and excellent people to enjoy her time with. Eden surprisingly meet one really good friend in Rome.

Aspen Cody, Eden woke up in Aspen's bed with one shoe, no bra and no memory of the previous night next to Aspen with an emu on the ground in front of the bed. Apparently they were involved with an "illegal" emu fight ring.

Eden had no memory of this. But Aspen did. She wouldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes when she woke up next to a disoriented Eden staring frightfully at the emu. She explained that last night the somehow ended up at the emu fighting cage and Eden bet on a emu and won it after it won the game. Aspen said the Eden named it Sidney to remind her of the great Emu war in Australia. Long story short Aspen has no idea where the other shoe was or where Eden's favourite bra was. Eden was going to miss that bra, it was expensive and soft. She named it Simon.

Ok so Eden was still slightly drunk from last night.

Eden also ran into Blaise Zabini of all people. They had a...thing in sixth year before Eden started dating Ginny. It never progressed to anything physical because Eden didn't want the risk of getting pregnant during the war. She of course didn't have that particular problem with Ginny but on her last night in Rome she spent it with Blaise. He was just as she remembered him; charismatic, manipulative, cunning, slightly cold but had good intentions. Eden wouldn't say she loved him, it wasn't like that. It never was and it never will be. But whatever they have, it was explosive. As they laid in bed that night in Blaise's expensive Egyptian cotton sheets she whispered quietly to him as he traced shapes known only to him on her pale back, "Thank you"

"What for?" He asked lazily as he started to trail his hand up and down her arm.

Eden looked up into his dark eyes and gave him a half-smile but didn't answer his questions as she begun to kiss down his chest.

When Blaise woke up the next morning feeling satisfied as one could be when he noticed a piece of paper on the bedside table. He rolled his eyes and hoped that Potter hadn't written him some cheesy love note. He looked at it with a bit of hesitation before reading it.

'Call me;)' was written beneath a phone number with a semi-familiar area code. "Huh" Blaise thought out loud, "It looks like it's from New York City."

November 2 2014

"Bloody Yanks" Eden muttered to herself as she was almost hit by a car when she was crossing the road. It was clearly her turn to cross the street, why were these New Yorkers always in such a rush? "Cheers!" She shouted at the taxi man who honked at her and flipped her the bird.

Well fuck them.

Eden rolled her eyes in exasperation. She had moved to New York City 2 months ago, she had decided to open a bakery and see how that went. If that didn't work out, Eden had a plan to work as a mechanic at the garage she sometimes helps out as. She was friends with the owner, Logan Peters. His son was a wizard whom Eden met during her travels. He was an apprentice at the camp Eden stayed in when she visited Charlie in Romania a couple of months back. They became quite good friends after he got over the whole 'Girl-Who-Lived' thing. He wasn't a particularly hard guy to remember. He was built like a house, 6'1 and 220lbs he was practically made to be a dragon tamer. He was a teddy bear at heart though.

Surprisingly, Eden's business was booming. 'Java Junkie Cafe' it was called, it attracted people because it was situated right where the early workers past on their way to work. Also, they got some elderly couples who are looking for a quiet Cafe to have a early morning coffee. Eden's Cafe had a wide variety of pastries, coffees, teas and hot chocolates. It was never without someone sitting down by the fire place to warm up from the bitter November air.

Eden had three co-workers; Devon, Macy and Katherine. Devon was studying to become a pastry chef so he worked in the kitchen. He tried out new recipes but had to get the approval from Eden before he could sell them at the cafe. Macy was taking a year off to save up money to attend NYU next year. She worked two jobs and volunteered at the local homeless shelter, she was a very nice and dedicated person. She also very good with dealing with impatient customers. Katherine on the other hand was Eden's little anti-social friend. She shied away from people, but once you got to know her you couldn't get her to shut up. She was studying at Juilliard as a pianist, and she was a very beautiful musician.

Life was pretty good for Eden, she had three wonderful employees who were also her friends, a stable job (though she didn't really need it, James Potter left everything to her. That included the Potter family vault which was filled with priceless artifacts and jewels, as well as money, Eden was set for life.) and a lovely apartment on the Upper East Side, in walking distance from the cafe.

All was well until Bruce Banner walked into her cafe.