"White is not my color." Wanda stared at her reflection, taking an experimental turn before the mirror.

"Don't worry, no one's taking away your Hot Topic card." Natasha came to stand behind her, her reflection smiling. "You look good."

"You do." Laura Barton was at her other side. The dress was hers, a light sundress that bared Wanda's shoulders and swirled prettily when she moved. Laura had been kind enough to let her borrow it, though Wanda had accessorized it herself, bangles clanking at her wrists as she swept her hair back from her face. Natasha had been trying to style it for her, but she liked it best when it hung free around her shoulders.

They were still on the farm, in one of the upstairs bedrooms. So much was still uncertain – if they would be able to return home, if they would be hunted – but about this she had no doubts. When she and Vizh had made their announcement, the others had been surprised… and happy. She couldn't remember the last time they had had cause to celebrate and she'd realized that this feeling was something she wanted to share. Besides, their days might well be numbered. There had been no reason to wait.

Stepping to the window, she looked down over the yard. Clint and Sam had built a wooden archway, twining it with the same pale streamers that looped along the porch and fences. Chairs had been set to either side of a short aisle and the children played there, throwing confetti at each other by the fistful. Laura stood beside her, smiling as Clint separated them.

Wanda felt her own lips twitch as she spotted Vision walking with Thor. The Thunder God's arrival had been a surprise. He had come too late for Steve's funeral – alluding to growing dangers off-world – but when he had learned that there was to be a wedding, he had lifted Wanda in a rib-crushing hug. She remembered his smile as he set her down, the way he had leaned close to tell her that Steve would have been pleased. What's more, since he was a sovereign prince of Asgard and technically a god, he had insisted on officiating.

As she watched, he slung an arm around Vision's shoulders, offering him a drink from his flask, which Vizh politely declined. Sam and Clint joined them and, though Wanda couldn't hear their words, they seemed to be debating her husband-to-be's clothing choices. He went through several possibilities, the molecules of his body shifting and reforming as the others argued and offered suggestions. All of them were smiling, laughing, and Wanda couldn't help but smile with them.

Laura took her arm and pulled her away from the window. "Come on. We're not done with you yet, either."

She sat Wanda on the bed and Natasha crouched in front of her with a makeup bag.

"I can do it myself."

Natasha ignored her and busied herself with her tools. "Mm hm."

"Stop squirming. You have to let us help. It's tradition." Laura folded her arms, looking almost threatening despite her grin.

"I am a genetically enhanced former criminal marrying a man with a synthetic body."

"Even more reason to do this right." Laura stepped to the closet and returned with a box, opening it to reveal the veil nestled inside.

Wanda shook her head. "I can't."

"You will. I insist."

A wild laugh escaped her. Wanda's own mother was no more than a memory. She had never had friends. The sheer normalness of the moment seemed suddenly ludicrous… and overwhelming.

"Don't you dare cry. I'm not starting over." Natasha smirked, but gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It's just… I… thank you."

"Don't thank them yet." Clint leaned in the doorway, watching them. "Saw Nat kill a guy with a tube of lipstick once."

Natasha kept working, undisturbed. "He wasn't dead."

When he spotted the veil in Laura's hands, Clint crossed the room and pulled her into his arms. For a moment, the two of them seemed to forget about the rest of the world.

"Where are the kids?"

"Left them with Bucky." He shrugged, feigning a wince as Laura punched him in the arm. "What? It'll be good for him." Then he kissed her on the forehead and turned to Wanda. "You don't look half bad, kid."

Rolling her eyes, Natasha pulled her to her feet and led her to the mirror to study her handiwork. The effect was subtle, natural. When Laura settled the veil on her head, Wanda barely recognized the woman looking back at her.

Behind her, she saw Clint's smile falter. "Your brother… he'd be real happy."

"He always liked you."

"Yeah, right."

Taking a deep breath, she turned to face him. "He did. And you… you are the one who taught me what it means to be an Avenger. I think… if he cannot be here, he would want you to be the one to walk with me."

Clint gaped, stunned to silence. Laura elbowed him.

"Sounds like an awful lot of responsibility. You sure I'm your guy?" Despite the joke, she could see the emotion in his eyes – surprise, sorrow for her brother, and a fierce sort of pride.

Wanda nodded. "I am."

"Well, okay then."

"Glad you all for that sorted out." They were interrupted by Sam, who was poking his head round the door. When he caught sight of Wanda, he let out a low whistle. "Looking good, Maximoff."

"Thanks, Sam."

"They're ready for you. And you might wanna hurry. Thor's explaining Asgardian bedding customs." He shrugged. "Tried to tell him y'all don't need any help, always sneaking around, making out in the middle of fights while the rest of us are getting our asses kicked."

Crossing the room, Wanda pushed up on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "We are coming."

Natasha followed Sam out and, after a last embrace with Clint, Laura went with them. Once they were alone, Clint offered Wanda his arm and led her slowly down the stairs. She thought again of Pietro, wondering if he too would have taken his time, if he would have stalled, in no hurry to give his sister away. The thought of him trying made her smile.

When they reached the front door, Clint looked down at her. "You step out that door, you're married to a robot."

She laughed. "Then what are we waiting for?"

Outside the sun was just beginning to set, painting the sky in the first faint shades of red and gold and purple. The timing had been her idea. It had been in darkness that they had found each other, restless nights that had brought them together. For them, sunset wasn't an end, but a beginning.

Vision stood beneath the archway with Thor, watching her approach. But she couldn't wait. Wanda reached out, finding welcome in the familiar comfort of his mind, letting his contentment wash over her. Normally, she found his stillness calming, but today there was an excited fluttering, a nervousness that made her smile.

"Why don't you save the kinky psychic stuff for the honeymoon, huh?" Clint smirked, watching the energy flow between them. But they'd reached the end of the aisle. Dropping her arm, he pulled her into a tight hug and turned to shake Vision's hand. "Hope you know how lucky you are."

"I have an idea." Vision inclined his head gratefully, watching as Clint went to sit beside his family.

Wanda stared up at him. He'd selected a variation on a traditional tuxedo, complete with a vest and cummerbund in his accustomed colors. Well, almost traditional…

"You kept the cape."

He smiled. "It's a good cape."

Beside him, Thor nodded approvingly. Then he clapped Vision on the back and raised his hands to begin the proceedings. "We have assembled here today, my friends, to bear witness to the forging of a new union…"

Wanda tried to listen, but his words flowed past her, a swelling undercurrent to the pulsing of Vision's mind. When he smiled down at her, even that faded away, lost beneath the simple pressure of his hand on hers. They had not written vows. Instead his thoughts washed over her, images of what had been and what might be, depths of contentment that went beyond words. The silent exchange wasn't lost on their audience. Wanda could feel them as well, like an enveloping warmth at the back of her mind. In this moment, she could give them something more than fear, more than regret. She opened herself to it, reaching beyond herself, letting the feeling flow through her.

Vision's grip on her hand tightened. He was her anchor, her refuge… her family.

Her husband.

Thor had raised his hands again, pronouncing them one flesh, one mind, one heart. As Vision pulled her to him and kissed her, the others crowded around, offering their congratulations. But Vision's arm remained locked around her waist. Glancing down at her, he smiled. Wanda had just enough time to grab hold before he swung her into his arms and blasted up into the night.