Disclaimer: As always, I can't claim credit for the wonderful world of One Piece because all characters, places and references are the copyright of the genius Eichiiro Oda, and everything else is simply a figment and work of my imagination.

A/N: Written because I've been reading too many fics by those great senseis of LawNa, Kagehime3 and Eileithyia-ya. Possible spoilers in later chapters if you're not up to date with the manga.

Hostility Wars

Chapter 1

The interior of the auction house was dark and stank reminiscently of the weekly market back at Cocoyashi Village, the fishy smell assaulting her nostrils as soon as she pushed open the massive doors.

"This place is packed, Nami-san," Sanji muttered, his baritone voice faintly tickling her ear as he placed a protective hand on her shoulder. "Any sign of Keimi-chan?"

Scanning the crowd of Sabaody locals and the neckcuffed prisoners currently on stage, the flame-haired Navigator shook her head. "Not yet. She must still be backstage." Her eyes suddenly landed on the head-globes and white spacesuits worn by the front row of spectators. "Tenryūbito," she hissed in anger. "What are they doing here?"

Sanji's gaze followed hers, stiffening as he too noticed the pompous, white-clad figures of the Roswald family seated close to the stage. "Why don't you take a seat, Nami-san? I'll stand behind and keep watch. It might be some time yet before it's Keimi-chan's turn," the cook replied, ushering her towards one of the back rows.

She slid into an empty seat, her eyes fixed on the stage where the auctioneer was currently expounding the merits of a shivering black-bearded pirate. His face so deathly pale it was almost translucent while his dark eyes had a wild glitter about them, almost as if you could see the pirate's utter desperation and despair reflected within.

"Take a good look at him folks! A pirate captain with a bounty of 17 million beli, Lacuba!"

Nami let out a small gasp. Even a pirate captain with a bounty higher than hers had been captured and sold like a common fish at this cruel excuse of a market?

"This is a man well-known for his delicate acupuncture and his well-built body – he would make an excellent labourer or a sandbag!"

The crowd burst into appreciative laughter, and Nami felt her fists ball in growing rage as the pirate bowed his head, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. "I can't believe the Tenryūbito not only sit back and allow this to happen, but they actually openly endorse and participate in these deplorable practices!"

"It's just one of their many ideas of entertainment. But really, did you expect anything more from a bunch of idiots dressed up in walking fishbowls?"

She turned her head in shock at the voice. "AHHHH, a bear!"

The young man just smirked lazily at her. "Bepo does bite pretty hard, yes." He waved a tattooed hand at the massive white bear standing just behind him. "Maybe you should stay further away from him."

To her surprise, the bear he had referred to as Bepo drooped his head almost comically. "Sorry." He had a surprisingly deep voice. Nami caught a glimpse of sharp claws as the bear tightened his grip over the long, slim sword he was carrying, which presumably belonged to his owner.

"Now then…"

Nami harrumphed as the man's grin stretched a little wider, before turning her attention back to the stage. The bright yellow of his long-sleeved jersey seemed oddly out of place in such a sobering environment, and Nami decided then and there that his spotted jeans were one of the most criminal fashion offences she had ever seen. The shackled pirate captain seemed to be swaying from side to side…

A loud scream came from the front of the room as he suddenly collapsed on the stage, a loud 'thump' echoing around the cavernous room.

"What happened?" she demanded, jumping up from her seat as the crowd erupted into shocked whispers. A small pool of blood was slowly gathering around the still form of the fallen pirate, as the panicked auctioneer signalled to the stagehands to pull the curtains around the stage.

"He bit his tongue."

Nami turned to her neighbour again. Oddly enough, he seemed completely unperturbed, even mildly amused at the disturbing scene they had just witnessed. Casually inspecting the words 'DEATH' tattooed across his left knuckles, he continued, "He must have decided he didn't want to live his life as a slave, that it would be better to just die right now." His voice darkened. "I suppose it was a logical choice."

Fear flashed across her mind again as her thoughts turned back to Keimi and how frightened the young mermaid must be, all alone at the back of the stage with nothing but the wild gasps and shouts of the crowd echoing around her. "Just hang in there, Keimi!" she thought, fiercely gripping the number flag they had been given. "We're going to save you – luckily we have the treasure from Thriller Bark..."


She looked up in irritation. "What is it?"

The young man stretched languidly. "You're a member of the Strawhat Pirates aren't you," he yawned casually, but Nami didn't miss the glint of interest in his cool, slate-grey eyes.

"So what?" The Navigator replied equally flippantly, turning back to face the front as the curtains were slowly raised above the stage again. "Plenty of pirates crawling around this part of the Grand Line, I've heard."

He chuckled. "Pleased to meet your acquaintance, Cat-Thief Nami."

A stab of irritation coursed through her, tempered by a hint of worry. This man obviously knew her crew and identity from her Wanted Poster, but he didn't seem like a Marine. "And you are?"

"Trafalgar Law, Captain of the Heart Pirates. And this is Bepo, my navigator." He gestured to the orange-suited polar bear again.

Nami couldn't decide between ignoring him or shaking his outstretched hand, so she settled for a curt nod.

"Tell me, is that recklessly headstrong captain of yours around the auction house too?"

She whirled around in anger. "Watch that mouth of yours. If Luffy hears that, he'd be more than willing to kick your ass!"

Law chuckled again. Her heated reaction didn't seem to faze him at all, on the contrary he seemed rather amused by the whole thing. "Maybe after this charade is over you'd like to go out with me for a drink?"

Nami gasped. "Like hell I'd go out with a creepy bastard like you!"

He raised his eyebrows. "Even if I'm paying?" His smirk grew wider.

She was just about to bite back a retort as the stage lights suddenly flashed a dazzling pink, yellow and green. "And now for the main attraction…."


He had to hand it to them; the Straw Hat Pirates were as crazy as the rumours had said. No, actually they were even crazier in real life than any of their exploits reported in the newspaper had suggested.

Their Captain, the idiotic Monkey D. Luffy had had the bravery (no, idiocy) to attack that fat idiot, Saint Charloss and send the entire room into a panicked frenzy. As a price for that satisfaction, the Marines were sending along an Admiral and a warship to join the party that was soon to follow.

"Thunderbolt Tempo!"

Law watched in fascination as a small gathering of thunderclouds appeared rapidly, followed by several hundred volts of lightning as the auction house guards were haplessly sizzled to a crisp. With a bounty of only 16 million and her epithet, he had half expected her to be nothing more than a pretty face but it seemed like everyone on Mugiwara-ya's crew had some semblance of fighting ability. "This might get pretty interesting," he murmured to Penguin, his eyes never leaving the Navigator's lithe form as she ducked and twisted her blue weapon expertly. "Looks like those incidents at Enies Lobby and Alabasta weren't down to just dumb luck after all."

A loud crash suddenly interrupted his thoughts as the wall in front of the stage exploded to reveal a large, hollow hole in the middle. "What the…! he cursed, as bits of dust and ashes swirled around the room from the force of the explosion. Bepo covered his eyes, whimpering slightly as he held on to Kikoku.

The sound of footsteps echoed menacingly in the assuming silence, growing louder and louder as a tall, long-figured strode forcefully towards the front of the platform. "Oho! Looks like I've drawn some unwanted attention here!"

Law felt a slight confusion temper his initial surprise. Nonetheless, he watched silently as the old man surveyed the scene before him before turning to the Straw Hats. "Were you the ones who saved her?"

Luffy nodded in shock.

Grinning wildly, the silver-haired man nodded at them and Law felt a sudden gust of force rush through the entire room. His eyes grew wide, as every guard in the room suddenly collapsed into a crumpled heap onto the floor. "No way…"

The old pirate grinned at Law and his crew as he made his way up the carpeted steps. "Sorry about that. You guys are just here to watch right? Although judging from how you handled that situation just now, you aren't exactly pushovers."

A loud snort sounded from behind, as Eustass Kid grinned manically up at their elderly saviour. "Who would have thought we would have run into such a big shot around here? No mistake about it – that's the pirate Dark King Silvers Rayleigh."

"The legendary first mate of the Pirate King himself, Gol. D. Roger?" Shachi whispered fearfully. Law narrowed his eyes. "And still as powerful as ever, judging from that blast of Haoshoku Haki he just released," the Surgeon of Death replied slowly. He fingered Kikoku's hilt thoughtfully.

Rayleigh inspected the Fishman that had been shot, before turning solemnly to the pirates. "I can't use that power again, so I'll be depending on you guys. It would be troublesome if the Marines found out about me," he grinned.

Kid let out a harsh bark of laughter. "I have no intention of being saved by an old man anyway." Waving his hand flippantly at the rest of the room, he walked off towards the entrance. "And as a favour, I'll save you guys as well."

Annoyance boiled up in Law at that bastard Kid's arrogant reply. "Just wait a second…" he snorted, grabbing Kikoku from Bepo. Evidently, Mugiwara-ya had taken similar offence at their fellow Supernova's words as the two pirates marched quickly after Kid's retreating back. Regretting slightly that he hadn't been able to take a last look at the Straw Hats Navigator, Law turned his attention towards the task at hand: having some fun with those pathetic excuses for Marines.


A/N: If you're thinking of pointing out that it was Sanji that actually said most of Law's speaking parts in the first half of the story, rest assured that I'm well aware of the fact. As always, reviews and constructive criticism are much appreciated.