Chapter 1

"You told them I would do what?" Pepper dropped her purse and briefcase on the sofa and looked incredulously at her boyfriend.

"Shave me."


"Because it''s..."

"I'm waiting."

"It's a simple advertisement."

"Where I'm straddling your lap and slathering you with shaving cream?" She kicked off her shoes a little more forcefully than usual. "What's next? A sex tape?"

"You say 'sex tape' like it's a bad thing." Pepper didn't reply, only glared daggers back at Tony. "C'mon, Pep," Tony defended. "It's no different than those 'Got Milk?' ads."

"It's completely different than the 'Got Milk?' ads."


"They weren't..."

"What? Sexy?" He saw the brief flicker across her face. "That's it. You don't want to do it because you think it's too sexy." Pepper walked through the foyer and headed up the stairs. Tony was right behind her. "I never figured you for a prude."

"I'm not."

"I mean, yeah, you're all business at work, but in the bedroom..."

She stopped so suddenly that she and Tony almost collided. "That's the point," she said, turning to face him.

"What? That you're ashamed of what we've done? Or maybe, that people know you've done it with me?"

"Wow! I cannot believe those words came out of your mouth." She pulled hangers from the closet and threw them onto the bed. "Do you honestly think that? Because, if you do, then you don't know me at all."

"Alright, maybe that wasn't the right choice of words."

"You think?" Pepper removed her earrings and tossed them toward the dresser. They landed in her jewelry box.

"Nice shot," Tony said. Pepper, however, was not amused. He took a seat on the bed in front of where she was changing clothes. "If you don't want the world to see you as a sexy, desirable woman, then you're too late for that, because, news flash, you're hot."

"And you want the world to see what a hottie you landed?"


"God, Tony," she huffed, stuffing the hanger holding her jacket back into her closet.

"No. I mean, yes and no. I..I don't know what I mean." Tony hopped off the bed and followed her. "You make it sound like I'm trotting you out there like…like the flavor of the month. That's not it at all."

"What is it then?"

"I don't know."

"Well that certainly clarifies things." Pepper removed her skirt, placed it on a hanger, and hung it beside the matching jacket. She shouldered past Tony on her way to the dresser.

"What I do know is, if that is what you think I want to do, then maybe you don't know me as well as you think." He followed her back into the bedroom. "I'm sorry you're mad that I'm proud of who I'm with now."

"That's not why I'm mad."

"So you admit you are mad?"

Pepper slammed the dresser drawer closed and spun on her heel. "Yes. I am mad. I'm mad that you committed us to this without consulting me first."

"I still don't see what's the big deal."

"You wouldn't."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Pepper closed her eyes and took a breath before answering. "You're an exhibitionist. Everything to you is 'go big or go home' and needs to be put on display for all the world to see. I'm not like that. There is not one thing I have done with you I am ashamed of having done. However," she said, holding up her hand to stop Tony from whatever he was going to say, "while I am not ashamed of either you or our relationship, there are some things that, while I find them incredibly sexy, I prefer to keep private."

"So…is that a 'yes' or a 'no'?"

Pepper let out a growl of frustration. "Why can't we argue over things that normal couples do, like you leaving up the toilet seat?"

"In our defense, we aren't exactly a normal couple."

"If we were, we wouldn't be having this discussion."

Tony picked up the shirt Pepper had chosen and turned it over in his hands. "You don't have to make up your mind right now. Just as long as you have made a decision before the meeting."

"What meeting?"

"The one tomorrow with the guy from Gillette, an Alex...somebody."

"And when were you going to tell me about this meeting?"

"When you were in a good mood, which, I can see now, won't be any time soon."

She snatched the shirt from him. "You are amazing, simply amazing. Not only did you volunteer me for a commercial I don't want to do, but you arrange a meeting for me I cannot attend."

"Why can't you go?"

"I'm busy."

"You don't even know when it is."

"Whenever it is, I'm sure I have something scheduled."

"So, all these years, you drag me to meetings I have zero desire to attend, sign me up to do things I would rather eat glass than do, all for 'the good of the company,' but, now that the shoe is on the other foot, you don't have time for it? That's how it works, huh?"

"You know better than that."

"Apparently, I don't."

"Fine. What time is your, I'm sorry, our meeting?"



"Somewhere downtown."

"Oh, somewhere downtown. I know exactly where that is."

"Will you relax? The specifics are in the E-mail I told them to send you." Pepper tossed back the covers on her side of the bed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to bed," she said over her shoulder as she walked to the bathroom.

"Like, to sleep?"



"Yes, now."


Pepper walked to the bathroom door and removed the toothbrush from her mouth. "I have to get to work early in the morning to get some things done before our 'somewhere downtown' meeting." Without any further response, she began brushing her teeth again and returned inside the bathroom. When she came out, Tony was changed and standing at his side of the bed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to bed now, too."

"You do realize we are just going to sleep, right?"

"Yes. I believe you have made that abundantly clear." While Pepper was checking her alarm, Tony crawled under the covers. She turned out the lights and they lay there in the dark. Pepper faced one wall and Tony faced the other, a foot of empty bed between them. "Sorry you're mad at me," he said, breaking the tense silence.

"I'm not mad at you, just at what you did. You really shouldn't commit me to things without my knowledge."

All was quiet for another long moment. "You know why I did it?"

"Did what?"

"Told them that you would be in the commercial with me."

"I can only imagine."

"They wanted to use an actress and I didn't want some strange chick pawing all over me. If anyone is going to have their hands on me, I want it to be you."


"Yeah. That's the part I didn't tell you a while ago."

"Thank you," she said after a long pause.

"For what?"

"For being honest. For respecting us, our relationship."

"You're welcome." He rolled onto his back. "Wanna kiss and make up?"

"Go to sleep, Tony."

"Okay. How about just snuggle?"

"Good night, Tony."

"I'll let you be the little spoon."

"Good night, Tony," Pepper rebuffed, wearing a smile he couldn't see.

"Can't blame a guy for trying," he said with a smile of his own. He turned again onto his side. "Night, Pepper."

"Good night, Tony."

Author's note: The idea for this came from a conversation with nancyozz about the new Gillette ads featuring the pictures of the reserved parking spots for Tony and Pepper. I had this mental image of them in a commercial and, well, this is the result. In light of all the negativity concerning the lack of Pepper in AoU, I thought this may help give us that Pepperony life that makes us all smile. :) It was my first attempt at "arguing Pepperony" and I hope it turned out okay. Thanks to nancyozz & my BFF for their unfailing support and invaluable input. I couldn't do this without you two. Reviews would be GREAT! They make me want to write faster. :D Let me know that you think. Happy reading and PEPPERONY FOREVER!