"What have you learned, dear sister?" Niklaus asks as I enter the hotel room. He is out on the balcony painting.

"Well, the Lockwood boy has potential. The latest doppelgänger is surrounded by adorable little children who love her. Consisting of three vampires, one of which is are old friend Stefan Salvatore, a Bennet witch, and 4 humans, one of them happens to be a vampire hunter who day drinks with the other Salvatore. Also, our dear brother is in town" I say with shrug. What can you do?

"He needs to be taken care of. Do they trust you?" He asks, still not looking from his painting.

"As much as they can trust a new face at this moment. Which I don't get, because little ol' me would never hurt a fly" I say with my best innocent smile. This time he does turn to look at me, giving me a quick once over, then laughing. I don't blame him. I'm wearing a sundress, a cardigan, and white Keds. To top the out fit off, my hair is pulled half-up with a bow and a set of pearls around my neck. None of it is how I usually dress.

I can tell he is about to ask a question but is interrupted when his phone goes off.

"What is it?" Nik asks.

"There is a woman here wanting to meet with you. She says she has information on the doppelgänger" One of his lackies tell him.

"Is that so? Send her in" Nik replies hanging up the phone.

"Do you know anything about this?" He asks me, to which I shake my head in the negative.

Maddox, an older asian warlock, and Gretta, a pretty black witch, enter downstairs followed by a third set of footsteps.

"I don't know what this is about, but it better be interesting" I mumble as Nik and I make our way to meet them in the living room.

"I'm here to negotiate" She starts out.

"Who are you? What makes you think I'm willing to… negotiate?" Nik asks as he drops himself causally on the couch. I stay standing behind him. The woman, "My name is Isobel Flemming" sits down across from him. The two witches take up on either side of her. "I have information on the doppelgänger" She tells us.

"Oh, really?" Nik asks sharing an amused smile with me.

"Yes. I'm here on Katherine's behalf. In exchange for her freedom, she has the doppelgänger, the moonstone, the vampire and the werewolf all ready for the sacrifice"
Nik hums like he its mulling it over, but curiosity gets the better of me, "Aren't you the latest doppelganger's mother?"

"Yes, but-"

Nik cuts her off, "And you are willing to trade away your daughter, for what? Katerina Petrova?"

"She is-"

This time I cut her off, "I really hate horrible mothers" I say to Nik.

"Yes. Once that are so content with damning their children for selfish gain" Nik agrees.

"You know what I think?" I ask him, he smirks knowing the woman has already sealed her fate.

"What do you think, little sister?" He asks with a cheery voice that makes the vampire cringe.

"I think" Pause for dramatic effect, "that Katerina's time is up" I tell Nik and turn to the vampire, leveling my gaze with hers as I start the compulsion, "You will bring me the moonstone and Katerina. Once you are done with that… hmm…. kill yourself. The world would be a better place with one less ridiculous self serving mother"

"Katherine is in the tomb. Elijah compelled her to stay there" She tells us.

Nik continues the compulsion this time, "Right, our dear meddling brother. Fine" He stands up and flashes away, only to return with a dagger and some ash. "You will put him down. When his compulsion is released you will bring Katerina to us"

"You wont remember speaking to us. As far as you know, you spoke to someone in our inner circle. Now leave" I end as she grabs the dagger and ash before vamping out of our sight.

"Do you trust her to be able to put Elijah down?" I ask.

"No" Nik says with conviction before loosing himself down a train of thought neither of us what to go, "Do you think she was really going to offer up her daughter so that Katarina could go free?"

"I hate mothers" Was all I could offer in response. My mind was already lost in memory of the last time I saw my own mother.


"What did you do, Mother?" I screamed, finally finding her within the four walls I used to know as home. The terror in me left over from the pain is at war with the fury from her betrayal. We were her own flesh and blood! She turned her back on Nik and I, all for a man, who spent more time beating us then loving us.

"I did what I had to do," She murmurs out as she backs away from Nik and I.

"To cover up your shame" Nik accuses.

"To right my wrongs" She tries to reason.

"You rip us apart with your magic. You bind us to a stupid stone. All so you can pretend that your dirty little secret isn't out in the open? To hide that Nik and I aren't a little more monstrous than the others because you laid with a wolf who wasn't your husband. WE ARE YOUR CHILDREN. How could you do that to us?" The fury within me is winning.

She ignores me in favor of yelling at Nik, "It was a mistake, the whole thing, the affair, and turning my children into these beasts I see before me. I shouldn't have done it, any of it!"

"But you did, mother! You betrayed us, you hurt us, you abandoned us in the worst way and for that you will pay-" Nik screams back in her face while I move behind her.

"By forever watching us from your rotting post in hell, mother dearest" I whisper in her ear, snapping her neck as Nik pulls her heart from her chest. She falls dead to the floor. After everything she has put Nik and I through, I couldn't even bother to feel remorse.

Nik washes his hands in the pan of water as the rest of our siblings enter. Thinking fast, I spin Nik around so he's not facing the others and burry my face in his chest. Like instinct, he grabs me and holds me tight, putting his face into my hair.

"What happened?" Rebekah asks from the doorway, looking between us, our mother, and our mother's heart.

Nik catches on to my idea and with a voice full of despair he informs our siblings, "Father happened. He came to try to kill us all. He attacked Ara, and almost staked me. In mother's attempt to stop him he told her that she broke his heart so he'd return the favor"

"Then ripped out of her heart, right in front of us!" I say, with my face still buried in my brother's chest"

"I hate him," Rebekah screams. Elijah wraps his arm around her, letting her cry into his shoulder.

I jump in to action, hoping to move past all of this, "Bekah, go find wood to burn. Nik and Elijah build the pyre. Finn and I will tend to the body. She's our mother, she deserves a proper burial before we leave this horrible place" I say running my hands down my face to make it look like I was whipping tears away. I look up at Nik and see water along with tears dripping down his face. He always was more sentimental than me. All of my siblings nod at me and head off to do their part, leaving Finn and I in the room.

"I have to ask and I want you to tell me the truth, did you and Nik have anything to do with this?"

"You would really ask that when moments before it was you and Elijah were the ones holding me down so Mikael could throw his fit and get his way? Did your betrayal stop with us or did you point Mikael in her direction also?" I say in quiet anger.

"Sister, you know how he is-"

"Don't you dare call me that. It's been a long day. Mikael got what he wanted, our wolf side is locked away. He then killed our only hope of undoing the spell. You lost any right you had to think of me as family when you aided him in that endeavor. He wants me dead, Finn. He want's Nik dead. All because we don't share his blood and you HELPED him. What ties of family do you really think there are between us now, brother?"

"You are my sister!" He says grabbing me by both shoulders, "Our mother is dead, all we have left is each other. Besides, everyone was there, how am I the only one blamed?"

"Kol and Rebekah were there also, yes. But they just stood there as bystanders. It was you and Elijah who helped. It was Nik and I against him until the two of you got involved. He was able to do it only with your assistance. The fault lies at the feet of you and Elijah. I will not be forgetting that soon"

"So are you to kill me?"

"No" I say with a glare as I shove him away form me, "Death would be too merciful for what you did to us"

"They will all turn against you if you hurt me. Kol, Rebekah, Elijah, maybe even Niklaus with how he feels about family, they wont let you hurt me"

"That might be true for right now, but in a few decades, when we have all split up and gone our separate ways, I'll find you and remind you of the hurt you once showed me"

"And Elijah?"

"He, too, will get what's coming to him. But you should worry about yourself. This, right here, is your one chance to get away. Run, because when I find you again, I will make you suffer for crossing Nik"

"Not for crossing you?"

"Oh, I would have just killed you and been done with it. But those who hurt Nik? Those who choose to go against him will answer to me"

"What happened to that little girl I once knew? The one who cared for even the smallest of flowers. The girl who thought life's greatest pleasure was dancing under the full moon? You were a bleeding heart and now you're so indifferent about wishing me death" He says more to himself than to me.

"That girl, with the bleeding heart that you were so found of? Her heart bled out as everyone stood around indifferent. Now she's got nothing left but this darkness that her own family created. Because of what we were to each other, I give you this chance. This is your one head start. In this short time I have spent with these new powers, I've learned that I really do love to play with my food. Enjoy being the prey, brother"

"Where's Finn? I thought he was going to help you?" Rebekah asks as I walk up carrying my mother's body fitted in a new dress.

"He couldn't handle it, so he left" I tell her.

"Abandoning his family once Mother is gone. I can't say I'm surprised" Nik says.

"We can't be like that" Elijah says.

"Like what?" Rebekah questions.

"Kol left in order to lore Mikael away and now Finn has gone also. We can't let this drive our family apart. We can't let this be the end" Elijah says looking at each of us.

"It won't be" Rebekah tells him as she lays a loving had on his shoulder. "We will stick together" She holds out her hand to Nik, which he grabs

"Yes. We will stick together," Nik says with a smile.

"Always," I say, putting my hand on the two of theirs,

Elijah follows suit, "and forever".