ATTENTION! This is an author's note, as the title suggested. This is a reply (or rather a rebuttal) to a rather...rude guest review. If you don't really care or anything, please do not read on. If you're curious and all, you're very welcome to read on.
Sadly, I was on a school trip for a week, so I was unable to reply to the guest review earlier. I would have replied earlier if I was allowed to bring my computer but, meh. I don't even know if the person will even read this, but this is just for me to feel better, because I'm itching to rebut. FYI I'm in the Debate Club.
To the guest review: F*** YOU.
Just kidding.
Ok I'm done messing around.
You said that you "accepted [your] best friend's dare to read the first FanFiction that just posted" and happened to come across mine. But that's odd, because you reviewed on May 4th, and I posted this story on May 2nd. Are you telling me that in a span of two days, GA never had any new stories posted? GA is a pretty popular anime/manga and has over 13K stories. Everyday there are at least 5 new stories posted (maybe or maybe not exaggerated). How would my story still be first?
"Just Five Words: You call this shit writing?"
Yes, I call this shit writing, because I spent a shit load of time writing this story that you call shit. Everyone have different opinions about writing. For example, some people love Shakespeare, but I personally don't really understand it. Some people love Twilight, but others make fun of it. It's like art in a museum. I never really understand why abstract art can sell for such high prices; all I see is a blob of paint or some other stuff. But I don't insult it. I don't spit on it or step on it and call it shit. I merely say 'I don't get it' and move on.
Also, if my writing was perfect or absolutely incredible, I believe I would have published an actual book and became beyond famous.
"I chose Gakuen Alice and I read your crap. It literally KILLED me."
Actually, I don't really care about this sentence, other than the fact you called this crap. Fine, you don't like it. Good for you! I totally understand that people have different opinions on things (as I stated above) and I've read a lot of stories that aren't 'very good.' But you know? People spend lots of time writing these and they treat their stories like their 'babies.' Don't go around and start insulting the fruit of their work. I never insult them. I just furrow my brows and maybe cringe after reading them, but I never review and say 'wow wtf was this you should just die.'
The second part of your review...yeah. I don't really care. As you've said, it killed YOU. Which means it doesn't really affect me. Congrats!
"God, damn it, can you please get better at writing?"
I will and am getting better at writing. Every sentence I write has improvement. I mean, if you compare my current on-going stories with my first ever posted one, pretty obvious improvement. You don't need to ask for it. Your wish has been granted. Thanks for using 'please' though, I appreciate it. :)
Ok I just have to say this. You didn't like my writing, you criticized it—or rather, you insulted it—but your review contained grammar mistakes. If you want to insult me and my story, can't you at least write your review with better grammar?
Here, "God, damn it, can you please get better at writing?" There is no need for a comma after 'God.' Also, technically it's 'goddammit' or 'God dammit' but if you want three separate words that works too.
"I seriously accepted my best friend's dare to read the first FanFiction that just posted." It's 'that WAS just posted.' You're missing a word.
I wish you reviewed as a member of Fanfiction. It would be much easier to reply and all. I'm just wondering if you have an account and was scared I would report you or something. If that's true, you would be a real coward. That is, if what I said was true. I don't blame you for not having an account, if you reallydidn't have an account. But if you do have an account, I wish you would tell me your pen-name so I can check out your stories. I believe if you wrote, they would be really, really good right? Because you have such high expectations for stories and love to step on other people. I would definitely learn lots if I read some of your stories.
Alright, I'm done blabbering. I hope those who were curious enough to read this had fun reading it. Maybe it's just me, but I love reading different arguments. *Shrug* I hope I didn't come off really, really rude, but I mean, someone did just insult my work not-too-nicely. You guys are always free to comment, whether you are on my side or on the guest's side; just please, please do not degrade yourself into flaming. I suddenly have the urge to sing the Taylor Swift song: "the haters gonna hate, hate, hate."
Have a good day everyone, and hope you guys don't get any flames.