A thousand eyes – Special features: additional scene, Miles and Duncan (click on the whiskey bottle….)
A Revolution fic (No blackout Au): Miles Matheson/Duncan Paige, Sebastian (Bass) Monroe/Charlotte (Charlie) Matheson; Charloe.
Setting: Chapter 10 of A thousand eyes, the house at Egg Harbor. All three of the Neville's are in custody/in hospital (or both). Jeremy and Penny are still at the hospital with Connor but are expected back soon and Charlie and Bass are in the kitchen putting together some food for everyone… Miles and Duncan are in the lounge, rekindling their friendship with the help of a little liquid lubrication (whiskey of course)…
Rating M
Author's note: LoveForTheStory asked about these two, wondering about what happened for them while Bass and Charlie were upstairs, and I thought it might be interesting to find out… I don't think they ever got together in the show but I'm sure they would have had a pretty good time if they had, besides, why should Bass and Charlie have all the fun in this story! (Connor and Penny do too, but that might be another chapter). Anyway, here it is… PS.. I have another Charloe story gestating as we speak… I did want to see if I could actually write other people though – especially Miles (Duncan's pretty cool too…), and I'd love to know what you think if you care to leave a comment… Thanks for reading; and I hope you enjoy… Cheers, Magpie
A thousand eyes – Special features: additional scene, Miles and Duncan (click on the whiskey bottle…)
Duncan was curled up against Miles on one of the leather couches in the lounge room, her legs tucked under and one of his arms draped round her shoulders… They were steadily working their way through a bottle of whiskey from Bass' liquor cabinet and talking up a storm about old and new times… At the moment though, they were loudly, and for the third time that night, comparing the merits of two versus four wheels (specifically Ducati versus Porsche)…
'A bike will always get past a car, especially my bike, it's a matter of maneuverability and quick response as well as speed, simple logic…' Miles felt D's lithe form twist beside him as she turned under his arm, one of her elbows digging him hard in the ribs on the way round… he was pretty sure it wasn't by accident…
'That's bullshit…' her dark eyes snapped up at him and her small but hard fist punched into his bicep, and hey, that was totally deliberate… 'A good driver in a good car…' she smirked 'such as my Porsche, will always outperform a good rider on a good bike, it's a matter of power combined with skill…'
Miles shook his head, rubbing his arm…'crap… a bike's lighter, more maneuverable…it's gonna go faster, simple…'
Duncan sat up; eyes narrowed…'Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is, Miles Matheson?' His lips twisted in a sly grin that was so like one of Charlie's she was temporarily diverted and she leaned back, staring at him…'Shit… do you know how much you look like Charlie when you do that…'
He blinked…'well she is my niece…' then he frowned, mildly offended…'and she should look like me, I'm older…'
She shrugged…'whatever…' then leaned in closer, a hard, laughing challenge in her eyes…'but I repeat my question…' her voice got a little more sultry…'are you ready to put your money where your mouth is…'
Miles grabbed a handful of her shirt…pulling her in, his lips so close to hers he could feel her breath…'my mouth is right here, so anytime you're ready, D'
She laughed, and took his lips with hers in a kiss that seared them both… then pulled back, her eyes hazy… 'I'd forgotten how much fun you were, Miles….' She climbed onto his lap, straddling his thighs… her elbows on his broad, hard muscled shoulders, her hands resting on the back of the couch either side of his head, the soft cleft between her breasts temptingly close to his lips… 'So how about right now?'
Miles stroked his hands down her back… his thumbs tracing the outside curves of her breasts on the way down to her hips, his long, strong, musicians fingers spreading over the taut, fabric covered flesh there 'Ok, you're on…' he pulled her towards his hardening dick… although I can think of something else I'd much rather be doing right now…'
She took in a long slow breath then let it out, shaking her head a little…'Miles, Miles...' she looked down at him, running her tongue over her lips… 'So impatient… you used to be much better at foreplay than that…'
His fingers dug in hard, making her gasp… then he ran his hands back up under the silky fabric of her top, thumbs stroking the soft skin of her belly, fingers spreading over her back, stopping just at the fastening of her bra, two fingers from each hand sliding under the elastic, then he pulled it out, letting it snap back, hard…
She jumped, her ass clenching on his thighs… a soft laugh escaping her parted lips… then she leaned forward, squeezing her breasts together, sliding her hips up so she could feel his rapidly getting harder dick against her pussy, circling him just a little…'That's better…'
Bass poked his head around the kitchen door 'Hey, guys? Is it safe to come in?'
Duncan flicked her hair back over her shoulder with one hand, leaned on Miles and turned to look at him, an eyebrow lifting…
Miles frowned, although his lips were twitching… 'No it isn't, Bass, go away….'
Bass ignored him and strolled over to the coffee table where they'd thrown their keys… He scooped both sets up and grinned down at the two on the couch, his eyes crinkling at the corners…'I thought I'd better take these, just in case you two get any wild ideas about burning up the road tonight…'
Neither Miles nor Duncan asked for their keys back, in fact Miles had a twinkle in his eye that told Bass everything he needed to know, his brother didn't mind at all, nor, he suspected, did Duncan…
'When are the others due back, Bass?' Duncan stayed right where she was on top of Miles, just her top half twisting around so she could see him, the look on her face of a cat about to dip her tongue into a deep saucer of cream telling him why…
He chuckled, then the grin faded and his lips tightened…'They're still waiting on x-rays, but as long as those're clear Jeremy says that Connor's ok to come home…' his eyes narrowed… 'Neville did a fucking good job on his face…he needed stitches under one eye and he's lucky he's still got sight in the other one…' He turned to go, then paused and looked back…'oh, before you fill up on whiskey, Charlie and I've made sandwiches, we'll bring you some through in a couple of minutes, then she and are going upstairs…'
Miles moved Duncan a little to his right so he could see Bass as well…'So do you want first or second watch?'
He shook his head…'Relax, … I've set the perimeter alarms, and believe me we'll know about it if anything bigger than a rabbit tries to get closer to the house than the mail box…' the grin returned, wider this time…'Oh…and by the way, we could hear you two arguing in the kitchen… just saying…' he turned and left, 'I'll be back…'
Duncan shrugged…'Damn shame terminator took the keys…' she looked down at Miles, her eyes glinting… 'But I guess I can wait till tomorrow to give you a thrashing…'
Miles reached up and whispered something in her ear, his hands on her ass…
She shivered…her dark eyes intent on his; then her lips curved in a slow smile as she looked down at him…'That's a big promise Miles, don't make it unless you're prepared to keep it…'
He just looked up at her, an eyebrow lifting slowly…
When Bass and Charlie came in with the food, Duncan was back sitting with her legs astride Miles, her knees tucked up on either side of his waist, her long, silky dark hair cloaking both their faces, his big hands stroking under her shirt and down over the twin globes of her ass, her tight pants outlining every curve…
Charlie grinned as she looked at her friend and her uncle, then she cleared her throat loudly…
Both of them jumped, Miles' hands freezing on Duncan's back, just below her waist…
Duncan kept her knees where they were and simply turned her head towards Charlie… her eyes hazy and lips kiss-swollen… 'Hey sweetie, thanks, they look great…' she licked her lips…'just leave them on the table on your way out would you?'
Bass was just behind Charlie and Duncan saw him laughing…'Looks like you were right about these two Charlie…'
Miles lifted his hands, trying to find a gap through Duncan's hair…'Right about what?' he licked his lips, tasting lipstick traces… He started to shuffle up a bit…
Duncan clamped her knees together…'don't you even think of moving, Miles Matheson…' then she slanted a smile at Charlie…
Just as she did that, Miles brought his hands back down to Duncan's ass, his strong fingers digging in…. making her gasp and shudder on top of him, her head falling forwards, hiding them both in her hair again…
Charlie chuckled and put the tray on the coffee table next to the nearly empty whiskey bottle, happy to see both of them having a good time after all the hairiness of the last couple of days; her Uncle and her best friend… who'd have thought it… She smiled down at them; they looked good together…
Bass tipped his head toward the door…'the guest suite is off to the left of the front door guys, so make yourselves at home…' he grinned at Charlie, reaching a hand out towards her…'when you've had enough of making out on the couch that is…'
Miles leaned around Duncan, his lips curved in a lazy smile… 'Thanks, Bass…' then he looked from Bass to Charlie and the smile faded, concern in the brown eyes…'are you sure about all this, kiddo…? He's a moron but I know he'd stop if you wanted him to…'
Duncan turned her head so she could see Charlie properly, her eyes serious and not drunk at all. She relaxed when she saw nothing but happy anticipation in her friends face…
Charlie nodded, and smiled up at Bass, reaching an arm round his waist…'I'm very sure, but thanks anyway…you two have fun, ok?'
Miles quirked an eyebrow… 'I'd say the same thing but I'm trying really hard not to think about what your folks are going to say about all this…' he took a deep breath in…'that is if they ever find out, which they won't if I have anything to do with it…' his eyes crinkled at the corners…'Charlie, don't you dare tell her but your mom scares the crap out of me…'
Duncan frowned down at him…'hey…I thought I scared the crap out of you…'
He pulled her down towards him and kissed her… 'You do, D, but in a good way, not in a Rachael way…'
She drew back and smiled…'that's alright then…' she waved a hand towards Charlie and Bass, shooing them… 'Go away you two, have fun, we'll find the guest room…' she looked at Miles, who did the eyebrow thing again… she nodded and turned back to Bass…'oh, we need our keys back, Bass…I want to show Miles what it's like to see my tail lights pulling away in front of him on the highway…'
Miles narrowed his eyes…'in your dreams D…'
Bass caught Charlie's eye, smiled at her and started walking for the stairs, 'you'll get your keys back in the morning when we've all had some sleep…' he called back, balancing the tray on one arm and reaching back for Charlie's hand… 'Oh, and leave the porch light on would you? Jeremy always forgets to put batteries in his flashlight…'
Miles called after him… 'Since when did you become Mr. fucking mother hen…?' then he settled back with a grin when he saw his brothers hand… the middle finger sticking up giving him the bird…
Duncan watched as they went up the stairs… 'I didn't think I'd see him like that again - or Charlie come to think of it… After the Adam thing she just stopped dating…'
'You mean happy? In love?'
Miles pushed a strand of Duncan's hair back over her shoulder… 'Charlie had a thing for Bass when she was little, although I don't know if she remembers it…' he chuckled…
'Did she really?'
'Yeah, whenever we went around to Ben and Rachael's she'd just follow him around…'
Duncan looked into his eyes…'so are you worried about her – or him…?'
It was his turn to sigh… 'Both I guess…. Charlie's always known exactly what she wanted, even as a kid, but she loves hard… and Bass finds being charming a walk in the park, but doesn't give his heart easily, so when he does…'
'It's forever….' She smiled, 'Yeah…I saw that when we were together, with us it was never anything else but a bit of fun and we both knew that…' she settled herself a little more comfortably on his thighs…'but if it means anything, I've never seen either of them so at ease with anyone else, it's like they've known each other forever…' she shrugged… 'I mean he's older than her but sometimes that works really well, and Charlie is strong enough for him' she paused for a moment…'I don't want to get all mystical about it but I really think they might be ok, Miles…'
Miles studied her face…'I never thought I'd be saying this but I hope you're right…. ' His tongue flicked out over his bottom lip… 'So what does your mystical sense think about us, about you and me?'
She looked deep into his eyes, a little smile curving her lips…then she swung off his lap and grabbed the whiskey, pouring them both a measure and finishing the bottle… 'I think that this conversation is getting far too serious and we might need another bottle…' she handed him his glass… 'So if you go and pick one from Bass' pretty damn fine selection, I'll go run us a bath in the guest bathroom' she tossed back her drink…'I don't know about you but it's been a long couple of days and I feel like working off some stress…' She stood up, putting out a hand to him…'you coming?'
He drained his glass and took her hand…'Yes ma'am…'
The guest suite was large, decorated in whites, creams and bronzes, with large rugs in shades of vermilion and crimson scattered on the wooden floors and full-length windows looking out onto the drive and the garden beyond. A big, comfortable couch, two arm chairs and a coffee table were set in front of a fireplace that took up most of the far wall and doors in the opposite wall led off to a bright, modern bathroom and the bedroom. The king bed was already made up and was piled high with pillows, looking soft and inviting. It was set under a window that looked out towards the pool house and the back garden – a ribbon of little lights leading the way to it through the trees…
Miles had just checked out the bedroom and glanced around the rest of the suite from where he was standing by the door to the bathroom… 'Bass sure knows how to live doesn't he…'
Duncan was sitting on the tiled surrounds of the large, four person spa set into the corner of the room and she looked up from adding a woodsy bath oil to the bubbling, steaming water… 'He's done pretty well for himself, yeah…' she stirred the surface with a hand, then jumped to her feet and started stripping off her clothes… 'But I've also got to say that he's generous with it too, Connor lives here, as well as Jeremy and Will – and all the other guys have got a room whenever they want, even if they're not on a job…' She was down to bra and panties and looked across at him, a quizzical look in her eyes…'Hey, aren't you coming in?'
He hesitated, still standing by the door… 'You and Bass have stayed pretty close over the years, and I've been kind of out of the picture, I guess…' his eyes were hooded…'I'm just not sure where I fit in all of this, D…'
She looked down…'Oh…' then she walked towards him…'Miles… Bass and I've kept in touch, yes…' she reached him and stopped, almost within reach… 'To tell the truth, we've both been worried about you, but of course Bass wouldn't unbend enough to go to see you and you're just as stubborn as he is, so I kept track of you for him, and Connor - and Charlie too… But when he needed you, you came, and that meant so much to him, to all of us…' she stood there, waiting…'Miles, we all care about you… I care about you…' she gave him an encouraging look…'And I thought that maybe you cared a little bit about me too?' she moved a little closer…'or is it just that you like my ass…?'
Miles gazed across at her; some of the pain he usually kept hidden way down deep showing in his face…
Duncan sighed…'you're really not as big a hard case as you make yourself out to be, are you…' she crossed the short distance between them… sliding her hands up over his chest, her lips curved in a teasing smile… 'Come on Matheson, try relaxing that badass of yours a bit… ' The smile widened into a grin… 'I'm not going to bite, unless you ask me to of course…'
His breath went out in a huge sigh, and his arms went around her, hands slowly sliding their way over the smooth skin of her back…
Miles leaned back in the wonderfully warm water against the lithe softness of Duncan's body and into the half circle of her arms, her small, high breasts cushioning his back, her long legs surrounding him and her hands doing magic things to his scalp…he sighed…'That feels fucking amazing, D…' he circled his toes as the bubble jets sent surges of water massaging the muscles of his ass and thighs, one of the jets focusing almost perfectly on his cock and balls and feeling, well, almost as good as a pair of lips…he spread his legs out a little wider, his eyes closing... 'And I've got to get me one of these…'
She chuckled 'I've got one in my apartment, Miles….' She leaned forward, her lips tickling his ear…'and it's got a built in vibrator…'
His laugh rang out…'you're kidding me…'
She shook her head…'It's true…' she licked a little trail around his ear…'I had it custom made…' her lips were playing with his earlobe, sending little shivers down his spine…'if you come and visit me, I'm sure we could find some interesting things to do with it…' her hands stroked down over the muscles of his chest, fingers trailing through the dusting of dark, curling hair there and lingering over the small, pebbled nipples…fingertips gently pinching…
Miles tilted his head back so he could see her face…'is that an invitation…?'
She pulled her hands back up and kneaded his shoulder muscles with her fingers…'we could head back to town tomorrow if you like? That's if your bar staff can survive without you for another day or two…?'
He sighed and rested his head back against the soft skin between her neck and shoulder…'I'll call them tomorrow, I'm sure they'll manage, ' he glanced up again…'can I use your phone…?'
She chuckled…'You're going to have to join in the twenty first century sooner or later, Miles…'
He laughed, the movement making little ripples in the water… 'I'll make it later then…much later…'
Duncan bent around and rubbed her cheek over his, the heavy scruff deliciously rough against her skin… 'Do you remember that promise, Miles?'
He nodded slowly, a smile curving the corners of his mouth…'Yeah…'
Duncan was face down on the bed, her arms stretched out in front of her and towel covered cushions placed under her hips, raising her ass high in the air… her breath getting faster in anticipation as she heard Miles coming up next to her… She looked around and up at him, her eyes gleaming; he was tall and lean but strongly muscled, his deep chest tapering down to a slim waist and long legs, a little trail of dark hair leading down from his chest, whirling round his belly button, then continuing down and thickening into a dark vee at the fork of his legs… His cock rose proudly from the nest of dark curls, long and thick veined, hard and beautifully ready, although he wasn't going to fuck her - yet…
His eyes were dark and intent, focused on her and he had one of the bottles of massage oil that they'd found in the bathroom cupboard in his hand… he stepped closer and she felt the heat of his skin prickling over hers even though he wasn't close enough to touch…
She clenched her pussy lips together as her clit pulsed… her ass tightening and hips jerking down into the cushions as she did…
His hand came down hard on the left cheek of her ass, leaving a large reddening mark behind…'Oh no you don't, D, not yet…'
She laughed…her breath coming in little gasps…fingers spreading out then clutching the bedcovers and her hips flexing again…'can't help it, Miles…'
His hand came down on the other cheek next; the red marks of his fingers clearly visible on her pale skin as he lifted his hand away… He chuckled, his voice low and hoarse… 'Yes you can…'
She started working one of her hands down towards her pussy, desperate to touch…
His hand came down again, hard; first one cheek, then the other… once, then twice… 'No hands, Duncan…'
Duncan glanced round at him, her eyes wide and dark; the pupils blown… tongue snaking out over her full, red lips… 'Miles, please…'
He grinned…'I keep my promises, D… Now, put your hand back…'
Her teeth dug into her lower lip as she dragged her hand back up above her head, her fingers digging furrows in the soft covers….
He opened the bottle of oil and held it above her shoulder blades, tipping it gently until a little stream of golden oil fell onto her skin, then he trailed a line of it slowly down her spine and between her ass cheeks, the oil glistening on her skin, highlighting the delicate bones of her back and shimmering in the lightly shadowed cleft between her legs… Her little puckered whorl winked up at him as the oil pooled there and further down the bare lips of her pussy opened out a little as she spread her legs out further for him… the darker ruffled pink of her inner lips holding all the mysteries in the world and her own flowing juices mixing with the oil and beading on the soft flesh…so incredibly, fucking inviting…
'Miles…please, I'm begging now… fuck me already…' her voice was high… desperate... her breath coming in harsh gasps… she buried her face in the pillows, her hands convulsively clutching handfuls of the coverlet…
Miles dragged in a breath; his free hand clenching into a fist…. the urge to sink himself balls deep into her right fucking now was almost overwhelming… He took another deep, shuddering breath, stood up straight and put the top back on the bottle, placing it quickly and carefully on the bedside table…Then he came back to her, leaning over and running the backs of the fingers of both hands slowly down her spine, very, very lightly, then reversing them to cup her cheeks, his fingers digging in, long thumbs following the oiled cleft down, then back up again as he spread her cheeks wide then pushed them together, circling them round, his thumbs stroking over the sensitive skin of her ass, down to her clit then back up, his thumbs moving the oil around until she was liquid and helpless under his hands…
Her back arched, her hands went rigid and her voice was a hoarse whisper…'Miles, please, please, please' She swung her head round, her eyes meeting his, wild and frantic, her hair in sweaty, gleaming strands around her face…'Alright…alright, you win, ok?'
He laughed, low, happy… then he climbed up behind her on the bed, kneeling and enjoying the view… The cushions lifted her pussy high enough for him to see the little pearl of her clit…then behind it her entrance, glistening and wet, and behind that… He put his hands on the smooth globes of her reddened ass cheeks and spread them wide… Then he moved up closer, his dick was so hard that he had to force it down to line up with her entrance but he played with her just a little bit longer, stroking himself up and down along her slit and getting the big head and thick shaft thoroughly coated in her oily juices…
'Miles…' her hips were moving in little helpless circles as she tried to ease her clit, waiting for him…'if you don't fuck me right fucking now I'm going to…'
She stopped on a huge indrawn breath as he drove himself into her, her tight walls squeezing his cock so damn, fantastically hard that he almost came on the first stroke, but he held on somehow and kept on going… pulling out, almost all the way, then back in again, and again until he heard her start to scream as she came… and then his whole world flew into sparkling pieces as he emptied himself in white hot spurts inside her…
Miles collapsed back onto his knees, his head pillowed on Duncan's ass… having just enough presence of mind left to make sure he kept most of his weight on his arms, bent either side of her slim waist… his hands caressing the soft skin of her sides…
She turned, slowly, smiling… her eyes hazy…'hey, come up here, you…'
He crawled over the cushions…dropping boneless onto the bed next to her and reaching out an arm…
She snuggled up beside him, resting her head on his shoulder, his hand falling onto the curve of her hip, fingers lazily stroking… 'Miles…?'
She reached up and whispered in his ear…
He looked down at her, his eyes laughing dark…'That's a mighty big promise Duncan, don't make it unless you're prepared to keep it…'
She just looked up at him, an eyebrow lifting slowly…
AN: I hope you my little special feature… I think they make a really good couple, and I totally enjoyed writing them! So thank you for the prompt Love!