Chapter 1: It started in a far away kingdom …

In a far away land called Berk, lived the king Stoick and his wife Valka.

For many years they had longed for a child. Finally, after many years of wishing and hoping, their wish was granted. A child was born. A prince, to be exact. It was a day of celebration in the Kingdom of Berk. Despite the slightly cold weather in the late February, citizen from all over the kingdom made their way and gathered in the capital city for the representation of their future ruler.

" Mommy, why do we have to come ?" Asked a farmer boy, clinging to his mother's dress.

" Jack sweetie, because after all these years, a prince was born. And he will someday be our King … or Queen." The mother said while ruffling her son's unusually white hair.

" I thought you said that he is a prince ! How can he become a Queen if he is a boy ?"

" Well, he could become a King or a Queen. It depends on what the Royal Sorcerer foretells. And we're going to find out today."

" But he is a boy, isn't he ? How could he be a Queen ?" Pouting the boy said.

" It's a bit complicated. You'll understand when you're older." She said as they entered the Palace.

The Throne Room was stuffed with people, from wealthy to poor, from old to young. All the gazes were fixed on one thing, the royal couple.

King Stoick , Stoick the Vast , was a muscular man that was nearly 7 feet tall, with a robust body, huge biceps and torso, wild red hair and braided beard. He wore a dark green tunic, chainmail amour, a brown fur cape and leather boots, on his head was a gold crown adorned with many jewels. He was very heroic, brave, hot-headed and stubborn person, but also very wise and capable leader who's main priority was protecting his people and keeping the peace of his kingdom. People treated him with great respect because of it.

Queen Valka was said to be the fairest, most beautiful woman in the entire continent, " The Precious Jewel of Seven Kingdoms ". She had auburn hair, a gorgeous face, a slim figure and a pair of mesmerizing green eyes. She wore a yellow long sleeve tunic, an orange belt, and brown pants that appear layered. Over her tunic was a chest plate with a large fur collar and round shoulder pads. On her head was also a crown, slightly smaller than her husband's , but was beautiful nonetheless. She looked like she just came out from a painting. She was also very kind, smart and generous. People loved her, wanted to be like her and like her husband, respected her.

Next to The Queen's throne was a cradle, and inside it lied the next ruler of the Kingdom of Berk , deep in his peaceful sleep. Next to the queen stood the Royal Sorcerer, she wore a light blue robe, her blond hair tied into a bun. Her eyes closed shut while her hands held her golden scepter. Later she opened her eyes, revealing a pair of blue orbs. She then whispered something with the queen and after asking the queen a favor to hold the golden scepter for her, she gently picked up the sleeping prince without waking him up. Positioned the prince in her slender arms, she proudly walked toward the anxious crowd and stood in front of them.

" Citizen of Berk, on the King and Queen's behalf I thank you for coming here today and celebrate the festivities with us. Today, we're here to celebrate the birth of our future ruler. Today, the gods above had gave us a glimpse of the future, of our future." She raised the small child above her head. " I present you your future ruler, your future queen, Prince Harry Horrendous Haddock III !"

Applause, roars and hand claps filled the whole room. People hugged each other and gave each other kisses on the cheek, because they were happy for the King and the Queen.

Soon people started making their way to the King and Queen to present their presents and wishes for the prince. Urns of gold, silver, myrrh, jewels and many other symbolic things like swords, candles or incense slowly stacked themselves around the child's cradle as well as the Queen's throne, where the prince and his mother were.

The King and Queen, with a pleased look on their faces, exchanged glances before King Stoick stood up from his throne :

" My dear citizen, The Queen and I thank you for all yours gifts and wishes, they're very nice, meaningful and wonderful. But there is no better gift than to have you here with us today, to enjoy the festivities with us. I know some of you have travelled a long way to get here, and we appreciate that. Thank you again. And now, let the celebrating begins !"

A horn was sounded and the party began. There were music, food, wine, mead and champaign. People danced, sang, chatted and had fun. Suddenly, a light vortex appeared in the middle of the room, separating the citizens into two big group. Later, four figures stepped out of the vortex as it closed up and vanished. A horn was blew by a guard as he said:

" Everyone, make way for the most honoured and exalted excellencies , The Guardians of Childhood. Mistress Toothiana, The Tooth Fairy and Keeper of Memory; Mister Bunnymund, The Shepherd of Spring ; Mister St. North, The Bringer of Wonder and finally Mister ManSnoozie, The Dreamweaver."

Toothiana looked like she was part human, part hummingbird. She had tan skin and violet eyes. Instead of hair, she had colorful from turquoise, green, blue to yellow feathers that made a curved upward style. Instead of clothes, her entire body seemed to be covered in mini feathers that matched those ones on her head. On her back grew five pairs of transparent wings that were flapping continuously with incredible speed. Around her wrists and ankles there seemed to be golden lines that appeared to look like golden bracelets and golden anklets, as well as gold feathers on either side of her head for earrings. She also had long, drapery feathers that start at her waist line and end at her knees. They gave the appearance of a dress.

The Shepherd of Spring was, well ... a seven feet tall rabbit, with grayish-blue fur, flower-like imprints on both his forehead and shoulders, and bright green eyes. And he was almost naked ! The only thing that he wore were a pair of leather bracers with orange stones, a single-strap holster with which he carried what seemed like to be boomerangs, and leather wrappings on his feet.

Nicholas St. North, or Santa Claus to be short , was an immense man; tall, buff, and a little rotund with bright blue eyes, thick black eyebrows, and a long white beard and mustache. He wore a black fur hat, a long red coat with black fur trim, a red plaid shirt while on his waist strapped two long swords. On each of his forearms respectively tattooed ... two enormous words " NICE" and " NAUGHTY" ?!

And finally the Sandman, a peaceful short and squat man, garbed in an outfit made of his Dreamsand appearing as a night robe. His hair, vaguely clownish, was golden and short, styled into five points, and glittered like his golden sand. He also had tiny feet and golden brown eyes.

The Guardians made their way toward the King and Queen.

" Your Majesties " They said while bowing their heads.

" At ease." King Stoick said.

" Today, all of us are here to celebrate the festivities with you, Your Majesties." The Tooth Fairy began " Each of us your child may bless with a single gift. No more, no less. "

" And these gifts sure will help your child to be a great ruler in the future." Said Nicholas St. North.

The King and the Queen exchanged looks again, before turning their gazes toward The Guardians again and gave them a nod, a smile graced both of their faces. The four Guardians wasted no time and advanced toward the child that was asleep in his cradle.

" Oh, isn't he adorable ?" Toothiana cooed as she looked at the child. " Dear child, you'll be the future queen of this kingdom. My gift for you shall be the gift of beauty." She then plucked out one of her colorful feathers and put it on the child's head.

" One gift, beauty rare : full of wild life in your hair , lips that shame the red red rose . You'll walk with springtime, wherever you go."

When she finished, the feather glowed a bright pink light and slowly sinked itself into the child's body. Then it was Nicholas's turn. The large man used one of his large, calloused hands and gently caressed the prince's cheek as he said :

" Dear child, you'll be the ruler of this kingdom one day. My gift shall be the gift of wonder."

" One gift, the gift of wonder : to help you see the goodness in others, and all the greatness of this world. You'll do plenty of great things, as long as you live."

The hand of the Guardian of Wonder glowed a peaceful blue as he said, giving a part of himself, of his Wonder to the kingdom's heir.

" Dear child, my gift for you shall be the gift of kindness."

" One gift, the gift from the Divine: let yourself bath in the spring of light, and people will love you for your holy smile. Your soul will be as pure, as gentle like the stars that shine the night sky."

The Shepherd of Spring let out a small green butterfly from his paw. The small creature flew elegantly toward the small prince where it flew around in circles, leaving behind trails of magical green dust before vanished into thin air.

Finally it was the Sandman's turn. The small man created a pile of his golden sand in his palm.

" Sweet child, my gift shall be-"

But before he could even finish, the two large doors of the Throne room were burst open and a powerful gust of wind poured into the room, blowing off every single candles. The only source of light were rays of sunlight that passed through all the glass windows. But that wasn't the last of it, as currents of black sand streamed into the room through the doors . They kept on moving until they were in the middle of the room and gathered into a big pile before forming a tall, lithe figure. It appeared to be a man with silver-golden eyes resembling an eclipse, dull pale-gray skin, and glossy black hair that was styled to come out as slick spikes from the back of his head. He wore a long, black robe with a v neck line, flows of darkness running up and down his entire body.

" Why look, it's Pitch the Boogeyman !" Toothiana gasped.

The man named Pitch drifted his eyes through the entire room until it stopped on Stoick, a hideous smile on his face.

" Well well, what a glittering assemblage, King Stoick. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and ... " He stopped as he looked at the four Guardians " how quaint, even the rebel."

" What are you doing here, shade ? And how can you get out of that hell hole of yours?" Nicholas said while unsheathed a sword and pointed it at Pitch.

" Tsk tsk tsk ... Don't mind the tiny details. Now let's get to the main part." He diverted his eyes toward Stoick again. " I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation, Stoick. I thought that after all we'd been through you would at least spare me some of your attention. "

" You are not welcome here !"

" Not wel... ? Oh ." He whimpered mockingly, as if he felt hurt because of it. Then he started laughing in a malicious way. " Oh dear, what an awkward situation. I guess i'd best be on my way."

The Nightmare King turned around as if he was about to leave. The Queen, sensing the tension that haunted the atmosphere, smacked her husband on the shoulder before standing up from her throne.

" And you're not offended, your excellency ?" She asked.

" Why, no Your Majesty." He instantly turned back, a devilish grin on his face. " And to show that I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift on the child"

" We want no gift from you !" Stoick roared in rage. " Guards ! Seize the creature !"

Citizens cowered in corners of the room as guards in amour came out from every direction, surrounding the Pitch while pointing their swords and spears at him. But before they could do anything, the Nightmare King's face plastered a deranged smile as he summoned a hoard of black, horse-like creatures with golden eyes that were made from his black sand and used them to knock out all the guards. Once done with the guard, Pitch slowly made his way toward the prince Harry's cradle.

" Stay away from the prince." Bunnymund yelled. He, King Stoick and the other Guardians drew out their weapons as they all stood protectively around the young prince.

" How touchy "

Pitch said as he turned all of his dark creatures back into their original state before forming them into an enormous tsunami that totally wiped out the wall of defense in front of the cradle and pinned the King and all the Guardians to the opposite wall. He then formed large chains and shackles and used them to immobilize the Queen, the King and the Guardians.

" Now where was i ? Oh yes, the gift."

Pitch walked toward the cradle and looked at the baby inside it, before raising one of his hands as it was lit up with a dark grey light as he began to cast a spell.

" Listen well, all of you. The prince shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who meet him."

" That's a lovely gift." Queen Valka interupted, trying to break free from all the chains that had wrapped around her wrists and ankles.

Pitch turned his eyes toward the Queen's direction. Then his eyes caught the image of something. A spinning wheel, its metal spindle reflecting the light of the sun. And it gave him an idea, a terrible and sickening one.

" But ... " He then raised both of his arms, the dark grey light outlined his entire body. " Before the sun sets on his sixteenth birthday, he will prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and fall into a sleep like death! A sleep from which he will never awaken!"

Everybody let out a horrifying gasp. The Queen, couldn't bare it any longer, passed out on her own throne. The face of each Guardians instantly paled at the sight.

" Pitch ! Please don't do this ! I'm begging you." Stoick screamed from where he was chained.

The Boogeyman gave a surprised look at the king, then his devilish smile appeared again as he said:

" I like you begging. Do it again."

He then perished all the chains that was holding Stoick to the stonewall, except those on his legs and arms, motioned for him to kneel. Stoick looked at his advisers, then the Guardians, and then Pitch. He let out a sigh as he slowly lowered himself down to the ground.

" Please, i beg you."

" Alright." Pitch said, an amused look on his grey face. " The prince can be woken from his death sleep, but only by..." He turned his eyes to the Guardians, who were glaring daggers at him. " True Love's Kiss"

Pitch turned around as he faced the crowd. " This curse will last till the end of time! No power on Earth can change it! "

A dark explosion took place at where Pitch stood, and then , he disappeared, his laughter echoed through the entire room. All the candle were lit up again magically, all the blacksand then was perished, freeing Stoick along with the queen and the Guardians. He quickly ran toward his wife, who was lying motionless on her throne.

" Medic ! Quickly ! Medic !"

Soon, a group of people arrived and took the Queen to the castle's infirmary. Stoick then let out a sigh as he stood next to his son's sleeping form, showing all of his wrinkles and worry lines.

" Sorry about your son, Your Majesty." Toothiana said.

" Can you break the curse ?"

" I'm afraid not, Your Majesty." Said North. " Pitch's power has somehow became stronger than the last time we encountered him, even stronger than the rest of us."

The tension in the air was almost unbearable, as they all grieved for the prince's poor fate. Suddenly, The Tooth Fairy let out a high-pitched squeal.

" Oh, oh i know i know. Sandy here can help!"

Everyone's eyes instantly fell on the small, quiet man until it hit them.

" Of course ! Sandy haven't given his gift yet. Good job, Tooth." Bunnymund said.

All of them hastily ushered the golden man toward the cradle, despite all the "but"s coming from him.

" Just do your best, Sandy." Toothiana encouraged.

Letting out a sigh, "Sandy" created a pile of golden sand in his palm as he cast his spell

" Sweet prince, if through this wicked trick a spindle should your finger prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, my gift for you shall be the gift of true love."

" One gift, the gift from the wise one: you will never be alone, filling your entire life with the colour of love. So that you can find the one that could break this curse, one that you love and loves you the same."

He then blew all of the sand into the cradle, watching it shimmered around the young boy before vanished. Looking at the child, he whispered:

" For true love conquers all"

A / N: So that is chapter one. Sorry about the story deleting and i know it is frustrating to read an entire story again, but i swear this one will be better, since i'll add more twists and events and many more . Hope you enjoy it.