Hey guys! This is an experimental fic which I'm using as a place to improve my writing skills, don't worry, OPUC will continue once I feel that I am ready to go back to that piece… feel free to review and follow if you like it ;-)

Oh and its going according to the movies, not the books… and I'm adding my own huge mix using the bleach verse, Ichigo is still a hybrid(YAY)

Chapter 1: Yer, a wizard Ichi

Isshin Kurosaki had known that the day will come when his past will come back to haunt him, before he died and went onwards to the soul society he was once a powerful wizard…he thought this day will come later, when his children had grown up and started to lead their own lives…but today, he knew that would not be possible… he knew that his son, Ichigo, would one day become the boy who transcends the limits of humans and shinigami… he knew that he would one day become the greatest wizard who has ever lived… he knew that he would become the strongest being in the universe…he knew this because of a prophecy that was forged many human lifetimes ago… that is the reason why he had trained Ichigo in the way of shinigami since the day Masaki Kurosaki died while protecting her precious son…

Ichigo had been feeling a strange reiatsu surging throughout Karakura Town the whole week, he felt it getting stronger when his father wasn't near him, this strange reiatsu reminded him of the countless hollows he had killed in the past 5 years, ever since his mother died and his father told him the reason why he could see things others couldn't.

He tried to pinpoint the exact location of this strange reiatsu but it always flickered out of existence and somehow teleported to a new area of Karakura before he could shunpo to it.

"HEY Ichigo!" the oddly serious voice of his father echoed throughout the house as Ichigo walked angrily down the stairs, he passed a family portrait as he descended and felt a pang of regret when he saw his mother's smiling face as she cradled Yuzu in her arms while Isshin was holding Karin and making a goofy face while Ichigo was holding on to his parent's legs and smiling wildly.

"i'm coming down there dammit just wait-" Ichigo yelled and was cut off as he reached the last step and was forced to the ground by the reiatsu which he was feeling throughout the week, but this time it was different… more malicious and evil than it originally was… and that only meant one thing…it was going to attack. Ichigo managed to get to his feet by increasing his reiatsu levels, the strange voice he kept hearing kept yelling to let whatever it was out, he had been hearing the voice ever since his father had awakened his shinigami powers through some really messed up way, feeling the pressure weaken he pulled out his soul candy and shunpo'd towards the source of the dark reiatsu… his doorstep

As Ichigo rounded the corner that led into the entrance hall of his house, he saw a sight that broke down all of his resolve… his father had been lying limply against the door frame as a snake was curling around his body, constricting him to death, but what was even more terrifying was the snake faced man clad in black robes behind the slowly dying soul body of his father. Being only 10, Ichigo was still scared of horror movies and often had nightmares if he watched one, sure he could handle the ugliest of hollows but the sight before him made his blood freeze…

Suddenly he blacked out and a menacing laugh echoed inside his head and he felt his body move on its own, he felt his hand tighten around his sealed zanpaktou and felt it pulse with power, he could feel something strange form on his face but he couldn't control his body to touch it. In an instant he felt his body shunpo and his blade slice cleanly through flesh.

His right arm grabbed at something smooth and scaly and crushed it, he felt two sharp objects pierce his skin and he felt a burning sensation for a split second before a warm feeling ran down his arm and somehow made the pain disappear, he felt himself regain some control of his body and he collapsed…

The dark figure smiled menacingly as he whispered "crucio"at the man who had caused him great suffering many lifetimes ago, this man…no, this abomination was the reason he found himself in the position he was in now… a dark lord, a wizard who has killed countless of good wizards and muggles alike, he had an army of followers, he had the magical government under his control thanks to the imperius curse… but the reason why he was this evil was because this abomination had slaughtered his father many years ago when he was known as Tom Riddle.

Sure Tom's father had killed his mother, raped his sister, beat him to a bloody pulp, pillaged villages, rape and kill all the females of the magical royal family, killed countless muggles and had done many other 'evil' deeds, but the man was his father and one day this abomination came along and killed the man right in front of his own eyes… the abomination even had the nerve to tell a nine year old boy that his father was in a better place!

But today is the day he'll finally have his revenge, he knew the man who killed his father had died, and somehow the ministry of magic's scanners spotted the same man living in japan with a wife and three children who all had the 'gift'.

The abomination went down strangely quickly and Voldemort let his snake devour the body at its own pace. Voldemort was gleefully happy when unexpectedly he felt a surge of magical power from within the house, his eyes widened to the extent that it hurt his face when he realized that this power was almost as strong as his own if not stronger.

An orange head of hair appeared from the corner and Voldemort grinned, 'hehe history does repeat itself heh'. The boy was frozen in fear, Voldemort felt an eerie magical energy radiate from the boy as he stared at his dying father… all of a sudden, the boy seemed to fall backwards but shot up and stared at him while reaching for his sword, the boy grabbed the hilt and charged at him at an alarming pace, it was then that Voldemort noticed the strange while mask forming on the child's face and the daunting gold and black color of the boy's eyes. The child swung out his sword and cleaved Voldemort's body in half

In an instant Voldemort felt his body die and his soul retreat within the snake, the boy didn't stop with the body, he turned his attention to the snake and caught it in his left hand, it tightened around the snake like a vice grip and Voldemort had no other choice but to open a portal to his current home… Hueco Mundo.

"dammit Kisuke, he's just a child!... he doesn't need all of this shit thrown at him all at once… the kid just lost his father to a dark wizard for god's sake!" a dark skinned woman with purple hair yelled at a man wearing a green and white bucket hat and a shihaksho

"I know Yoroichi, but Voldemort's gonna want revenge on him… this 'kid' somehow managed to destroy Voldemort's body with a zanpaktou, you should know that such a feat is impossible for any shinigami, their weapons cannot injure any living being" the man now known as Kisuke stated calmly to his well endowed female friend

Yoroichi glared at Kisuke and picked up the unconscious body of Ichigo and slung him over her shoulder.

"I'll take him back to the shop… you check on the other two!" she instructed as she shunpo'd back to Kisuke's shop.

Ichigo awoke to a rather horrifying sight as a tall dark man loomed over his face and was looking into his eyes, he could feel the strange man's breath on his skin. Ichigo jumped out of the futon and leaped into a fighting stance.

"what the hell you pervert?!" Ichigo yelled as he prepared to punch the pervert

"my apologies master Kurosaki, but mister Urahara has instructed me to keep watch on you and tend to your needs… my name is Tessai, ex-commander of the kido corps… mister Urahara is waiting outside, please follow me" the man now known as Tessai informed the dumbstruck boy and opened a door leading to a hallway

Ichigo stared at the man for a few seconds before deciding to follow the tall man, not once noticing the strange white object embedded into his forehead.

Ichigo followed Tessai into a rather shoddy looking store which reminded him of a run down manga store he had visited once with his father, he suddenly felt a searing pain and grabbed his forehead while images of a dying Isshin flashed into his mind.

He managed to overcome the physical pain but the emotional damage had caused him to keel over slightly, his breathing became labored and the world seemed to spin rapidly. Tessai immediately noticed Ichigo's reiatsu waver and shunpo'd to his side to perform a powerful sedating kido. Ichigo's body slumped onto Tessai's shoulder and the tall man carried him outside to where Kisuke was waiting.

"ah, well it appears our guest is alive and well, although strangely unresponsive…hmm, what did you do Tessai?" Kisuke asked with a mischievous grin, his bucket hat hid his eyes and he held up a fan with the kanji for 'pervert' under his chin

Tessai sweatdropped and replied "boss, now's not the time for fooling around, the boy seemed to have become ill as he walked through the hallway, I had to sedate him using my healing kido in order to bring him to you…and there's one more thing that you should see for yourself…" Tessai slung Ichigo off his shoulder and held up his head so the weird shopkeeper could see the white lightning bolt shaped hollow mask fragment stuck into Ichigo's skull

Kisuke's expression turned grim as he examined the fragment and realized the true meaning behind the boy's amazing ability to harm living beings as well as souls with his zanpaktou… "just what did you do to the kid?" Kisuke mumbled under his breath to no one in particular

"wake him up Tessai, I need to speak with him… and place some more reiatsu barriers around the shop, his reiatsu seems to be extremely unstable" Kisuke ordered and stepped back as the ex commander lifted the sedating kido from Ichigo.

'So young and yet so powerful…he must be the child of legend' Kisuke mused in his thoughts as he felt the powerful surge of power from the young boy

Ichigo awoke in a dully lit room filled with rows of random sweets, he could barely make out the figure of a man wearing a strange mixture of clothes, he wore what seemed like a green shinigami shihaksho and platform sandals, but the thing that made this attire strange was not the sandals, but the ridiculus green and white striped hat, he tried to get off the floor but was met with an excruciating headache and he could hear a distorted cackle in his head.

The man with the striped hat reached out his palm over Ichigo's head and muttered something and immediately the headache was alleviated.

"thanks…" Ichigo muttered from the ground and sat up, the strange cackling seemed to have gone with the headache, Ichigo tried to remember how he came to this place but was bombarded with images of his dying father and a snake faced man.

"i-is my d-dad dead?" Ichigo asked the strange man and started tearing, not expecting a straight answer

Kisuke frowned and replied "yes…"

"why am I still alive, I was there when the snake faced guy killed him…I should be dead too!" Ichigo shot back, his face contorted with rage and guilt

"the only person who can answer that, is you…you stopped that snake faced man using your shinigami powers…something that nobody has ever done before" Kisuke replied as a dark shadow was cast over his face, leaving only his calculating eyes visible in through the dark shadow.

"how do you know about my powers!?" Ichigo yelled in anger and confusion

Kisuke grinned and replied lightheartedly "well I'm pretty sure the neighborhood knows that you have powers now since you just yelled loud enough to scare away the birds"

Ichigo scowled and looked away, trying to find a way to escape

"you still haven't answered my question" Ichigo muttered as he spotted a trap door 'maybe it's an emergency exit' he assumed

Kisuke spotted the boy looking at the door that lead to his underground training area and sighed "well, I guess I'll have to show you…but first, my name is Kisuke Urahara, nice to meet you" he said as he held out a friendly hand

Ichigo shook the hand and muttered "Ichigo Kurosaki"

Suddenly Ichigo was hit with a realization and he squeezed Kisuke's hand and asked desperately "where are my sisters?"

"ow, relax… they're in the next room!" Kisuke yelped and Ichigo ran off to see his sisters before returning a few seconds later having validated their safety

"now please follow me…we have a lot to discuss" Kisuke said as he opened the trap door which revealed a ladder going down into what seemed like oblivion

"uh three questions… one, where does this go?... two, how can I be sure you won't try anything funny to me while we're down there and three, what's with the hat?" Ichigo asked nonchalantly as he peered down into the hole

"this leads to my underground bunker… I'm not a pedophile… and this is my favorite hat" Kisuke replied with a smirk

"fine, but any funny business and you're gonna lose your hat" Ichigo warned as he began to descend the seemingly endless ladder

After a few minutes of descending the ladder, Ichigo was met with a huge desert landscape with cloudy, blue skies and a sun

Kisuke was already at the bottom somehow and it seemed like he was there for quite a while before Ichigo could reach the bottom

'must be teleportation' Ichigo contemplated as he touched the sandy ground with his feet

"hey Kisuke! Wasn't this supposed to be a bunker?!" Ichigo yelled in awe as he noticed that every rock, grain of soil and the occasional tumbleweed was in fact real

"well, I am a scientist" Kisuke deadpanned and pulled out a strange electronic device which resembled a satellite phone with a rather large touchscreen and a satellite dish antenna and started approaching Ichigo with an apprising look

"hey! Didn't I say no funny business" Ichigo yelled and got into a fighting position

"just stay still, this device is meant to analyze your reiatsu signature and to ensure that you don't have any hidden powers…like an inner hollow" Kisuke said as Ichigo began to relax slightly and allowed the man to take the readings

"inner hollow?" Ichigo asked in confusion while Kisuke pulled out another gadget, this one looked like a handheld metal detector, complete with beeping too

"a hollow which resides inside a shinigami's soul, it usually merges with the host shinigami's zanpaktou and slowly tries to consume the host… this can be avoided by beating the hollow into submission and making it your power source, and by doing so, you will gain an immense power boost…but if you fail in defeating it, you will turn into a hollow yourself and your soul will be consumed" Kisuke droned while he held out a mirror and handed it to Ichigo "by the way, you have mask fragments on your forehead"

Ichigo grabbed the mirror and stared intently at the bolt shaped hollow mask fragment on his forehead, a sense of dread came over him and he dropped the mirror.

"to answer your next question, yes, you do have an inner hollow…but strangely you have something else hidden away inside of your soul along with it, my scanners detect at least two other power sources inside you" Kisuke said as he analyzed the readings from his machines

"i-I have an inner hollow?!" Ichigo yelled and started to pull his orange hair

"yes, and you have two other sources of power along with your zanpaktou and hollow, I can remove the restrictions on the other two sources which should give you an edge to defeat your hollow" Kisuke said as he pulled out a cane from under his robes and started swinging it around

"if it helps me defeat this thing inside me, then unseal them both!" Ichigo commanded, but his ten-year-old voice made it rather humorous to the scientist

"very well…this may hurt a bit" Kisuke warned and hit Ichigo between his eyes with the bottom of the cane

Ichigo's soul body parted with his real body and his sealed zanpaktou seemed to radiate evil

"okay, now unseal my powers!" Ichigo demanded as the strange cackling started again

"do you know how to perform jinzen?" Kisuke enquired while examining the reiatsu readings from Ichigo's sealed zanpaktou, it resembled an average katana with a white bandage wrapped around the scabbard

"yes" Ichigo replied, he could feel the bloodlust oozing from his zanpaktou

"I want you to perform jinzen, and I'll remove the seals the moment you enter your inner world" Kisuke said while rummaging through a small bag and pulling out a large syringe with a screen connected to it via a cable running through it

"wait, this hollow is a part of my zanpaktou, so does that mean that I can make it mine without having to fight it?" Ichigo asked as the strange thought of a hollow pet raced through his mind, his ten-year-old thinking process seemed to have an overactive imagination as well

"hmm… well its never been done before, but it could work… do you still want the other two sources of power unsealed?" Kisuke asked with a calculating expression

"yeah, it will help me protect what's left of my family… and avenge my fathers death" Ichigo replied grimly and started to go into jinzen… the world slowly faded from his senses and he felt a small prickle penetrate his arm, then the world went black

Ichigo awoke inside his inner world, the blue horizontal skyscrapers were flooded with rain making it hard for him to stand without sliding off

To Ichigo's right, a figure wearing a black and red cloak stood on the edge of a flag pole, a white figure wearing a white and blue cloak stood next to him, arms bound by glowing blue chains

To Ichigo's left, an animal colored red and gold stood on all fours, a cross around its neck which seemed to be levitating and trying to reach out towards the black cloaked figure

"who are you guys?" Ichigo asked the two extra occupants in the mind scape, having recognized the black cloaked figure as Zangetsu immediately

"I am Zangetsu" a distorted voice came from the white cloaked figure which removed its hood and revealed an exact copy of Ichigo's face, the only difference was the hair,skin and eye color, the irises were gold within a sea of black, the skin and hair a deathly white… Ichigo presumed that this was his hollow

"I am Regulus Gryffindor" the animal stepped forward to reveal a regal looking lion, the fur was golden while its mane was streaked with red, a strange insignia was implanted into its shoulders, it looked majestic even with the strange coloring and marking

"okay, so I'm guessing that the clone of me is my inner hollow, but what are you Regulus?" Ichigo asked while he shifted uneasily on the spot, his hollow's predator-like eyes seemed to be burning holes into the side of his head

"I represent the bloodline of your father, before he was a shinigami, he was a wizard, and by being his son, you have inherited the ability to use magic… I believe that you will shortly receive a letter from the school your father attended" the lion explained while Ichigo looked perplexed.

"okay… wait, wasn't there supposed to be four of you?" Ichigo asked while looking around for the missing member of his inner world

"that will be me" Zangetsu spoke up and the cross from around the lion's neck shot out towards him, he caught it and a bright blue flash of light erupted from his position to reveal Zangetsu dressed in white with a blue arc of reiatsu stemming from his left hand

"I represent your mother's bloodline, the blood of the quincy runs in your veins, you are currently the only hybrid in existence who can control more than two branches of reiatsu… I am sorry for making you believe that I was your zanpaktou…but this hollow next to me is your true zanpaktou" Zangetsu said as he removed the chains from the hollow

"yo, partner!" the hollow said with a maniacal grin, his teeth was also black along with the clothes he was now wearing, the white cloak was replaced by the quincy's old black and red cloak

"do not worry, unlike most inner hollows, this fool was born with you…if you want more information you should talk Urahara" the quincy reassured while the hollow seemed to twitch at being called an idiot

"so I don't have to fight him?" Ichigo asked, feeling slightly relieved and unnerved at the mention of being born with a hollow

"you can…if you want" Regulus replied on behalf of all the spirits

"I think I'll pass this time, maybe when I'm stronger I can get you guys to show me my true powers" Ichigo said with a childish grin… the blue world started to spin and Ichigo blacked out again

When Ichigo awoke, he felt more complete than he had ever felt in his life… but he could feel a small part of him missing, just waiting to be filled

Ichigo was still in his meditative position but he could feel something holding him down, he opened his eyes and saw six rods of yellow reiatsu restraining him from moving, the landscape around him seemed to have been destroyed and Kisuke was casually standing in front of him with a piece of paper in his hand

"well, I guess yer a wizard Ichi"


Well, what do you think?



Leave a review… and this is my longest chapter so far… topping over 3750 words without the A/N's(took 454 minutes )

I'll be mainly working on this fic, it may complete the movie and have some of my own fillers :p

This hasn't been beta'd so don't hate on me for any mistake

Until next time… I'm outta here :p