A Shield as a Cutie Mark? Why not?
The Cutie Mark Crusaders had been kidnapped by the evil King Sombra, partially due to Apple Bloom's arrogance but also as a way to bait in the Elements of Harmony. Once the elements had arrived, Sombra got one over on them by throwing the Crusaders into a random portal he had summoned.
The girls screamed in terror as they went through the portal, until they had landed near an arena.
"Ow, that hurt", Apple Bloom said.
They each got up and dusted themselves off.
"Where are we?" Scootaloo asked.
"Far away from home", Sweetie Belle said with a little annoyance in her voice.
"Well obviously, ah mean what is this world?" Apple Bloom asked.
"How should we know? We don't study different worlds", Sweetie arrogantly pointed out.
Apple Bloom growled a bit, "Your sassy attitude isn't being much help!" Apple Bloom shouted.
"Well I'm not in the best mood since YOU got us into this situation!" Sweetie shouted.
"Me! You lost your mind!?" Apple Bloom asked.
"You challenged King Sombra! You ticked him off! You got us sent through some portal to Celestia knows where! What if this world is full of monsters!? What if we never see our friends & Family again!?"
Scootaloo stepped in, "Come on Sweetie Belle, now's not the time for this, we need to stick together if we're gonna make it through this"
"I blame you too Scootaloo!" Sweetie shouted.
Scootaloo did a double take, "Me!? What for!?"
"You're the one who told King Sombra about our sisters! So I blame both of you!"
"Yer starting to get on mah bad side! Cut it with the attitude!" Apple Bloom warned.
"Seriously Sweetie Belle, this isn't helping", Scootaloo said.
Sweetie turned her head away.
"So you gonna drop the attitude and help us or are you gonna constantly whine some more?" Apple Bloom asked.
Sweetie simply glared at Apple Bloom for a few seconds, then turned away and started to walking off.
"Huh? Where are you going!?" Scootaloo asked.
"Away from you two! Especially Apple Bloom! She's a lunatic!" Sweetie Belle yelled as she marched off.
"What!?" Apple Bloom angrily shouted.
"Are you nuts!? Suppose you get killed on your own out there!?" Scootaloo asked.
"Probably gonna die anyway, I don't want spend my final few minutes with you!" Sweetie shouted.
Apple Bloom pouted, "Fine who needs ya!?"
Then Apple Bloom marched away.
Scootaloo was conflicted, should she go with Sweetie Belle or go with Apple Bloom, while Apple Bloom would probably be easier to reason with, the idea of Sweetie Belle on her own worried her. However in the midst of her internal conflict, she realized that she was alone as well.
"Crap, gotta find one of them", Scootaloo walked off to find the girls.
Apple Bloom marched angrily into the arena through the garage, then noticed something strange, so much production equipment and merchendise.
"Must be some huge sale type thing going on"
Then she noticed something extra strange, the people using the equipment, creatures she's never seen before.
"What types of creatures are these?"
She continued to walk by, no one noticing her or really paying attention to her, too busy to stop.
"Whatever they are, they sure are a busy bunch, wait are those cameras? Are they making a movie here? Wait this looks like a building, maybe it's a TV show"
She walked around, avoiding all the people until she saw two that caught her eye, a man with red hair that looked like a rockstar and a man with dark blonde hair and a beard.
"I'm telling ya Curtis, this club is off the hook, great food, awesome music, and damn fine ladies, that club ain't been nothing too the one man band showed up, now they got bragging rights", the red hair guy said.
"Sounds like a lot of fun Heath, I should definitely check it out", the other said.
Apple Bloom thought they seemed nice enough to talk to, the brown hair one, Curtis Axel seemed pretty chill, she even took kindly to the Red Haired one, Heath Slater's southern accent, so she approached them, "Excuse me sirs, can you help me?"
Heath Slater chuckled, "Hold on Curtis, some young fan wants to speak to me", he turned around and saw Apple Bloom, "Is this a prank? Who put this pony here? Where'd she even come from...wow she's really short"
Apple Bloom looked offended, "I'm not short, I'm normal sized"
Slater and Axel jumped back in shock.
"Holy crap man! A talking pony!" Slater said.
"This is a joke right? Maybe she's a toy", Axel said.
"A toy? No I'm just a pony, I'm kinda lost so I could really use some help, you see I got separated from mah sister and now I just had an argument with mah friends and they split, so I'm kinda on mah own, can you help?"
Slater and Axel glanced at each other a moment.
"Uh hold it right there little gal, I just gotta talk to mah friend about something", Slater took Axel and they went a little further back, "You see this man, a talking pony, you know what this means?"
"This is a horrible crime against the laws of nature?"
Slater rolled his eyes, "No man, it means we'll be rich, once people find out about this they'll pay top dollar to see her"
"Ah, smart, so how do we nah her?"
"Follow mah lead", Slater then approached Apple Bloom, "Hey there little darling, me and mah buddy just want to say hi and we would be happy to-NAB HER!" Both guys then jumped at her, causing her to evade.
"What are you two trying to do!?" Apple Bloom asked.
"Turn you into a 'mane' attraction, haha get it, mane?" Slater said.
Apple Bloom didn't look amused, "Yer an idiot"
"Hey I ain't gonna take that from some little filly, let's go Curtis!"
The two wrestlers ran at Apple Bloom, causing her to run away.
"Help! I'm being chased by two jerks!"
She ran through the halls, past several other people who cleared the way, wondering if they just saw a pony, then saw Heath Slater & Curtis Axel following her.
As she continued to run she ran past the entrance to the cartering area where one wrestler had exited with a drink in hand.
Slater & Axel ran until they had knocked over the wrestler's drink by mistake, causing Heath to be annoyed from getting soaked.
"Damn man, you got me wet, watch where yer-oh crap, it's you!"
The wrestler in question had brown messy hair, a vest with a large D with an A overlapping in the middle, gave a sadistic smile and then grabbed Slater and tossed him against the door.
Axel went to attack but his attacks were blocked and he was punched a few times before being thrown against a wall.
Slater got back up, only to be grabbed, kneed twice in the guy and tossed to some nearby crates.
Satisfied with his work the wrestler started making his way back into the catering area when he noticed Apple Bloom.
He stared a moment, then spoke, "Am I drunk? Was the punch spiked? I only took one sip before those jackasses knocked it over"
Apple Bloom was a little nervous, the guy looked deranged and he beat down two guys just for knocking over his drink.
The guy leaned down and poked her a few times, much to her annoyance, "Can you stop that?"
He stood up again, "Well you're definitely real, I don't know how but you're real"
"Of course ah am, ain't you ever seen a pony before?"
"Not one that can talk"
Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow, "No talking ponies in this world? That's so weird"
"Trust me, there's weirder around here, though I am still wondering how you can talk, that's not normal"
"I ain't from around here"
"I can see that", he looked around and noticed some people looking at the pony, "You better come with me"
Apple Bloom grew suspicious, "Where and why?"
The man turned around, "So you don't get chased by more jobbers"
"But how can ah be sure you won't try to use me for some sort of profit, that red haired guy said he wants to make me a main attraction, like if he were gonna make a circus out of me"
"I have no interest of using ponies to become rich, that's not my style, look you're getting a lot of attention, if you don't follow me some other jackass is gonna try to nab you, they won't go for you if you're with me, not many guys like approaching me, now let's go"
Apple Bloom wasn't sure but she figured it was better than testing her luck with someone else, so she followed the guy.
"Ok I'll trust you, but can you at least tell me yer name?"
The guy looked to her, "Name's Dean Ambrose, and yours?"
"Apple Bloom"
"Cute, lets go, stay close to me", Ambrose said as Apple Bloom followed closely.
Meanwhile Slater and Axel managed to get up.
"Damn Ambrose, what a lunatic!" Slater said.
"Tell me about-bro check that out!" Axel said as he pointed to an oncoming Scootaloo.
"Another pony, that one looks like a Pegasus, that'll be worth more than that one with the bow, quick hide", Slater said as he and Curtis hid, Heath hiding in the crate he was thrown into, Axel hiding behind a corner.
Scootaloo walked on, looking for Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle, hoping to get them to make peace, as she walked near the catering area, that's when Slater and Axel leapt out and managed to grab her, Heath holding her by her tail.
"Got'cha little pony!" Slater said.
"Hey! Let me go you big jerk!" Scootaloo shouted.
"Sorry, I ain't gonna let you slip away like that yellow pony did"
"Yellow? You found Apple Bloom? Where is she!?"
"Her name's Apple Bloom? What a weird name, well lets go see how much she's worth, a Pegasus pony here, that's gotta be worth a million bucks or something, I'll become bigger than John Cena", Slater said.
"Not just John Cena, we can be bigger than The Rock", Axel said.
"Someone help!" Scootaloo shouted.
Slater & Axel gave out an evil laugh, "Sorry kid, ain't no one gonna help you"
Then a man stepped behind them, "Let the horse go"
They turned around to the toned long haired man.
"Roman Reigns? Listen man we already lost the last pony to your boy Dean Ambrose, we ain't gonna lose it to another member of a has been group", Slater said.
"Drop the pony, or I will drop you", Roman said again plainly.
Curtis stepped up to Roman, "Listen pal, there's two of us, and only one of you, so I suggest-" Axel was cut off when Roman hit him with an uppercut and then jumped in the air and landed down with a punch to his face.
Slater dropped Scootaloo and tried to punch Roman but he ducked out and ran at Heath with a spear, taking him down.
Roman did a victory roar after the take down, then turned to Scootaloo, "You doing alright there little pony?"
Scootaloo was a bit awe inspired, "Wow, you took those guys out like nothing, you're so cool"
Roman grinned, "Thanks, though I'm wondering, how can you talk? How do you even exist? Pegasai are myths"
Scootaloo was confused, "Myths? So this world doesn't have Pegasus Ponies?"
Roman shook his head, "No, this is new to me, but did you say 'This World'?"
Scootaloo nodded.
"That's odd, how did you get here?"
"Kind of a long story"
"Well maybe you should come with me before more guys show up, Heath there mentioned something about another pony?"
"Yeah, sounds like he encountered my friend Apple Bloom"
"She a Pegasus too?"
"No, she's an Earth Pony, no horns or wings"
Roman raised his eyebrow, "Horns? Like a unicorn? Those common with you as well?"
"Yeah, my other friend Sweetie Belle's a unicorn, she's here too but we all had a fight and they stormed off"
"A fight about what?"
"Who's fault it was that we're stuck in this world"
Roman rubbed his chin, "Well it sounds like my friend Dean Ambrose has your friend Apple Bloom, lets go find him, then we can find your third friend"
"Thanks for your help"
"No problem", he walked off with her then asked, "So you have a name kid?"
Scootaloo nodded, "My name's Scootaloo, that Heath guy said your name is Roman Reigns?"
Roman nodded, "Yeah"
"That's such a cool name"
Roman chuckled, "Hey your name's pretty neat too, Scootaloo, reminds me of a scooter"
"I have a scooter, I do a lot of tricks on it!" Scootaloo said with enthusiasm.
"You'll have to show me sometime, come on"
They both walked toward the locker rooms.
Meanwhile Sweetie Belle is walking through hallways, though starting to regret leaving her friends behind, as she walked she kept to the sides, wanting to avoid the humans, she didn't know what they were but they kinda scared her, mainly cause she didn't know what they were.
As she walked she got onto a crate to get a better view of where to go, she wanted to find an exit or something, as she looked she saw something that spooked her, a man with a long red beard and a sheep mask right nearby, just staring at her.
Sweetie Belle screamed and ran away, the man removed his mask and simply said, "Cute pony"
Sweetie Belle kept running until she got into a room and hid behind a sofa.
A few minutes later, 3 men entered the room, two of them, a bald guy and a man with facial hair, wearing suits and a 3rd guy with long black hair with part of it blonde, he had a belt around his waist that had a large W on it.
"Hurry up guys", the guy said to the suits.
"We're coming boss", the facial haired one said, he had a bit of a southern accent.
Sweetie stayed hidden, not sure what to make of them.
"Triple H better get here soon, I have some things I need to say to him"
"Triple H said he'll be here soon", one guy said.
"I hope so, what was he thinking putting me in a match against Ryback? What has that meathead done to earn a shot at me? The name Ryback should not be anywhere near the name of Seth Rollins! This is a load of crap!"
"Easy there boss, if you want I can call Triple H and let him know you're waiting"
"Fine Jamie, whatever you want"
Sweetie was confused as to what was going on, then Jamie dropped his cellphone, "Aw damn", he went to pick it up, when he did he caught glance of Sweetie Belle.
"Uhhhh Boss? Come here a moment, something I gotta show ya"
Rollins groaned, "What is it Jamie?"
Jamie went to his partner, "Yo Joey, help me move this sofa", both of them worked together to pull the sofa away and revealed Sweetie Belle.
Sweetie gulped nervously, "Uh, hi?"
Rollins looked shocked, "What the hell!?"
Sweetie Belle looked nervously at Seth Rollins, as he gawked at the sight of a real unicorn.
"This...this can't be real...who or what in God's name are you?"
Sweetie was nervous, the guy looked really surprised to see her, she however wanted to attempt to stay on his good side, so she said the first thing that came to her mind.
"I really like you mane"
Rollins looked confused, "My what?"
We'll end that there, now the Crusaders have entered the WWE Universe, what will happen now that all 3 former members of The Shield each have a member of The Cutie Mark Crusaders?