The story ends, what will happen with the relationship with Peter & Twilight? What of the future of The Sinister Six?
The city was being cleaned up after the big epic battle. All types of emergency vehicles were being dispatched to handle the situation. Authorities arrived to arrest half the Sinister Six, Rhino, Electro & Scorpion. Trixie, Shocker & Mysterio had fled the area before they could be taken in.
All the heroes gathered in front of the wrecked warehouse, looking to make sure there's no further enemies around.
"Looks like we pulled it off", Johnny said, looking around, no sign of threats, plus the other villains were taken in.
"What about Trixie, Shocker & Mysterio? They're still out there", Black Cat said.
"I doubt they'll try anything now, they need to fall back for now, they were just betrayed by their boss so they have to start from scratch", Spider-man said.
"Plus they did help us a little, so we can let them leave for the time being", Reed said.
Rumble didn't look happy, "I don't like Trixie, she was very mean to me". Black Cat took him in her arms, "Don't you worry about Trixie, that's why I'm here for you", she rubbed his mane a bit and kissed his head, making him blush.
"You're the best Felicia".
Twilight rolled her eyes, "How nice, now I say we just fix everything up and go home, maybe with all this out the way we can try to find Pinkie"
"She's off in Canada, Deadpool & The X-Men have that handled and have asked that we not do anything just yet", Spider-man said, much to Twilight's frustration.
"Very well, but if it takes too long I'm going in for answers myself".
The heroes proceeded to clean up whatever they could before the Authorities assured them they had the situation under control. After that was done, Daredevil bid them farewell and went back to his own thing while everyone else, including Black Cat, had gone back to The Baxter Building.
Johnny, Peter, Twilight & Felicia had rested on the couch, with Felicia holding Rumble in her arms.
"Says something when we manage to defeat the Green Goblin", Johnny said. "Hell yeah it does", Felicia stated.
"Next goal right now is the original, get Twilight and Rumble back to Equestria", Peter said. That caused Twilight's face to light up a bit, "That's right, no sign of me being able to go back home right now is there?"
Peter & Johnny shook their heads. "So far nothing Twilight, Dr. Strange is having a hard time locating Equestria, though he detects some of your magic, he can't pinpoint it", Peter said.
Twilight looked saddened, "I feel a little guilty that he's working so hard for me, I hate to trouble him like this"
"Don't worry, he's fine with this, he is curious to find it as well, so it's his own little adventure", Peter said.
Twilight nodded, "If you say so". She then nuzzled next to Peter, he grabbed her into a comforting hug.
Felicia looked a bit jealous of this bit, while she sometimes has mixed feelings about dating Peter, she would like her options to be available, besides he's good for the occasional make out stuff.
Meanwhile in a hidden hideout, Trixie is attempting to contact King Sombra alongside Shocker & Mysterio.
"My King, it is Trixie Lulamoon, answer my call", Trixie said, using her magic to help send the message. Sombra's voice was heard throughout the room, "Speak Trixie".
Trixie cleared her throat, "My king, I regret to inform you that The Green Goblin is no more, we could not defeat Princess Twilight Sparkle".
"In all fairness goblin betrayed us so...", Shocker stated. Sombra's anger could be heard through the portal, freaking Shocker out a bit.
"I gave you the simple task of ridding Twilight Sparkle, you had the proper back-up! How could you not have gotten the job done by now!?"
Trixie looked a little spooked, "I did my best my king, Twilight is a very craft pony though, plus she has made many allies, her strongest one being the Superhero known as Spider-man".
Sombra wasn't pleased, "Fine, soon enough I will deal with Twilight Sparkle and the hero known as Spider-man, they will both soon fall by my dark magic, until then, you will remain in that world until Twilight Sparkle is no more!"
Trixie groaned, "I knew you would say that, fine then, I will stay in this world for the time being, but once this task is over, you must give me what you promised".
"Don't worry, you'll get your Alicorn Status, but remember to obey my command, don't let me down again Trixie!" Sombra's presence left, leaving Trixie a bit disgruntled.
"Now what?" Trixie asked. The other villains pondered a moment, Shocker then had an idea. "For now, let's just reform The Sinister Six, everything completely under your control, it'll be you, me, Mysterio, Electro, Scorpion & Rhino".
Trixie rolled her eyes, "Not Rhino, find someone else". Shocker nodded, "Sure thing boss lady".
A few days later in The Baxter Building, Dr. Strange had called for Twilight, Peter, The Fantastic Four, Rumble, Felicia, Daredevil, Pinkie Pie, Deadpool & Wolverine to be present at the Dimensional Portal, he believes he found the way back to Equestria, with help from Twilight's Element of Harmony shard.
The reason Daredevil was here was because he had been such a good ally to Twilight they figured he deserves a chance to possibly see their world.
"I believe I finally have the breakthrough to Twilight's world, I sense very similar magic to this Element, if my guess is correct, I should have Twilight, Pinkie Pie & Rumble home ASAP", Strange said.
The ponies smiled eagerly, they could finally go home, though they had mixed feelings about leaving their friends behind, they knew their friends wouldn't make them stay. They wanted to bring their friends but they wouldn't bring them into a world where Sombra's destroying everything. Little do they know, Spider-man & friends would be more than willing to help.
Besides maybe the Portal can be re-opened, Twilight would love to be with Peter, she does love him after all. Dr. Strange picked up on the location, "I've found it! I've located Equestria!" the portal opened to show Equestria, however it wasn't a sight Twilight wanted to see, nor her friends.
Equestria was turning into a battlefield, so much dark magic and evil crystals around the area, several ponies shown to be slaves to King Sombra, not only were the ponies terrified, but so were the human friends.
"Good God...what did this guy do to your world?" Wolverine asked.
Twilight looked a bit heartbroken but shook it off, "Something bad, we need to go in and stop Sombra...", she then looked to Rumble and thought a moment, she turned to her friends, "Is there a chance you could keep Rumble here a tad bit and watch him until we fix this problem? He'll be safer here and I'm sure I can find a way back to this world".
Peter rubbed his chin, "I have a better idea", he grabbed his mask, "I'll join you and help take this guy down".
Twilight shook her head, "I couldn't ask you to do that, I won't endanger your life for my world, this is my problem Peter, not yours".
"Twilight, you helped save this world, you've proven to be a great friend, I won't leave you behind like this, I'm going with you", Peter insisted.
Wolverine extended his claws, "Same here, I don't like what that punk king is doing, I'm heading in and kicking ass".
Deadpool grabbed his guns, "Anything for my sweet little Pinkie Pie".
Twilight looked touched, "Thanks guys, I don't know what to say, you're really great friends".
Peter looked to Felicia, "Would you be able to watch Rumble while me, Logan & Deadpool head into Equestria?"
"Don't forget me", Johnny said. Peter nodded, "So would you?"
Felicia nodded, "Sure thing, I love watching over Rumble".
Daredevil twirled his rod, "I'll protect the city while you're gone, I'll branch out a little more".
Peter nodded, "Good", he turned to his friends, "Alright, to Equestria!" they attempted to go through the portal but they were blocked somehow.
"Huh? What gives?" Peter asked. They tried again but same problem, they couldn't go through, "What's wrong with this portal!?"
Dr. Strange checked it, he felt a strange magic, "Something is preventing you from going through, it's some type of dark magic".
They then heard an evil laugh come from the portal, "Sorry Twilight Sparkle, you won't be coming home anytime soon, as long as my magic allows it, you and your friends will be stuck in that world, but don't worry, should things go according to plan, you won't live very long to worry about it".
Twilight's eyes widened, "That's King Sombra!" she zapped the portal, but nothing, "No, I can't lose the portal, it's my way back home!" she struggled to keep it open, but was failing. Strange assisted but the magic was an unusual type for him.
Peter clenched his fists "Sombra! You won't get away with this! I'm gonna help Twilight take back her home!"
"I already have, she will soon fall, as will you Spider-man", he then did some magic and destroyed the portal from his location, knocking everyone back.
Deadpool groaned, "What a jackass".
Twilight shook her head and saw that the portal was gone, "No...", she approached it and checked on it, "No, no, no!"
Pinkie Pie looked concerned, it looks like she won't be going home yet, and it pained her to see Twilight freak out like this. Rumble was also scared, does this mean he won't see his big brother again? Or his two foalsitters?
Peter also pitied Twilight, he could sense her heartbreak.
"There's gotta be a way, there has to be! I need to get home! My country needs me! My friends and family need me!" she tried using her magic to fix the problem, but nothing happened, soon she started to break down in tears, "My way home...gone".
Peter approached Twilight and gave her a comforting hug as she started sobbing. " will I get home?"
Peter rubbed her mane, he hated not knowing what to do, but as long as Twilight was in this world, he vowed to protect her, like he has from day one.
Pinkie also looked depressed, she herself was comforted by Deadpool, Felicia had comforted Rumble. Dr. Strange felt terrible, he feels he got her hopes up, only for Sombra to throw that curveball at them.
Peter continued to comfort Twilight, her return home had a great delay, hopefully not permanent.
That night, Trixie is on a rooftop with part of her reassembled Sinister Six, "Ok, Shocker, Mysterio, Electro & Scorpion, we just need the new guy when is he coming Shocker?"
"Soon, oh wait, here he is now", he pointed behind Trixie and we see one of Spider-man's greatest foes, Venom.
"Are you the guy Shocker was talking about?" Trixie asked.
Venom nodded, "We are known as Venom, we have been rivaled with Spider-man for an extended period of time".
Trixie raised her eyebrow, "We? That's new, what is we?" Trixie asked.
"This suit, it is a life of it's own, it is not just one, it is many, we all despise Spider-man, he has stolen innocence, made us into a monster! We want our revenge", Venom exposed his trademark evil smile.
"Trixie understands that well, my innocence too has been shattered due to the princess, Twilight Sparkle. Anyway if you can help us deal with Spider-man, then you're on my team, though without Goblin's resources, planning will be tough".
Around that moment, a robot had approached Trixie, she looked to it and a monitor revealed itself, showing a well known foe with a metal mask, "Greetings"
Trixie raised her eyebrow, "Who are you?"
"A curious man, I've seen you on some news feeds, how you have battled with Spider-man & The Fantastic Four, plus I recently had contact with The Green Goblin, we were working on a possible business deal before his unfortunate accident the other day, needless to say I am very curious with you, unicorns are a rare breed".
Trixie rolled her eyes, "Is there a point to this?"
Shocker nudged her, "Show some respect, he's a big time super villain, he's fought The Fantastic Four many times, hell he's fought just about every superhero and has proven to be very dangerous".
Trixie looked a bit curious, "Who are you anyway?"
"I am Victor Von Doom, you may refer to me as Dr. Doom, and I wish to assist you in your destruction of Spider-man & The Fantastic Four, as I am sure you want to rid yourself of that purple winged unicorn".
Trixie grinned, "I'm listening".
Back in the Baxter Building, Peter is laying on the bed in the guest room, Twilight came in, feeling slightly depressed. She crawled on the bed and laid her head on Peter's chest. He rubbed her mane afterwards, "Sorry things didn't go well for you".
Twilight looked up with a sad nod, "Some things just happen I guess".
Peter continued to stroke her mane, "Like I said, I'm here for you, I'm always here for you". Twilight looked up at him with a smile, "Thanks, you're the best Peter". She went up and gave him an affectionate kiss, "I love you".
"I love you too Twilight, and I promise, I will help you find a way home".
Twilight nodded with a smile, "I know you will, but until then, I don't mind being in this world, it just means I can spend more time with you".
Peter blushed a bit, "Same here". Peter sat up and pulled Twilight into a loving embrace, which Twilight graciously returned. Even if she won't be going home yet, she'll still enjoy her life in New York City, she's already got the right person to be with, to make her feel less homesick. Peter feels fortunate to have Twilight in his life, and he promises to love her as she loves him.
For now, New York still had four ponies to deal with, one princess, one party pony, one colt and The Unicorn that leads The Sinister Six. What is in store for the future?
That's all for this story. No way home for Twilight, not yet at least. Soon enough Twilight will face Sombra, with Peter by her side.