A/N: I don't feel like this chapter is something to worth reading, but I do make a change to Rigby's class schedule. And sorry if I'm making Mordecai and Rigby fight one another, but re-watch season one and two. They were freaking mean to each other when they get into fights, but one always have the other back even when their pissed off.


The next day went normal as it was going, but the only thing was Mordecai wasn't talking to anyone or even speaking. Thomas and Rigby talked how their game of rugby the other afternoon was fun. They did waited for another hour for Don and Thomas math friend to show up at the park. Rigby had a bruises on his whole arm, his face had a look like he was beaten up too, and he had a hard time to lay on his side. But that wasn't the worst of it, Don fraction his arm and didn't have pain till later in the night. Rigby gotten in trouble for endangering his brother and up getting grounded for a week with no TV or phone.

They went to their classes, even though going to class with his best friend who gave everyone the silent treatment was strange. But today was a different day, their teacher Benson was handing out the classroom from an old box. When Rigby received the small book, it look ancient with torn up cover and pages of the book had sweaty fingerprints on each page. How cheap was this school was, like they couldn't afforded newer and maybe a better book.

"Now I know you all might be thinking, why is he giving us this boring book and blah blah. Well first thing first, I read the book three times so don't think you guys can make up things. Secondly this story has a great plot with the setting of the 1920's this is where there were tons of crimes, wars, and everything. It's one of my favorite story's to go back to read and I know you guys will enjoy it. So for your homework is to read from chapter one to ten, write a summary and its due on my desk on Friday morning."

It was Tuesday, so was it enough time for anyone finishing to chapter they needed to stop on? Benson handed out the instructions of the assignment to his classroom, as his announcement was done. He began his new lesson of the day.

Rigby dragged his arm into his backpack and pulled out his yellow notebook and pen. He glance quickly to Mordecai, he couldn't see his facial expression.

'Ugh, how can a freaking person or girl make him feel like this? He doesn't even know her and she doesn't even know him at all.'

Lost in his own thoughts, Benson yelled out Rigby's name one last time before catching his attention. His teacher was tapping his foot and had his arms crossed, he told Rigby to daydream when he's out of class. But now he must focus and read the following chapter he wrote on board.

Soon enough the bell rang, the students in class packed up and headed their way to the next class period. Rigby enjoys this period a bit since he got class with Thomas and he could at least talk to someone beside his silent friend. This day it just a two partner assignment, since Mordecai wasn't talking Rigby decided to partner up with Thomas. He didn't want to do all the work and he knew Thomas was the guy with all the answers.

They were handed a paper they had to look for the answers in their textbooks. Rigby didn't felt like it doing the simple class assignment, but he also didn't want to lose Thomas to anyone in the classroom. Surprising finding the answers to the questions of the paper was easy, he did half of them and Thomas was watching him finish.

"Man that was just easy like this one was asking what year and where did the war started, and the book had the answer here. Talk about an easy A and I'm like super smart I could have done this all by myself."

"That's because I gave you all the baby questions Rigby, I did the harder questions ha-ha,"

"Hey don't ruin my glory time now dude, I wonder if Mordecai had finished already,"

The two turn to see how Mordecai was doing, he had his head down and covering his face. Thomas wanted to help his friend but Rigby told him it be no use since he won't talk at all.

After half of class were done with the assignment they could mingle around till everyone had turn in their papers. Rigby was talked how he wanted to try rugby again just this time he could bring someone else than his brother.

The minutes in the classroom flew too fast, and the bell had begun ringing for the students to head to their third period. Rigby didn't wanted to leave his history class, since he hated his math teacher. As he was getting his stuffed into his backpack his teacher had called him over to her desk. She handed him a pink paper, he took it from her hand firmly and walked out of the classroom with it. Thomas asked him what the paper was about, Rigby read the lines of the first paragraph and he yelled out third words, what the fuck.

"I'm being re-assigned to another class room for my third period, because I'm a huge distraction to the class.; ugh that bitch!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Rigby that your teacher kick you out, maybe your new teacher won't be bad at all."

"Uhhhh dude with a name like this I don't think so..."

"Hmmm it can't be that bad Rigby, find a positive way to all things you know."

Rigby shoved the paper to his face, he watch his friend facial reaction changing to when he saw the name of his new math teacher. Thomas apologized to Rigby, patting his back again before they headed to their classrooms. The good thing was their classrooms were next to each other. Shaking to entering the classroom, he slip in to look around the classroom for his teacher.

"Hello, you must be the new troublemaker in my class I see, I got simple rules you see. One, there will be no slackers and two do not ever crossed the line with me okay. I don't like jokes, unless they have to do with dark comedy then maybe. But during class, your main goal is to learn and be quiet."

Right away Rigby caught the strong accent that his teacher had British. He wanted to ask him to say things in British as cookies, trash, and any things he could think of. His teacher place him on the front since it was an available seat, he even introduce himself as Death R. Kimister.

As he teacher got up from his seat to close the door, he pulled out a book and began writing math problems. He solved the first one to show on how to solve the other ones just the difference was using multiplication and division. Rigby wasn't sure or not but this new teacher was better than his last one. Just the same thing was that he didn't have his third period class with his best friend, but was happy they still shared the same lunch.

Rigby was getting lots of help from his teacher, he even recommend him to stay once in a while for lunch for lessons he doesn't want his other students want to know about him. There was a reason to be in his class, math wasn't his strongest skill and second to that was English. His teacher told him that no one is built like robots to know everything, he even admitted that English was difficult for him also. Rigby thought of staying the next day for lunch, maybe he could help him some of his basics. He found Thomas waiting outside from his classroom, he apparently had a phone now but was clueless with it. The phone was a flip-phone, it was small and it had a silver color to it.

"I'm sorry to sound if I could be lame, but this is the first time using a cellphone, I have seen them but never knew how to use one of my own."

"There not that difficult to use, see my phone is a flip phone but a bit slimmer you know."

When they walked to the cafeteria they spotted Mordecai watching someone at the parking lot, he was watching Margaret and her friends. She was with two other girls who were walking toward a car. Thomas asked of why was Mordecai was acting like a creep and just watching them. As much Rigby didn't care it was his best friend, so he walked his way toward the school parking lot. He called Mordecai's name by the second time his friend turn to see him for a second and turn back his attention to Margaret.

"Dude you have to stop, she doesn't even know you so why even try to see something is there when there isn't!"

Mordecai remain silent when the sound of the car turning on and driving off campus. He then slouch his back on the car he was sneaking from behind. Rigby shook his head and walked back to Thomas who asked another pointless question to the raccoon.

The day was shining well on them, and it was nice enough to eat their lunches, Mordecai was walking around to finding them. Rigby and Thomas were eating on a hill with trees and bushes hiding them from people and the sun. They watched him for a couple more seconds before calling him, but he found them. He gave them a frownly face and walked away, Thomas asked Rigby if they should go after him.

"Sigh, I go talk to him okay, just stay here or until the bell rings."

Rigby hop off from the steep hill and wonder around before finding Mordecai eating his lunch alone. His best friend notice him, he dump the food on where he was sitting and walked back inside the building. But he ran fast enough to stop in his tracks to tell him if he was ready to speak again. His friend gave him the cold shoulder, tilting his head to the ceiling and his finger was left tapping his arm.

"Dude are you going to talk to me or not?"

"I'm pissed off at you..."

"Ugghhh no dude stop, you can't be pissed off at me please."

"Too late man, you made me look like an idiot walking around with my food just looking for you guys."

"Dude you stop talking for two days and you so know me! I need to talk to someone before I lose it to the silence, be glad Thomas is here because if he wasn't ha-ha I wouldn't know what will happen."

Mordecai looked over his shoulder to see Rigby walking away, he took a big sigh and called his friend name out. His friend turn to see him walking towards him, he said his sorry's that he was acting like a butt. Rigby then told him to not let relationships take control his life. Because it will be the end of him if something like that will happen.

They return back where Thomas was waiting for either for Rigby or the two, he was fumbling around on his new phone. Mordecai whine how everyone was getting news these day and his new goal this week will be getting a phone.

"It sucks that you re-assigned to another class and teacher, math class won't ever feel the same without you there."

"I know it sucks big time but my new tech is a pretty chill person, even with a scary name like his own."

They might not share a class together anymore, but at least they had lunch together and with a new friend. These first few weeks of school was turning our great and horrible, Rigby found his new friend to his gateway to being popular and Mordecai wanting Margaret to notice him one day.

Y'all probably wondering why they have four classes, well in my old high school we had this system, coming to school freaking early and leave early. Plus the classes were freaking long. Second period was the longest class, while first felt like only thirty minutes, third period was a choppy class since lunch was during this time, and fourth is the same as first. And there is three time hours for lunches, you can guess Mordecai and Rigby have second lunch.

That's enough information for the time being, hope you like this chapter and maybe the next one duuuudes.

Regular Show (c) JG Q. & Cartoon Network.