A/N: Heya peeps, you're probably wondering if I'm going to finish this story or go hiatus on this story too. The answer to whatever you're thinking about me writing this new story, I already finish it and I just uploading them. Yeah, because I'm still working on Mommy Rigby and anything I have forgotten at the moment.

I will upload a new chapter after I either find the flash drive for Mommy Rigby or till chapter 3, but my mission tomorrow will be finding it. Because I do have chapters that I been wanting to upload for the longest time; till then.

So enjoy this cheesy story about a boy falling in love with someone and I don't really feel like explaining this cliché theme.

It was finally a new school year, everyone returning to the same morning schedule of waking up with insomnia, eating a quick breakfast, and catching the bus. For two guys this morning woke up in annoyance and somewhat excited. Rigby was drag out of bed by his younger brother who he kicked harshly. His parents were happy that both their sons got to go to the same school. Don excited to go to school with his older brother Rigby who was a grade up then ninth grade. Rigby was fifteen year old teenager boy who felt like a man, his style was skater and a bit surfer with his dye hair. Both brothers got out of the house together, Rigby took his skateboard to get ahead to the bus stop.

Waiting at the bus stop were other teenagers who were on their phones or talking one another. Along the people who were waiting was Rigby's best friend Mordecai. His best friend wasn't wearing his braces anymore, it was the best present so far for his birthday. He was wearing his new clothes he had chosen a week before school had started, and having his skateboard in his hand too. Coming right behind Rigby was his brother who greeted Mordecai with a hug what he calls 'gimme some sugar'. Rigby rolling his eyes as always when his younger brother is being appreciated by Mordecai or others. He pushed his younger brother from his friend, shooing him away from the two. Don simple shrug and sat on the crib for the bus to arrive.

"I see you're wearing the new clothes today and not later in the week dude."

"I want to start out with a good reputation on the first day man, who knows you know I might find myself a girlfriend."

"We have all year to find a girlfriend dude, popularity should be the majority these few weeks and soon the ladies will be coming to us."

"I guess you're right, but I did notice this pretty girl at the mall. Like she was a mega ten hottie dude and I do anything to get with her Rigby."

"How do you even know she goes to the same school with us?"

"She had her friends with her and they were talking about their class schedules and I overheard them saying our school name."

"Good luck trying to hooking up with a hot chick, because their taste for nerd are known everywhere dude ha-ha."

While Rigby was laughing at Mordecai who punch him on the shoulder, their bus finally arrived at their stop. They enter the yellow bus, sitting any available seat they first spotted. Rigby threw his backpack on his lap, Mordecai kept his on since it was fill with two notebook spiral and a lead pencil. As the bus went to the next stop to picking up more kids to their school.

Rigby was feeling a wet towel on his chest, he wasn't the best person when he's stuck in a room with little space. Mordecai knew he had a bit of a claustrophobia, but his friend wasn't taking it easy. Soon enough their bus had arrived on school campus, with Rigby being the first person getting out of cramp bus. He waited for a while for Mordecai to find him, they both look at the school and each other and nodded with 'hmm hmm hmm'.

They enter from back of the school parking lot, the two enter the doors along with other students who were running up to their friends with tears, people standing awkwardly in the hall with their phones. Mordecai thought they should find their home rooms first so they can choose the back seats first. Rigby confessed shyly that he lost his class schedule, so by telling him he got a punch on the arm. Mordecai remember the year before they would send the students who either lost or didn't receive their schedules, were sent to the lunch room. The school they went to was divided by parts, with the freshmans and sophomores in one building but ninth graders were downstairs and tenth graders upstairs. Same thing with the juniors and seniors having their own building, the only thing that kept connected to the buildings was a bridge.

As they walked to their home room, there were people already standing outside around the doorway. Mordecai and Rigby were determined to getting the best back seats in the classroom. They both walked up the door and having their backs on the large door, having stares from their follow students. When the bell had rang for the students to getting to their home room classrooms, Mordecai and Rigby teacher came around the corner of the hallway with a big folder and a cup of coffee in one arm and hand. Their teacher was a short male, maybe around five feet, he was wearing a white t-shirt with small coffee stains around the collar, and brown khaki pants; and he was a gumball machine.

As he open the door, turning on the lights and allowing his students to enter the room. All of the students rushed into the room, Mordecai and Rigby slammed their skateboards on the back desks they wanted. The other students pulling chairs and desks, claiming the seat in any way they could. As soon the chaos was starting with the students, Benson yelled at his students saying he had assigned seats, so no point for them to fight. The students groan when they heard they couldn't choose their own seats, Right away Rigby didn't like his teacher, the way he spoke and how he set rules on day one.

The students walked to the back of the class, waiting for their permanent seats for the rest of the year. Benson did warn them if they talk to their neighbor too much, they will be moved as he was assigning the students seats. Mordecai's assigned seat was on the second row on the right wall. He was at least happy to lay his back on the wall, Rigby waited and waited and finally was called to only seat right behind the door.

He was pleased to seat in the back of the classroom, but wasn't so much since his friend wasn't seating next to him. Instead it was a kid name Nicolai, but he prefer the nickname Thomas since it was his middle name. The only problem with the guy was he spoke in broken English; since he had a Russian accent. When everyone had their assigned seats, Benson began writing the white board with a dry maker, He was introducing himself to his class as their tenth grade English teacher and he was also an eleventh grade English teacher after lunch.

"My name is Benson, I will be your English teacher in the morning and I'm super glad to have great minds this year. I hope to teach you many things that will help you in journey with your life to college or becoming a famous book writer ha-ha."

After the introduction Benson began talking about his class rules and the things they will be expecting for the semester. Rigby was sitting front of a large person, so he was happy to take his quick ten minute nap.

I know this was a boring introduction to start, but if you have any interested in a high school love slash tragic slash drama story. Then this story will be perfect for you dudes. So I upload the next chapter probably now or when I have the time dudes!

Please Review!

PS: I will be making them VERY OCC or a little, but this story is based on an AU okay!

So please don't scream or whine saying this isn't them or they will act or blah blah.


Regular Show (c) JG Q. & Cartoon Network.