{Author's Note}: Lots of bullshit lately. Doesn't matter. Been delaying this too much. You guys deserve better. Thanks for reading by the way. Oh, and my friend 'Epic Hobo Chuck' is doing some sort of forum discussion about the walking dead. This douchebag knows more about the walking dead than anyone else I know; Games, Tv, Comics, books; he's a huge fan. So, check in with him. He's a cool guy.

Vince had been over worked for nearly a month now. Due to his rebellious nature, he received a number of beatings from Troy, or Hank, and on occasion, Bill. He was so unpredictable that, he wasn't even allowed inside of the pen. They kept him locked in an empty maintenance room; only ever allowed out for food or work; often at gun point. He was hardly groomed to say the least. His hair and beard grown and messy. He would often lose the 'right' to eat for a day; he's probably dropped close to twenty pounds because of it. He never spoke. Nobody is quite sure if he's lost his mind yet.

Shel continued to pressure Clementine about her proposal. Part of her didn't feel like Shel's intentions were completely noble.

The others in the pen have been quiet lately. They followed all instructions without question, and were always orderly and respectful. It's possible they could be planning something. Or maybe they're too afraid to be killed off.

Clementine sat in Bill's office; as usual, in his chair. Tavia told her that he wanted to see her about something she wouldn't specify. Maybe a lecture? Some philosophy of his she was forced to sit through? Or another assignment perhaps? None of these ideas interested Clementine. She feels like she understands what Bill's methods and principles are all about, and his assignments were usually about leadership training where Bill would have her study blueprints he drew for simple builds and repairs around the settlement; Troy never took her seriously when she took charge of a building project. It felt like Stan was just humoring her.

She sighed as she moved her fingers; hey were often stiff and irritating. Each time she cracked a knuckle, she regretted not torturing Vince instead.

Bill pulled open his door and peered inside, "Oh, you're here, good."

"Aren't I always?" She asked, shaking her head.

"Good point." He said as entered and promptly shut the door before approaching the desk, "Now, I'm planning a run in an hour, and I thought, 'why not bring Clementine, she might learn a thing or two.'"

An interesting change from the usual mundane tasks he had in mind for her. "Sure, what do I need?"

"We'll have a pistol ready for you, and I also want to test your judgement; for people, I mean."

Clementine was confused, "What do I have to do?"

"Not much just, pick out who comes with us on the run."

"I can do that?" She asked.

Bill turned and began walking towards his door, "Come on, Clementine."

Minutes later, Bill had around a dozen people lined up. All seemingly confused as to why a child was sizing them up. She stepped in front of a long haired blond woman, maybe in her late thirties, average build, green eyes. She smiled down at Clementine. To this, Clementine frowned and kept walking, "Not her."

In response, the woman scoffed.

As she slowly walked past each person, similar to a drill officer; she was aware that none of these people took her seriously.

"Fuuck..." A lazy voice groaned.

Clementine recognized the voice and turned her gaze to the end of the line of people; a large man with long hair, and a beard, wearing glasses, and a brown jacket with jeans and black sneakers stood impatiently, stretching his arms. She began walking towards him. He turned his gaze, having noticed her in his peripheral vision. Once she reached him, she crossed her arms. He appeared slightly uncomfortable as she stood in front of him and stared up at him.

"You're name's... 'Y' right?" Clementine asked, smiling confidently.

The man cleared his throat; he knew, and she knew he was in that room with Vince.

"His name's Wyatt." A shorter, dark-skinned young man beside him informed her.

She turned and took her place in front of him. He had a frown on his face. She sized him up before raising her index finger, "Your name's-"

"Russel." He spoke up yet again, staring down at her, crossing his arms.

"I want these guys." Clementine said, turning back to Bill.

He nodded, and took a pair of AK-47's from Tavia standing beside him, walking them up to the two men Clementine chose. They grabbed their weapons and stared at them awkwardly. Everyone else began to walk off in various directions.

"I guess we're all set then." Bill said.

Clementine sat in the passenger's seat of the large white moving van. Wyatt sat behind the wheel, never speaking. Occasionally, she would cough on purpose, making him slightly flinch each time. Bill, and Russel were driving the van ahead of them. Outside were mostly trees, and occasionally an already looted gas station. There were pockets of snow in the road and trees. Wyatt wasn't allowed to run the heat; it wastes fuel, according to Bill. Clementine began to grow bored of Wyatt ignoring her.

"I know you were in that room with Vince, Wyatt. It's fine." She broke the silence.

Wyatt delayed to respond, "Are you sure?"

"You could've helped but, I know you didn't agree with it; you were just trying to side with your friend, that's all. Just, don't treat me like an idiot."

"Wow... okay then. Yeah, I'm real sorry 'bout that. Vince was convinced Bonnie didn't do it so, I didn't know what to do at the time."

"It's fine." She said, still slightly resenting him.

She knew she couldn't keep causing issues and making enemies. The whole Becca incident put her well-being at risk; she needs to learn to control her feelings.

"So, how'd you make it through all this crap?"

A difficult question for her. "I had this friend. He looked after me for awhile, and taught me..."

Clementine drifted off.

"Don't trust anyone..."

"Uhh... you okay, kid? You look like you're about to cry."

"Oh it's nothing. I had a friend, and his name was Lee... he looked after me for awhile, and... I met someone else who claimed to have something I needed but..." She told him before trailing off again.

"You know at first my friend, Eddie and I were in all of this alone. We watched each-others backs for awhile. Then, we got separated. Now I don't know where he's ended up."

"Yeah..." Clementine said, staring out her window.

"You never know who or what you've got, until it's gone. I wish I had been less of an asshole to him."

Clementine couldn't shake the feeling that she had done something wrong. She wondered what Lee would think. No matter what, it seemed like he'd just do anything to protect her. Kenny might have had it coming; given everything he's done, or might have done when he was gone. Jane shouldn't have put that knife up to her throat. Becca was an accident, and it wasn't her fault she lost control; she did provoke her. Bonnie got Walter and Alvin killed. Everyone has done wrong at some point. There is no more room for good people. So, why can't she shake this guilt?

Suddenly, the leading van turned into a red-bricked warehouse, surrounded by a square shaped chain-link fence. The entrance appeared to have been crashed open since, not only was it open but, the right fence gate had fallen off and was bent.

Moments later, both vans were parked on both sides of an abandoned pick-up truck near the wooden door leading into the ware-house.

Clementine climbed down from the truck, pistol in hand. Her and Wyatt regrouped with Bill, and Russel in front of the door.

"Alright, Clementine, what do you think we should do?" Bill asked as she approached.

"Go inside and look for supplies?" She answered somewhat hesitantly.

"So, that's your plan, huh?" Bill asked, a patronizing smirk on his face.

"Is there more to this?" She retorted, slightly irritated; crossing her arms.

"There could be a dozen lurkers roaming about in there. And, it's probably pretty dark in there as well. Are you telling me, that you're going to just walk right in there?"

"Can we get moving? I don't feel right just standing around here." Wyatt urged, looking over his shoulder.

Before Bill could snap on him, the wooden door swung open. All eyes and guns turned in the direction a moment after they heard the sound of loud creaking. Once Clementine had fixed her sights in the direction of the door, a man wearing a blue and white a ball-cap, a thick pair of brown sideburns, and denim jacket, had a six-shooter revolver up against Bill's left temple, and a small pump shotgun in his other hand, which he aimed at Wyatt. His eyes were wide, and menacing. His expression changed to surprise when he laid eyes on Russel. He smiled.

"Ass-wipe! Is that you? You haven't changed a bit!"

Russel simply glared and kept his assault rifle raised.

The man then glared back at Wyatt. "And don't think I've forgotten what your pal did to my friend, and what you did to my hand! I guess this is a great big reunion for me! Friends, and friends all around to see me again!"

Bill didn't speak, he slowly began reaching for his revolver whist not moving an inch as a gun was pressed against the side of his head.

"Now, all of you, put your guns down. I trust you all understand what happens if you don't." He said, but, very calmly, and almost with a smile though, you could sense the frustration in his voice.

Clementine looked at Bill; then to the stranger. Maybe Shel was right. Maybe she wasn't doing right following this man.

"People will see how small you are... and try to take advantage of you. Try to make you do things that you shouldn't..."

"I won't let them!"

Clementine suddenly felt her primal anger rise to the surface, and a hint of realization as well. She turned her gun, and poked Wyatt's side with it. She had let someone manipulate her before, and it caused her friend, and protector to get killed. She's let it happen a second time. And she's let herself be changed by his madness.

"Huh?!" Wyatt said, alarmed, slightly flinching then realizing what happened.

"You heard him. Put your gun down." She said, nearly showing teeth as she spoke. She continued pressing the gun against him.

"Ahahahaha! This girl is great. A very loyal one. Though, not too different than you, Russel." The man taunted as he turned his shotgun to Russel.

"Fuck you, asshole. You know why I left your crazy ass." Russel snapped keeping his gun raised.

Bill glared at Clementine, clearly frustrated. The look in his eyes was unlike any glare he's ever given her before. He was mad. He gave up his attempt to grab for his gun after seeing Clementine's betrayal. There was a brief silence during the stand off. Guns raised, tensions high as nobody spoke.

Wyatt dropped his gun, after a quick nudge from Clem. Russel kept his gun raised; he knew this guy somehow, and he was content on not backing down.

"You will regret this, Clementine..." Carver, her former mentor, and manipulator told her, as he suddenly grabbed for his gun.

Three, or four shots were fired in the blink of an eye. Clementine got down as soon as they did. Wyatt took off running back to the truck. When Clementine reopened her eyes and lifted her head up, she saw, Carver, Russel, and the stranger on the ground, a few feet away from one another. The stranger fared better than the other two but, he suffered a bullet wound to his lower right arm, and one in his shoulder; a red stain starting to cover the denim of his jacket. And as for Russel, and Carver, both suffered fatal shots to the head. Carver's left eye was missing, a bloody red hole replacing it. Russel's face was completely unrecognizable as he laid in the concrete; blood pouring everywhere; his head pulverized by a shotgun pellet.

Clementine locked eyes with the wounded stranger; fear, and uncertainty building up inside of her.

He peered past her, "Quick! Shoot HIM!" He said, moving his left hand away from his wound and pointing to Wyatt as he began climbing back inside the truck.

Clementine turned, and took aim, firing each shot, one-by-one. Her bullets clanked against the hood of the van. And shattered the windshield. Wyatt managed to start up the van, and began driving in reverse; Clementine kept firing until her gun began clicking. Wyatt turned, and drove off at high speed. Clementine stared off as he got away, dropping to her knees.

"What have I done...?" She said.

"Well, you let that asshole get away." The stranger answered somewhat groaning from the pain.

Clementine began lightly sobbing into her hands. She knew her future in that settlement; the one she sacrificed so much for, was gone. And for what? To honor Lee's last words? He was nearly gone when he gave her his cryptic advice; he didn't know what he was saying. He was probably in shock.

"Heeey, there, there, girly. Don't feel so bummed about it; that's not the first time that asshole has managed to avoid his fate but, I think you might have hit him at least once." The stranger said, his voice getting progressively louder; indicating that he was approaching her.

She turned and looked up at him from her place on the ground.

"Cool hat you got there." He said, smiling warmly down at her.

She didn't trust him but, he seemed like an alright guy.

"Thanks. I like your hat too." She said, not yet returning the smile.

"Wanna trade? Name's, Nate, by the way."

"Clementine." She introduced, managing to grin as she wiped her face.

"Do you want to come along with me, Clementine? I could look after you, I guess, if you want. Been a little anti-social lately. Being alone with fucking corpses for months and all but, yeah might be fun. Nothing weird I assure you." He offered, outstretching his shaking left hand down to her.

This guy seemed alright. Maybe he was different. Like Lee. Or maybe he was just like her.

She stood, and took his hand, shaking it with a nod, and an accepting smile.

{Author's Note} I hope you people liked this chapter. Let me know what ya'll think ;) I'll try to be more consistent in the future.