#idea 17 Chapter five
AN: So I already had half this chapter written before I read all the review, I apologise to all the people who thought that Jane was giving in to blackmail but It is a writers job to get reactions and emotions from the readers. Some of the suggestion I had already thought I am going to go with the majority of the review but be warned there is a shock twist in this chapter.
Pulling up at the station Jane and Maura exited the car and walked in. Maura hadn't said one word to Jane and this had Jane thinking maybe she should let Maura in on her plan. Just as she was about to pull Maura to one side Frankie came running up to Jane.
"I'm still furious at you but there's someone who needs to talk to you before you make your final decision." Frankie said as he looked at Maura he could tell Jane had already asked her to do the same things as him.
4:00 am
Frankie walked into Maura's kitchen and spotted Jane sitting at the island. Walking around he started the coffee maker.
"Hey sis I thought you'd be sleeping. I know if I had someone as great as Maura I'd wanna be lying next to them." Frankie said.
"We have a big problem Frankie and I can't explain it fully to you but I just need you to listen and don't interrupt me okay?" Jane said.
"What is it?" Frankie asked.
"I want to drop the charges against Tommy but I can't. You and Maura can and that's what I need you to do for me." Jane said.
"Jane are you being serious there's no way in hell that I'm retracting my statement. Tommy deserves to be punished for what he's done, don't you think so too?" Frankie almost shouted.
"I do think he should be punished just not in the way your thinking and don't worry I'll be asking Maura when she wakes up." Jane said.
"Like Maura will agree to do that,just think about it okay. This is not something Tommy should get away with. Why are you still trying to protect him after all he's done to you." Frankie shouted.
"It's not about protecting Tommy it's about protecting something much more than that." Jane Fired back.
"If this is about badass Detective Rizzoli's pride then I think Tommy did some serious damage to your head." Frankie said.
"He's done some minor damage so far but he will cause serious damage if you don't trust me on this Frankie." Jane said.
"I gotta go to work I'm on your side sis and if this is really what you want then fine I'll do but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it." Frankie said walking out the door.
Frankie lead both Jane and Maura to the bullpen where they met with Korsak.
"He's in the interrogation room and he'll only speak to you Jane." Korsak said as her stopped outside the door.
Jane gasped when she walked into the interrogation room, the sat Frank Rizzoli Sr. She sat opposite him and took a good look at her father, he looked terrible she could see bruises all over and healing cuts.
"Pop what are you doing here?" Jane asked.
"I heard what your brother did to you and I couldn't keep my secret any longer Janie." Frank said his Bostonian accent still thick despite living in Florida.
"What happened to you pop it looks like you were hit by a truck." Jane said sympathetically.
"Your brother introduced me to some girl at a bar and we hit it off, Tommy didn't like it. When he found out we were in a relationship he lost Jane, went completely nuts. I don't remember much except the first punch, Lydia found me unconscious beaten half to death. I was in hospital for three weeks and when I got out he was gone, I didn't care where he had gone as long as he never came back." Frank said.
"What are you trying to tell me?" Jane asked.
"What your brother did to you was my fault if I had gotten Tommy arrested then my little girl wouldn't of gotten hurt. I know I screwed up everything with your mother but that didn't mean I haven't missed my kids. Your brother needs to pay for what he's done I'm on your side Jane and I know I haven't been there for you a lot recently but I swear I will be here for you every step of the way." Frank said as he took hold of Jane's hand and with the other hand wiped a stray tear that had fallen down her face.
"Just wait here pop I just need to talk to Korsak and then we can go?" Jane said and Frank nodded his head.
Jane walked into the adjoining room and went straight into Maura's arms.
"How could I of been so stupid I don't want Tommy to get away with this." Jane said as she pulled back form Maura and looked at Frankie. "Forget what I asked you both to do this morning were gunna make sure Tommy gets what he deserves."
"I'll stand by you Janie no matter what, I just can't believe it took this long for pop to come to us." Frankie said.
"I'm glad you came to your senses." Maura said as she kissed Jane's forehead.
"Maura I'm so sorry for what I said earlier we are a team, the best team there is and if we stick together we can get through this." Jane said pulling Maura close to her.
"Always." Maura said.
Jane slowly pulled away from Maura and looked over a Korsak a message shared between them.
"If you guys don't mind I need to speak with Korsak for a minute." Jane said and both Frankie and Maura looked unsure.
"Don't worry I know what she needs to talk to me about, it's nothing bad I promise." Korsak said and Frankie and Maura left the room, Korsak turned to Jane and continued. "Tell me how bad it is?"
"It's a cluster fuck." Jane said and explained the whole other Tommy situation to him.
"That slimy bastard wait til I get my hands on him." Korsak fumed.
"I need one other favour, it wasn't my life he threatened it was Maura's. I can believe I'm about to ask this but I need you to find Doyle and get him to contact me." Jane said.
"Are you sure Jane." Korsak asked.
"Yeah I want Maura protected no matter what and I need someone to follow Tommy 24/7 but neither one of us can do that and I don't want anybody else to know what's going on okay?" Jane asked.
"I'll do what I can." Korsak said as he left the room.
AN: So I didn't plan to post this chapter just yet but I wanted to let you guys know what about to happen and I think we do. I guarantee Tommy will get his comeuppance. So tell me what you think am I going down the right path, what will Tommy do when he sees his dad, what will Doyle do when he finds out? Will he straight up kill Tommy or does Jane have another plan? Review for more.