Fandom: Dandelion Wishes Brought To You
Summary: "I never thought the day would come that I would start to care about a rabbit, a noble no less. If I actually had a heart, this would have been very touching." the epic trilogy of Jiwoo/Jiyeon meeting in their world.

Warnings: cursing and possible violence / dark stuff / fluff / jiyeon is his usual asshole charming self / jiwoo is jiwoo

Note: I can't believe i actually finished this chapter at school. But hey, if i have time to spare then why not. I'm currently busy with exams and all so my life is currently pretty hectic. Also enjoy a drunk jiyeon, becasue everyone needed this in their life.

A lost warm Haze

"Be careful how you interpret the world: It is like that."

Their third meeting doesn't happen, surely. – hopefully.

The sweet liquid slips past his throat, tasting the sickeningly sweetness against his tongue as he clogs it down. His mind is down in a vivid haze – blurry and light, it's almost psychically painful. He squints through his eyelashes to clear his sight, to ease the twirling of his view and he can't help but wonder if he drank a little too much. So much for a pleasant evening.

"God, you look like shit."

He would disagree to that accusation but he realizes he's too wasted to even open his mouth, so he instead glares at the observing bartender, who's busy filling up another glass for a client – probably beer, he notices and cringes up at the horrible bitter smell that seeps from the drink. It's nothing but disgusting and he can't help but wonder why anybody would like something like that.

Crude laughter reaches his ears and he fixates his eyes to the side, watching a group of loud men ordering another glass of gross beer from an rather uncomfortable looking bartender who rectangularly takes up their new order, it's almost easy enough to tell that these are regular costumers who spend their life pathetically, loud mouthed and brash, pretending that their life is oh so perfect when the truth is that they are doing nothing more then wasting it, creating nothing but a useless existence – precisely the the type of people Jiyeon despises.

"I feel like shit." He admits, mumbling as he leans his chin on the wooden counter. He blinks a few more times when his vision starts blurring up once more. "If I start puking after this, I might just put the blame on you."

Is that the best he can come up with? The stray cat mentally scolds himself. He lifts his gloved fingers and plays with the empty glass, carefully tilting it sideways, trying to not make it fall and shatter. For a short moment of his time he finds lazy amusement in simply that. He blinks and his eyes widen when the glass is suddenly gone, he gazes with annoyance at the bartender who innocently waves the glass in the air and he wants to protest loudly but is interrupted vaguely and quickly.

"How are you holding up?" The brown haired bartender asks curtly, eying him with something that looks similar to concern with sligthly lowered dog ears. When met with a long confused stare and silence he elaborates quickly. "You haven't been coming around as often lately, which means you've been traveling outside of Dios. What brings?"

The stray's mouth opens in a soft 'o' movement then he begins to understand the question underlying in his companion's statement and he leaves his arms fall to his sides limply, drawing himself up. He almost wants to tease the other for worrying but he's too drunk and tired to fake laughter. He ponders for a while and hums.

"A change of scenery? I suppose. Don't worry, it's not like i'm getting myself involved in prostitution like Ched did."

It's not exactly the truth but he guesses it's close enough to what it is. The apparent wary expression of the other man's face leads him to believe that he doesn't actually buy It either. Instead he shoves another glass in his direction with the flick of his wrist, Jiyeon raises an eyebrow but doesn't question it, he instead tilts the glass and takes a small sniff – no smell. He tips the glass over his lower lips and quick realization hits him that it's nothing more then water.

"Sober up." He hears bartender speak up when he lowers his glass once more, lapping the water from his upper lip with his tongue. How sweet, Jiyeon thinks. He cares. It almost bothers him that the gesture of kindness doesn't touch his inside – no warm feeling, nor butterflies. It brings forth nothing and the stray supposes he's not going to feel anything similar like that for a long while. "You said that you still had something to do right?"

At that, a raw smile reaches his lips, his mouth nuzzles against the glass and he laughs, "I did, didn't I?"

"Kain came here looking for you yesterday." Jiyeon notices the words reluctantly leave the bartender's mouth, but he's quite sure that he's been trying to find a way to slip this part into their conversation from the moment he got here. The bartender hesitantly looks at him as he softly places the glass back on the counter to process what he's being told – one of his orange ears twitch slightly and the muscles in his jaw tighten up. He exhales through his nose and tries to keep his face as natural as he can, his purple eyes narrowed and his mouth is pulled into a firm line.

"...He did?"

A reluctant nod on his part says enough. A deep crease appeared on his forehead. "I told him I wasn't aware of your current whereabout. But you need to understand that-"

"You won't be able to cover up for me next time, because you don't want to die?"

The words slips from his mouth sleekly, he carefully takes the information in and watches as the bartender tries not to cringe from his correct guess. However there's no reason for him to do so, because Jiyeon understands that it's simple survival on his part. So he doesn't feel hurt – not disappointed as he leans back in his chair, he instead chocks his head slightly to one side, in thought.

"I guess I should stay away from Dios for awhile from now, huh?"

His voice trailed off, he stares right ahead at the celling and rubs his thumb against his fingers. After all, despite Dios being rather huge in its overall, it probably wouldn't take somebody like Kain too long to find him if he stayed put. That asshole always strived for his achievements, to drown in his own greed and pride. But Jiyeon had no intention of being found anytime soon, not now or not later. Feeling another headache coming up, he presses the palm of his hand against his forehead and hisses softly.

"What are you going to do if you do happen to see him?"

The stray cat almost wants to point of what kind of stupid question that is, but shuts his mouth as soon as he opens it; because it's actually more then a reasonable thought. Because in the end, even if he ran like a criminal from his crimes, he would have to face reality eventually. Somehow, he can't help but wonder when that time will be. He held his breath.

It's then when he realizes for the first time, he really, and truly was alone. He tells himself that this is fine, that this is how it's supposed to be. There is no ache in his chest and his insides don't clench up, because it doesn't matter, it doesn't exist. His feelings don't matter because he is tainted and corrupted to the bone, from the moment he was born and always will be.

"I'll see to it that i'm the one who watches him take his last breath, if it comes to that."

Yaay, sadness and darkness. Also i'm glad to see people are enjoying this uptill now! You are all so sweet! ;; - ;; I agree with one of my reviewers who mentioned that they wished they had seen more of the other world in-game, i felt the same so i created a bit of a overview of their world, and i will continue to do so because hell yeah. Also important is that if you have a few things you want to be seen in the story, then say so because i will be able to do so if it fits. (I have the ending already somewhat planned out, i know i'm quick.)

Also please review, as i said it's truly a motivation for me to keep writing. :')