Hey everyone!

I'm writing this because I have a lot to explain... I always promised I'd never abandon one of my stories. They're like my babies, and I love and respect my readers too much to let them down. So I feel like I owe everyone who read and reviewed Never Feel Alone an apology, because I haven't updated it with the last chapter in a long, long time .I'm really sorry. A lot has happened since I started that story. The first being that my only sister passed away. After that, I sort of lost any interest in writing a story about sisters- it was just too hard. When this happened, I'd already had a rough draft of the last chapter saved to my computer. But by the time I got in the right frame of mind to sit down and actually work on it, months later, my computer gave up on me, and that chapter was lost. I don't even remember what I was going to write. It feels like another lifetime since I've worked on that story.

Then, I heard that The Fosters was cancelled, and it broke my heart. I've loved that show from the first episode, and it's been a constant in my life, and a source of comfort, through good times and bad. It's the show that led me to find my passion in writing. After it ended, I wasn't sure what I really wanted to do with my writing, or if anyone would even care anymore that I left Never Feel Alone unfinished.

But I just wanted to tell everyone that I haven't forgotten about it. It's one of my favorite stories I've written, and I loved every minute of the time I spent writing it. It will always mean a lot to me. I have my original outline for the last chapter in one of my notebooks (and I have tons and tons of notebooks, full of stories in various states of completion). I'm going to try to find it, and when I do, I'm going to try my best to piece together the last chapter and do the story justice.

So to sum it up, please be patient with me. There WILL be a last chapter... and in the meantime, I'm also writing a story about Andi Mack (a show that has done a pretty good job of filling the Fosters-shaped hole in my heart). I may also eventually post some "lost episodes" of The Fosters- stories that I wrote and planned to post, but never did. As I said, I have lots of writing to sift through.

Thanks for your understanding!

Much love,
