Spencer drove himself to the motel, following after Remy in his car. The ride over gave him plenty of time for his nerves to kick back in. For him to start questioning what on earth he was doing. Those nerves stayed with him once he parked and they grew a little more as Remy led him inside and upstairs to the suite that he was staying in.

Once Remy let them inside, Spencer stood awkwardly in the middle of the living room of the suite as he listened to Remy shut the door behind him. His mind was racing a mile a minute as he stood there. What was he doing here? What on earth had convinced him that he should be here? Someone like Remy was so far out of his league it was almost laughable. Why had he thought for even one minute that he would stand a chance in here with someone like him?

"Y'r angsting over dere." Remy's voice came from right behind him, startling Spencer so bad he actually jumped. The Cajun smiled a little at that, but he didn't let it distract him. He stepped in front of Spencer and lifted a hand to trace his fingers lightly over Spencer's cheek. "I aint gonna pressure y', cher. Y' can still walk away if y' want to."

God, no. That was the last thing he wanted. He wanted to be here, more than anything. He wanted this. It'd been so long since he'd been able to feel good. He wanted to feel those fingers tracing over other parts of him, all parts of him. "I want this."

Remy's smile lit up the room. "Been a long time? Or y' just shy?"

"Both." Spencer said, huffing a little. A hint of his smile returned. "Is it that obvious?"

The corners of Remy's eyes crinkled up. "A little. Dat's fine, though. I don't mind. Let's see if I can distract y', non?" The hand on Spencer's cheek slid back, through his hair and down to cup the back of his skull, cradling it and drawing him in to their first kiss.

Remy's lips were soft and slow against his. His mouth moved over Spencer's like he had all the time in the world to be here. The hand holding Spencer's head was cradling him like he was something precious, keeping him in place for the gentle assault of his senses. Spencer found himself leaning in without even realizing it. His hands came up, catching at Remy's shoulders, and Remy made a soft hum of approval against his lips. He pulled back, letting them breathe, and then dipped in again, a little firmer this time. A hand settled into the small of Spencer's back and drew him in at the same time that Spencer felt Remy's tongue flick over his lips. He didn't hesitate to part his lips and grant entrance. The hand at his waist became a necessary thing to keep him upright as Remy's tongue traced over both his lips, dipping down into his mouth and over his teeth, brushing up against his own tongue with a thoroughness that left Spencer like he was being slowly devoured in the most delicious way.

When they broke apart again, Spencer was pressed up against Remy's chest, the taller man supporting him almost completely. It took a few unsteady seconds before Spencer realized that Remy's lips weren't coming back. He blinked open heavy eyes, looking up through his lashes to find Remy just watching him, the red in his eyes flashing a little with a heat that had Spencer wanting to moan.

"Look at y'." Remy murmured. His hand slid through Spencer's hair, coming forward to brush a few loose strands back from his face. "I could keep y' like dis fo' ages. So beau, an y' taste so sweet." He dipped down again like he couldn't stop himself from taking another taste. Spencer had no protest. He loved to kiss. Loved the kissing and the touching sometimes more than he loved the act of sex itself. And oh, those lips! He could kiss Remy for hours!

He felt Remy's hands shift to his shirt and tug, pulling it out of the waistband of his pants, and then they were dipping underneath it to settle on the skin of his hips right above his pants. He hummed and pressed himself just a little closer.

Remy nipped at his bottom lip, drawing it out a little before letting it go. He licked over it to soothe the slight sting there. His hands, though, they were just sitting on Spencer's hips, not moving now that they had access to his skin, not doing anything, and Spencer could barely stand it. They were just there and it was taunting him.

"Still feeling shy?" Remy murmured up against his lips, brushing them together lightly so that Spencer could feel the softness of his lips and the rasp of his whiskers in a contrast that was delicious.

He pulled back and Spencer tried to chase after him, moaning out a soft complaint. "Remy."

That earned him another slow, mind melting kiss. "I like de way y' say m' name." Remy said in a voice gone husky. He brushed his nose over Spencer's, teasingly keeping his lips back just far enough that Spencer couldn't capture them again. "What do y' want, Spencer? Hm? What do y' want?"

No one had ever stopped to ask him that in the bedroom before. Almost thirty years old, and Spencer was embarrassed to admit that a lot of his sexual experience was quick, awkward fumbles, or nights that were half remembered through a haze of alcohol, or times where he'd just given himself over to the lead of his partner. No one had ever asked him what he wanted to do. Spencer could barely think well enough to string the words together to try and say what he wanted. Talking in the bedroom had never been his thing. It was the one place where his brain shut off and he didn't feel the need to ramble and stammer and talk incessantly. That, plus his natural shyness, seemed to keep words locked behind his lips. So instead of giving a verbal answer, Spencer's body answered for him, twisting against Remy's hands while pressing in closer, his own hands sliding up to circle around Remy's neck.

The Cajun gave a low chuckle. "Okay, cher. Okay."

His thumbs pressed in against the dip of Spencer's hipbones, tracing along the top line of his pants, over towards his bellybutton and then back out again, hands sliding over his sides and to his back. Spencer arched back into the touch. Remy's lips caught his again and Spencer found himself lost in the sensations, anchored only by the feel of lips against his, of firm, smooth hands and calloused fingertips ghosting over the skin of his back, his sides, over and around to his stomach and his chest. He wallowed in the sensation, barely even noticing as one nimble hand started to strip him of his shirt. The only thought he gave it was an appreciation that it was no longer in the way.

He brought his own hands down from Remy's neck to work the buttons of his shirt as well. He wanted to expose that skin, to be able to press it up against his, to feel them pressed together. Remy must've had the same thoughts because he gave an appreciative moan and moved his arms to help slip the shirt off once the buttons were gone. Then Spencer found himself swept up into Remy's embrace, stomach to stomach, chest to chest, and he moaned low and dirty into their kiss. Remy's body was just as solid as he'd known it would be. There was the brush of chest hair, just a bit, pressed up against his own smooth skin, and it made a delicious contrast that tickled his nerves and had them singing. Spencer's arms once more went around Remy's neck and he pushed himself up onto his toes a bit, making their height just a bit more even.

Remy's hands slid down over Spencer's hips again, down to his thighs, and then, in a move that made Spencer give a very undignified squeak into their kiss, he curled his hands around Spencer's thighs and just hefted him up, lifting him and pulling him right where he wanted. Spencer instinctively wrapped his legs around Remy's waist to hold on so that he wouldn't fall. His eyes shot open in surprise, only to find Remy's twinkling up at him with mirth and heat. "Jesus." Spencer breathed out a little unsteadily. "A little warning next time?"

"Where's de fun in dat?" Remy asked, winking.

There was no chance for Spencer to answer. Remy was kissing him again and, holy crap, this man could kiss. Spencer couldn't think past it. And when Remy started moving them, it had Spencer moaning, a low sound deep down in his throat, at the friction that created. He was hard, so achingly hard, and the feel of Remy against him, wrapped tight between his legs, was only making him harder.

He knew where Remy was taking them so it wasn't any real surprise when he found himself being tipped and laid out on the bed. He moaned at the loss of Remy's lips when the Cajun pulled back but oh, it sure as hell ended up being worth it. Lying there, he had a perfect view of all that golden skin he'd only been touching so far. The sight of it had Spencer's mouth watering. He'd been right. Muscled, without being too much. A bit of chest hair, just enough to slide his fingers through, and a trail of it leading down to vanish beneath the button of his pants. And those arms. Let people fantasize about what they wanted. Spencer had a thing for arms and he wasn't ashamed of it. The muscles in them, the strength there. Maybe it was connected to subconscious desire to be held and know that the one holding him had the strength to do so. At the moment, he didn't really care about the psychology of it. He just watched Remy and bit his lip, wanting to reach out and touch, taste, every inch of that exposed skin. Remy was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous—and he knew it. There was no doubt he was making a show of himself. He toed off his shoes and undid his belt, shucking off his pants without a single ounce of fear or modesty.

Oh sweet Jesus. Unconsciously, Spencer licked his lips, the view in front of him too much. He wanted to slide down off the bed, to drop down to his knees and take the heavy weight of Remy into his mouth, to feel the smoothness of it, feel the stretch of his lips, because it would be a stretch. Spencer couldn't help but think that Remy's cock was just as gorgeous as the rest of him. Uncut, average in length, but thick, enough that he knew it'd be a delicious burn when it slid inside of him, and he wanted that more than anything at the moment.

"Y' keep looking at me like dat and dis t'ing aint gonna get as far as either of us would like." Remy said, interrupting his thoughts.

Spencer's eyes darted up to his face and he flushed, caught out in staring, but he wasn't going to be ashamed of it. "It's not my fault." He said instead. "I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you are sinfully gorgeous. It's kind of distracting."

"Y' t'ink I'm de gorgeous one?" Remy scoffed and took a step forward, stopping just between his knees, and Spencer balanced his weight on his elbows so he could tip his head up and try to look at Remy's face, not stare at the rest of him. The red in Remy's eyes was vanishing, pupils blown wide with his arousal. He reached out and caught Spencer's belt, easily slipping it out of the hook. "I aint de one sprawled out half dressed like some porn start with all dat pale skin, de messed up hair and dose swollen lips." He pulled the belt free, dropping it off to the side, and attacked the button next. "Y' look used, cher, in de best possible way. Could tempt a saint with dem damn lips."

His stomach danced with arousal and nerves and so many other things as Remy tapped at his hip, a silent signal. He lifted them and let the Cajun pull down his slacks and boxers both. Remy tugged them down, going into a crouch to pull off Spencer's shoes as well, and only when he was as bare as Remy did the Cajun rise back up again. The red looked to be gone from his eyes now except for a faint sliver, making them almost completely black, yet Spencer could still tell as they ran over him. He could feel Remy's gaze like a caress against his skin.

"Knew y'd be gorgeous." Remy breathed out. He moved in and Spencer slid back, backing himself up the bed, very much enjoying the graceful way that Remy crawled up after him. They ended with Spencer stretched out in the middle of the bed and Remy's long body just hovering over his, barely touching him, and it was maddening. "I been t'inking bout dis all night." Remy murmured against his lips, gently brushing them together. "Ever since Will pulled Henry off y' and y' looked up, all flushed and happy, I been wanting to get y' underneath me. To feel all dat skin. Touch y', taste y'."

"Then what're you waiting for?"

Remy sucked in a surprised breath and then his mouth was attacking Spencer's in a hard, hot kiss that ripped away the last of Spencer's thoughts. He let them go, let his mind empty of everything else, and filled it up with this. With the lips against his, the rasp of whiskers when Remy broke their kiss to move down his jaw, the feel of that hard body as it lowered down to press against him. His hands came up in response to grip at Remy's hips. The touch of them seemed to make Remy shiver and that gave Spencer a bit of courage, made him bolder, and he let his hands slide up to trace over Remy's ribs. To follow the line of his well-defined abs, over his sides, then to the strong muscles of his back. There were scars here and there along the way. One, near Remy's spine, had the Cajun freezing just the slightest bit, but Spencer only ghosted over it and moved on, scratching his nails over the bumps of Remy's spine, and he was rewarded with a shiver.

Remy's mouth moved down Spencer's neck, leaving a trail of little biting kisses that had the young genius gasping and twisting. When Remy bit near his collarbone, it drew a startled moan from him, which just encouraged Remy to do it again, then again on the other side. His mouth followed down lower and Spencer's moan was louder this time as wet heat closed over his nipple. He arched up into it, clutching at Remy's back when he felt the sharp nip of teeth followed by a firm, flat press of his tongue, easing any ache the bite had caused. Spencer's short nails dug into Remy's skin and he felt the Cajun shudder in response.

Remy hadn't been kidding when he said he wanted to feel all of his skin. All Spencer could do was hold on for the ride as inch by inch, Remy mapped out his body with fingers and tongue and teeth. He nipped and kissed his way across every bit of skin. One hand was braced on the bed while the other moved over Spencer with a feather light touch, up over his ribs, along his slender stomach, taking plenty of time to tease at his hips. He seemed to enjoy it and it was a spot that he was quickly able to learn drove Spencer absolutely crazy.

He wasn't the only one touching. Spencer didn't just lie passively under him. He let himself touch, enjoying the feel of skin under his hands. It was good; God, was it good. It had been way, way too long and could feel himself getting close embarrassingly fast. When Remy shifted and dropped a leg down between his, pressing it up just right, Spencer's whole body arched into it and his moan echoed around them. "Remy, oh, I…I…ohh." The words stalled on his tongue as Remy started a slow, rocking motion, the firm muscles of his thigh rubbing over Spencer's leaking cock, driving him mad. He felt Remy shift a little until his own cock was in the curve of Spencer's hip, sliding hot and heavy over his skin.

"It's all right, Spencer." Remy murmured to him. He pressed a kiss against Spencer's jaw, slowly working his way back to his lips. "It's been a while fo' y', aint it? Don't worry bout holding on. We got all night ahead of us. Let it go, bébé. Let y'rself go." He brushed his lips over Spencer's, their breaths mingling together in short gasps. "

There was no way Spencer would've been able to stop himself. Remy was a slow, steady assault on all his senses. One of Remy's hands settled over his other hip, using it to anchor him just a bit closer, and that extra bit of pressure was almost too much. Spencer threw his head back on a moan and his hips rolled of their own accord, riding against the muscled thigh that was still flexing and rolling against him. Their hips pushed together, the pleasure building and building. Remy dropped his head down beside Spencer's, his ragged breaths in his ear and those low, filthy words, spurring him on, pushing him right up to the edge. "C'mon, Spencer, dat's it. Dat's it, just let it go. Y'r so beau, so damn gorgeous like dis. I could keep y' here fo' hours and hours." Remy's hips rolled, his own precome slicking the way over Spencer's hip, making the slide easier for him, and they both moaned. "Dis aint de end. We got all night ahead of us and I'm gonna use it. Gonna spread y' out next time, crawl down between y'r legs and just taste. Y' want dat? M' mouth on y'r cock, y'r balls, sliding down lower, maybe? Spreading y' open and tasting y', getting y' ready fo' me. Y' like dat, cher?"

"Oh God." Spencer's hips stuttered up and that was it, that was all there was. Remy's body, his touch, his words, it was all too much and Spencer lost it, body straining up against Remy's as he painted their stomachs with his release, the power of it wrenching a heavy cry from him and even curling his toes. He felt Remy shudder in response to it, the hand on his hip clenching a little tighter, and through the haze Spencer felt as Remy pushed those last few strokes before he gave a low moan of his own.

The two slumped down onto the bed together in a sticky, sweaty pile, just lying there panting and trying to catch their breath.

It was tempting to just lie there. However, there was one thing Spencer had learned the hard way a long time ago, and that was that dried come was not something he ever wanted to experience again, especially not squished between him and someone else. That hurt like hell to break apart.

Remy must've been thinking the same thing. He was the first to move, unburying his face from Spencer's neck so that he could roll to the side. He looked down at them both with heavy lidded eyes and smirked a little. The devilish humor there had Spencer's own lips curving. "Well." Remy said, arching an eyebrow at them. "We made a hell of a mess of ourselves, didn't we?"

"Mm." That was about the best agreement that Spencer was going to be able to give at the moment.

The way Remy laughed suggested that he didn't mind. He looked pleased by it. Lifting his arms, he gave his body a quick stretch—Spencer's body gave a valiant yet futile twitch as he watched the play of muscles in Remy's back and arms—and then he turned to look at Spencer once more, reaching a hand out for him. "C'mon, cher. De shower's calling our name."

Spencer looked dubiously at Remy's hand and debated just how much energy he had.

Amused, Remy wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and wiggled his fingers at the same time. "I'll make it worth y'r while." He said in a sing song voice.

Laughter tickled the back of Spencer's throat. "You're slightly insane."

"It's been said b'fore." Smirking, Remy reached down and caught his hand, no longer giving him any choice in the matter. He gripped tight and tugged Spencer up and out of the bed. "Now, c'mon. I wanna get y' underneath de water. I been wanting to suck y'r cock since I got y'r pants off and saw what y' been hiding away. Can't do dat till we get cleaned up, non?"

Spencer was blushing and laughing as he let Remy tug him away.

This is currently just a two-shot. However, once I get the time, I plan on making a full story out of this. So if you're interested in a 'Spencer develops mutant powers late' story, subscribe to this and one day, it'll turn into an actual long story, lol.