A/N Disclaimer: I still don't own the rights to anything Harry Potter-y. Purely for entertainment.

Bellatrix was still lounging on the beach chair. She practically lived there, there was no point in having a whole cabin just a few yards away. It was just another lazy afternoon on her private secret beach. The ocean breeze disturbing the small dunes of white sand that had nestled their way along the coastline as far as the eye could see.

Flitty brought her another chocolate martini. It had been their routine since the second day they arrived twelve years ago for Flitty to bring her a vodka raspberry milkshake every day, but Bellatrix had recently decided to branch out. She thanked Flitty and lifted her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head as she sat up. Before she had taken a single sip her arm tingled with an almighty electric shock and she dropped the glass. Cradling her arm she looked down and rubbed her forearm in disbelief. Her dark mark was gone.

A/N Vodka raspberry milkshake recipe:

Two scoops of raspberry ripple (half melted) for every shot of vodka. White chocolate sprinkles on top is highly recommended.