Okay, this story, which is much different than my other story, will mainly be in the point of view of Mikey. So read it, like it, and just do what you do.

Chapter One


Me and my bros were running rooftops and fighting crime, the usual. But there were no nasty mutants or street thugs out. Yes! More time to hang with my bros!

"Wonder why there is no one out tonight?" Leo asked in his leader voice. I always admired him.

"I know, I wanna crack some skulls!" Raph cracked his fingers and neck. I always loved Raphie, and wanted to be like him.

"Let's just go home then, I have to work on the Shell Raiser." Donnie walked over to the edge of the building. And I have always wanted to be smart like Donnie.

"Wait, can't we just hang out? Like go do something together?" I asked.

"Look Mikey, it's late and we have stuff to do. Maybe another, okay?" Leo said calmly.

"You say that every time Leo, we never hang out anymore."

"Just, another time." Leo turned and was about to jump down into the alley before seeing some purple dragons.

"Yes! Let's bust some heads!" Raph jumped into the alley and we followed. The fight began, but it was pretty easy. There were just purple dragons. But I swung one of my nun chucks at one of them and he dodged it, making my weapon smack Donnie in the face.

"Donnie!" I ran over to him, and slightly after that the purple dragons fled. My other bros saw Donnie on the ground and ran over to us.

"What happened?"

"Urg…Mikey's nun chucks."

"Donnie, bro, I'm so sorry."

"Its fine, Mikey." The way he said it didn't make it sound like it was fine.

"Are you sure? You didn't soun…"

"Just be quiet Mikey! Or go annoy someone else!" Raph snapped.

"I didn't mean to…" I stood up.

"You never mean to Mikey! You just screw it up because that is what you do! What you are! A screw up!" Raph followed my movement and got up in my face. I felt tears fill me eyes so I jumped to the rooftops and ran.

I heard them calling after me, but I didn't care. Why should I care? Because they are your brothers!

I stopped running and argued with myself until I heard it. I don't know what is was, but I heard it.

"Hello, Michelangelo." No.

"Shredder," I growl and get in a fighting stance.

"No need for that, I don't want to fight you."

"If you don't want to fi…"


One of Shredder's henchmen knocked Mikey upside the head, knocking him out.

"Good, now take him to his room." Shredder laughed and walked away.


We went after Mikey when he ran off but couldn't catch him. Mikey was always the fastest out of all of us. We went home, hoping to find him there. But he wasn't.

I went to my lab and looked at the mark on my cheek. Not that bad, it was just a bruise. I walked to the kitchen and saw Leo making tea and Raph staring at his hands while sitting at the table. I walked to the fridge and Ice Cream Kitty gave me an ice pack.



I sat down across from Raph and put the bag on my face.

"Do you think he will come back?" I asked.

"It's Mikey; he should be home any minute now." Leo answered.

"He seemed pretty upset. I shouldn't have given him attitude. I knew he didn't mean to hit me."

"I never made him cry before." Raph whispered but we heard him.

"What do you mean? You make him cry all the time." Leo tried to smile thinking of his little brothers fake tears.

"I mean cry cry, Leo! Not his fake tears! I…I never made him cry like that. Now he probably hates me, more than usual."

"Don't say that Raph, Mikey loves us. He was just upset after what happened. He will forgive us." I tried to imagine that happening.

"My sons, where is Michelangelo?" Splinter came into the kitchen.

"W-we don't exactly know. We thought he would be home by now." Leo answered.

"What do you mean? Explain."

"Well, we were fighting some purple dragons and Mikey accidently hit me with his weapon and when the fight was over, I snapped at him a little bit. Then Raph said…things. Then he ran off. We tried to catch him, but couldn't." I explained.

"What do you mean by things? Raphael, what did you say to your brother?"

"I didn't mean it! I was just mad about Donnie a-and…"

"What did you say, Raphael!"

"I told him he was a screw up. That he just always screwed up everything and sensei I'm sorry. I want to apologize to him but he hasn't came back yet."

"My sons! How could you?! It is too close to morning so if Michelangelo does not return you will go find him tomorrow night! Am I clear?!"

"Hai sensei."

Oh Mikey, please be okay! Where ever you are. And I want you to know that I'm sorry.

Okay, so I will post a new chapter every three days. So until then, I'm outtie 5000! And things will get better…well…more interesting.