Here you go guys! Chapter 4!

Disclaimer: Check the first chapter...come on guys...

(3rd Person POV w/ Bill)k

The golden dream demon sighed, feeling pleased. He left Dipper's dream and returned to the dreamscape, his home/prison, it depends how one sees it. He looked back at the closing portal, which led to Dipper's mind, and contemplated wether he should head back. He wanted to go back, see his Pine Tree more, but knew the boy would likely not go back to sleep for a few hours after their little 'meeting'. He smiled as he remembers the feeling of having his arms around the brunette, the warmth the boy's body gave off. He wished he would have had more time with him, but he knew the boy became standoffish around him and would find a way to send him away. The boy was a natural at the supernatural (puns!) and had a knack for finding and angering said oddities that most would ignore or avoid.

Even he him self had been annoyed by the boy at first. He had been getting in the way of his plans he had been working on for centuries! Yet he had shown to be resourceful even if a bit naïve, the demon had used his feelings of being ignored and underappreciated to make a deal and use his body to destroy the laptop and went after the journal.

Then Shooting Star just had to get in the way.

That girl annoyed him even more, Pine Tree he tolerated because the boy was interesting to watch but the girl was just obnoxious and loud and her dreams were fair too cheerful.

Where were the screaming heads or pain? Now that would be a great dream…

He was getting off track. The triangle demon was engulfed in a flash of gold light and replacing it was a 'human' body. The body looked like an 18 year old man's but wasn't really human. The skin was pale with a yellowish tint, the face was thin with a pointed chin covered in golden stubble. Slightly long spiky brown hair rested on the man's head with golden colored bangs falling to cover his eyes, one was hidden behind a black eye patch with yellow accents around the edges, and the other's iris was almost completely black except for a small sliver of gold. The man wore a tight black overcoat with narrow golden lines forming a brick design with yellow dress pants and black loafers. A cane rested in his left hand, a bow tie rested around his neck and a black top hat rested on his head.

The man smirked at the open air before him, showing off small but sharp canines. "Let's see what there is to do."

He walked around looking into the small orbs that floated in the air, each a small portal that lead to someone's dreams.

Getting back on track he remembered the struggle he and the twins got into over Pine Tree's body before he was finally was knocked out of it. That was really when he started to take a romantic interest in the boy. He would watch as the boy explored and learned more about the town and its secrets. He saw a fire in the boy he hadn't seen in any other human except the author of the journals but Pine Tree was less arrogant then that six fingered weirdo. He didn't let his discoveries get to his head or try to exploit then like Stanford liked to do.

He snapped for his musing when he saw a less tangible dream, or day dream, appear. Looking at it he frowned darkly.

It showed Pine Tree being pressed against a wall by a shadow, then it changed to him spread out on a bed. His cheeks flushed red and his clothes were ridding up to reveal his flat stomach and peach skin. Shadowed hands ran over it and the boy whimpered quietly.

Bill hissed and reaching into the dream and saw it belonged to Gideon Gleeful. It disappeared a moment later, Gideon must have been snapped out of it, and Bill glared at the spot it use to be.

'That brat thinks he can dream about my Pine Tree?!' Bill growls, the golden sliver of his visible eye, the lines on his coat and his pants flashed red before turning back to gold. 'Well we'll see about that. Pine Tree is mine and if any pesky meat bag thinks that can mess with what is mine will be shown other wise.'

During his angry ranting he didn't notice a few minutes had passed and he felt a tugging in his chest, near the area where normally a human's heart would be.

"I'm being summoned?" He holds a hand to his chest, seeing who was calling on him he smirked wickedly. "So that ventriloquist dummy thought it would be smart to call on me again? It might have to do with Pine Tree….hmmm let's see how this will play out."

He flashed back into his original form and teleported to the human world, awakening the white haired boy's dreamscape and appeared before him.

"Hey kid!" He says cheerfully, though there was an unnoticeable edge to it. "What you up to? Must be important to summon me!"

The icy eyed boy frowned at him before sighing. "It has to do with Dipper Pines. You see some punk named Robbie is taking interest in him and I don't like it.'

Because he was in this form Gideon could see Bill frown. 'So there is another wanting Pine Tree? He was going to have to watch over him more closely. Don't want them making any moves on the boy before he could.'

"-So I want you to watch him and make sure he doesn't try anything on Dipper. He's mine, got it Demon?"

Bill flashed red too fast for the 15 year old to see but played along anyway. "Sure thing kid!"

They shook hands, blue flames licking at their skin but never burning them. Gideon nodded and turned around. "Good now go do whatever you need to, I have things to do."

After Gideon left Bill's friendly yellow turned red and his single eyes narrowed at the boy's back. "Sure thing, kid, I'll watch this Robbie but it won't be to help you get Pine Tree."

Looking at the sky to see it getting slightly darker he decided to visit this Robbie then go see Dipper in his dreams.

There you go! Tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is appreciated...