Just got this idea while listening to one of the characters of Glee sing a song Papa Can You Hear Me? (Originally sung by Barbra Streisand). Please enjoy.


Cold wind blew softly into the hair and face of a young boy as he sat, legs drawn to his chest, tears slipping down his face.

A warm tear fell from his amber orbs onto the cold stone of a cliff as he curled into himself tighter than before. Wind brushed into his face again bringing the scent of salt and effectively drying his tears from his tan face.

But more just followed after.

The boy choked on a sob. Putting a hand over his mouth, he listened. Good he didn't wake his traveling companions. He didn't want to bother him with his troubles. This was something he had been facing every year since he was nine. Every year on this date he would just cry. It was fault. If he hadn't dragged him to the beach that day...

He shook and choked on another sob. Shaking he brushed his dark cyan locks away from his face he bit his lip and closed his eyes. Memories flashed through his mind. The time he and his dad went to the annual fair in Pallet Town, and both got stomachaches from eating to much cotton candy yet they laughed about it. The times when he would wake up from some type of nightmare, and his dad would come in and would 'chase' the monsters away. Then they would grab some hot chocolate from the kitchen and just sit in comfortable silence. The times he would hurt himself, his dad would make it all better just by making a goofy face.

Opening his eyes, he bit his lip harder to the point of breaking the skin drawing blood. He didn't notice. The one reminder daily of his father other than memories was his name. His nickname. The nickname his father gave him since he didn't like the name Ashton. His dad used to call him Ash and would always ruffle his hair afterward.

More tears fell from Ash's eyes. He would never experience those good times again. It was all in the past...but more then ever, Ash wished he could hear his father's laugh, he wished he could get one last hug, he wished he could get sick off of cotton candy again, and drink hot chocolate late at night, and he even wished his dad would come and chase away the monsters.

But he was gone. Up in heaven now. Ash broke down sobbing once again. If only he hadn't dragged his dad to the beach. If only they could have stayed home that day like he had said. His dad had said he wasn't feeling well, but Ash didn't listen. He just wanted to go to the beach. Hang out with his dad. He had agreed. They had a great time...until his dad grabbed his chest. His eyes bulged out of his head, and he collapsed onto the sand. Ash ran to him...but it was to late. His father had died of a heart attack. Right in front of him.

' If only I hadn't dragged him to the beach that day. Maybe he would still be alive.'

Looking up into the inky blackness of the night sky Ash looked up and whispered:

" I'm so sorry Daddy. I hope you can hear me and forgive me one day."

Standing up slowly, legs numb, he walked slowly back to his sleeping bag. Without looking back he headed to his sleeping bag, quickly falling asleep.

If he had looked back, Ash would have seen Micheal Ketchum standing at the cliffs edge giving his son a small, yet sad smile.

" It wasn't your fault son. It wasn't your fault."

Then he disappeared in a soft haze as the sun rose up in the background. The cliff was empty. Void of anything. As if nothing had been there at all.


Probably not awesome, but hopefully you guys liked it. Bye!:-)