Alright this is done but at this rate we might get carried away in the long run oh dear...

Chapter 2

"You ok, Gino?" I ask as I try to guess what he's thinking. I can tell if I'm not careful and start going too fast I can easily spook him. I've been down this road so many times now and each time I've never been able to go all the way and right now I know that I've taken him completely out of his comfort zone and if I'm not cautious he'll retreat back into that cocoon and it'll be even harder to get him to come back out.

He nods as he gives me a shaky yes, clearly trying to stop his body from shaking and I know in his mind he's contemplating if he's doing the right thing so I have to be careful, just the slightest wrong move and he'll leave in a heartbeat. His composer and his lack of eye contact hint me that he's hoping that I won't notice but he should know me better than that. Gino is exactly like an open book, I can read him with ease to the point he doesn't even have to say anything for me to know what he's thinking.

I slowly start caressing his back as to try and sooth his worries away, telling him to relax before kissing his ear and further reassuring him that everything is alright. Slowly making my way to kiss the corner of his mouth, letting him know that he's not alone that I'm right here and not going anywhere as I press my lips unto his, slowly gently caressing his lips with my tongue as it is then welcomed when Gino parted his lips slightly allowing me to intensify the kiss by entering my tongue through his parted lips, massaging his tongue with mine as he places his hands unto my chest as one of mine insert itself under Gino's coat starting to slowly lift up his shirt until I can finally feel his warm soft skin on my fingertips. With my other hand I reach for Gino's hand pulling away from his mouth and instead I press my lips unto his thin delicate fingers and gently kiss his fingertips.

"I missed you, Gino…" I tell him as I stare into his green eyes, his cheeks a little red. God I love that look on him, it just drives me crazy and I just want to get his clothes off in a snap and press him against the wall and just ravage him like there is no tomorrow but I can't which proves to be much harder than first anticipated.

"Missed you more…" He replies as he slowly presses his lips against mine with tears again rolling down his cheeks as he wraps his arms around my neck.

I kiss his tears away reassuring him again that I'm here now as I kiss his lips again, slow and passionate while with one hand I grab Gino's side just above his hip, while with the other I start unbuttoning his coat at the same time keeping my concentration on exploring the soft flesh of his mouth, sending shivers through his body again as I feel him becoming weak in my hold as I remove his coat in a swift motion.

I take in a sharp intake of breath before muttering his name as I go back into a long passionate kiss. His warmth mixing into mine is just pure ecstasy as I swiftly yank unto his tie to loosen it, taking it off in a heartbeat and undo the first few buttons of his shirt revealing his soft bare chest allowing me to start licking and sucking onto his neck, shoulders and chest.

"God, I missed this." I murmur against his skin as I try to control myself, not to go too fast but at the same time I can't go too slowly either otherwise panic will take over him again and he'll just retreat, closing himself away from me.

I have to keep reminding myself that Gino has never had sex before. The most immodest thing he's done was with me a few years ago before I became an enforcer and that was only removing his shirt. That was the furthest I've ever gotten with Gino and it had been the last time until now and back then everything was going smoothly that is until I had removed his shirt and that's when he asked to stop.

I switch my hand that held his hip and slowly drag it into his pants to grab his ass as I push against him, rubbing my obvious erection onto his through his pants. "I need you, Gino" I whisper into his ear as I slowly start guiding him towards the bed when I notice how flushed his cheeks and ears have become and his breathing starts to get shorter and faster with each touch.

"Yes, Gino let yourself go." I encourage him as I take off his shirt as I start kissing his chest, and then his abs, to his sides. "Mmmmhhhhh, so smooth…" I mumble as I rise to kiss Gino again, tongue searching for access between his lips which is well accepted and I enter, more aggressively than I had intended but a soft moan from Gino is what I was greeted with, giving me the signal to attack his belt and trousers, opening them to palm Gino's evident erection through his underwear as we reached the bed and I gently push Gino down to sit down, never interrupting the kiss nor stopping my hand on his member.

Gino's hands entangles through my hair as I push more to make him fall unto his back as he pulls me closer to him, his breathing stronger by the second and his body heating up more and more under mine as I take the momentum to deepen our kiss, becoming even more ravenous.

"Yes, Gino… like this… just like this…" I whisper and then go back to assaulting his mouth while taking Gino's pants and underwear off, throwing them over my shoulder not caring where they landed on the floor before pulling out of the kiss to stand up to admire Gino's body, finally fully naked for the first time on my bed. His arms just spread above his head, his hands half opened so gently.

All of my life I've never seen anything so beautiful. Everything about him is beautiful, Gino is just so prefect in every way and to think that I'm the first to see him this way lying naked on my bed is more than I could ever have asked for.

"My god, Gino, you're beautiful." I blurt out as I take off his glasses, placing them on the night table.

Gino's cheeks goes a deeper shade of red as he suddenly crosses his arms over his chest, hands clinging to his shoulders as he looks away from my gaze. Damn I shouldn't have said that, shit!

"There's nothing beautiful about me… There never was…" He states and yeah it's just what I feared. I freaked him out, shit! Calm down Kou, you've got this.

I gently takes Gino's hands in mine, slowly uncrossing his arms placing them on the side of his body but he doesn't look at me which worries me a bit but he hasn't tried to leave so let's see where can I go from here.

"Let me be the judge to that." I tell him as I places gentle butterfly kisses on his chest, moving down, slowly descending towards his belly and then his crotch. I place a kiss on the tip of Gino's cock as I lift my gaze to search for Gino's but find none but his voice tells me otherwise and right now that's all I need to know to keep going.

Loving, adoring his voice with each touch I make as I feel his body shiver again, he's just so sensitive. "See? Beautiful indeed." I add.

"There's nothing beautiful in that… I'm the son of a latent criminal, what's beautiful in that?" He tells me and I can feel the hurt in his voice. The one thing that always seems to follow him, that he's the son of a latent criminal like that's all that defines him when it isn't. He's much more than just that.

It's an old issue; even when I first met him he'd always put himself down when he shouldn't. His glasses and now his hair, he does everything to hide his eyes, to hide his face. Always dismisses when people give him compliments about his looks, he never believes a single word of it but… Gino is beautiful and his eyes are one of my most favourite features on him.

"Well…" My word just trails off as I start caressing Gino's body slowly, enjoying every bit of his skin on my lips as I move up from his hips, his stomach, his chest right up to his face. "I am an Enforcer…" I add stating the obvious as I lift his face so that he can't avert his eyes away from mine. "And I find this utterly beautiful." I admit before kissing his lips ever so sweetly again. "Isn't that all that matters?" I ask giving him a soothing, sweet smile.

"You know what I mean Kou… It's expected of me to fail and fall but it was you that fell and I'm still here… The things they say, how it's my fault-"

"If I fell would only be my fault, wouldn't it? And if you're still keeping it together then more credit to you." I cut him off, not wanting to hear him put himself down like that as I gently stroke his cheek.

Yeah I've heard what they said about Gino when I got demoted and what they still say; how everyone is just waiting for him to become tainted black and be branded as a latent criminal just like pops. Just the thought of all of that alone is frustrating because Gino doesn't deserve any of that shit.

I was the one whom everyone had such high expectations of so when I fell all the blames fell right unto Gino's shoulders when all the faults rested solemnly on me and just thinking about it, I can't help but sigh at my own failure.

"You warned me. I made my own choices, and now I face the consequences. Saying it was your fault is like… man, it's like robbing me of my free will." I admit but it's not like it will make the aching pain go away. I know I hurt him when I drifted away, got deeper into that case and fell apart leaving Gino to watch helplessly from afar. I know he felt betrayed by me, by another person he had allowed to get close to him and I hurt him. I broke his trust; I destroyed it all because I was selfish I never stopped to think what Gino wanted…

"You made your choice, I know… Doesn't remove the stigma that constantly follows me." He tells me as he stares at me while I take off my shirt.

I can't argue with that, that stigma will always follow him around but he's better than that. He shouldn't let these kinds of thing bring him down all of the time. Maybe the fault might be mine, ever since the day I've met him back in high school I've always stood up for him, sheltered him from the negativity that came crashing around him and now I can't do it anymore. I thought I was doing Gino some good when all I did was cause him more harm.

"Those idiots can go fuck themselves." I blurt out as I take his hands in mine, inviting him to feel my naked chest unto his fingertips, into his warm palms. "Nothing of what they say really matters. Now stop overthinking things, Gino, concentrate on me." I add as I start rubbing myself again against his naked body, slowly as our foreheads touch.

"Just me." The words came out as a whisper as I feel his fingertips trail from my chest slowly unto my back.

"My hue hasn't been well for a while…" He tells me, his tone rather exhausted. "Honestly I'm tired, tired of trying and yet everything keeps crashing down around me."

A soft chuckle comes out and although I know it isn't funny, it just came out but Gino didn't seem to mind though which is what's most important.

"You need to get out some stress… now, let's see if Kou can kiss it better…" I teasingly blurt out as I kiss him briefly on his soft lips, and then explore down his chin and then his neck, sucking on his Adam's apple. At the same time I start stroking Gino's erected member while I try unbuckling my pants with my other hand which proves to be more difficult than I had originally thought.

"Let it all out, Gino." I tell him, enjoying the sweet sounds that are coming out of him. His moans are the cutest and watching him clench unto the sheets over his head, trying to control himself from squirming at the sudden pleasure is just the best.

"Yes, Gino, like this…" I tell him as I continue stroking his member enjoying every bit of his moans and panting under me.

I release his harden cock before he actually orgasms, feeling his body getting warmer and enjoying the sound of his panting as I start kissing every part of his body.

"Mmmmhhhh… so beautiful…" I mumbled before going back to assaulting his mouth, hungrily pulling him closer as I reach for his hands bringing his to my pants, inviting him to take them off.

"I want you, Gino…" I tell him, my voice hoarse as I catch my breath. Trying to control myself but finding it hard to do by the minute as my own member is throbbing, wanting, pleading to have what's to come.

Yeah I ended it there cause you know I'm the nicest person in the world. No seriously do you know how long it takes to take role play dialogues etc and then write it into a fic and all at the same time you want to keep your partner's role intact? Well it takes a while and not to mention I'm also working to give my readers one hell of a heart break with Gone Re-Boot.

Tune in for chapter 3 coming up soon...