"Lower your weapon, Romanoff."

Natasha was the first to react when Kang arrived, drawing her gun and placing a protective arm over James, shaking her head at Thor's request. "Not going to happen."

"I would do as he says," Kang suggested in a cold, arrogant tone "that barbarian toy will only annoy me."

"How are you here, Kree?" Thor demanded.

"The boy. When he traveled to this time, he created a tear in reality, one that sent me to Earth a month prior to his travel. Not big enough for an army, but enough for me to escape the confines of a black hole. I suppose I should thank you, child."

James scowled. "You're not welcome."

Kane chuckled darkly "Since you have been so helpful in my release, I've brought you a gift. An old playmate from 2027."

James paled as Kang stepped aside to reveal a young girl with long blonde hair and electric blue eyes, wrestling to break free of her chains. "Torunn!"

"Let me go!" Torunn demanded, a faint London accent in her voice "or I swear, I will smite you!"

"Thor Odinson, allow me to present to you Torunn Foster," Kang introduced "otherwise known as Torunn Thordottir."

"Dad!" Torunn quickly took the air, the shackles on her wrists keeping her from reaching her father.

"Hear me Kang," Thunder rumbled overhead as Thor snarled. "If you harm one hair on her head, I swear, I will-,"

"You will do nothing, Asgardian," Kang corrected "but watch as your daughter is lost in time. Perhaps I shall send her to the Jurassic era. Or 2099. Or Colonial Massachusetts. No doubt, the citizens of Salem will quickly convict her of witchcraft once her abilities are made known. Who knows how many horrors she will endure before her Asgardian blood gives out?"

"What do you want?"

"A trade," Kang replied simply "one Asgardian treasure for another. The future queen for the Tesseract."

"The Tesseract?"

"Its infinite power is just what I need to free my armada from the black hole," he stated "and my brothers, the Council of Kang."

"Council of Kang?" Bruce repeated

"His clones," Thor clarified, his voice trembling with rage "that is how Kang eluded us for so long. He'd travel back in time to before his capture and leave one of his clones in his place. You're one of them, aren't you?"

"And they say Loki was the clever one."

"So the one true Conqueror is too much of coward to threaten child."

"Watch how you speak of the one true Kang," the clone snarled "He will lead the cosmos into a golden age. Once his foes are wiped from existence."

James quickly glanced at Torunn as he felt Mjolnir move slightly in his hands. James quickly showed the web shooter on his wrist and flashed three fingers. Torunn nodded.

"You ask the impossible," Thor insisted "Odin will never part with the Tesseract."

"Not even to save his own granddaughter? Is the All-Father really that cold-," Kang shouted as his face was suddenly covered in sticky webbing. "The Spider! Here?"

"Torunn now!" James stumbled back as Mjolnir was suddenly ripped out of his hands, the mystic hammer quickly flying into Torunn's as she swung it around and slammed it into Kang's stomach, sending the warlord staggering back.

"Nice shot kids." Tony took the opportunity to summon his armor, firing a repulsor blast as soon as the guantlet reached his hand, knocking Kang back and forcing him to lose his grip on Torunn's chains.

Thor quickly summoned Mjolnir, pulling it and his daughter into his arms, placing her protectively behind her as he set his sights the alien conqueror "My daughter." The thunder outside grew to a deafening roar. "You dare threaten MY DAUGHTER!" The prince of Thunder charged, slamming his hammer into Kang's face, the two aliens sent barreling through a wall as massive bolts of lightning crackled across the sky.

"There," Tony finished using the laser in his gauntlet to cut Torunn free of her chains, the rest of his armor quickly covering him as he worked. "I'll help Thor. The rest of you get the kids some place safe and get your gear."

"Come on!" Steve led the others out of the lab, the six of them jumping out of the way as Thor and Kang came barreling through a wall.

"Thor!" Tony came flying in behind them, firing his repulsors at Kang as he and the Asgardian brawled "break Kang not my house!"

"I shall do more than break him," Thor promised "I shall bathe the starways in his blood!"

Natasha whistled. "And you say I'm overprotective."

"Somehow I highly doubt you'd be any better if you were in his shoes," Steve commented.

"Look out!" Torunn quickly shoved Clint out of the way as Thor flung Kang blindly, the Conqueror hitting a wall as the archer was sent flying halfway across the room and into the corner.

Clint groaned. "Thanks."

"Gun!" Natasha pulled out a spare pistol and slid it to Clint, the two assassins giving cover fire as Thor and Kang brawled, the invincible Iron Man flying above them and firing whenever he could, Steve hurling his shield to give Thor an opening.

"Tony. I'm home." Pepper shrieked as the sight that greeted her and Maria as they entered the top floor of the Tower, Torunn quickly scooping them up and flying them to safety as Kang and Thor barreled into the elevator doors, the Conqueror wrestling to keep the Asgardian from slamming his hammer down upon his head.

"I've got you Aunt Pepper."

"What is going on!?"

"Uncle Bruce, now might be a good time to go green," James advised.


"Banner if you turn into the Hulk around my kid, I swear I'll kill you!" Natasha threatened, her bullets bouncing harmless off of Kang. "Thor, why aren't these working?"

"He's wearing a form of Kree chainmail," Thor explained as he blocked and countered a blow from the Conqueror "aim for the joints!"

"Try these!" Torunn quickly flew out from the hall after dropping Pepper and Maira behind the bar, bringing Clint and Steve their signature weapons.

"Thanks princess." Clint quickly drew his bow and fired an explosive arrow, the shot causing the Kree to cry out in pain as it ripped a gash in his armor.

Kang snarled. "Insolent humans!" Kang's gauntlet expanded into a wrist-mounted blaster firing a massive purple laser. The assassins quickly bolted, grabbing the kids and leaping out of the way as the couch exploded.

"That couch cost me five hundred grand!" Tony the unibeam, the massive laser sending Kang staggering black, giving Thor an opening to crash his hammer across his face, Steve coming from behind and slashing his shield across his back, widening the gash made by Clint's arrow.

"ENOUGH!" Kang slammed his hands together, a massive burst of purple light sending the Avengers flying, Torunn quickly grabbing James and flying the two of them out of danger's reach, the two of them hiding behind the bar along with Bruce, Pepper and Maria, who used the spare gun Natasha kept there to provide cover fire for the rest of the Avengers.

"This isn't good. We need back up," James insisted.

"I'll smite him!"

"Torunn, no!" Bruce grabbed her arm as she attempted to leave "You stay here where it's safe!"

"Asgardians do not hide!"

"They do when they're little girls!"

"Uncle Bruce, you're no fun."

"Why isn't this working?" James groaned as he fumbled with his smartwatch "I keep pressing 'Stranger Danger' and nothing's happening!"

"Stranger Danger?" Bruce repeated.

"Why won't JOCASTA listen?" Torunn asked.

"Who's JOCASTA?"

James eyes widened "Because she's not in the system. Get me to JARVIS' control console. I've got an idea."

"What? That's on the other end of the room. You two can't go out there!" Pepper insisted. But it was too late.

Torunn grabbed James arm and took off, flying around the battle as best she could, as James his web-shooter to keep Kang at bay. As they landed, James quickly plugged his smartwatch into the console, instantly earning a response from JARVIS. "You again."

"Hey JARVIS," JOCASTA greeted in a flirty tone.

Steve ducked as Kang's gauntlet transformed into a one-bladed battle axe, swinging it in a massive arc. "Darcy?"

"Not quite Cap," JOCASTA disputed "but she is the basis for my personality programming."

"A second AI?" Tony questioned as he dodged Kang's attacks and returned fire "What happened to JARVIS?"

"He got a promotion!" James responded quickly.

"Mr. Stark, this insufferable system is the one who has been making a mockery of our systems parameters." JARVIS revealed.

"Aw, does this mean you don't like me, JARVIS?" JOCASTA teased.

"Enough robo-flirting!" James demanded "JARVIS, I need you to let JOCASTA access the Iron Man systems."

"Absolutely not."

"JARVIS, if you don't give me access, the Avengers' chances of survival against Kang drop to 35.27%."

"JARVIS," Tony groaned as Kang sent him crashing into a wall, sparks flying from the side of his armor "give the lady what she wants."

"Mr. Stark, I highly disadvise-,"


JARVIS paused. "Very well. But do not say I didn't warn you."

"Thank you JARVIS. Now, let's see what we've got to work with," JOCASTA said in a sing-song voice. "Hmm. Not a whole lot in the home security system. Really should look into an upgrading that, Tony."

"Dad!" Torunn watched in horror as Kang sent her father flying through a wall of glass. "That's it!" the princess of Asgard charged, grabbing a broken piece of wood from the floor and flying into the air as she brought it down the back of Kang's "Have at thee!"

The beam broke on impact, earning look of annoyance from Kang. "Foolish girl." The Conqueror spun around and grabbed her by the throat, the little gasping for air as she struggled to break free from his grasp.

"NOOOO!" Thor charged to his daughter's aid, only to be shot down without Kang even having to look at him.

"JOCASTA, hurry up!" James demanded.

"I'm trying! Aha, this'll work!"

Suddenly, three Iron Man-like robots with Avengers logos on their chests burst out of the lab, repulsors blazing as they attacked Kang like there was no tomorrow. "Wait a second, I haven't tested those yet!" Tony protested.

"Well, they're getting tested now!" JOCASTA flew the robots in wild patterns, keeping Kang distracted long enough for Steve to jump in, hurling his shield straight at the Conqueror's chest, causing him to stagger and loose his grip on Torunn, giving her a chance to escape. Steve did his best, but even he wasn't strong enough to hold his own against Kang. Fortunately, Thor wasn't down for long.

"KANG!" The prince of thunder rejoined the fight with a vengeance, hurling his hammer straight at Kang's chest, sending him flying out onto the balcony. When the other Avengers attempted to follow, Thor motioned them to stay where they were. "He's mine." The prince fought like a force of nature. With every blow he dealt, lightning flashed, thunder roared to the point that the Tower seemed to shake. After another earth-trembling blow, Thor summoned a bolt of lightning, its strength and size so great, it seemed as if the sky were about to crack open. Kang screamed as the bolt hit, hundreds of thousands of volts coursing through body, sending him flying back into the Tower and straight into a wall.

Clint looked down at the semiconscious Kang in astonishment "You melted him?"

True enough, pool of blue skin dripped from Kang's face as he lay on the Tower floor, his eyes glass, as his breath became shallow.

Thor wasn't even surprised. "Clones do not last long. Especially after taking extensive damage."

"Or traveling through time," Kang added "it doesn't matter. There…will be others. My brothers… they will finish what I started. And soon…my father…the one true Kang…will come. We have seen it."

"But you'll lose." Thor bent down to look the dying Kree in the eye "If the true Conqueror sent you, it because he has foreseen his own demise. Send all the 'brothers' you want. Bring your army. But one by one, you will all fall."

Kang took a wheezy breath. "Some fates….can be changed."

"Not yours." Without another word, Thor summoned final bolt of lightning, causing the dying Kang to explode.

Tony wiped a splotch of blue gunk from his eye "was that really necessary?"

"He threatened my daughter."

"You've been a dad all of five minutes. If you're like this now, I sure hate to see what happens when she starts dating." Tony jumped as lightning flashed across the sky "Too soon?"

"Mum, you're squishing me." After cleaning up the mess from Kang, Jane arrived with Selvig and Darcy from the airport. When Jane found out Torunn was hers, she instantly wrapped the little girl in a massive hug.

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe it."

"She's so cute. I call dibs on babysitting!" Darcy announced "but I do not do diapers."

"Nana Hill always she changed everyone's diapers."

Maria scoffed. "That figures. I am starting to like this whole 'Nana Hill' thing less and less."

"Really? Because, I can't get enough of it. Anyway, what are we going to about these?" Tony motioned to the belt of chonospheres on the lab bench, the sole remains of Kang.

"I shall take them back to Asgard," Thor stated "where they shall be destroyed."

"About that," Tony said in a cautious tone "what if we didn't destroy them?"

Steve recognized that tone. "Tony."

"Think about it Cap. What if you could go back and save Bucky from falling from the train," Tony asked "and keep him from becoming Hydra's number one assassin? What if Bruce could back to right before he loses it and goes green, so he wouldn't have to worry about Ross or Veroinica coming after him? What if Thor could go back to before his mom-,"

Thor quickly grabbed him by the collar and shoved him into a wall. "Watch what you say about my mother."

Tony gasped. "Noted. Either way, we need these."

"No, we don't," Steve disputed "Tony, have you forgotten that every time someone on of those goes off, it gives Kang another chance to escape? To bring his army here?"

"Kang needs someone to make a decade long jump just to get a person out of that black hole. I am taking about going back minutes," Tony clarified "hours, a day, tops. To go back and fix a mistake that could possibly lead to the end of the world."

"Thor, we can't just destroy the Chronospheres," Jane insisted "think of all we could learn from them, think of the potential."

"I have seen its potential firsthand," Thor reminded "And that potential leads only to death and destruction. I tell you, they must be destroyed!"

"What about the Chitauri?" Tony demanded "has everyone forgotten that I flew a nuke through a wormhole in space?"

Clint scoffed. "This again."

"Tony, the Chitauri are gone," Steve told him.

"What happens if they come back? What happens when they show up on and we can't slam the door in their face? What happens when the Avengers aren't enough?

"STOP IT!" the whole room jumped as Torunn slammed her father's hammer against the lab table.

Darcy gulped. "You didn't say she could lift Mew-Mew."

"Stop it!" James repeated "stop fighting. You're supposed to be fighting the bad guys, not each other!"

Steve was surprised at the concern on the children's faces "Kids, it was just an argument."

"We don't like when you guys fight," James told him "none of the kids do. It scares us."

Steve frowned "Why would me and Tony fighting sca-?"

The adults jumped again as Torunn slammed her father's hammer again, this time shattering one of the new Chronospheres in one blow. Tony paled "What are you doing?"

James pointed to Chronosphere that brought him there, lying on the lab bench next to Burce's still unfinished gamma cell "Uncle Tony gets to keep that one when we get back to 2027. The rest we break."

"But," Tony flinched as he saw Torunn glare at him, raising her father's hammer as if she were about to throw it at him "Okay, that's fair." Tony sighed. They need Ultron now more than ever.

"Aunt Natasha?"

The Black Widow looked down at the young Asgardian girl and smiled. "Hey, did you need something?"

"I wanted to show you something," Torunn walked in and sat on the edge of Natasha's bed. "James told me the you and Uncle Steve aren't together?"

Natasha pressed her lips together "That's right."

"How come?"

"It's…complicated," Natasha offered "You'll understand when you're older. Although your father probably won't like it."

"But if you and Uncle Steve don't get together, they won't be born."

Natasha frowned. "They?" Torunn nodded as she turned on her smartwatch, pulling up an image from her photo gallery. It was a Mother's Day photo, the banner hanging on wall making the cause of celebration clear. Jane, Pepper and Natasha sat front of a large table covered with an elegant breakfast set before them, their children showering them with hugs as the mothers smiled. Jane was on the far left, hugging her daughter beside her. Pepper was in the middle, a little girl with auburn hair and Tony's eyes resting her head on her shoulder, her mother gently caressing her cheek. Natasha was on the right, with two children surrounding her: James and a little girl, the two of them hugging her as she smiled. It was the girl that made Natasha's heart stop. Her hair was blonde, the same golden hue as Steve's, a small pink bow set in the side of her short bouncy curls. Other than that, she was her mother's spitting image. "Who is that?"

Torunn smiled. "That's Yelena." Natasha felt the familiar sting of tears in her eyes when she heard her mother's name "Yelena Alianova Sarah Rogers. Uncle Steve calls her Curlytop," Torunn went on "because she loves Shirley Temple movies. She's always dancing with him around the house. When she's not getting into trouble."

Natasha swallowed as tears formed in her eyes. She could see it. Steve carelessly waltzing around the Tower, with their daughter in his arms. The sound of their little girl, their little Curlytop, laughing as Steve's records playing in the background "I thought you kids weren't supposed to tell us too much a about the future."

"James promised," Torunn reminded "I didn't."

"There is so much I want to ask you." Thor knelt down as he spoke to his daughter, the gamma cell now finished and connected to the Chronosphere "I wish we had more time."

"You make it sound like you're never going to see me again."

Thor offered her a brief smile. "I know I will," The prince of Asgard lowered his head as he fought back the tears in his eyes. "Just tell this, Torunn: are you happy?"

Torunn smiled, her face morphing into an all too familiar shade of her grandmother. "Yeah, I am happy."

Thor gave her a teary smile, taking Tournn's face in his hand pressing his lips against her forehead. "Safe travels, my daughter," he whispered "and to you, son of Steven."

"Thanks Uncle Thor."

"I'm going to miss you," Pepper told him, hugging James.

"We all will," Tony confirmed.

"Been a blast kid," Clint raised two fingers to the side of his head in mock salute. "thanks for the help."

"Take care James," Bruce smiled fondly "try not to mess with any more time machines?"

"No problem. After this, I don't ever want to get stuck in the past again."

"What about the future?" Torunn suggested.

James smiled. "That could be fun."

Tony laughed. "Something tells me I'm going to need a vault for our keepsakes."

"I want you to have this," James handed Steve his sketchbook, now full from cover to cover "something to remember by."

Steve bent down and held his son tightly in his arms, taking a shaky breath "I love you son."

"I love you too, Dad," James pulled away from Steve and frowned "Where's mom?"

"Go away, Rogers."

Steve found her sitting in James' room, his clothes and toys packed up and ready to be donated to charity. He figured they were other kids who could use them. "James is leaving Nat," Steve reminded "He and Torunn about to go back 2027. What are doing in-,"

Steve's voice trailed off when he saw the Black Widow's face, tears flowing freely down her face. "I can't do it." Steve sat next to her and put his arm around as once stoic spy chocked back a sob "I have known from day one that he'd have to leave. So why is this tearing me up inside?"

"Because it's always hard saying goodbye to the people you love."

"So how come you're so calm?"

"I might've wrecked a few of Stark's punching bags," Steve offered, getting a brief smile out of Natasha "but then I found a way to ease pain, a piece of James that I can always keep close."

"What's that?"

"I'm looking at her," Steve's response earned him a stunned look from Natasha "Everytime you speak Russian, I'll hear his voice. Everytime you sneak up on me just by walking down the hall, I'll remember all the times he seemed to pop up out of nowhere. And everytime you look at me with that irresistible smirk of yours, I'll remember the look on his face when he was getting ready to pulling some prank. Everytime I look at you, I'll see a little of him. Because everytime I looked at him, I saw a little of you."

"I'm pretty sure that kid's more Rogers than Romanoff," Natasha disputed "He has such a pure heart. Just like you. The way you two look at me… it makes me feel like I might actually be a good person."

"You are a good person."

Natasha shook her head. "I keep telling you, Rogers. You don't know,"

"Don't know you," Steve finished "I know. You keep saying that," Steve gently tilted her chin so that he could look her in the eye "But you're wrong. Maybe I don't everything about you, but if there's one thing I do know, it's that there is good in you, Natasha. I see it every day. Maybe you can't see it yet, but I can't wait until you do. Because you Natasha Romanoff, are a marvel."

Natasha starred at Steve in awe, his blue eyes sparkling. "How is it that you always seem to show up when I'm crying?"

Steve smiled. "I guess you're stuck with me, Romanoff. Till the end of the line."

"Look who I found."

James looked up as his mother walked into the room "hey."

"Hi." Natasha bent down and looked her son in the eye "so, you're really leaving."

"Yep. Uncle Bruce finished the gamma cell and Uncle Thor se-," James words were cut short when Natasha quickly scooped him up and held him close, hugging him as tight as she could.

Natasha squeezed her eyes shut as tears streamed down her face. "I love you."

James smiled. "I love you too."

Natasha chocked back a sob. "My baby."

"Mama," James wiped the tears from his mother's face as he spoke in her native tongue. "Mama, don't cry. You'll see me again," he promised "I'll just be littler."

Natasha managed a laugh. "I'm going to be better. I'm going to be a good mom for you."

James smiled. "Just be you."

Natasha quickly pulled him close again, fiercely pressing her lips to his cheek "Say hi to your sister for me," she whispered.

James' jaw went slack. "How-?"

"Don't worry about it," Natasha offered a brief smile "now get going before I change my mind."

James picked up the Chronosphere from the lab bench and stood next to Torunn "You ready."

Torunn nodded. "Verily."

James took a sharp breath. "Here goes nothing."

Natasha felt her knees buckle as the two children disappeared in a flash of light, Steve quickly catching her as she chocked back a sob. She looked into his eyes and her heart skipped a beat. "Can talk to you for a second?"

Nodding silently, Steve followed Natasha as she led him out of the lab and into the living room "So, Nat what did you wan-," the soldier's words were cut off as the spy crashed her lips against his, his eyes widening in surprise. His knees buckled as his mind went blank, visions of fireworks danced in his head. His heart was going a million miles an hour and he could hardly breathe. It was incredible.

Natasha didn't plan on kissing Steve. All she knew was she was tired. Tired of fighting her emotions, of keeping everything bottled up inside and explode like she just did when James left. Just once, she wanted feel on her own terms. So, she asked Steve to talk and after one look into those concerned baby blues eyes of his, she had him planted against the wall as her mouth explored his. She smiled as Steve finally remembered to kiss her back, his arms sliding around her waist as she locked her hands around his neck. Most men couldn't wait to get their hands on her after a kiss. But not Steve. He was too kind and humble for such things. That and the fact that he was always too stunned to react right away. It was adorable. The two separated, their mouths dancing around one another as they gasped for breath. Natasha smiled at the awestruck look on Steve's face "You really think there's a good person inside me?" Steve nodded silently, his mouth hanging slightly ajar as he struggled to process what just happened. God, he was so adorable. "You want to help me find her? Maybe over a cup of coffee?"

Steve smiled. "I'd like that. But first," Every time Natasha kissed Steve, the soldier was always too surprised to really kiss her back. It was probably why she thought he was bad kisser. This time, he was ready. Once he got over shock of her lips touching his, Steve was able to fully enjoy the fact that Natasha was kissing him, taking in new sensations he had never noticed before: The lingering scent of roses in her hair, the indescribable softness of her lips. And the taste. They were like cherries. Sweet, sweet cherries.

Natasha never thought Steve was a bad kisser. She just thought he needed to relax so he'd be comfortable to really kiss back. Well, he was comfortable now. The kiss started softly at first, getting deeper and deeper as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She gasped as the soldier pulled her closer, his arms tightening around her waist as he dipped her slightly, just like in the movies. Eventually, Steve ended the kiss as he slowly pulled away, leaving Natasha with her cheeks flushed and a impressed smirk on her lips. "Somebody's been practicing."

"I told you, you don't need practice," Steve reminded, his eyes sparkling as he took Natasha's hand in his "All you need is the right partner."

James blinked away the glare in his eyes as the light from the Chronosphere faded away. He looked around and found himself standing in an empty lab, with Torunn by his side. "Did we make it?"

"I don't know."

"Torunn. Torunn!"

The two children jumped when at the sound of the prince of thunder's voice "Dad! In here!"

The two quickly came into the lab, both still wearing their respective armor. Tony looked at them and smiled. "Welcome back to 2027."

"We're back!" James jumped into his godfather's arms and laughed. "You did it!"

"Hey, I told you I would didn't, I?"


The ten year-old jumped out of Tony's arms and bolted into the living room. There he found a little girl short, bouncy blonde curls and hazel green eyes, dressed in a light blue denim jacket, a white blouse, jeans and sneakers. Nine year-old Yelena Rogers. James' face broke into a wild grin. "Curlytop!" James ran over to her as fast as he could, pulling his sister into a tight hug.

A little too tight for Yelena's liking. "James, you're squishing me!"

The little boy just laughed. "I'm back, sis!"

"Back? We're the ones who left."

"Go easy on your brother, baby girl. He's had a long day."

James quickly ran into his parents' arms, smiling when he saw the diamond ring on his mother's finger. "Looks like everything worked out."

"There were a couple bumps in the road, but I think we figured it out okay. What about you, Rogers? You like how things worked out?

Steve pulled his wife and daughter close and smiled "I couldn't be happier."

The End

Finally it's done! I honestly cannot believe how big this fic became. Both in length and popularity, but was a blast to write and I am truly overwhelmed by all the love it's got. Thank you so much to all of you who followed, favorited and reviewed this fic. Your support is what kept me going. If you liked this, please check out my profile page and read some of my other fics. Thanks you all and God bless! ;)

Tony smiled as he and Thor watched the Rogers' family reunion from afar, James struggling to describe his time in the past to his sister. She didn't seem to be buying it. "The kids are safe."

"Thanks to you," Thor complimented "and Banner."

"Yes, I'm awesome. No need to make my ego any bigger," the two Avengers chuckled. "Anyway, here." Tony handed Thor the Chronosphere that brought James and Torunn home. "You know this tech better than any of us. Do what you think is best."

Thor rolled the orb in his hands "In all my years Stark, never have I seen a world catch the attention of all the Nine Realms as this one has. Truly, Earth is a treasure to behold. One the must be protected," Thor placed the orb back in the billionaire's hands. "Keep the Chronosphere. Learn all you can. For the one true Kang is coming, and we must be at the ready. For the world and our children."

Tony was amazed. "Thank you," The two Avengers placed the Chronosphere in the vault, Earth's Mightiest Heroes kept all trophies and artifacts from their battles to protect the Earth, locking the door behind him.

Five minutes later, the vault doors reopened, an eight year-old Aundrea "Audrey" Stark grinning triumphantly as Henry Pym Lang stood next to her. "Told you I could get it open."

All character rights go to Marvel, except for Yelena and Audrey, they're my mine.

Coulson was working alone at his desk when Bobbi "Sir, our report from our time from Avengers Tower."

"Thank you," Coulson noticed the content look on Bobbi's face "So you and Barton got back together." the Director smiled at the surprised expression on Bobbi's face. "Mack said Hunter took off after you broke up with him over the phone. Not too hard to figure out why. I assume that this won't affect your dedication to the team?"

"No sir."

"Good. It might be useful for one of our agents to have an Avenger's ear. And between you and me, I was kinda rooting for you too," Coulson added bashfully.


"I've known Barton a long time. Seen him through a lot of hard times. But none was tougher than you walking out on him. You won't believe how many bars me Romanoff had to drag him out of."

"Well then it's a good thing I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I'm going to go check in with Mack," Bobbi paused as she stood in the doorway "I almost forgot. James, Cap's son, he wanted you to have this."

Coulson frowned curiously as Bobbi placed a small gift on his desk as she walked out: a small box wrapped in a white bow. Curious, Coulson open the gift and a small hand-written letter.

Thanks for helping me get back home. Thought you might like this. Sorry it doesn't fly.

Coulson reached into the box and pulled out a red die-cast 1960s Corvette convertible. But what really got him was it said on the license plate: Baby Lola

James Rogers will return.
