Summary: Grace hadn't planned on falling for Maya. Really, she hadn't.

Disclaimer: Don't own Degrassi. 'Nuff said.

Author's Note: I've been meaning to write a Graya fic for a while now. It's my crackship but if it ever did become canon, I certainly wouldn't complain.


Take A Chance


"It's official. I'm cursed."

Grace rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that day as the blonde beside her lamented her unfortunate love life, or lack thereof. She didn't know how or why she always ended up being the person everyone came to to bitch and moan about their problems. She missed the days when she was invisible – a nameless face in a sea of students. Then Novak had to come along and a few months later, his romantic baggage in the form of Maya Matlin and all her high school drama followed and somehow, someway, she had gotten mixed up in it all.

She hadn't planned on falling for her. Really, she hadn't. Maya wasn't even her type; she was too cheery, too preppy, too… pink. They were from opposite sides of the social spectrum (not that Grace was one to buy into that hierarchy crap but it was the principle of the matter.) Unfortunately, Maya seemed to possess the uncanny ability to attract people like flies and apparently boys weren't the only ones that got sucked in by her charms.

And so here she sat, allowing the other girl to talk her ear off about her relationship woes for no other reason than wanting to secretly stick her tongue down her throat.


"I mean, Miles has Tristan, Zig has Zoe… who do I have?"

Grace snorted. "What? Jealous they're not fighting over you anymore?"



"I'm happy for them." Maya insisted, sounding like she was trying to convince herself more than anything. "I'm just… I don't know. I want that. I want what they have."

"Trust me, Blondie. You're better off without all that drama."

And far more tolerable, but Grace kept that thought to herself.

Maya sighed. Dramatically. Possibly (probably) because she wasn't satisfied with that answer and wanted a different one.

What did she see in her, exactly?

"Maybe you should broaden your horizons." Grace offered. "I'm sure there are plenty of idiots out there who would bend over backwards to be with you."

"Like who?"

This close. She was this close.

"Like... I don't know… Tiny?" She teased, watching the other girl's face contort in disbelief. Before the blonde could voice her objection, however, a casual "or me" managed to slip past Grace's filter.

She tensed as soon as she realized her mistake, and glanced over at Maya who stared disbelievingly at her, as if trying to determine if Grace was pulling her leg or not. Grace licked her lips, and for a moment, she considered back-peddling and playing it off as a joke – it wasn't as if Maya wasn't gullible enough to buy it. But a part of her felt oddly relieved at having gotten it off her chest after months of bottling it up and trying to act normal around the girl she'd had more than one embarrassing dream about.

Normally, she wouldn't shy away from acting on such feelings (ugh, how lame could she get?) but this was different. Maya was, for all intents and purposes, her friend, and as annoying as she could be sometimes, she was one of the few friends she had (it was a short and exclusive list) and she valued their strange little quasi-friendship… even if she would never admit it. She had to tread carefully.

Grace searched the blonde's face for something – anything. A sign that maybe, just maybe, Maya felt the same, but the blonde's expression remained mostly passive apart from the obvious confusion. At last, a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head.

"Grace, I…" She immediately faltered, averting her gaze.

To hell with treading carefully.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Throwing all caution into the wind, Grace grabbed the blonde's face and kissed her.


It only lasted a few seconds, and Maya barely had enough time to register what was happening before Grace pulled away.

"Damn it, Matlin. I like you, okay?"

Maya stared wide-eyed at her, too stunned to say anything.

Not wanting to stick around for the inevitable rejection, the dark-haired girl pushed herself away and quickly grabbed her belongings before storming out of the Rubber Room, leaving Maya alone with her thoughts.


Originally this was going to be a oneshot, but I've decided to make it a threeshot instead.

Thoughts so far?

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