A/N: Hi there people! This is my first story so please tell me what you think! Don't be afraid to criticise, it actually makes me feel better and it improves my writing. I know I must have made a whole lot of mistakes so correct me whenever needed.

When Dot woke up, she had a funny feeling in her stomach. It was like something big was going to happen that day. It was either that or she was hungry.

"11:25? No wonder I'm hungry..." she said to herself as she threw on her clothes.

She hurried into the living room to ask Wakko to fix a breakfast for her because everyone knew that if you let Dot near the kitchen, you had a death wish. Wakko was the only Warner who could actually cook a decent meal. Yakko was too busy either chasing girls or working to buy them necessities.

But when she reached the living room, a very odd sight greeted her.

"Wakko, why are you standing on a stack of sandwiches in front of our bookshelf?"

"Can't... reach... top shelf..." he grunted.

Dot replied with such less emotion that it would would've made Slappy proud.

"There's a stepladder right next to the shelf."

Wakko looked down and there was a stepladder there. He turned around and grinned sheepishly at Dot.

"Didn't notice it."

"How could you not notice... Anyway, why are you trying to reach the top shelf?" Dot asked as she passed the stepladder to Wakko.

"I was trying to reach the laptop. It's waaaay back there." Wakko replied as he struggled to get it down. "A little help maybe?"

"Sorry." She said as she climbed the stepladder and allowed Wakko to climb on her shoulders.

"Lay...off...the food... Wakko.."

"Huh?" He said as he passed the laptop to Dot. He then jumped off the shelf. Typical Wakko.

"You weigh more than the Hip Hippos!" She said as she climbed down the ladder normally. As normal as a Warner could get anyway.

"Nah, nobody weighs as much as the hippos." He answered as he snatched the laptop from Dot and jumped onto their couch.

"It was an exaggeration you fool!" she huffed as she sat next to her brother. "What do you want with the laptop anyway?

" I bumped into Buster the other day. He was saying something about the internet and Tiny Toon Adventures and how our fans are still around." He answered.

"They're probably in fury that they cannot see my beautiful face on television anymore." she sighed. "What a shame, the most beautiful face in all the land cannot be seen any -"

"Stop with the theatrics Dot..." Wakko groaned as he opened Google Chrome. "Now let's see... " he typed in 'Animaniacs' and waited for it to load.

"Okay... Blending wit, slapstick and- no, that's just the sypnosis... Hey look ! Its Rob, Jess and Tress!" Wakko exclaimed as he scrolled through the page.

"I still miss them..." Dot said as she looked at the pictures.

"So do I... Hey, that's not fair!"

"What?" Dot asked as she tried to look. "What is it?"

"The two most popular Animaniacs videos. You can guess them." Wakko replied as he turned so Dot couldn't see the laptop.

"Ehhhh... The theme song?" she asked.

"Correct. Now guess the other one."

"I'm cute." Dot answered confidently.

"Nope." Wakko said. "Two more guesses."

"Dot's quiet time?" she said hopefully.

"No. One more try..."

"Ehhh... Nations of the world?"

"And we have a winner!" Wakko said bitterly. "Really, how did he get almost all the good songs?"

"How many songs does he have? Nations of the world, Yakko's universe, Travelling from Nantucket, the planets song, there's only one of you- we did sing the chorus, but he did almost all of it-"

"Stop sis, if you list all his songs we're going to be here all day..." Wakko said as he clicked on page two. "Hmmm... Fan fiction? What's that?"

"Show me." Dot took the computer from her brother and clicked on the link. When the page loaded, they were looking at small pictures in the left side of the page, next to which were links and there was some text underneath that. "Seems like they are stories about us. See?" Dot said as she pointed to a story which had the the title 'Warner tales.'

"Let's read it then, shall we?" Wakko said as he clicked on the link.

A/N: So please leave ideas in the reviews, and I will do my best to include them! I might change the rating to a T later because of some cursing. They are reading fanfiction, what did you expect? Well that's all, so please review!