I decided to write a Rainbow Snowcone fic (coz I love them to death) so I hope you'll like it but... English isn't my first language (so I apologize if there are any grammatical errors) and I'm still 14 (still learning) so please bear with me ;) I'm not a great writer though, just an average (slightly above?) writer :D Anyways, here you go guys...

Disclaimer: I do not own Rise Of The Guardians ^_^


Chapter 1: Can't You See?

I wish upon a star.

Wanna be right where you are.

You set my world on fire.

Babe I got a crush on you.


Jack Frost. Just by hearing his name makes you wanna shiver. Don't you dare make a wrong move on him or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

He's known as the number one visitor of the disciplinary office, the mortal enemy of many teachers, the breaker of many laboratory instruments, the boyfriend of the witch and a bastard's partner in crime.

"And I don't know what you see in that guy!" A girl with long blonde hair shouted as the lunch lady placed a cold porridge on her plate.

The girl disgustingly looked at the food placed on her plate for about five seconds then looked back at the lunch lady who seemed to enjoy the misery of the students eating her failed experiment. The girl didn't want to start a fight so she just rolled her eyes at the old lady and walked away along with her friend.

"Punz, can you keep it down a little? You're too loud..." The short girl next to the blonde one whispered softly, trying to hide the blush forming on her cheeks.

Let's not forget, Jack Frost is also known as the most handsome guy in the campus.

"It's not like you're the only one who likes him. Look at those girls." The taller girl said as she pointed out the four students gazing at the white haired dude with dreamy adoration. "Freaks. Don't get me wrong Tooth, you look cute whenever you're daydreaming about Jack, but those girls over there are literally drooling as if they were living in a cloud cuckoo land."

Her friend laughed at the comment.

Rapunzel and Toothiana, best friends since they first laid eyes on each other. Which was just a year ago.

Rapunzel was a transfer student but when she first stepped on the grounds of the campus, she immediately became well known. She's known for her very beautiful looks and she is also the amazing cheerleader captain of their squad.

Toothiana, on the other hand, is just an ordinary student who always maintained her high grades. A beauty in her own little way. She has beautiful bronze skin that perfectly suits her lilac eyes. She was already used of getting asked by other people if she was wearing contact lenses. Others just couldn't believe it but her eyes are really purple, no kidding. She also has this colorful hair. It may sound crazy but she's really pulling it off great. Her hair color is actually dark brown but there are a few streaks of yellow, blue and green on it. Those were already on her hair since she was twelve. She was playing with the hair dyes on her mother's cabinet and was amazed that she looked like a fairy. Her mother, Rashmi, freaked out at first but then let Tooth do what she wanted.

Tooth didn't care what others would say since she liked herself that way. When Rapunzel first met her, she told Tooth that she looked very beautiful, a beauty that was one of a kind. Tooth was surprised and even thought that Rapunzel was just joking around her, but you could see the sincerity on Rapunzel's green eyes. From that day forward, they became best friends.

Tooth smiled as she took a trip down to memory lane.

"I mean, you have it all Tooth! The looks, the brain, the personality! You're way better than that! So why don't you pick someone your level. You know what I mean?" Rapunzel continued.

Finding a vacant chair in the cafeteria is one of the challenges that they both had to face this day. Rapunzel and Tooth often eat outside the campus and buy their favorite pizza or whatever food that suits their mood but today they were saving money to buy the tickets of their upcoming favorite movie. Luckily, Rapunzel had found two empty seats. Before anyone else could take it, she immediately transformed into a cheetah and grabbed Tooth towards it.

"Ooops, this seat is taken." A blue eyed girl with braided blonde hair said as she placed a hand on the seat next to her where Tooth was supposed to sit. Tooth knew this girl, in fact every student in this school knew her. "This is my boyfie's seat. You know Jack, he always wants to sit next to me. But there's still one seat left. Rapunzel, why don't you take it? And uhm, leave your pet behind." Astrid, the famous pretty girl, teased which made her whole gang laugh pathetically at Tooth.

Tooth just stood quietly, watching herself being frozen out. Again.

Tooth didn't mind. She was already used of getting bullied. She never wanted to kick up a fuss.

Rapunzel really hated how Tooth wouldn't stand for herself. But Tooth always told her that as long as she knows she's beautiful and as long as she has trust in herself, she doesn't have to fight nonsense criticisms. Tooth is that kind of girl. But, Rapunzel is different.

"Actually I don't want to eat with you guys. Seeing your ugly faces makes me want to vomit. Come on Tooth." Rapunzel replied as she rolled her eyes at them and flipped her beautiful hair in front of Astrid.

"How dare you little—"

"Whoah! Quit boiling, teapot!" A slender man with dark brown hair suddenly butted in as he held Astrid's hand who was about to pour water on Rapunzel's face. "You okay, blondie?" He said as he faced Rapunzel with a smirk.

"Blondie has a name." Rapunzel replied as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"And what would that be?" The tall man, known as Flynn, asked as he went closer to Rapunzel.

"Flynn! Don't go flirting with that ugly girl! And never call me teapot you big nose!" Astrid butted in as she tried to get out of Flynn's strong grip on her hand.

"Don't you ever call me big nose or I'll—"

"Easy there big guy!"

Tooth's eyes suddenly widened as she heard the familiar voice. Her heart skipped a beat. Her skin suddenly felt hot as she realized that Jack was only a meter away from her. He stood there with his back facing her. He was tall, pale, handsome (even his back was still handsome), and his tousled hair frosted white. Tooth couldn't shut her eyes anymore.

Rapunzel gave Tooth that 'oh-look-who-decided-to-show-up' look and Rapunzel couldn't help but laugh a little as she saw Tooth who looked like a tomato at the moment.

"Look Flynn, the lunch lady is after me coz I placed a few bugs to the unbelievably super gross porridge that she made so I think we better scram." The undeniably good looking man said with a smirk as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Right back at you. Oh, Astrid, I'm sorry that I wanted to punch your ugly face earlier. Good thing I didn't or it'll get uglier." Flynn said to Astrid which made his pale best friend and the two girls on their back, laugh.

"Look who's talking!— Jack! Aren't you gonna defend me?" Astrid demanded.

And here comes the part where Tooth realizes that reality sucks. Tooth's face fell. Of course, he's her boyfriend. The most handsome guy and the most beautiful girl in the campus. What do you expect?

"I'm starving! Flynn, let's just eat somewhere... safer." Jack turns back, a little pissed. "Oh, and by the way, here's your lunch Astrid. And for the last time, I'm not your slave. So stop commanding me with stuffs. Come on Flynn." Jack said.

"Yeah I lost my appetite here. Oh, blondie, would you want to come along?" Flynn asked as he made a look on his face which Rapunzel couldn't understand whether he's trying to look handsome or trying to look disgusting. Rapunzel couldn't help but laugh at his look. Flynn staggers back in shock with the thought of how could she laugh at his face.

Jack's icy blue eyes suddenly shot over to the lilac ones. "Yeah, and bring your beautiful friend also." Jack said with a playful smirk as he touched the tip of Tooth's hair.

And suddenly everything stops. Tooth got lost in his eyes. Then she broke out in a cold sweat. Tooth was crushing badly.

Yet Rapunzel saw more harm than good when Jack went near Tooth. Rapunzel just had a gut feeling that Jack isn't good for Tooth. "Don't you touch her! Come on Tooth, let's get going." Rapunzel immediately pulled Tooth and walked away.

Tooth looked back once more and saw Jack and Flynn do their playful fist bump and laughed on their way out of the cafeteria.

"Finally! An empty table! Come on Tooth, let's eat in peace." Rapunzel said and the two girls took their seats immediately.

Tooth was still feeling shocked. He touched her hair. Tooth couldn't forget it. He always looked so handsome, especially when he smiles. Oh how white his teeth are, they just sparkle like freshly fallen snow. Tooth could never forget the look of his smile.

"Hello? Earth to Tooth... Earth to Tooth..."

"Oh! I- I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Tooth apologized as she shook her head along with her train of thoughts.

Rapunzel just laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Tooth softly groaned.

"I really don't understand you Tooth. He's a jerk. Come on, have you lost your marbles? You'll get yourself into trouble with those kind of guys. Why don't you pick someone like... Aster?"

Tooth suddenly choked as she heard the idea of her crushing badly on Bunny. "He's a friend, Punz."

Rapunzel laughed at Tooth's reaction. "Yeah, but you get along so well!"

"Ey girls, mind if I join you?" A tall man with dark hair suddenly sat between the two girls. "Am I crazy or I just heard my name from the mouth of Punzie?"

"Naah, you're just crazy. Come on Tooth! Why don't you just date Bunny over here!" Rapunzel teased with a moan.

"Oi! Stop calling me Bunny! I banned that name a long time ago!" Aster's eyebrows were meeting each other as he went closer to Rapunzel's face.

"Is that carrots, I smell? Oh sick! You really are a bunny!" Rapunzel said as she moved a meter away from Aster and covered her nose.

Tooth chuckled at the sight of her two best friends. Tooth really liked it this way. She had never felt happier when her friends showed up to her. She sometimes questions herself how she got her friends even though she was just a nobody. Tooth really felt lucky. Although some part of her was saying that something was still missing, she just doesn't know what it was.

A minute passed, the cafeteria became silent as the principal came in. Was it 12:30 already? You could now here a few students moaning. They all knew that the principal and the lunch lady are in a relationship but the two would just deny it whenever they are asked. Every 12:30, the principal would have a chit chat with the lunch lady for a half hour. The sight of a fifty year old lady flirting with a forty year old man really sickens the students.

"Those two just give me the heebie-jeebies. They're off their rocker!" Aster said as he smashed his head on the table.

"Well at least they have a better love story than Tooth."

Tooth shot Rapunzel a deadly glare which made Rapunzel held her hands up in a mocking surrender. "It's the truth." The green eyed girl continued.

"I had a love story better than that before." Tooth added.

"Well, past is past."

Tooth let out an exasperated exhale. She couldn't deny it herself.


Another day was ready to pass. It's six pm and a lot of students had already gotten home. As for Tooth, she never ends her day without bringing home a new book of dentistry from the library. So there she was, on her way to the library.

A short man suddenly smiled at the sight of Tooth happily leaping her way towards him.

"Hey Sandy, I'm here to bring back the fifth volume that I borrowed." Tooth greeted as she faced the shorter man with golden hair.

Sandy is also one of Tooth's friend since Tooth loved to visit the library. They would have quiet chit chats together, although the man would just use sign languages to communicate with her. Tooth understood it anyway. She tried to learn sign languages just to talk to him.

"Any newly arrived books?" Tooth asked excitedly but unfortunately the man moved his head sideways.

"Well that's a bummer. I guess I'll just have to visit the bookstore and buy myself a new book. Seeya tomorrow Sandy!" Tooth waved at the smiling man and left the library.

"Shoot, I left my notebook in my locker. Jeez my legs are shaking already. Why is my locker placed on the second floor anyway?" Tooth moaned to herself.

She may be tired, but Tooth had to get her notebook. She still had to finish her Science homework and also her History teacher may give them a quiz tomorrow.

"Jackson! Or else!?"

Tooth stopped on the last step of the stairs as she heard a voice so familiar. 'Oh great, Astrid is still here.'

"Oh look. If it isn't my favorite rainbow smarty pants." Astrid said as she saw her.

'Oh please, seeing her twice this day is enough for me to lose my mind. Oh great, she brought her whole gang with her as well. I'm dead.'

Tooth sighed heavily, and then suddenly grew red. Jack's with her again, although the boy was kind of busy placing things inside his bag. Tooth's heartbeat was beating faster than ever. Maybe because she saw Jack twice this day or maybe because she saw Jack with Astrid twice this day.

'Darn this jealousy. You don't even have the right to get jealous! He's her girlfriend so get used of seeing them together you dingdong!' Tooth argued on her mind.

"And I see your best friend is not with you. I believe I should have done something to her a while ago but Flynn stopped me. Now that Flynn's not here and your best friend's also not here, I'll just do it with you. Will that be okay?" Astrid said as she went closer and closer to Tooth.

Tooth slowly moved backwards, trying to calm herself. Tooth's just not used of fighting, she would just ignore a problem every time.

"Look Astrid, I'll just get my notebook and leave." Tooth said nervously as she loosened her collar and gulped hardly.

Astrid didn't listen. She opened a bottle of water and a girl on the back who seemed to be one of Astrid's friends took out her phone and tried to take a video. Cold sweats were already forming on Tooth's forehead.


Tooth closed her eyes as she felt the cold liquid fall unto her face. She couldn't open her eyes for a while and loud laughs had filled the corridors. What could possibly get worse?

"This will be viral girl!" She heard a girl teased and laughed even louder.

'Oh that's the worst. Of course, they had to post it online. Is there more?' Tooth said to herself.

"Hey! What's going on!? Astrid!"

"Let's go girls! Let's leave before I get sick of looking at this girl. And Jack, bring my bag! Ok let's go!" Astrid and her friends immediately beat a hasty retreat.

Tooth immediately opened her eyes as she heard the name that kept repeating on her mind. And to her surprise, his face was only ten inches away from hers. Tooth immediately looked down, letting her wet hair curtain over her face. Tooth is literally losing her mind right now.

"Hey I'm sorry about that. Here, take this."

Tooth stares at him. She was struck dumb. Tooth's mind was panicking, scrambling the right words to say.

Jack's eyebrows crossed each other, looking at the frozen girl.

"Miss? Thiiis iiis aaa haaandkerchief. A cloth used to wipe your face when it is weeet. Doo yoou understaaand meee?" Jack started to talk as if he was talking to some alien that's never seen a handkerchief before.

Tooth blinked. "Oh! Y-yes, th-thanks." Tooth accepted the handkerchief then looked away. Her face was heating up from embarrassment.

Jack made a small laugh. He knew she got embarrassed. Anyway it wasn't his fault the girl got a little start struck.

Tooth wiped her wet face then cleared her throat. "Y-you should go to Astrid. Y-your girlfriend might get mad at you."

Tooth's face got hotter than ever as she realized that what she said was a dumb thing to say.

"She's not my girlfriend."

Tooth's eyes widened. Her chest was beginning to feel lighter. She was ready to do her victory dance, but of course, when Jack's not watching anymore.

"Sh- she's not? But she said—"

Jack let out a deep sigh before talking again. "Yeah, let's not talk about this, it makes my head hurt." Jack said and looked away. "Hey, I have to go. Sorry again, and bye!"

A dreamy smile suddenly comes over her as she gazes down at the boy walking away. She was already screaming internally.

When Jack's figure was already nowhere in sight, she smacked her palm to her forehead.

'Dang it Tooth! How could you look like an idiot when that was already your last chance!? Idiot!'


Hey it's a start ._. Wait for chapter two guys and thanks for reading XD Anyway, the song above is "Crush On You by Tata Young"