A/N: I wrote this a while ago, for a friend. It's the continuation of "Midsummer Night's Dream" and set somewhere in my larger story arch for a post S2 story. So whatever seems out of context, please accept my sincerest apologies, but I got a little gloomy over writing the Sandbrook case and needed something lighter to balance it off. Maybe I just needed to see Alec's future…

Ellie let go of his hand. She could still feel the warmth of his cheek in her palm and on her lips. She turned and walked away from his lanky figure towards the dark at the edge of the cliffs. The temptation to look back was big, but she resisted. She'd rather imagine that his hazel eyes were following her, than know they didn't.

She reached the edge of the cliff. The wind was tugging on her dress and curls and she relished the feeling of the cool breeze on her skin. The air tasted salty, just like his cheek had. From the tears he had shed when he thanked her for everything.

'You mean the world to me' – his words echoed in her mind. She didn't even think he was capable of expressing emotions like this, and even more so under these rather lovely circumstances. It was the first time their bodies really had come that close, with the exception of all those times she had to drag his limp stick figure around while he was trying to die on her.

Wanker. He probably keeled over the moment she'd left the dance floor. Because he got all emotional. He had, hadn't? She blamed the sudden fluttering of her stomach on the wine, not allowing the thought of an emotional Hardy to take a firm hold in her memory.

She smiled at the irony that was the essence of Alec bloody Hardy. The grumpy bastard's heart was too soft to deal with life. Too soppy, as Daisy kept telling her while they were holding vigil together when he was in the hospital the last time. Right before he had tried to escape again. Knob. She found him in the stairwell, gave him a bollocking, and he had no better response than to pass out right in front of her and tumble down a whole flight of stairs, the bloody idiot.

She rolled her eyes at the image and shook her head.

"I bet you're thinking of me. With that face that you're making I've probably already passed the wanker stage and have moved on to at least bloody idiot. I bet you twenty quid." The wind was blowing away his words, Scottish lilt carrying them over the cliffs.

She spun around, suddenly heart beating in her neck, breathing fast. She hadn't heard him walk up to her. He was only a few steps away, tall figure outlined by the far away lights from the Midsummer festivities. His hands were shoved in his pocket, his head tucked in and he was eyeing her with an upward gaze.

She crossed the distance between them and whacked him on the arm. "Quite right, you bloody idiot."

"Ouch. What'd you that for?" He was rubbing the spot where she had hit him, a smile curling up his lips.

"You scared the shit out of me. I could have fallen of the bloody cliffs," Ellie snapped at him.

"You owe me twenty quid." His smile had turned into a happy grin.

A wind gust tousled his auburn hair, and he absentmindedly ran his fingers through it. It looked just as disheveled as it did before, a lock falling into his eyes. That same lock of hair that had annoyed Ellie for the past three years that she had known the man. Where she had to resist the urge of brushing it out of his face more times than she could count. Tonight, she finally lost the battle.

"Ach, unbelievable," she groaned under her breath and stepped up close. "Let me fix this." She reached up, tiptoeing again, fingering the offensive piece of hair. She could hear him take in a surprised breath, feeling the air on her cheek, when he exhaled. It sent shivers down her spine.

In one swift move he took off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders, pulling her closer while holding on to the lapels. He smelled of salt water and wind, his shirt damp from the ocean's drift coming in. She stared at his chest, not even an inch away, observing the heavy rise and fall. She couldn't look him in the eyes, not knowing what that would do to her. She rested her head over his heart, listening to the slightly irregular beat.

His arms slowly found their way around her body, embracing her thoroughly. She stuck hers under his, reaching around his slender waist, slowly stroking his back. It was his turn to shiver.

"Ellie…," he was panting, trying to catch his breath.

Shit. Too emotional, for God's sake. Ellie was berating herself. What was she thinking? He was still holding on to her though, not letting go.

"You alright?" Her voice was trembling.

"I haven't been more alright in a long time, Ellie," he breathed in her ears, leaving a kiss on her hair. And then another closer to her temple. And another on her cheek. Until his lips found her mouth.

When they finally walked back together to the party, his hand was resting at the small of her back, guiding her over the bumpy terrain. She was still wearing his jacket and he was shivering in his damp shirt. They didn't talk or even look at each other.

The wind was picking up and Ellie's hair was just as much a mess as her emotions. She had kissed Alec bloody Hardy. Right after he had kissed her. Like teenagers in the dark, on the cliffs, after sneaking away from the grown ups' party. He had been so timid, so gentle, something that Ellie would have never imagined. But then she had actually never imagined kissing Hardy. Just as much as she would have never imagined him staying at her house, babysitting Fred, joking around with Tom, simply being happy.

Most people had already left. Fred and Tom were nowhere to be seen. Ellie frowned and looked around.

Alec read her thoughts. "I told Beth to take them home with her before I followed you. She was more than willing to do so. She said something about not getting grass stuck up my bum and then she winked at me. Why would she do that?"

Ellie looked into Alec's bewildered face. He really had no idea, the fool. She started giggling and when he looked even more puzzled, she burst out in full on laughter.

"What?" Only Alec Hardy could frown and pout at the same time.

She took his hand and pulled him close, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"You're adorable."

Blimey, she had just called DI Shitface adorable. That wine must have been much stronger than she thought.

"Seriously, Ellie? Puppies are adorable, not me." His eyes were wide with exasperation.

Ellie grinned broadly. She couldn't help herself but think his big hazel eyes did have a puppy quality to them.

"What're you grinning about? I said something daft, didn't I?" He snorted and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "God, I really suck at this," he muttered under this breath. He stared at his feet and kicked a pebble.


"Don't call me Alec," he snapped at her, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What? You snog me on the cliffs and I still can't call you Alec? Unbelievable," Ellie blurted out, louder than she intended. She saw some heads turn in their direction. Alec had noted them too and just gave her one of his rolling eyes-annoyed stares.

He took her by the elbow and led her away from the crowd. He sucked in a deep breath through his nose and bent down his head slightly towards her ear.

"'M sorry, Ellie. I'm doing this all wrong," he sighed. He let go of her and started pacing about, hands on his hips.

"I knew this was gonna happen… told Daisy so… she said be yourself… relax… don't know about you Ellie, but being myself usually ends with people wanting to throw things at me… like a cup of piss… or just wishing I had a bloody heart attack… for God's sake… haven't done this in years… can't even get through one evening without arguing… bloody hell… I mean, I know I irritate you, but still… should have shut up…"

Ellie was watching him, mouth gaping open. This was something else. She had seen livid Hardy, exasperated Hardy, desperate Hardy and certainly more dying Hardy than she needed in a lifetime. But she sure had never seen Hardy rambling like this. He finally had to stop to catch his breath. The look on his face was priceless when he realized what just happened. His ears were burning red.

"Oh God, this is worse than with Becca Fisher," he moaned.

"Excuse me? Did you just mention Becca Fisher?" Ellie squinted her eyes at him. What the hell was that about?

He just turned around and walked away. She hurried after him, having to jog to catch up with his long fast strides. She grabbed his arm.

"Would you just stop? You're being bloody stupid." Ellie's voice was quiet. God, why did he have to be so difficult all the time?

He slowed down to a halt. He didn't turn around when he mumbled, "I might have asked Becca to… relax with me in my room… when I was staying at the Trader's."

Now that was unexpected. "Seriously, Hardy? You hit on your hotel owner? How lonely were you?"

He spun around and she was immediately sorry when she saw his face. There was a glitter in his eyes. He balled his hands into fists.

His voice was surprisingly soft when he replied with devastating honesty, "Very much."

Rarely did she catch Hardy in such a vulnerable moment. It made her heart ache to see him like that. She took his hand, opened up the clenched fist and a rubbed her thumb over his palm.

"Remember what I told after we interviewed Ashworth? That you're wrong, that we're not alone?" Ellie found his eyes that were still moist. He nodded silently.

"I know you couldn't believe at the time, but maybe now you can." She cupped his face in her hands and pulled him down.

Their lips found each other. He was still gentle, but more confident. He curled his long fingers into her hair, pulling her even closer. It was a slow but long kiss, tasting of sweetness and tears at the same time. They stood holding each other until his teeth started chattering in the cool summer night.

"Let me take you home, Alec," she whispered into his chest. There was another kiss on her head and she could feel him nodding. She took his hand and led him through the dark, away from the lonely cold.