Hello everyone! Welcome to Breaking Free From the Birdcage! This is something that has been floating around in my mind for a while. I have finally decided to post my work!

Please leave me some of your thoughts and criticism. It is much appreciated.



Chapter One

"Next to be tried, Miss Mona Todd!" A mocking voice called out loudly over the roar of the courtroom.

This was not supposed to happen. This was not how it was supposed to end. I knew this was all my fault. I hadn't been careful enough, but there was nothing I could do now. My fate now rested in the cruel hands of a madman who called himself the Scarecrow.

The Scarecrow himself sat atop a stack of furniture, his hair unkempt and his glasses crookedly sitting on his nose. It was obvious that he greatly enjoyed his new job. He stared smugly out into the masses of people.

The crowd was an eclectic mix of criminals, the poor, former government officials who had sold out their coworkers, and the once rich members of Gotham. All of them looked a bit worse for the wear, but there was no denying the blood lust in their eyes. The crowd seemed to be growing restless, calling out for the ruin of what remained of the upper class and anyone who dared defy the tyrant known as Bane.

It had been a few weeks since Bane had "liberated" Gotham and things had gone to absolute shit. I ground my teeth together thinking of what had become of my city. There were people being murdered and left to die in the streets. This what not what most of us had in mind when the talk of liberation had started.

Jonathon Crane finally spotted me, flanked by two mercenaries, and smirked.

"Ahhh, there she is. Come forward Miss Todd, there is nothing to fear." Crane crooned, chuckling at the mention of fear.

My legs seemed to be rooted to the floor. My heart was beating wildly against my ribs, and it almost hurt to breathe.

"Move!" The barked order was accompanied by a shove that sent me toppling to the ground.

The crowd laughed cruelly as I laid sprawled out on the floor. I lifted my head and shot a glare behind me. One of the heavily armed mercenaries jabbed me with the butt of his gun.

"I will not hesitate to drag you by your hair." The brute threatened, his eyes hard.

I could tell that he meant it and willed myself to get to my feet. Shakily, I got up and moved toward the ragged chair that in which many innocents had been tried unjustly.

I must have hesitated too long because one of the mercenaries roughly pushed me down. I let out a squeak as I landed unceremoniously in the chair. This caused the crowd to laugh even more.

"Miss Todd you are here today to be sentenced for your crimes against the city of Gotham!" Crane announced, followed by the loud cheers of the crowd.

"Tell me, death or exile?" Crane purred as he leaned forward, a smirk stretching across his face.

My breathing became labored. I had to get out of this. My eyes darted wildly around the courtroom. Each exit was guarded by heavily armed mercenaries. My thoughts whirled around in my head. I had to stall them. I had to do something. I was not willing to die without a fight.

"D-do I not get a proper trial then?" I stuttered, my mouth suddenly dry.

Crane cocked his head to the side and laughed.

"A proper trial?! Your guilt was already determined! This is merely your sentencing!"

"B-but it is my right to get a proper trial! What am I being charged with?!" I demanded.

I knew damn well what I had done, but this would buy me more time to think.

"You, Miss Mona Todd are charged with stealing rations from a mercenary base. Upon being apprehended, you proceeded to resist arrest which ultimately ended up with one of our lovely mercenaries being killed. Do you deny this Miss Todd?" Crane mocked me blatantly, talking to me as if I were a child.

"I do not deny it. My reasoning for stealing is just. But the death of the soldier is not on my hands." I responded firmly, lifting my head high.

I was proud of my actions. Most of Gotham was starving. Those who lived in poverty before were absolutely destitute now. There were hardly any rations coming into Gotham anymore and what was delivered was being consumed by Bane's mercenaries. The rest of Gotham was left to fight for their food. The orphanages and homeless shelters were suffering badly. It angered me to see the innocent people of Gotham starving whilst Bane's men got to live in finery.

I had been connected to the orphanage well before Gotham fell. I grew up there after my mother had died. I had never met my father and my mother didn't even know where he lived. It broke my heart to see the children starving, waiting for the day when the Batman would return and end their suffering.

So, I devised a plan to steal some rations from a mercenary camp. I had gone alone in the middle of the night, but hadn't been careful enough. They found me stuffing protein bars into a duffel bag. When I was arrested, I tried to escape. The mercenaries fired off bullets and a stray one accidentally hit a soldier in the chest, killing him instantly. Tears of frustration had flowed down my cheeks when they finally subdued me. They locked me in a small room with no windows. I had sat there for hours? Days? I had no clue how long I stayed in that room before they dragged me to court for my "hearing."

Crane cleared his throat, startling me out of my thoughts.

"As I said before, your guilt has already been determined. Now choose your fate, before I choose for you." Crane ordered, growing impatient.

The masses seemed to be growing impatient as well, calling out for me to be killed.

"Where's Bane?!" I questioned desperately. "This is his fault!"

The crowd roared with contempt. Crane pounded his gavel against his desk to calm them.

"Bane promised us a changed Gotham! But all he has done is destroy it! The citizens of Gotham are starving! No one is free, no one is safe! This man has brought about the ruin of not only Gotham, but everyone who lives here! And yet you defend him?! He is not liberating the city, he is destroying it! He is not liberating you, he is causing mayhem among the masses. Or do you not notice your loved ones dying in the streets?!" My voice rose to a shout and I stood up from my chair.

The crowd began to murmur, my speech resonating with them.

"My, my, what bold words." A mechanical voice lilted from behind the crowd.

I froze immediately and my blood turned to ice.

Bane made his way out from behind the crowd. His heavy footsteps echoed around the now silent courtroom.

"My god." I whispered in horror.

He was massive. He was easily the biggest man I had ever seen. He was a behemoth of a man, with arms and legs that seemed to be as thick as tree trunks. His muscles bulged and rippled as he walked. His mask was the most terrifying part of him. It covered most of his face and it made him seem like he was more of a machine than an actual man.

Bane lumbered toward me, the metallic hiss of his breath was the only sound heard throughout the courtroom. My body began to tremble violently as he stood before me. I had to crane my neck to be able to look at him. My head barely reached the top of his shoulder.

"This is the woman who is speaking such powerful words?" Bane asked in a sarcastic tone. "She is merely a little girl! She's as harmless as a kitten!"

The crowd snickered and threw insults at me.

"I am not a little girl." I snapped, holding my chin high.

Bane chuckled mockingly, gripping tightly onto to straps of his vest.

"Do not laugh at me." I spat. "I speak the truth! Don't pretend you're doing this for Gotham's benefit! You're just using us for your own selfish gain. You hide yourself behind your mask while you have your mercenaries do your work for you!" The last bit was an intended low blow. I figured that if I was going to die today, I might as well go down while inflicting some damage to the arrogant man's ego.

An angry fire blazed behind Bane's sharp eyes. He strode forward and closed that gap between us. Before I could react, his hand shot out and curled tightly around my neck. As I struggled and gasped for air, he effortlessly lifted me from the ground and brought me to meet his eye.

"Do not speak of matters you know nothing about, little one." He growled, his low mechanical voice chilling me to my very core.

He continued to hold me there for a moment, squeezing my neck. I became dizzy and spots flashed in front of my eyes. Suddenly, he released me and I hit the ground hard. My long red hair fell out of its bun and into my face. I gasped desperately for air and held on to my burning throat.

Bane reached down and grabbed my hair roughly, forcing my green eyes to meet his steel blue colored ones.

"You have a fighting spirit in you, little one. I shall love to see it broken."