A.N.: I do not own Naruto. Leave a review if you like the story, Dattebane! :D

"One more day Nana-chan and you'll be free of the hospital. The treatment was a success this time, thanks to the antidote and instructions sent by the legendary sanin Tsunade-sama." The brown haired nurse said as she opened the door.

The red haired girl put her book down and looked up at the nurse with a grin.

"That's great Tomoko-san." Nana said as she put the book away on her nightstand.

"How are you feeling?" The nurse asked her as she put a new bouquet of white lilies in the vase and picked up Nana's book.

"Better. A lot better actually." Nana stood up and jumped on spot for a bit to show the nurse.

"That's good Nana. Did anything interesting happen today?" Nana sat back down on her bed and looked out of the window longingly.

"He was there again." She murmured as she watched a leaf float in the wind.

"He?" Tomoko repeated.

"The boy… The boy who paints the Hokage's faces and laughs at them." Nana answered looking at her with a smile.

"Oh….him." was the only response Nana got from Tomoko about the yellow haired boy.

"You should get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day for you Nana-chan" She said as she put the covers over Nana.

The next day Nana got a special visit from the third hokage.

"Uzumaki Nana." He greeted her as she pulled up the zipper of her hoodie.

"Sarutobi-sama" she greeted back in a respectful bow.

"I am in a hurry so grab your things. I will introduce you to your homeroom teacher." He said and made his way out of the hospital with Nana behind him.

"Will i meet my brother today, hokage-sama?" Nana looked up at him as she caught up with him.

"Yes." He stopped in front of the Ninja academy and looked down at Nana.

"He does not know about you due to your low chances of survival, so don't try to overwhelm him. Ok? He's not used to many people."

"I understand. I can't wait, dattebane~!" She grinned up at him all excited.

"Dattebane, huh?" Sarutobi repeated and a small smile appeared on his face. They made their way to the teachers' lounge too meet up with Iruka.

"Lord Hokage" Iruka greeted with wide eyes.

"Hello Iruka. I brought your new student today." Sarutobi smiled at him as he pushed Nana in front of him. After he introduced them he quickly left.

"Follow me." Iruka said and he made his way to his class.

"We will be doing some shuriken training today. Did you have any training with them?"

"Not really. I did play a lot of darts, how different can they be really?" She pulled at her shirt looking down at her feet.

Nana was getting really nervous about meeting her new classmates and her brother on the same day. They stopped in front of the class as Iruka put his arm on her shoulder pulling her into the classroom with him. Nana was getting really nervous and she stumbled over her feet a bit. Luckily Iruka-sensei was holding her so she didn't fall.

"Quiet down everyone. We have a new student joining us today."

"I'm Nana Uzumaki, dattebane." Nana cried out cutting off Iruka-sensei.

As soon as she realized what she did she put her hand over her mouth, but the damage was done. The class burst down in laughter and she could hear her classmates calling her names. Most of it was something about her resembling Naruto, that she probably is an idiot, and the colour of her hair.

"That's enough everyone! Settle down now. Everyone go out to the training ground. Today we are practicing shuriken throwing." Iruka said breaking off the chatter in room.

Nana followed her new classmates out the classroom to the training grounds. As she observed her new classmates she could see most of the girls trailing behind a black haired boy. It didn't take long for her to know his name. Sasuke Uchiha. The girls were chanting his name behind him like some kind of mantra, and she could see why.

"Now then, today's practice is shuriken techniques. As usual, I'll have someone to demonstrate. Now let's see…"

Iruka-sensei started the lecture and Nana could see two boys jumping up and down begging sensei to pick them. One of the boys had a dog on his head so Nana quickly came to the conclusion that he belongs to the Inuzaka clan. As she took a look on the other boy her violet eyes widened as she realized that this was the boy who painted the hokages' faces every week.
She missed what Iruka said next, but she saw the boy named Sasuke stepping forward and hitting his shurikens perfectly at the wooden post. All the girls started to cheer at that, but she heard the blond boy as he said he could do that too.

"Then, Naruto, you try your best" Iruka-sensei said and Naruto cheered. Nana smiled at him quietly cheering him on.

"Go!" Naruto shouted as he threw his shurikens.
Unfortunately the shurikens missed the wooden post target, but luckily they missed all the students. One of the shurikens was embedded in the tree above Nana's head and near Irukas shoulder, making both of them shriek in fear. All the students burst out laughing as Naruto tried to cover his fail as a joke.

"Sensei, one more time, let me do it one more time! This time I'll definitely…" Naruto begged Iruka-sensei.

"No, it's enough." Iruka-sensei said to him. "Now, who's next? Nana, you give it a go."

Nana nervously stepped in front of the wooden post. She glanced from the post to her teacher.

"Um…Sensei? Does it matter how I throw them?" She asked fidgeting with the shurikens in her arms.

"Throw them all at once and try to hit the target" Was all he said to her.

She looked back at the target and took a deep breath. She could do that with darts, how could shurikens be any different? She threw the shurikens and was ecstatic as she saw them hit the mark.

"Dattebane!" She shouted as she spun around with her arms in the air.

"Good job Nana. Now who's next?" Iruka-sensei said and the class continued with Naruto still sulking in the back.

Nana made her way around the crowd all the way back to where Naruto was. She stretched out her arm and lightly tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around wide eyed as he saw some sort of candy dangling in his face.

"It's a Chi Chi Dango." She explained as she squatted down next to him introducing herself.

"I am Nana"

"Naruto" He mumbled back as he chewed the dango candy.

"Your birthday is on the 10th October, right?" She asked and he nodded his blue eyes going wide.

"I hope you don't mind. I know it was last second notice for you." She started too explained but he cut her off.

"Mind what?" He asked her.

"So they didn't tell you? I'm your twin sister. Please take care of me Onii-chan." She told him with a small smile on her face.

"Onii-chan? I have a …. Sister?" He asked in bewilderment and she nodded.

"A sister… A sister dattebayo!" He grinned up at her.

That was the start of Naruto's and Nana's life together.