Thank you to people who reviewed first!

Akikarui No, thank YOU for leaving the review and I hope you will enjoy this chapter like the last one!

Fryllabrille201 Thank you for the review and I was glad to read that the first chapter was interesting for you! I still don't know how their relationship is going to turn out (yeah, it's weird since I don't even know yet but~ hopefully the story can keep you hooked :D)

KokoroArisu Thank you thank you! I was worried that I was not putting Karma and Nagisa in their correct personality since I never wrote about them before D: And yeah you guessed it right, Korosensei is not completely dead.. at this for this specific story...! I hope I can continue to keep up with your interest and your review supposrted me to keep myself motivated to write the second chapter. Thank you again~

SaviRod Thank you very much for the review! I am glad that you like how I portray the characters so far. It made me happy.

****As an Assassin****

A small sweat drop is formed on Karma's forehead. This was the first time when he actually sensed some type of fear but he refused to show it to Nagisa just yet.

"Judging by what you said just now, I guess you took the road of becoming an assassin," said Karma as he tapped the bench next to him. The redhead is still asking for his friend to sit down even though he was clearly aware that Nagisa probably had few weapons hidden.

"It was never an easy choice, Karma-kun." Nagisa still refused to sit down next to Karma. The first rule that he learned when he had to go through the process of becoming an assassin was the fact that you can't be too close with your target. This included emotionally and physically. "And I can't give too many information to you."

"What's so bad about giving information to the person who's going to die soon, hm~?" Karma raised an eyebrow, giving a logical question.

"You're not going to die just yet, Karma-kun." Nagisa had to admit, Karma was taking this whole situation pretty well aside from the small hint of fear that was visible. "And I can see that you are starting to be scared of me."

Karma stayed silent when he heard Nagisa's sentence as he poked the straw into the strawberry milk, sipping the sweet liquid inside.

"You're wrong Nagisa-kun. I'm not scared of you." It was half lie and half-truth.

"You have some sweat drops on your forehead and right after I revealed that you're my target, your eyes were avoiding me. Drinking exactly around this time also indicates that you are trying to evade showing any signs of noticeable fear towards me," said Nagisa as he came closer with callous eyes looking at his target and an old friend. "You are scared of me, Karma-kun."

"Nah~ I'm not scared of Nagisa-kun," he chuckled. "I'm scared of this situation."

"The situation?" And this time, it was Nagisa's turn to be confused as his eyes became filled with curiosity, something that Karma noticed and missed when Nagisa used to take notes of Korosensei.

"I mean come on- I'm a human too after all! When unexpected situation happens to me like… your best friend becoming an assassin and giving the message that I'm going to be the target, of course I can get shocked and scared," Karma laughed despite being honest with the fact that he was scared. "But I'm not scared of you, Nagisa-kun. Like I said, I'm scared of this situation."

This, again, was partially true. Karma had to admit, he was slightly scared of Nagisa but he was not completely lying because the current situation feared him more.

"Hm…" Nagisa didn't make any comment on that brief statement and this made Karma wondered if Nagisa believed him or not. "Normally, when people learn that they are the target… they ask reasoning and beg if they can have their life spared. But Karma-kun…-"

"But I am not normal," Karma interrupted Nagisa immediately with a smirk on his lips. "After all, I was also an assassin once, remember?"

"The training and what we had to go through during our middle school is nothing close to becoming an assassin designed to kill people, Karma-kun."

"You know~ You could have just sat down next to me, sipping that nice soda while we had this whole conversation more comfortably." Karma already finished drinking his strawberry milk and tossed it to the trashcan which went inside successfully. "If you're not going to drink that then give it back, Nagisa-kun."

"I can't." Nagisa replied and gripped the bottle tighter. "It has my fingerprints and you can use this as an advantage or…-"

This time, Karma only laughed louder and Nagisa was not aware that his face was making a weak frowning face, confused yet again why his target is chuckling.

"I don't know what's so funny."

"You, Nagisa-kun." Karma's laughter slowly died down as he stood up from his bench, walking closer to Nagisa. "I mean, listening to you talk right now is really giving me that hard hit on my head that you seriously became an assassin!"

"….." Nagisa still didn't say anything as he watched the target walking closer to him. He had to calculate what he should do or say next.

"Heh- Why do you look so tense all of the sudden, Nagisa-kun? After all, you're the assassin here and I'm just your simple target. Remember?" Karma thought that he should take advantage of his old friend's silence by placing his hand on top of Nagisa's shoulder.

But just then, instead of his hand landing on Nagisa's shoulder, his movement was stopped instantly.

"You're right, Karma-kun. After all I am the assassin," Nagisa explained, his hand gripped tightly on Karma's wrist while his other free hand already had a small gun out to the redhead's surprise. "And you are just my simple target."

"Woah, you got a lot stronger than the last time we met," Karma exclaimed in an excitement but Nagisa was able to see that Karma's smile right now was a fake one. Actually, a pretty good one. He was trying to keep their situation light and friendly.

"Karma-kun. Don't you want to know why you're going to be killed soon? Aren't you curious about anything at all?" Nagisa's voice was whisper and it was difficult for Karma to tell if his friend was trying to be nice or if this was another part of the assassin's act.

"I feel like I'm receiving a lot of special treatments from you even though I'm a target who's going to lose his life soon." Karma didn't try to pull his hand away from Nagisa and he also didn't care too much about the tiny gun that was pointed on his lower stomach.

"….." Nagisa sighed as he looked around one more time before looking up at the sky. A lot of time was wasted and his original plan was just to give Karma a warning that he was going to be killed because… because deep inside, maybe Nagisa thought that was one last thing he can do to a friend whom he cared about a lot. After all, he and Karma were close friends when they attended the same middle school together. "Karma-kun. In the morning, you're going to hear the news that one of the staff members from this school died because of an accident."

"And that so-called accident is caused by you. Right?"

"And I'm not the only one who is going to be after you, Karma-kun." Nagisa doesn't bother to answer that question as he placed his gun back inside and released Karma. "You actually have another assassin who has an eye on you, just like me."

"Oh really? Well, that's an interesting story to hear from you." Karma rubbed his wrist, reminding himself that even though Nagisa's fragile structure remained pretty much the same, there was some hidden muscle strength. "Do I know this assassin just like how I know you, Nagisa-kun?"

"No." Even Nagisa was surprised at himself for giving out such vital information so easily to Karma. It was very unlike for him to do so as a professional assassin. Or maybe Nagisa just didn't want to admit that he was secretly enjoying his time, talking with Karma. It had been so long ever since Nagisa had a decent conversation with anyone of his own age. "This is why I want to be the one who will kill you, Karma-kun."

"Don't say that sentence with such serious tone, Nagisa-kun~" Karma got chills the moment when that last sentence came out from Nagisa but this only made him create a false grin even more noticeable. "I don't know what's so good about getting killed by your best friend."

This caused Nagisa to shake his head in disapproval, taking his time to formulate his last sentence before moving out from this school's campus.

"If you have to pick, would you like to be killed by me or an unknown assassin?" Nagisa's face looked as innocent as friendly as ever when he asked that question and Karma was utterly speechless at how his friend managed to pull of that sort of face. Behind that kind looking expression was a dangerous bloodlust that even Karma was aware about which was why he didn't' try to joke around his next reply. He actually took his thinking about Nagisa's question.

"I see your point." Karma nodded, taking one step away from his friend to take a lot at him better, returning a mischievous smile. "I would choose you to be my killer. If I'm going to die, I would want to die knowing who my killer exactly is so I can haunt that person after my death."

"Karma-kun…" Nagisa muttered, knowing that Karma decided not to answer the question seriously as a result. "I should head back now. I already spent too much time here."

Turning around quickly, Nagisa continued to grip the bottle of soda in his hand as he didn't wave his hand goodbye towards Karma. His senses were very alert at the moment as he started to walk, trying to hear if Karma was plotting anything or even make a sudden attack.

Just then…


Nagisa didn't know why but he had a small moment of relief when he heard Karma calling out his name again. It was another excuse that the assassin could use in regards to the reason why he still had to stay on this campus which was a dangerous thing for him to do so right now. The redhead had a feeling that his old friend would not turn around so he decided to talk anyways.

"Let's hang out tomorrow. My classes are already getting boring and I don't mind skipping out for a day. We can hang out and maybe I can ask few questions along the way since I have my own curiosities you know-"

Now Nagisa was in his own dilemma. This not only caused him to stop walking but now Nagisa was actually debating if he should consider Karma's offer. He knew that this was, in fact, crazy. He would be putting himself in a lot of risk not just for himself but probably for Karma too. Nagisa would have to come up with an legit excuse to tell his head person why it is logical for him to spend his day with Karma tomorrow. At the same time, it would be not wise for him to show up back at the campus, knowing that the killing that he caused would be announced as soon as someone finds the body. And despite all the odds and how much his brain told him that he should decline this ridiculous suggestion, Nagisa was trying very hard to find one reason against all the negative ones. He really did wanted to hang out with Karma just like back in the days when things were not… like this.

"I'm not going to make an amateur mistake of coming back to the crime scene way too early."

"Hm~? I never said we're going to hang out here on the campus," Karma replied in a reassuring tone. "And you don't have to worry about me planning something to capture you. I think at this point, it is safe to say that you're more dangerous than me, Nagisa-kun. And I'm not stupid enough to take down a real assassin on my own."

Another silence and the sound of cool breeze interrupted both of them. When Karma didn't hear any response from other, he practically gave up at this point, thinking that Nagisa probably does not want to do anything with him anymore. A wave of disappointment started to fill inside of Karma's mind, he still refused to show it on his face but it was becoming rather difficult. The sinking feeling mixed with the horrible truth that he had a high chance of being assassinated by Nagisa and the fact that his friend changed so much were eating him away. And having bunch of unanswered questions popping into his mind did not help to deal with this fearful situation either.

"Ten fifteen in the morning."


"Ten fifteen, I can meet you at Aoyama Park, Karma-kun."

Nagisa didn't turn around while making this statement because he was scared of what kind of face he was making. And he knew that assassins were not supposed to show many types of emotions especially if it revolved about showing signs of weakness. Karma on the other hand had a proud smile on his face. In fact, he couldn't be even happier. After all these years of trying to meet Nagisa after their graduation together and his friend's sudden disappearance, he was finally going to have this chance. At this moment, he completely forgot about Nagisa's current career.

"Aoyama Park? That's so far away from this university- "Karma groaned in a teasing voice. "But since I'm the one who asked for your time, I have to make sacrifices of waking up early in the morning and taking public transportations."

"I'll see you then"

Karma didn't wave his goodbye to Nagisa when he saw him leave since they would be meeting again tomorrow. The redhead knew that he was also entering the dangerous territory and couldn't deny the fact that there were so many questions in which Nagisa would probably not provide answers to each and every one of them. Why did Nagisa decided to become an assassin? Just because he had a talent there? And why was he becoming his target? As far as Karma knows, he didn't do anything wrong aside from getting into fights with few gang members and bullies on rare occasions but those were all for self-protection. He didn't involve in anything illegal so why? Then another question came in his mind. Who was the staff member that Nagisa had to kill by framing an accident? Was that really necessary?

He ruffled his red hair, continuing to maintain his usual smirk. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day for sure and Karma knew that he needed to spend the day with Nagisa efficient. It was literally the phrase, too many questions to ask but so little time. If Nagisa agreed to their meeting tomorrow, Karma could safely predict that he would not be killed yet. Unless his friend tried to kill him on their supposed hang out date.

"Nagisa-kun isn't the assassin to pull that kind of a trick," Karma murmured to himself. He had a prediction that Nagisa was not the type to kill people by deceiving them. Why else would he inform Karma about the crucial information that he was the target from the start?

Putting all those thoughts aside, Karma turned around to return back to his dorm but only stopped half way as he touched the silver necklace around his neck. He never had the chance to give any graduation gift to Nagisa so he decided to use this opportunity. After all, even Karma wasn't sure if this was going to be his last time seeing Nagisa personally. It was a strange sensation. The redhead was surprised at how strangely he took this situation. He was not scared but maybe it is because deep inside, Karma still didn't accept the fact that Nagisa truly became an assassin and that he was going to be killed in the near future. Maybe Karma had a small hope that when they finally meet tomorrow, he would hear laughter from his old friend claiming that it was a huge prank as an apology for being away for so long. But even the redhead knew that Nagisa wasn't the type of person to pull out jokes especially when it came down to involving people's lives and the job of an assassin.

"Ah-ah.. I need to sleep. There's no point of thinking about this by myself when Nagisa-kun isn't around anyways," said Karma as he stretched his arms up in the air, feeling the cool breeze once again. "I should also watch out for a big commotion at this campus tomorrow. A prestigious school finding a dead body the next day… it's going to make a head line in the news for sure."

If there was one thing that was positive about this turn of an event, it was the fact that Karma's school life as a university student was going to be highly interesting.

Next Chapter preview

"Here Nagisa-kun~ An incredibly late graduation gift." Karma chuckled while giving a slim red colored box. Then Karma quickly noticed a strange hand gesture that his friend was about to make so he added, "It's nothing that's going to get you killed so relax, will you?"

"Ah..haha.." Nagisa returned a fake laughter that even Karma was able to pin down right away. "I thought there might have been some trick, Karma-kun." He was still extra cautious but eventually received the box. "Thank you."

"So when we were playing the mafia game yesterday," Karma immediately started the conversation, knowing that there are people in the park, he knew that he needed to make some changes to his wordings. "Why did you decided to pick me as the target, hm?"

"Karma-kun… You shouldn't ask questions so directly like that."

"Eh~ Why not? It is only a game after all and when it comes to games, I have all sorts of curiosities that I want to ask to understand it better for the future reference. Ah, and by the way… did you already hear about the accident that happened in my school?"

Author's Note and thank you review!

* For KoroSensei he's not actually "dead" yet (That's why in chapter one I made it a little vague) but I'm planning to put a hold on him as I learn more about his history through the manga so please wait! I will try my best to integrate in this story so it won't be too weird or anything like that heh.

*And the exciting(?) will happen as the chapters get longer so don't worry~ I don't like to jump into things without establishing a good plot and relationship between characters first. :D

*I still don't know if this is going to be a super light romance relationship or a strong friendship but I'm going to see where the story will lead up to. Don't worry! There are more characters aside from Karma and Nagisa but those two ARE the main~!

*I think people who write stories also know that reviews and encouraging words are what really really really helps creators to continue to write and not abandon stories. I feed off from review because I want to personally read how you guys think so far! Many thanks~

If you liked it please review! It doesn't have to be long but even a small encouraging words I will take them happily!