"Veronica, is there a reason you decided we should go jogging this morning?" Logan yelled over the sound of traffic on the Bay Bridge above them.

"Well, I want to go…to the European bakery…and thought it would be good…to build up an appetite." She panted.

"Sure Bobcat, an appetite. We didn't have to practically sprint here to work one up. And Anderson's is like half a mile back that way." Logan adjusted his pace and pointed in the opposite direction they were running.

"I know that." She glared up at him as she slowed her pace down to a brisk walk, and then stopped at the entrance to a small dog park. "I thought we'd circle around and stop on our way back." She reached down to stretch out her muscles.

Logan couldn't help but stare at her ass as she pulled her head down between her knees. He stood mesmerized, watching her bend and twist using one of the metal benches to deepen her stretch. When she finally turned back to him, he didn't even try to look ashamed at being caught in the midst of a daydream-fantasy. He'd already made a mental list of all the things he planned to do with her when they got back home.

"Eyes up here, mister." She teased while fiddling with the pocket of her running shorts. "Oops." She paused when a small jump drive fell to the ground.

Logan bent down, picked it up, and turned it around in his palm. "Strange jogging accessory." He raised his eyebrows at her.

"No, that's a strange jogging accessory." She laughed and pointed at a dog that Logan was pretty sure was the product of a three-way between a dingo, an ocelot, and a porcupine.

Logan laughed with her, handing over the jump drive. "No kidding. You don't want to get a dog like that do you?"

"Who said anything about getting a dog?" She stuffed the drive into her pocket, hopped up and down a few times, and then took off up the street. "Loser buys!" She yelled over her shoulder.

Logan shook his head. The things I do for love…

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who have sent me messages over the last few months expressing their love for this story and excitement for the sequel. Your encouragement and support helped get me through a truly grueling summer.

And now what you've been waiting for! The sequel! FF, of course, won't let me put links so just pop on over to my profile. The sequel is called Breaking News. I can't wait to hear what you all think.