I'm so sorry for the long delay. I've had exams and work. It's been hectic. Here is the next chapter for you all. It's a good one. I can't really explain what this story is about just yet as it's still setting up. Some answers will be given in this chapter, followed by more questions.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Chapter 4: Answers and troubles.

He stared eyes wide at her sleeping figure, watching the rise and fall of her chest. Madame Pomfrey had told him he couldn't be in here, but he wasn't going anywhere. Her hand was so tiny in his, the skin soft and warm to the touch. He couldn't understand what was wrong with her, why she kept getting these headaches and why she fainted when Qurriell got too close to her.

Seeing her collapse like that had him going crazy, afraid that she would never open her eyes again or take another breath. It reminded him of that night at the Manor, watching as his aunt tortured her. Her screams still echoed in his ears, each one piercing him, marking him for the rest of his life.

The Cruciatus Curse was spoken from his aunts lips, her wand pointed at the figure that already laid curled in on herself on the ground. Another scream ripped from her throat, the sound echoing through him. His knees buckled as he watched, curse after curse fired at her as his aunt interrogated her.

His aunt hovered over her, pulling out her dagger as she snarled, "You Mudblood filth."

The dagger bit in the skin of her arm, drawing the blood as well as words. He clenched his fists, feeling the sweat drip down his back. If he acted then she would die.

It was all too much for Draco to bare, he couldn't stand and watch. If this carried on then she would end up dying anyway, he would die trying to save her. His mother saw the look in his eyes, stepping forward to stop him but it was too late. The wand had fallen from his aunt's hand as she turned in surprise to him. She moved her knife, holding it against her pale throat as the tears trailed down Hermione's cheeks.

"Little Draco has fallen in love with a Mudblood," she cackled and then glared at him. "You fool! You disgraceful filth!"

That's when the voice laughed behind them, the Dark Lord had returned without him realising. He had signed all of their death certificates.

"I've come just in time," he said. "Finally, Harry Potter in my grasp and now Draco's lover has come of prescience. This is the girl you desire?"

Draco didn't look at him, instead he kept his wand on Bellatrix, and making sure she made no sudden movements. Hermione looked at him, the sight of her broken made his hand shake again before he stilled it. He wouldn't appear weak. He wouldn't appear a coward.

"Betraying your own kind, defying me," he walked in front of him towards Bellatrix. "Let him have the girl."

"But –"

"We already have issues to discus, Bella," he told her. "Do not add to that list. Do as I say."

She shoved Hermione away from her as he watched her eyes stay on him, stumbling over to him as he kept his wand pointed towards them. He took a step forward, needing to reach her, to hold her and get them out of here. To keep her safe like he had trying to for the past few years.

"Avada Kedavra."

He rushed to her, seeing the flash of the green as she fell into his arms, apparating the two of them out of the manor and into the woods.

Draco opened his eyes, finding the moon glowing down upon them and Hermione in his arms.

"Hermione," he whispered, shaking her still body for her to look at him. Then he saw her wide, staring eyes looking at him but through him. "No, please, no."

His body shook as tears leaked from his eyes, dripping onto her face that he had moved to rest on his lap. With shaking hands, he wiped her drying tears from her face, soothing the wild, bushy hair.

Not knowing what to do, he held her body to him, cradling her like he had always imagined doing, only now he didn't feel the rise and fall of her chest. He had fallen in love with her somewhere along the line and that love had only brought her death.

All he did was destroy everything he loved and touched. His parents were likely dead because of him. She was dead because of him. Everything had gone so wrong in his life, he just needed another chance to change – to be better for her. Now there was no point when she was dead.

Something burned in his pocket, he reached in pulling a golden stone out, dropping it at the touch. Snape had given this to him, told him to use it if necessary, that it had taken him a lifetime to get it. He picked up the strange rock again with the sleeve of his robe, holding it to Hermione in hope to bring her back again. Only it didn't.

"Please," he whispered. "I'll do anything to have her back again."

The rock glowed, the brightness lighting up the dark night as he clutched onto Hermione, not wanting to ever let her go again.

Tears now leaked from his eyes as he watched her, finding comfort in her breathing, knowing that she was alive and safe now. The warmth of her hand now, instead of the coldness of her body. He lightly stroked the palm of her hand, wishing for her to open her eyes.

He had wanted to bring up the rock to Snape, but didn't know how to do it without being suspicious. Then he wasn't sure what to do about Hermione, she was stubborn and smart enough to find a way home and he knew he wouldn't be able to stop her. If she went back, then she would be killing herself.

Things had already changed in this timeline, Hermione was sorted into Slytherin and she was getting headaches that have now led to her fainting. He had a theory, tying it all to her death and Voldemort. Only he couldn't share that with Hermione.

Seeing her sleeping peacefully, he wanted that darkness taken from her. Having no knowledge of the other timeline would make things easier, it would keep her alive. If she knew what he was about to do then she would kill him, but it kept her safe and alive.

Draco pulled out his wand, checking for the coast to be clear before he whispered. "Obliviate."

He took her hand again, waiting for her to wake up.

Hermione opened her eyes, seeing the brightness of the room she was in before resting on the pale headed boy next to her. She groaned, knowing the last time they had spoken they were arguing again. It seemed to be what they always did, act civilized and argue.

"What happened?" She asked.

Madame Pomfrey appeared. "You fainted in lesson, nothing to worry about. I'll keep you here tonight, though."

"What's he doing here?" She asked.

"He hasn't left your side since you got here," she sighed. "Even with the threat of Snape he wouldn't leave."

She turned her head to the side, watching as he slept, confused to why he would bother staying. He had been the only one other than Tracey to bother with her in Slytherin, but she was Muggle-Born. She didn't understand why he was bothering when his family was against her.

"Hermione?" He opened his eyes, rubbing them. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," she said. "Just trying to remember what we were arguing about."

He froze for a second, then laughed. "We argue so much that I've forgotten."

Hermione smiled, thinking that Malfoy wasn't as bad as what she thought he was.

It was only the next morning that she was allowed to leave the infirmary, hurrying back to Slytherin dungeons quickly to change into new robes before joining Tracey at breakfast. The girl squealed when she saw Hermione, surprising her with a hug.

"I was so worried about you!" She said.

"I'm fine now," Hermione reassured her.

"What was wrong?"

"I just wasn't feeling great," Hermione said. "Just another headache."

"You get them a lot in that lesson," Tracey pointed out.

"I do," Hermione furrowed her brows, confused to why it was only that lesson.

"Afraid it's potions today, though," Tracey said.

Malfoy came in then, sitting down next to Hermione as she moved closer to Tracey. The two girls exchanged a look before looking at the blonde boy.

"I thought you'd learn to accept me as a friend since I saved you yesterday," he said.

"You didn't save me," Hermione said. "And we're not friends."

He frowned. "Why not?"

"You know why," she told him, hearing the whispers from her other house mates already. "I doubt your family would approve."

She didn't understand why he bothered, it must have been what they were arguing about. They both came from two different worlds, being friends would only cause trouble, a lot of trouble given his family and the house they was in.

He stared down at his plate, picking at the muffin he had taken. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"Me?" She questioned in disbelief.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," he mumbled. "See you in class."

He turned his back on her, getting up to leave as she stared after him. The tension in his body was clearly there, his shoulders hunched and fists clenched. For an eleven year old, he held a lot of anger.

"I'll see you in class," Hermione sighed, following after Draco.

"I don't want to argue again, Granger," he told her, sensing her following him out of the hall.

"I don't want to argue," she said. "Do you really want to be friends?"

Some part inside her told her not to be stupid, befriending Malfoy was like befriending the enemy, but he had been kind in his own way to her. He had stood up for her, helped her and had been there for her.

He turned around to her, his eyes a stormy icy grey. "It doesn't matter what I want."

"I'm Muggle-Born," Hermione said. "You're a Pureblood."

"And the sky is blue," Malfoy stated. "I don't really care about blood, I learnt some time ago that it doesn't mean anything."

"You don't care?" Her breath hitched in shock, disbelief.

He shrugged. "I've grown not to care."

"What about your parents?"

"I've grown not to care what they think, either," he said. "But I would prefer to have a roof over my head and a vault of money."

"They would disown you?"

"Probably," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It doesn't matter, you clearly don't want to be friends."

"I didn't say that."


"I- I want to be friends?" She wasn't sure, really. "I just don't want to be a burden to you. I'm not worth losing your home and money."

He laughed. "I said I would prefer, but that didn't mean I wasn't accepting of it."

"You've only known me for little over a week," Hermione said.

His laughter turned into a smile. "Then it's a start to a beautiful friendship."

"Beautiful?" She smirked. "I highly doubt that'll describe it."

"Then how would you describe it?" He asked.

"Troubling, annoying, always arguing kind of relationship," she said. "Challenging."

"I thought you like taking challenges?"

"Any challenge that isn't breaking the rules or getting us killed," Hermione told him. "Keep that in mind."

"Great," he smirked. "Because I got us into a dual with Potter tonight."

Hermione went to the library after lessons had finished, trying to catch up on a night of homework that she had missed, also to avoid the Slytherin common room.

"Granger," Draco sat down next to her. "You excited about tonight."

"No," she told him, keeping her head in her book. "Harry and Ron don't deserve it, and I don't want to get into trouble."

He pulled her book down, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "You're not scared, are you?"

"Yes. Of getting killed," she snapped at him. "Or worse, expelled."

"We won't get caught," he said. "We're just leading Filch to them without being seen."

"Why can't you do it alone then?"

"Friends do stuff together," he grinned. "You're my backup."

"Crabbe and Goyle can be your back up," she said.

"I don't want them," he said. "I won't let you get into trouble."

She looked at him, sighing. "Fine. It's wrong, though."

It made her feel uneasy about getting Harry and Ron in trouble, she had only spoken to them a few times, but she felt like they were her friends. She had heard that Harry had made seeker and had discovered that it was in his blood, his father had also been a seeker.

At dinner she had watched them talking excitedly, her gut twisting with what she was about to do tonight.

"This is so wrong," she told him after dinner

"Think of it as a tutorial to being Slytherin," he told her.

"I don't want to be Slytherin, though," she said.

"Well, you are," he smirked. "Might as well make the best of it."

Hermione followed behind him down the halls, her eyes searching around her, afraid that a teacher would see them. They stopped outside Filch's room, Draco pulling out the letter from his robe as he slid it under the door.

"That's it?" Hermione said.

"Yeah," he laughed. "Told you we wouldn't get into trouble."

"What does the letter say?"

"The time and place to where Potter will be."

"And we're not going out after hours?"

"Nope," he said.

"This is still wrong," Hermione said.

Malfoy's smile only widened, laughing quietly as they walked back towards the common room.

Later that night, Hermione couldn't sleep, guilt keeping her up as she thought about Harry and Ron getting caught. She rolled over, sighing, wishing that she hadn't gotten involved. It was bullying, she had spent her life being bullied and now she was the one that had taken the step to cause harm. She couldn't allow it.

Putting on her slippers, Hermione tied her robe around her as she went to leave the room, not wanting to wake anyone else up. She crept into the common room, the dungeon appearing darker and scarier in the night.

"Hermione?" Tracey whispered behind her. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," she said.

"Where are you going?"


"Can I come?" Tracey caught up to her, rubbing her eyes. "You're sneaking out."

"I –"

"I'm coming," Tracey declared.

"Fine," she sighed.

The two of them left the Slytherin dungeon, staying silent as they walked close to each other. Hermione bit her lip, frightened that a teacher would catch them. They walked towards the trophy room, Tracey following her lead without knowing what she was getting herself into.

Seeing that Harry and Ron wasn't at the trophy room, she made her way towards Gryffindor common room. A bump startled her, hands covering her mouth as she let out a quiet gasp. Looking up she saw Harry, Ron and Neville staring at her with widened eyes.

"Go back," Hermione told them. "It's a trick."

"What?" Harry and Ron both said.

"Filch will find you," Hermione said. "You'll get into trouble."

"How do we know Malfoy didn't send you?" Ron said. "We're not going to run away."

"I'm not lying!" Hermione whispered.

"Malfoy wasn't even with us," Tracey said.

"Let's just check it out," Harry said. "If we see any sign of Filch then we'll leave."

"Too proud to walk away," Tracey shook her head.

Ignoring her, the three boys walked past the two girls, heading towards the trophy room to see if Hermione was telling the truth or not. She clenched her teeth, finding it idiotic of them, if they were caught then it'll be too late to trust her anyway.

They followed behind them, walking to head back towards the Slytherin dungeons. She had warned them, now it would be their fault if they were caught. A noise caused her to jump, looking at Tracey with wide eyes.

"Sniff around, my sweet, they might be lurking in a corner."

Harry and Ron turned to her, guilt and horror flashing on their faces. She pointed towards the door, the five of them hurrying towards the door. They had barely made it into the room when Filch rounded the corner.

"They're in here somewhere," Filch mumbled. "Probably hiding."

"This way!" Harry mouthed to the others, leading them through a long gallery full of suits and armor. Hermione's heart thundered as she heard Filch getting closer, Neville letting out a squeak as he tumbled, grabbing Ron around the waist. They flinched as they toppled into a suit of armor, the sound clattering into the night.

"RUN!" Harry yelled.

They sprinted down the gallery, twisting and turning down corridors, too afraid to look behind them to see if Filch was following. Exiting behind a tapestry, they found themselves near the charms classroom, miles away from the trophy room.

"I think we've lost him," Harry panted.

"He wouldn't have spotted us if you didn't believe us," Tracey said. "That ones on you."

Hermione crossed her arms. "I told you. Malfoy tipped him off."

"Let's get back to Gryffindor tower," Ron said. "Quickly as possible."

"Let's go," Hermione said to Tracey.

A doorknob rattled, followed by Peeves making an appearance, letting out a squeal at the sight of them.

"Shut up, Peeves – please – you'll get us thrown out."

"Wandering around at midnight, Ickle Firsties? Tut, tut, tut. Naughty, naughty, you'll get caught."

"Not if you don't give us away, Peeves, please."

"Should tell Filch, I should," said Peeves. "It's for your own good, you know."

"Get out of the way," snapped Ron, taking a swipe at Peeves.


They rushed past Peeves, heading down the corridor as they slammed into a door, it was locked.

"That's it!" Ron moaned. "We're done for! This is the end!"

"Oh, move over," Hermione snarled, angry at them as she snatched Harry's wand, tapped the lock, whispering. "Alohomora!"

The lock clicked, letting them hurry through as they quickly shut the door behind them, pressing their ears up against the hard, wooden door.

"What way did they go, Peeves?" Filch was questioning. "Quick, tell me."

"Say please."

"Don't mess with me, Peeves, now where did they go?"

"Shan't say nothing if you don't say please," sang Peeves.

"All right – please."

"NOTHING! Hahaha! Told you I wouldn't say nothing if you didn't say please!" He laughed as he disappeared, leaving Filch cursing.

Hermione took a deep breath, blocking out everything else before she saw the others turning. She joined them, her eyes widening and mouth dropping open as she discovered the three headed dog that filled the whole space. Saliva dripped from their yellow fangs, those six eyes staring at them.

She heard someone reaching for the doorknob, but her eyes quickly flickered to the floor, noticing the trap door before following out behind them. Luckily, Filch had disappeared to look somewhere else as the five of them hurried back to their tower and dungeon. Her mind ticking with what the trap door could mean.

Yes, Hermione died and came back to life and that would have caused complications. There will be a prophecy in this story, something I haven't seen before so I'm excited to see what you think. It will head down a dark route. Snape is also important in this story as well, of course. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please tell me what you think:)