This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction so be nice. I've seen all the movies and read the books, huge fan, please don't hate me if I get a few details wrong or miss something out. The wizarding world is big. Here is the first chapter for this story. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns it all.

Chapter 1: Waking up

Hermione woke up on the train, her mind foggy as she twisted to turn around from where she laid. A voice moaned next to her, causing her eyes to open wide as she looked over to find that her head was lying on Malfoy's lap. She sat up, hurrying to the other side of the cart to get away from him.

What startled her – more than finding herself in that position – was that Malfoy appeared his eleven year old self again. Hermione looked at her reflection in the window, seeing not just the country that blurred past them, but her eleven year old self as well.

"Mione…" Malfoy mumbled in his sleep, startling her even more.

What happened? She was at the Malfoy Manor… Bellatrix! Her eyes widened looking down at her arm as she moved her robes away, finding the skin clear with no scaring or trace of the word 'Mudblood'.

Harry and Ron would be worrying about her, they would think she was dead if she didn't get back to them soon. She must have gone back in time, but she couldn't remember how or when. The last thing she remembered was the torture and a figure entering the room.

A gasp caused her to look up, in the seat across from her Malfoy was now staring at her in shock, his mouth opening and closing. "Hermione?"

Hearing him call her by her first name shocked and angered her. "What did you do?"

"What?" He questioned, closing his eyes for a second and opening them to an emotionless face. "You don't remember?"

"I remember you standing while she… she," Hermione cleared her throat and then glared at him. "You better tell me what happened or I'll hex you."

"I don't remember," he ran a hand through his hair.

She narrowed her eyes, seeing how he refused to meet hers and didn't believe him. "Malfoy."

"I don't!" He shouted at her, meeting her eyes. "I don't know how we ended up here, Granger."

"You're the one who's a Death Eater," she snarled.

He pulled up the sleeve of his robe, the hint of a smirk on his lips. "I'm not anymore."

"We've gone back in time, you idiot," Hermione hissed. "I look forward to seeing your face when you see Dumbledore."

His eyes widened again as he sunk back in his chair. At that moment the door opened, where eleven year old Neville stood anxiously looking between them.

"Has anyone seen a toad?" He asked.

"No," Hermione stood up. "I'll come help you find it."

With another glare shot at Malfoy, Hermione left the cart behind Neville. She couldn't stand being in the same room as him, especially after what he did. He may have been doing it to protect himself and his family, but he was still a coward. Malfoy could have gone seeking help from Dumbledore sooner. Then the thought of him standing as he watched her be tortured made her stomach twist. When she found a way back, she would leave him behind for the good. A part inside her knew she wouldn't, though.

For now she helped Neville find his toad, knowing there was nothing she could do while on the train. She needed to get to the library. They could go to Dumbledore but that would only mess with the timeline. Now she braced herself to meeting her best friends for the first time again.

Taking a deep breath, she slid the compartment door back finding Ron about to do magic like she remembered. "Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one."

"We've already told him we haven't seen it," said Ron.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see, then," she said

He seemed nervous as she sat down, smiling to hide her smirk.

"Er – all right," he cleared his throat. "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."

Nothing happened to the rat, the sight of it made her stomach squeeze knowing Scabbers wasn't really a rat. Hermione bit her lip, hiding her laughter and to stop herself from blurting anything out.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" she said. "Well, it's not very good, is it? I –" she paused knowing her blabbering on about her know-it-all ways wasn't how she had made friends. "I'm Hermione Granger, who are you?"

They both looked at each other before turning back to her. "I'm Ron Weasley."

"Harry Potter," said Harry.

"Are you really?" said Hermione. "I know all about you, of course. I've read about you in a few extra books."

"You have?" He questioned.

"Goodness, didn't you know, I'd have found out everything I could if it was me," she said. "Do either of you know what house you'll be in? I've been asking around, and I hope I'm in Gryffindor. Anyway, we'd better go and look for Neville's toad. You two had better change, you know, I expect we'll be there soon."

She left after that, hoping she didn't seem too much of the nightmare like they thought she was at the start. It would be nice to actually start Hogwarts with friends this time until she could get back to them.

When the train pulled into the station, Hermione avoided Malfoy completely. She had nothing to say to him, it was all his fault why they were here and he was still the enemy. Hermione didn't know whether to believe him, if she couldn't remember then there was a chance he couldn't. If this was a part of Voldemort's plan or something then she didn't understand it.

Hagrid led them to the boats that they used to travel to the castle, It still amazed Hermione with the grandness and the structure of it. Then Professor McGonagall led them into the Great Hall after giving them her little introduction. Hermione couldn't help but smile at the sight of the grand hall with the long tables laid with golden goblets and plates, then those floating candles she liked.

Her eyes came to a halt seeing the long table at the end where the teachers sat. Dumbledore, sitting alive and well with a welcoming smile. Tears blurred her vision at the sight of him, but she held them back. Hermione looked back to Malfoy, catching him gazing at the headmaster before looking down.

They came to a stop at the front as Hermione whispered to Harry about the bewitched ceiling. Professor McGonagall silently placed a stool with the sorting hat on top. Hermione smiled as the hat began to sing his song, finishing with a round of applause.

Professor McGonagall stepped forwards holding a roll of parchment. "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted. Abbott, Hannah."

On they went, the students Hermione all knew and heard of walking up to be sorted into their house. It was all the same, nothing had changed.

Her name was called as she stepped forward, nervous to be going through the whole sorting of the hat again. It had to be Gryffindor, but she was still anxious that it wouldn't be. Hermione sat on the stall, letting the professor place the hat on top of her head.

"You certainly have an interesting mind," the hat began. "I placed you in Gryffindor before, did I? Yes, yes, I can see why… but what's this?"

Her heart hammered faster, fisting her robe in her hands as the sorting hat carried on with his studies, longer than last time.

"I think I've come to my decision," he paused dramatically. "SLYTHERIN!"

Hermione's eyes widened as the hat was removed from her head. No. How could she possibly be a Slytherin? She was a Gryffindor, nothing like those snakes. Her eyes met Malfoy's, seeing the shock and horror on his face, reflecting just how she was feeling.

"Miss Granger, would you please go sit with your house," Professor McGonagall said.

Her eyes blurred with tears, standing up as she attached what dignity she had left. If she was stuck in Slytherin house then she wasn't going to appear weak. With her head held high, chin in the air, she walked towards the Slytherin table away from Gryffindor. Fred and George booed, the sound making her body tremble even more.

Millicent gave her a reassuring smile, making room for her to sit down. All the times the girl had picked on her and now she was offering her a place to sit. Hermione sat down next to her, staring across to Crabbe and Goyle. Some of the other years greeted her, welcoming her to the house.

The others were sorted into their houses, everyone seeming as normal as before. When it came to Malfoy, he seemed even more afraid and nervous than Hermione was. She couldn't blame him. If he was put in Gryffindor then she was going to be angry and worry about him with his family. Worry? They were enemies, both going through the same problem, nothing more.

It took the sorting hat longer than before, taking his time to think things through and then, "SLYTHERIN!"

Hermione glared at Malfoy as he made his way over, the cocky smirk of his greeting as he sat down next to her. She shuffled a little closer to Millicent. Perhaps she would have been less annoyed if he was placed in Gryffindor. She didn't understand why she changed houses, if they had gone back in time then that should have been the same. Unless something had changed, but what?

Then she really felt like crying when she saw Harry and Ron both put into Gryffindor, seeing them welcomed by the others that had been her family and friends. The feast started after the sorting had finished and Professor Dumbledore had done his speech. The stiffness of Malfoy next to her was hard to miss.

"Hermione, I don't recognise your last name Granger from anywhere," Pansy pointed out.

"I'm Muggle-born," she said, looking at the food on her table. They were going to find out eventually, there was no point in hiding it.

The silence erupted along the table, all heads flickering to where Hermione sat. She looked over to the Gryffindor table, seeing Harry and Ron laughing together. How she wished she was back with them in the future or at least sitting with them.

"Hermione is a Slytherin," Malfoy defended her to her surprise. "We look after our own in Slytherin, right?"

"I can defend myself," Hermione snapped at him.

He quirked an eyebrow at her. "Well you were doing a great job then."

"You know her, Draco?" Blaise asked.

"We met on the train," he informed them.

"You associated with a Mudblood?" Pansy gasped, horrified.

"We do not call other housemates that name," a prefect snapped at her. "Hermione is one of us now."

Hermione left the conversation alone, feeling how unwelcomed she was from the fellow Slytherins. They kept giving her curious, disgusted looks as she ate. The only person who bothered with her, which was out of pity, was Malfoy. He tried making conversation with her, but the two had never spoken on normal terms to each other in their life and she didn't want to speak to him. This was all his fault.

What Hermione wanted more than anything was to get home, back to the life she was happy with and wasn't stuck with Malfoy. Even if that was during a war. Gemma Farley, the prefect that had snapped at Pansy, had lead them to the Slytherin common room.

As they left the hall, she looked one last time to the retreating figures of Harry and Ron as they made their way to Gryffindor common room up the stairs. Now Hermione was going down, down to the dark, cold dungeons of the castle. What surprised her was how Malfoy had stuck close to her instead of his friends, offering her support that she was somewhat surprisingly grateful for. She didn't understand him.

"The password for the common room is Pureblood for now," Gemma said as eyes looked Hermione's way with a snigger. "By tomorrow there will be a new password."

"Pureblood," she spoke loud and clearly, the door swinging open to the word.

Hermione pulled her robes tighter around herself, the cold draft causing goose bumps to travel across her skin. Inside seemed darker and colder, her eyes flickering to the shadows as if a monster was going to jump out. The only light the room had was the green of the reflection from the lake and the candles that floated around.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Malfoy grinned at her out of the corner of his eye. Hermione didn't say anything, she missed the happy, bright cheeriness of her old house.

"Girls dorms are that way," Gemma pointed to the right, where a door lead to where Hermione's new room would be. "Boys to the left."

"What about our stuff?" Millicent asked.

"Already in your rooms," Gemma told them. "Now to bed."

"We will be discussing this situation tomorrow," Hermione hissed at Malfoy under her breath. "Then we will find a way back."

He frowned, nodding his head as he looked away. "Night then."

Hermione watched as he walked towards the boy's dormitories, the rest of his gang following behind him. Now she was alone with other Slytherin's, not showing her nerves with them she walked past them to the girls dormitories.

They were the last room, a small dark room with furniture to match that she now shared with Pansy, Millicent, Daphne and Tracey. Her trunk was on the middle bed that she went to, getting ready for bed.

The other girls soon followed behind her, thinking that Hermione was asleep as they spoke about her.

"Can you believe a Mudblood like her in Slytherin?" Pansy whispered angrily.

"Those teeth!" Daphne shuddered. Hermione had forgotten about her teeth, how now they would be back to their original large buckled self.

"Not forgetting the hair," Millicent piped up. "Do you think she even brushes it?"

"I don't understand why Draco is talking to her," Pansy sighed as Hermione remembered the ongoing crush Pasny had for Malfoy. "She should just leave."

"Hopefully everyone'll scare her back to her Muggle world soon," Daphne said.

A few tears fell from her eyes as she kept her back to them.

Next one will be soon, hopefully. I'm holding back to how they went back in time for a while. Draco will have some chapters but for now I'm holding them of since he has secrets, look out for clues in how he acts though. If anyone wants to be my Beta then send me a message. Please do review!

Marley! x