Chapter One
Well here we are, chapter one of Eyes of the Devil! This is the sequel of Surrender Unto Me, so if You're just now reading this and haven't read the other story, I would like to suggest you read it first in order to understand what happened.
As for you returning readers: Welcome back and I hope you enjoy the torment I put Sonya through in this story as much as you enjoyed the last one! I have big things planned in this story...
A hint/spoiler: InuPapa is gonna show up eventually. Won't tell you when, where, why or how tho, just expect that to be happening eventually.
As for the length, yes, I know it's horribly short, but it's more or less a setup for what comes next. I know not the best way to start off a story, but I couldn't think of anything better to be honest.
Anyway, hope you all enjoy this one too.
-I do NOT own Inuyasha or it's characters
-I DO own Sonya and the plot
~TL S0nya
Naraku was defeated.
Sonya survived.
They found Kohaku alive and well.
All that was left was to get rid of the damn thing that started it all.
Standing in a group, everyone eyed the gem held in Kagome's cupped hands, silent except for their breathing. A pure wish. No such thing could exist, could it?
Frowning slightly, Sonya cast a look over at Sesshomaru and reached out with a hand to grip his tightly, suddenly nervous as hell to find out what would happen to her should the jewel vanish. After all, it was a wish on a shard that brought her to that time, it was a wish that brought her back to life.
When it was gone, what would happen? Would she and Kagome go back? Would she die?
Kami it was hot out.
A throat being cleared brought her attention back to the Miko staring down at the jewel in her hands, obviously nervous from the way they shook slightly. "I don't know what'll happen to me." She finally voiced her worries, making Inuyasha wrap an arm around her shoulders. "But if I leave... Just remember I'll do everything I can to get back here." She promised, her brown eyes lifting up to look each of them in the eye.
Miroku, Sango and Shippo all shuffled closer to her, offering comfort in the way of soft words and gentle hugs before pulling away as Kagome's eyes landed on Sonya standing beside Sesshomaru, her worry apparent in the blue yes locked on the gem in her clutches.
"Sonya... I don't think you'll go with me if I do leave." She said softly, earning the wolf's undivided attention. "You belong here."
"You know it's true." Kagome interrupted her with a shake of her head. "You belong here with him." She nodded over at Sesshomaru with a small smile on her face.
"How do you even know that?" Sonya demanded, irritation covering the fear she felt beginning to burn deep in her chest.
"Because, I finally figured out just what was familiar about those people that saved you when you were shot... They were your family." Kagome grinned slightly, watching the Wolf's gaze draw inward, focusing on her thoughts.
Sonya's eyes widened once she realized what Kagome was saying, a deep red bleeding into her cheeks. "You mean... Those twins..."
"Yup. I thought they looked familiar, and they were." Kagome laughed at the horrified expression spreading across Sonya's face as Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow, his arms pulling the wolf closer to him with a predatory gleam in his eyes.
"Oh kami..." She sighed and covered her face with her hands, absolutely mortified once the realization of just what was in store for her set in. "I'm not doing it. I'll change it if I have to."
Giggling softly, the Miko walked over and pulled her from Sesshomaru's arms, ignoring the small, irritated growl erupting from the Inu as she hugged the wolf tightly. "Don't worry about it, Sonya. They're your family, that's all that matters. Besides, you have over 500 years before you get to that point, enjoy it while you can." She whispered to her, making Sonya wrap her arms around Kagome in return.
"Kags, if you go back... I don't know what I'd do. I mean, you have Inuyasha now, and what will I do? You were my only friend. I'm not counting my brothers because they were adopted. You were my best friend, Kags... You still are." Sonya murmured, clutching the girl tighter to her as she buried her nose in her black hair, committing her scent to memory.
"I know... Just think, if I get stuck there... I can always go visit you in the future." Kagome smiled and pulled away, a hand reaching up to wipe at her eyes. "Don't you worry about it."
"You can say that all you like, I'm gonna worry about it anyway." Sonya sulked, here arms folding over her chest as she leaned a shoulder against Sesshomaru's side. "Just don't you forget us."
"Like you'd let me." Kagome laughed shakily and stepped back, the hand clutching the jewel stretching out in front of her, drawing all eyes back to it as Inuyasha wrapped an arm around Kagome tightly, as if to keep her there by physical force if she started to fade.
"Shikon Jewel... I wish you were gone." Kagome breathed out softly, her brown eyes locked onto the softly glowing gem in the palm of her hand.
A split second later, a large flash of light erupted from it, engulfing the entire area, making everyone raise their arms to cover their eyes from the brilliant radiance.
A sudden, soft aura settled over them all as the light faded, making them drop their arms warily and look around with curious expressions. "Kagome?"
Inuyasha's voice drew all eyes over to where the Miko had been, each pair widening slightly at the sight of the Miko laying on the ground, out cold and Inuyasha gripping her shoulder tight, shaking it slightly with a worried expression on his face.
"Kagome!" Sonya pulled away from Sesshomaru and rushed over to her friend, kneeling on the ground beside her as she rolled the girl over onto her back, one pointed ear aimed at her chest to listen for a heartbeat and breathing a small sigh of relief once she heard it.
"She's alright. It probably took a lot of her energy to make that wish." She assured the worried hanyou clutching Kagome's hand on the other side. "She's just fine..." The wolf added in an undertone, reassuring herself that her friend was still there and alive instead of gone or dead.
"Let's get her to Kaede's so she can rest." She added finally, making Inuyasha nod silently and pick the MIko up to carry her back to the village. Without a word, Miroku, Sango and Shippo all followed after them, each one carrying a happy expression as they vanished into the shadows of the trees.
Turning to look over her shoulder, Sonya offered a small smile at Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken who still stood in their places off to the side. Rin giggled and ran forward, barrelling into the woman as she held her tightly. "We're all okay now, Sonya?"
Laughing softly, Sonya dropped her gaze down at the young girl, one clawed hand reaching up to rest on her head lightly. "Yeah, Rin. We're all okay now."