Ruby POV-

Alucard has been acting strange lately. It seems like something is bothering him. He is not the only one that has something bothering him. Lately I have had the feeling that someone has been watching me. I usually just ignore it but it scares me a little.

Right now Alucard was asleep in my bed while I was cleaning the house a little bit. I was in the piano room picking up some papers they had fell of the music stand.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. Before I could turn around someone grabbed me from behind and shoved a cloth over your mouth. Before I blacked out I heard a raspy voice whisper in my ear.

" You will make a perfect sacrifice for my master." It said.

I then blacked out...

? POV-

After five hundred years master has finally returned to use. I feel that he will need his energy after so many year. So I picked out a beautiful young maiden, who's blood smelt so irresistible.

Master will surely be happy with me. He might even reward me for my loyalty. Maybe he will even let me taste some of this girls blood. Oh happy day!

Alucard POV-

I woke up at my usual time, which was 5 p.m exactly. I walked out of my mates room and look around for her. I looked everywhere but she was no where to be found.

She would not have just left without telling me so that is out of the question. Suddenly a unfamiliar sent caught my nose.

"Vampire scum.." I said.

"If they have hurt my mate... They will meet a fate worse than death."

Ruby POV-

My eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar scene.I had a sharp pain in my head and my neck had a cramp. I looked around and noticed that I was not in my room or even my house.

I tried to move but my hands and feet but they were chained to the wall. My wrists were swollen making the cuffs feel tighter on my wrists.

"Where am I?" I signed.

"You my dear are in my cage." An unfamiliar voice said.

My head shot to the direction of the voice to revel a man. He had raven black hair with the tips dyed a blue color. He was a little taller than I was but not as tall as Alucard. The most unforgettable feature was his piercing red eye. He was a vampire for sure.

"W-who are you and why am I here!" I shouted at him.

" my name is not important at the moment. The reason why I brought you here is because I will use you as a sacrifice." He grinned evilly.

"A sacrifice?!" I yelled."For who?!"

"My master." He simply said

"Why? Why me?!" I asked.

"After many years my master has finally returned. He will be very hungry and everyone knows the perfect meal for a vampire is fresh virgin blood fir a beautiful girl." He chuckled.

"And who is your so called master." I said I spat at him.

"That you will learn in due time my dear."

'Alucard.. Please help me.'