Chapter 9
Clint rolled the window down on his old rusted pickup truck. It was mid-summer and the night was warm. He was making his way to his cabin deep in the woods of Colorado.
It was by no means a shack. He had spent many years working to make himself a haven away from the world. He didn't get to escape to it as often as he wanted. It had been a troublesome year. After S.H.I.E.L.D fell, the attack on Natasha, and then Stark tower, Clint had stayed with the Avengers, what remained of them. Clint had never had a problem being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but now that he had a choice, it was a nice change.
Clint pressed on the brakes, and left the engine running as he got out to open the gate. He felt the hairs on his neck stand on end when it didn't squeak. He leaned in closely and used the headlights of the truck to inspect the hinges. Someone had oiled them recently.
He climbed back in the truck and pulled through, he stopped and pulled the gate closed behind him. He killed the headlights and rolled in as silently as he could. He stopped a ways back from the cabin and continued on foot, his sidearm in hand.
The lights were out, and there was no indication anyone was inside but Clint approached cautiously.
He was light on his feet and was inside through the back door without a sound. Clint was halfway down the hallway when he heard the floorboards behind him creak.
"I'm just warning you, whoever you are, you picked the wrong place to squat in," Clint's words were a warning. Clint was ready to pounce when the hallway light suddenly switched on.
"Clint?" A voice called from behind.
Clint squinted to the silhouette of a woman in the bedroom doorway. His entire body relaxed and he dropped his gun back in its holster. "Nat?"
"What are you doing here?" Her words were soft.
"I could ask you the same thing!" His words were sharper. "You disappear for 7 months without a word, after what happened we have been looking everywhere for you." He moved closer to her and stopped short when he saw her swollen stomach.
Steve flipped on the hallway light and itIt shined on Clint's stunned face. "Oh…" was all he managed to say.
"Sorry we used this place without permission," Steve extended his hand to Clint. "We needed somewhere to lay low, and Natasha said you wouldn't mind."
Clint absentmindedly took his extended hand. He still wasn't even sure what was happening. "I thought…" He wiped his mouth. "You…." his voice trailed off.
"Steve," Natasha smiled at looked at him past Clint.
"I'll do a sweep," he nodded. "You guys have some things to discuss."
Steve patted Clint on the back, "Good to see you."
Clint just continued to stare. Natasha smiled warmly and tightened the robe around her body. "Come on Barton, let me pour you a drink."
Clint had downed a shot of whatever Natasha had poured him and asked for another. He shook his head as the liquor burned its way down his throat. Natasha eased her heavy body down onto the couch and Clint stood near the empty fireplace.
"I know this is hard to swallow," She began.
"That's an understatement." Clint scoffed. "How is this even possible?"
"Dr. Fine said it was probably the serum in Steve's DNA…" She rubbed her stomach.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Clint felt hurt.
"You know why." She replied. "This is the miracle child of Captain America...people are trying to kill us….everyone was safer this way."
Clint just stared at her. "You two have been here the entire time?"
"For the most part," Natasha replied. "We have traveled around to different hospitals to make sure the baby is ok."
"How did you manage that? No one recognizing you?" Clint poured himself another drink.
"I nicked a couple of S.H.I.E.L.D. holo-mask's before we left. Different face every time." She explained.
Clint dropped down in the recliner, "You didn't tell me."
"Clint," She replied. "We are hiding in the one place you would come looking. I was waiting for you, just took longer than I calculated."
"Yeah, well we have been shorthanded lately." Clint lightly barked back.
"You know this was the right call." Natasha's words were soft.
"I know," He replied. "I'm still pissed, but I know."
Steve returned and Clint got a good look at him. He had let his hair grow out a bit, and the beard had returned. It wasn't messy or unkempt, but neat and clean. "We're secure." He said as he dropped down on the couch next to Natasha. He pulled her feet up and into his lap and leaned back.
"I see you are wearing rings too?" He pointed to their hands.
"Yeah, we got married." Steve replied quietly.
Clint chuckled to himself.
"What?" Natasha smiled.
"Nothing," Clint sighed. "You two just look….happy." Natasha and Steve looked at each other and smiled. "Oh don't make me sick now." He teased. "Do you know what you're having?"
"It's a boy," Natasha replied and Steve took her hand in his.
"Well…." Clint felt lost for words. "I guess congratulations are in order." He raised his glass, "Here's to the little guy."
"Thanks," Steve smiled.
"You look as big as a house," Clint dared after he downed his final drink.
"Careful now…" Steve warned.
Clint just laughed. "You look about to pop."
"I've got a couple more weeks," Natasha yawned.
"Alright, alright." Clint pulled himself from his seat. "Go back to bed. Since you stole my room I'll head upstairs."
"Thank you," Natasha let Steve help her to her feet. "Seriously Clint."
"Yeah," He smiled and leaned closer to her and kissed her cheek. "You know I'm happy for you."
He patted Steve hard on the shoulder as he passed. "Good job man."
Steve chuckled as he watched Clint climb the stairs. "He took that rather well."
"I told you he would," Natasha smiled.
"Let's get you back to bed." Steve looped his hand around her back.
"It's not like I was really sleeping anyway," Natasha admitted. It was so hard to breath that she was not getting very much restful sleep.
"I'm sorry," Steve looked into her eyes. "I know you're uncomfortable, but it's only for a little while longer." He placed his hands on her stomach and leaned down closer. "You're making mommy cranky," Natasha smiled. "Give her a break tonight and let her get some sleep."
Natasha and Steve chuckled when the baby gave a big kick against Steve's hand. "Well," She said, "I guess that's a no."
"Was worth a shot," Steve wrapped his arms around her. She sighed deeply and held him as close and her stomach would allow.
"These past few months have been oddly satisfying." She smiled at him.
"Oh really," Steve smiled back. "Domestic bliss, huh?"
"When this is all over, I'm gonna miss not worrying about the rest of the world…" Her voice trailed off.
"We'll adapt," He kissed her cheek; "We'll figure it all out."
"And keep him safe?" Natasha looked up at him.
"Yes," Steve's answer was short and to the point. "Don't worry about that. Just focus on getting him here. Get some sleep and we can talk with Clint in the morning." Steve lead her to the bedroom and helped her easy back into bed. They settled into a comfortable position and Steve whispered to her, "I love you."
"I know." Natasha said quietly.
Steve knew he had slept later than usual when he saw how bright the room was. He grunted and stretched and felt for Natasha next to him. Her side of the bed was empty but just barely cold. She hadn't been gone long.
Steve pulled himself out of bed and made his way out of the bedroom.
He moved to the kitchen but found no one. His eyes caught a slip of paper on the table. He lifted it and smiled at Natasha's neat handwriting.
Good morning Sleeping Beauty. We went for a quick walk, be back soon. - Nat
Steve smiled softly and dropped the slip of paper back on the table. He and Natasha had enjoyed daily walks all throughout her pregnancy. It was something she insisted on doing since Steve refused to let her spar with him and she wanted to stay physically fit. They had come to look forward to them.
Steve went to the window and scanned the area near the cabin, but he couldn't see them. Steve was happy Natasha was doing so well. In the beginning she had been very sick. After the first month in the cabin it had passed. She hadn't had many cravings and Steve was grateful since it wasn't that easy to run out and get whatever she was wanting.
Once Natasha got farther along in the pregnancy, it became apparent their son had inherited Steve's high metabolism. Natasha was hungry practically all the time. Steve sighed when he thought about the morning he found Natasha in the shower with a large bruise on her stomach from a particularly strong kick. Their son had also inherited some of his strength. Steve thought he loved Natasha before, but after seeing what she was going through to bring their son into the world, his love for her deepened.
For the most part there had been no complications. They had gathered books and supplies for when the baby came. Natasha had decided she didn't want to go to a hospital; she had become obsessed with protecting their son. Hospitals left paper trails and she wanted everything off the grid, something she was very good at.
Steve fiddled with the gold band on his finger. He was so close to having everything he had ever wanted. Over the months they had come to know one another is every way possible. All their flaws and shared life experience had made them a perfect match. Steve scratched his chin. He smiled as he ran a hand across his beard. Natasha had liked the bread, but he felt it was time for a change. He put some coffee on to brew and headed to the bathroom for a shave and then shower.
"We should head back I think," Clint's words pulled Natasha out of her thoughts.
"Just a little longer," She turned to him. "I like the fresh air."
"We're pretty far out now…" Clint whipped the bead of sweat off his neck. "Aren't you hot?"
"I'm always uncomfortable Clint," She smirked. "A little heat isn't gonna make it much worse."
"Never really seen you in a dress before." Clint smiled.
"Yeah," She laughed lightly. "They have been the only things I can wear recently."
They stood in silence for a moment. "Natasha," Clint began. "I really am happy for you, but we've been struggling while you were gone. After you went missing, we didn't know if you had left on your own ...or if…" He sighed.
She grabbed one of his hands, "I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you we were leaving."
Clint sighed, "I just wanted to hear you say it. All is forgiven." He chuckled. "What you gonna call him? Little Cap?"
Natasha smiled. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Steve wanted to name him James after Bucky. He wanted his son to have a name that carried the good part of his past, so I wanted him to have a name that carried the good part of mine. We are going to call him James Clinton Rogers. "
"Nat..I…" Clint was speechless. He just smiled and pulled her in for a quick hug. "Come one, let's head back." He moved away but stopped short when Natasha stopped him. "What?"
Her eyes were wide. "I think my water just broke."
Freshly shaven, Steve had grown anxious when Natasha and Clint did not return within an hour. He had gone on the porch to scan the area near the cabin, but there was still no sign of them. He picked up their trail easy enough, but he had barely gotten 20 feet from the porch before his head snapped around. There were several individuals approaching from the southwest.
Steve immediately made his way back into the cabin for cover. Natasha and Steve had gone over possible scenarios if they were attached. None of them had involved Natasha not being with him. Steve felt a lump of fear rise in his chest. Even though she was with Clint, she wasn't with him. She was still a few weeks away from giving birth, but was in no condition to fight.
Steve cursed quietly as he saw whoever had approached were setting up a perimeter.
"We know you're in there Cap!" A voice carried across that sent chills down Steve's spin. Rumlow. "I know you're a stubborn son of a bitch, but make this easier on yourself." Steve couldn't control his anger. The man that had almost killed Natasha was right outside. "You're surrounded."
Natasha clenched her teeth tightly as she rode out another contraction. "Son of bitch."
"Natasha," Clint was at her side. They had tried to make it back, but the labor was progressing too quickly. Natasha wasn't gonna make it back. "Let me carry you."
"It's not safe to move me now…" She explained through gritted teeth. Natasha almost let a shriek escape her lips, but she stopped short when she heard a gunshot ring through the trees.
Steve had shot first. He didn't wait for them to attack. He needed to take them out first and keep them away from Natasha and Clint. He would find them once the threat was eliminated. Most of it was a blur, but he recognized a few faces as those of previous S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, those apparently loyal to Hydra. Rumlow had stayed back from the fighting, conversing with someone Steve did not recognize. He fought harder than he had in a long time. He was vicious, caring only to protect his family.
"You're next Rumlow!" Steve shouted as he dropped a body to the ground.
Rumlow snickered and shouted back, "Doesn't matter Cap! We are getting what we came for whether we have to kill you to get it or not!"
The anger seethed through Steve's veins. He launched his shield at Rumlow with all his might. Steve followed quickly but stopped short when he saw Rumlow had caught it. He was too distracted, he knew he was exposed, open for attach. They came from behind and he cried out as a bullet slammed into his side, knocking the wind out of him. Before he could recover pain exploded in his knee. He dropped with a cry.
A strike with a Taser baton was the final hit before Rumlow appeared, gun at the ready, "I told you Cap," He raised the gun to Steve's head. "I am getting what I came for. Killing you is just a bonus. Now, on your knees."
"You will never find her," Steve snarled as he complied.
"Oh," Rumlow laughed. "He came for her." He indicated the man next to him. "I came for the other Russian."
"What are you talking about?" Steve shook his head. He could feel hot blood oozing down his side. He tested his leg. It would hurt, but he would be able to fight his way out when he was ready.
"He wants the Widow." Rumlow replied. "I came to reclaim Hydra's property."
"I still have no idea what you're talking about." Steve spit a mouthful of blood on the ground below him.
"Looks like the same old Steve Rogers," Rumlow chuckled. "Still have no idea what's going on right in front of you. Her past is coming to haunt her finally. Romanoff killed someone very important to my associate here some years ago. He has many eyes and ears, and your little trip to Dubai paid off."
Steve hung his head. "You've been after her this entire time? The attack in my apartment? All this is about getting revenge?" Steve's cut towards to the man.
"Not all of it," Rumlow smiled. "I told you, I am reclaiming Hydra property."
"You promised me the Widow, now where is she?" The man shouted.
"She can't be far," Rumlow patted his shoulder. "Now, Cap. We know he's here. Just tell us where he is and we kill you and the slut quickly."
"I don't know who you're talking about." Steve snarled.
"Don't play dumb Cap, we followed him here," Rumlow licked his lips. "Your old pal."
Steve's head slowly came up to meet Rumlow's gaze. "You mean...Bucky?" Steve's hair stood on end.
"Now you're catching on." Rumlow sneered. He raised his taser baton to strike Steve, "Now tell me where he is!" Before the blow hit a shot rang out and Rumlow was knocked back to the ground.
Steve didn't wait to see who fired, he just started throwing punches. All around him men were dropping from some unseen attacker. Steve did not come out of the fight unscathed. Bruised and bloodied he continued fighting, making his way around the perimeter. A figure in all black dropped from the tree above next to Steve. Steve's arm was raised to strike any attack, but it did not come. Steve stopped as he came face to face with Bucky. There was no time for a happy reunion, they only had a moment before they continued fighting. They worked together like they had in their Howling Commando days, but Bucky was a better fighter now. They worked quickly and with precision. It wasn't long before they had neutralized the entire threat.
Finally, it was over and they stood a few feet from one another, just staring.
Steve gasped for air as he clutched his aching side. "'s me…"
"Steve…" Bucky interrupted.
"You remember me?" Steve smiled.
"No," Bucky's words were quiet. "The museum…" He seemed distracted, his eyes were focused on the ground. "Well, I think I know you...everything is...foggy…"
Steve couldn't stop himself. He grasped Bucky and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I've been looking for you." Steve felt Bucky stiffen, but he continued the embrace. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you." Tears had sprung to Steve's eyes.
Bucky did not relax, but he did not pull away either. He simply stood still. "The woman." Bucky's words pulled Steve out of the moment.
Steve pulled back. "Natasha! I've got to find her."
"You're bleeding," Bucky looked at Steve.
"I know," Steve moved to head into the woods. "Please don't leave. Just wait for me here. Please." Steve began running. "Natasha!" He shouted as he went.
Clint head Natasha's hand. "Listen to me. Breath." Natasha was leaning against the trunk of a tree, trying to hold in any sounds of anguish that would give away their position. "You have to breath."
"We need to help Steve," Her words were short and she took a deep breath. "Clint, please go help him."
Clint let out a small laugh from his knelt position across from her. "Natasha, look at me." She cut her eyes at him. "Steve will be fine. Right now you need to focus on you and your son. He is coming, fast. You can't worry about Steve right now, you have to worry about this. You have to worry about James."
Natasha let out a whimper and bit her bottom lip. Her fiery red hair was plastered to her forehead and neck. "This was not supposed to happen!" She let out an exhausted cry.
"Tell me about it," Clint planted a kiss on her hand in his. "I'm here, and you're gonna do this."
Another contraction hit Natasha hard and she cried out. Clint held her legs as she shook and cried.
"Natasha!" Steve's voice carried through the woods around them.
"We're here!" Clint shouted. "See Nat, he's coming right now." Natasha was too overcome with the contraction to show any signs of relief. Steve appeared at her side and dropped heavily.
"Natasha," His eyes met hers.
"He's early," Natasha felt tears in her eyes.
"It's gonna be ok." Steve kissed her forehead.
"I'll let you take over," Clint moved so Steve could position himself to deliver the baby. Clint never let go of her hand.
"Ok," Steve smiled, "You're fully dilated and I can feel the head. When the next contraction hits you're going to push as hard as you can." Natasha nodded as she let out a deep breath.
"You're bleeding!" Natasha's eyes had found the trail of blood at his side.
"I'll be alright," Steve smiled. Natasha let out a cry as another contraction hit. "Come on, push."
It was the most intense pain Natasha had ever felt. She was no stranger to pain, but this was something overwhelming. Every part of her was on fire. She pushed as hard as she could, and then the contraction ended. She leaned back against the tree and Clint wiped a bead of sweat from her face.
Steve coached her through the next sets of contractions, "The head's out," Steve couldn't contain his joy. With one final push James was born. "He's perfect," Steve said with a choking sob. Clint handed Steve a knife to cut the umbilical cord.
All the pain was gone, and Natasha cried as James was placed in her arms. She had never felt anything like it. It was the most joyful moment of her life. This perfect, tiny person that she and Steve had created.
James let out a small cry. "Hi James," Natasha's voice was soothing.
"Nat," Clint wiped a tear from his eye, "He's beautiful."
"Yes, he is," She smiled, holding his tiny hand with hers. "James Clinton Rogers."
Steve leaned in and kissed Natasha gently. "You did it," Steve smiled at Natasha.
"We did it," She grabbed his hand and smiled back.
"Uh," Clint's voice was laced with caution. "Who's the scary guy with the blanket?"
Steve shot up and around to find Bucky standing several feet away with a blanket hanging from his metal hand. "It's ok," Steve spoke quietly. Steve walked slowly towards Bucky, both hands extended in front of him.
"I thought you might need this." His metal arm extended and held the blanket up until Steve took it.
"Thank you," Steve smiled. He passed the blanket to Natasha and helped her wrap up James.
"Steve," Natasha spoke quietly. "What's going on?"
"It's ok Natasha," Steve kissed her forehead and stood again. Bucky had not come any closer to them. Steve approached slowly. "Bucky, I want to thank you for helping me keep my family safe."
"The baby came early…" Bucky was watching Natasha and James.
"What did you say?" Steve's shoulders squared. "How did you know that?"
"I've been watching you….Red dress…" Bucky's words were scattered. "No, not her…. Red hair…" Bucky pointed over his shoulder. "He tried to kill her…"
"Rumlow?" Steve asked.
"She couldn't breathe." Bucky looked at Steve. "I stopped him...uh…She means something to you…"
"Yes," Steve smiled, "She does. You protected her when I couldn't. Thank you." Steve moved closer and Bucky did not shrink away. "I want you to know that we named him James." Bucky's eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.
"Look," Clint moved to Steve, "This is a great reunion or whatever, but can we move this back to the house or somewhere that's not out in the open. Natasha just gave birth and you are bleeding pretty badly."
"You're right," Steve replied.
Much to Clint's disapproval Steve scooped Natasha and James up in his arms and carried them back to the cabin. It was slow moving, but he wouldn't have it any other way. Bucky was in front of them and Clint behind them. It was slow going, but they made it back to the house, sweaty and bloody.
Natasha gasped at the sight of men scattered about. "Steve…"
"Let's just get you back into the house." Steve ushered her inside. Natasha shook her head and pushed any thoughts of death aside as she looked down at her sleeping son.
Steve laid her down gently on the couch and dropped down next to her. He was drained. His body was already healing, but it didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell.
"I'll get the first aid kit," Clint moved down the hallway and returned with supplies and patched up Steve.
"Rumlow was looking for Bucky. Said he wanted to reclaim Hydra property." His eyes flashed to Bucky who sat unmoving across from them. He had his eyes fixed on the floor. " He was working with someone else." Steve hissed as he began explaining. "Someone from your past." Steve told Natasha everything that happened. She grabbed Steve's hand.
"Stop." She looked at him with sad eyes. "Let's just forget all of that right now." Her eyes dropped to James. "Let's just enjoy this quiet moment, because I don't think we will have very many of those in our future."
Clint finished patching Steve up and made his way to the window. "There are a lot of bodies out there.
"I'll take care of them…" Bucky moved away.
"Hey," Clint moved towards Bucky, "You're not burying anyone on my land. I'll get the truck." Steve watched the two men exit the house.
"Steve," Natasha's voice was quiet. "Has Bucky been watching us?"
Steve nodded, "Rumlow said he followed him here…." His voice trailed off. "I stopped looking and he found me. It's good to know he is on our side."
"Steve," She squeezed his hand. "He seems disoriented and confused. He might not be on anyone's side."
"He had to have been watching us for months," Steve shook his head. "He could have killed us, but he didn't. I have to believe he is still Bucky, at least a part of him anyway."
"I hope you are right." Natasha smiled and looked down at James.
"He is so tiny." Steve gently ran a thumb over his toes. He looked at Natasha and smiled. "You are amazing."
"Oh stop," Natasha waved off his praise.
"No," Steve grasped her hand. "You are amazing. You did this beautiful thing, bringing him into this world. James is lucky to call you his mother and I am lucky to call you my wife."
Natasha smiled and let Steve kiss her gently. She turned back to James as he began to fuss. "You hungry?" She let James nestle against her chest and smiled as he began to eat. "You have to get big and strong like your Daddy," She talked softly to him. "You are gonna have a lot coming at you for a long time, but we are gonna do our best to protect you always."
Steve squeezed her leg, "Yes we will. We are all a team, and we will do it together."
The End
Author's note: Sorry for jumping past all the pregnant domestic bliss, it just worked for the story to jump ahead. I will be posting some one shot chapters later as standalone stories. I also feel like there is a part 2 for this story but it will be some time before I write it. I hope you all enjoyed it!