(Okay y'all. So I'm writing this story cause I can't get the plot outta my head. This might be a oneshot unless y'all wanna read more. It's your choice. Read and Review)

" Do you need anything? The shifts are changing but I wanna make sure you're situated." I glanced at the nurse and pulled the covers up to my chin.

"No. I'm good. Thank you. But can I have another pack of Similac? I don't wanna have to ask in the middle of the night when he gets fussy." I mustered up a small smile and adjusted the baby's hat. Cameron Silas Cena. Six pounds ,seven ounces, two days old. My little miracle. Just wish I was in the position to tell his father about him.

"Sure thing . I'll be right back." She shut the door and I laid Cameron in the hospital provided crib. I threw of the blankets and grabbed my PINK duffle from under the bed. Baby stuff? Check. Clothes? Check. Cash? All 50 grand of it. Knock. Knock. Shit that bitch is quick. I kick the bag back to its hiding spot and climb back into the bed.

"Come in!"

"Here you go . I bought two just in case. Sleep tight hun. See you in the morning." She winked and I noticed a small receiving blanket next to the milk. She's a saint. My bad about the bitch part. I nodded my head and pretended to doze off until I heard the door close and footsteps drift down the hall. I threw the bag onto the bed and put the milk inside. Good. We're ready to go. The sooner we get outta here the better. It wasn't so much as I was running to something, or in this case someone, but I was more running from someone. My abusive ass ex, Jason. Things between Jason and I were perfect, at first. Then he got verbally abusive, not long after came the physical. I finally got tired and left. I ran to John, who had been my best friend since I debuted in WWE and even after I left the company. One night, I was staying in his house in Tampa and things got carried away. I stayed for about a month after that night, until I found out I was pregnant. I was going to tell him but one day Jason found me in a coffee shop and told me he knew all about the pregnancy and if I even thought about telling John he'd kill all of us. I couldn't put my unborn child and the man I was in love with in that kind of danger. So the next morning I wrote John a long letter and hopped on a train to Chicago. Jason on my heels the entire time. Thats where I stayed for the next 9 months until my water broke 2 days ago. I drove myself to the hospital because Jason was thankfully nowhere to be found. It was when I saw my baby's face after the nurse put him in my arms that I knew I had to do better by him. And that brings us to now, me strapping a sleeping Cam into the carseat I convinced one of my nurses to buy, and slinging the heavy bags onto my shoulder. I grabbed the keys to my Jeep and snuck out the door. The shifts were changing so the halls were empty. I took the stairs to the parking garage and walked as fast a woman who had just given birth could. I finally got to my truck and strapped and secured the car seat. I threw the duffle, my purse, and the diaper bag into the passenger and shut the doors. I started the engine and sped off into the night.

Six hours later I stopped at a rest stop in Nebraska and decided to call it quits for the night. I filled the gas tank and bought myself dinner. I'd decided while driving through Missouri that I would head to Seattle. The rainy city. What better to describe my mood most of the time. I could easily get an apartment and start a life for us. Jason free. Cameron started to fuss so I fed him his third bottle and just held him. This fifty grand was going to be our life-line for the next month or so. I had to drain Jason's bank account just to get it. He did the same to mine when we were together so it was my only option. But good thing I never told him about the money my mother left me, which was quite a bit, but I swore I wouldn't spend it unless I had NO other option. I haven't quite hit rock bottom just yet. "Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too muuchh." my phone rang. I silenced it quickly so I wouldn't wake the baby. 'Jason' read the caller ID. I didn't answer it because I knew if I did he could track me. Instead I threw it out the window and into the trash can I had parked next to. I'll buy a new one when we get to the next state. For right now, all that matters is getting thereā€¦

(So whadday think? I like it. So I think I'm gonna do another chapter. SOON. Don't worry, I've got a new Hazel chapter in the works. Just For Our Girls is kinda in limbo because I kinda just lost love for it, but I promise I'll think about it. The twins aren't dead just yet. Well, make sure to review. If you have any suggestions you wanna get to me personally PM me or you're welcome to email me at jphilpot132 Luv Ya Lots.)