Chapter 1- The Fifty-One Campers

Disclaimer- I do not own Total Drama or any of the movies that will be in this season. (Explanation continuing) All rights belong to Teletoon, Cartoon Network, and others that are associated with this show.

Their will be new couples, old couples, new enemies, old enemies, new friendship, old friendship, and one host.

Note- Some of the past events that occurred in earlier seasons will not be featured. Examples are the breakup between Gwen and Trent, Courtney and Duncan, Ezekiel is not a zombie, Mike did not lose all of his multiple personalities, and Staci and Dave did not lose their hair.

Special thanks to The Kobold Necromancer who inspired me to write my imaginations. As thanks, I'm going to pass down his ships between Katie and Noah, though that's a different story, and continue his Vera challenges. Awesome job bro!

Day 1- The Ridiculous Number of Campers

Chris McLean stood at the docks of an island somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario, grinning as usual. The island was somewhat big and resembled something a lot like the original island that was blown up months ago. However it was tweeked with some other weird things in the back ground of the island.

"Welcome to Total Drama Supreme," Chris said proudly. "Our seventh season of Total Drama, the series that promises to bring sadness, laughter, joyness, and angry words of rage from your big flat TV screen."

"This season will be the mother load of all seasons. Cause this season, we'll have fifty-one campers battle it out for 1,000,000 dollars!" Chris shouted happily. "And here comes our first contestant."

The first boat arrived which dropped out a wannabe girl. "Beth," Chris introduced. The wannabe raced toward the host with a giant smile that shined since it was where her braces used to be. She clamped her arms around Chris, hugging him.

"Oh my gosh, it's been too long since I've competed," she said.

"Yes indeed," Chris replied to her. "Glad to be back huh?"

The wannabe nodded as she headed toward the end of the dock, after being pried off by the host. The second boat arrived which dropped a extremely handsome model. "Justin, still haven't lost that charm of yours?"

"Of course, I worked so hard to get this face as it is," the model said as he touched his soft shining face. He was immediately grasped by Beth who was hugging him as she did with Chris. "And I see that my face still has power."

"And I see that we are running out of time," Chris told the two while tapping on his watch. "Fifty-one campers might take up an hour."

The third boat came with a nasty brunette girl. Her eyes, snared as she walked off the boat. "Heather, come back to win I see."

"Chris, come back to being our abusive host I see," Heather snarled as she grabbed the host by the collar.

"Well, I wouldn't be with 'abusive' but-"

The host's remark was cut short after Heather dropped the host. The fourth boat came along with another girl, who was goth. "Gwen, you haven't changed much," the host said as he got up from the dock floor.

"I don't /censored/ care!" the goth sneered as she also grabbed the host by the collar. She also dropped him as she headed toward Beth and Justin, ignoring Heather. Beth hugged the goth as she gave her one too. Chris finally got up as the fifth boat drove along. Out stomped a muscular girl with a tight glare.

"Eva, second time competing right?" Chris asked. Again, he was grabbed by the collar by an angry girl with a tight grip who began to snarl an insult.

"Don't mention that day, I will win this season and rule all campers!"

And again he was dropped onto the dock but this time it was harder than usual. The sixth boat arrived with another girl.

"Leshawna," was all Chris could since he was dazed from the three time drop. As he got up, there was a gap which was missing one wooden plank. The sassy sister planted a reunion hug with Beth and Gwen. But as soon as she saw Heather she stomped up to her.

"You better not be doing something devious white girl, cause I will rip your hair off exactly like how it was in TDA," Leshawna threatened. Heather, surprisingly, didn't seem to be bothered as she was painting nail polish on her fingernails.

"Whatever, the contest hasn't even started yet," Heather told the sister. All Leshawna could was stare as the queen bee continued to polish her nails.

The seventh boat arrived with a geeky nerd. "Harold, the Kung-Fu doofus!" Chris said. The host waited for a response but was completely ignored once Harold went to kiss Leshawna. As the two couples did so, Beth and Gwen awed.

Chris, who was looking bored and disgusted was cringing until finally the eighth boat swam by. "Cody, thank goodness, maybe you can bring drama to this show."

The host gave the geek a high-five as he walked towards to the other campers.

"Gwen still beautiful as always," he told her.

"Shouldn't you be kissing up to someone else?" Gwen asked, eyeing Cody carefully.

"Nope, that was just a compliment," he shrugged. "After all, I already have a ton of fangirls in my blog!"

He walked up to Eva this time. "Eva, so strong and buff, Heather, still a big diva as always."

Heather didn't feel like she's been complimented and scoffed. "Whatever." she muttered.

"Leshawna, Harold is one lucky man," Cody continued as Harold smiled. The geek continued to do this with Beth but received a hug before he got started.

"Don't worry Cody, I don't need a compliment from you."

The ninth boat came with a boy who wasn't looking to excited. "Gee, it's been month since I realized how much this place was a dump," he said. "Aww, Noah," Chris said."Cynical as always."

"Cynical, huh? During my arrival, I spotted two cans of Coca Cola, a seagull nest and some canned beans that were emptied out on the sea," Noah told him. "And it's pretty obvious that someone on this island littered on the ocean."

Chris frowned. "You're trying to get me fined, right?"

The cynical schemer shrugged and walked toward the other campers. Before Chris could say anything else, the sound of a motorboat roared as everyone saw someone skiing behind the boat.

"Tyler's here!" Chris said. The red jock skiied onto a rock but accidentally let go. All of the campers gasped as Tyler fell onto the dock and into the water.

"Aww, sick!" Chris exclaimed.

"Didn't he do something like that on TDI?" Harold asked.

"No kidding, dude needs to stop with all the daredevil stuff," Noah smirked. Tyler climbed up at the other side of the dock. Surprisingly, he wasn't bruised or injured which surprised the campers and Chris.

"Dude, that was awesome!" he said. Tyler gave him a wet high-five from the soaking camp water. The host immediately wiped his hand on Cody who was disgusted. The eleventh boat arrived just in time for a blonde queen.

"Lindsay, our hot maiden friend," Chris said.

"Thanks Carl," thanked the dumb princess. The host looked at her dumbfounded since she could always so often forget a person's name. Lindsay, however, walked straight to Tyler, who was happy that she was here. The two shared a hug a kiss.

"Oh my gosh, it's been so long Taylor," the dumb princess said. "I missed you!"

"More awes anyone?" Noah asked. Beth heard his word and awed. The rest of the campers followed as Tyler and Lindsay kissed. The twelfth boat held two girls, each wearing matching shirts and pants. One was fat, the other was thin. Noah immediately smiled with glee. "Katie!"

"Hey, wait just one moment! I'm the host and I get to introduce the contestants!" scolded Chris as he fumed.

As he returned his glance from Noah to the two girls he smiled. "Katie and Sadie, the gossiping twins-sort of." He paused a short while on the word 'twins'. The next boat after Katie and Sadie's was filled with nauseous loathing fumes. The intern who drove the boat raced out of the fuming raft and threw up on the side of the dock. Behind the intern was an fat blonde boy who was happy to see the campers.

"Chris, oh man, it's so awesome to be back competing!"

The obese boy immediately hugged the host. Chris, who tried to tell the boy to get off, was unable to due to his voice being muffled into the tummy of Owen. Most of the campers laughed except for people like Beth.

"Owen, I think Chris wants you to stop hugging him," she told him. Owen let go of the gagging host who was trying hard to breathe.

"Now he knows what it feels like to breathe underwater," Tyler remarked while chuckling, as Owen headed towards Noah.

The fourteenth boat arrived with a wild happy cowboy.

"Alright! Am I late to the party?" the cowboy asked.

"Yep, and you missed the best part, Chris got squished by Owen," Gwen told him.

"Aww well, I've had plenty of parties in the past."

Chris finally managed to get airs in his lungs and continued his job as host. "Anyway, Geoff, ready to party in TDS?" "You bet I am!" Geoff exclaimed. "Man, I can't wait to meet the other campers!"

"I bet you are," Chris told him. The fifteenth boat managed to arrive with curtains that had a spot cut out for the boat driver to see.

"Prepare for trouble!" yelled a voice. A criminal with a green mohawk slid down the railings of the boat and landed perfectly on the dock. A girl with brown hair did a backflip and landed also perfectly on the dock.

"Courtney and Duncan, a wonderful grand entrance!" Chris applauded. Both Duncan and Courtney bowed. Most of the campers cheered, including Noah.

"I could never do that, not even if Katie taught me those acrobatic lessons that I hated."

"Aww Noah, don't say that," Katie scolded as she punched the schemer on the arm gently.

"Oh my gosh, you really tried to get Noah to do acrobatics?" Sadie asked. She squealed of delight. All of the campers clasped their ears shut.

"Don't do that again, unless you wanna get chopped up for Christmas," Duncan threatened the other BFF. Sadie shut her mouth. Courtney punched Duncan on the arm angrily.

"Didn't I tell you not to be mean?" scolded the CIT. "Especially on those two?"

Her finger pointed to Katie and Sadie.

"Hey, look there!" Geoff yelled. Chris came to look and spotted a blonde girl paddling with her surfboard.

"Bridgette!" Chris greeted as he pulled the surfer girl up onto the deck.

"Hey babe!" shouted Geoff as he ran and hugged the surfer. "Why didn't you arrive by boat, like all the others?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I wanna know too," Chris wondered.

"Well, I actually did, but the boat broke down so I decided to swim toward the island. Don't worry about the intern, he called for help ages ago," explained Bridgette.

"Did you really swim all that way from the boat to here?" asked Beth.

"No, the boat was like three feet away from the island, it was pretty visible," replied the surfer.

"Well, I'm just glad you're okay!" Geoff said as he kissed Bridgette. Cody groaned.

"When will I kiss like that?" he mumbled.

"Dude, you still have that Sierra of yours," Tyler said.

"Um, no," Cody replied. His memories of Sierra was horrid. In TDWT, he was constantly getting more injuries not just from the challenges, but Sierra herself. When TDAS happened, he felt relaxed at last but he still got texts from her during her time on the island. It was like she was stalking him wherever he went.

"Our next camper is DJ!" Chris said, bring back the grin he had as the next boat arrived. Onboard was a jock who held up a bunny in his palm. It was gray with cute beady eyes.

"Go on Bunny, remember your old home?" the jock asked. Bunny sniffed the ground once and immediately hopped on DJ. "Hmm, I don't think Bunny remembers his new home."

"You sure?" Chris asked. "Well, as long as it's here, it's all good. The producers literally got a one hundred dollar fine for letting a wild bunny become a pet."

The next camper arrived on a boat while wearing his toque. "Ezekiel, my prairie homie! Ready to get voted off first again?" Chris teased.

"No, cause this time I'll not make any mistakes anymore, eh!" promised the prairie boy. "I will not get kicked off first this time!"

"Or will you?" Eva snickered. "After all, you got kicked for clumsy reasons, you couldn't keep your mouth shut about boys being better than girls in TDI and you lost that stick in Egypt in TDWT."

"All true, eh!" Ezekiel agreed. "But I'm not doing it again!"

Courtney patted Eva on the shoulder to calm her down. The next boat arrived with a guitarist who wore a green shirt that had a hand implanted in the middle.

Gwen leaped of joy when she saw the boy.

"Trent!" she called. "Gwen!" the guitarist yelled back. They both collapsed into a reunion hug and started to kiss.

Again, everyone except Chris awed.

"Trent my man!" Cody said as he patted the guitarist on the back. The host on the other hand cleared his throat to get the campers' attention. When that didn't work, he did the same thing only in his megaphone which echoed throughout the island.

"May I remind you that this is an half an hour show?" the host asked. "Anyway, our next camper is Izzy!"

No sound of a boat or anyone else came. The campers looked around to see any sign of a red-haired girl. Chris also looked around but felt a slight chomp on his shoulder. "IZZY!" he screamed. The crazy-red haired female jumped out of sight in front the host.

"Chrissy Wussy, how may I help?" Izzy asked. "Would you want the Bite-the-Chris Burger, it comes with makeup!"

"No, but makeup does sound good," Chris told her. "But, anyway, your contract states that you shouldn't bite people like me!"

"Does it?" the crazy red-haired asked. "Must've eaten that part out."

Chris sighed of disbelief. Another boat arrived soon after that which surprised people like Lindsay. "Uh, Chip?" she asked. "Weren't there only 22 of us?"

"Lindsay, you're finally remembering things!" Heather cheered.

"Wait, my name is Lindsay?" asked the dumb princess. Heather stopped her cheering at once.

"I stand corrected," she concluded. The surprise boat stopped as a girl with pure red hair popped along.

"Zoey!" Chris greeted.

"Hey Chris, hey everyone." the Indie girl said. Some of the campers scoffed like Heather and Courtney. Others like Cody and Gwen went to greet her. Surprisingly Duncan did so too.

As Zoey got to know them, another camper arrived.

"Svetlana to the Olympics!" yelled a boy in makeup, who did an acrobatic flip and landed gracefully onto the dock. He let out a gasp of air as he saw Zoey.

"Mike!" Chris said. However, the host was shoved aside by Tyler before he could continue.

"How'd you do that?" the jock asked.

"Do what? Oh right um-" Mike couldn't think what was a perfect excuse for Svetlana. Thankfully, Zoey saved him. "He has lots of talents, he told me he was taught by his mother."

Tyler looked at her and shrugged. Mike sighed and thanked the Indie girl. "And our next camper is none other than farmer jerk Scott!"

Courtney, Mike, and Zoey groaned. Off on the boat was a boy with orange hair and dirt smudges all over his clothing.

"Oh no! Not a Duncan 2.0!" Harold yelped.

"No worries Harold. Scott isn't like those guys who would kill you in your sleep," Mike assured him. "But he is big meanie!"

"Well, well, if it isn't my old friends, Multiple Mike and Some Insult Zoey," Scott mused.

"What does he mean by Multiple Mike?" Owen asked. Mike shivered and quickly gave him a piece of a gummy worm. The party guy started swallowing it, forgetting about Mike's nickname.

"Alright kiddies, no need to fight now, we have more campers," Chris told them. The next boat arrived with a fat geeky nerd who was to busy concentrating on his Nintendo DS.

"Sam!" Chris said. The nerd took no word until a sweet girl's voice appeared.

"Oh Sam!" the voice said. The nerd took off his eyes off his game and spun around to see a girl.

"And I see you brought Dakota!"

Leshawna huffed. "Great, another Heather?"

"Heather?" Sam asked. "Oh no, Dakota's nice! She isn't like that Heather!"

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Dakota squealed.

"Didn't your girlfriend turn into Miss Godzilla?" asked Scott.

"It turns out that the mutagen was a two month disease," Sam explained. "She turned back to normal when I came back to TDAS."

"Scott, you better be careful for this season, cause Dawn is back!" said Chris.

"Dawn who?" the farmer jerk asked. But then his eyes became wide in terror. "Oh no, not her!"

Sure enough, a pale moon girl meditated to the island and landed next to DJ. The jock shrieked in terror. "GHOST!" he screamed.

"Silly DJ, I'm Dawn!" said the moon girl. DJ looked at her once, and continued to shriek.

"Calm yourself!" Gwen said, smacking DJ across the face multiple times.

"She's a moon girl, she can meditate!" Beth added.

"Which is pretty sick if you ask me," Duncan said as he caught Courtney's glare.

"And she's pretty as heck," sighed Cody.

"Thank you Cody," thanked Dawn as she appeared next to the geek. This made him jump as he tried to make up how she moved so quickly.

Then the moon girl moved toward Scott, who was hiding behind Owen. "Hello Scott, trying to plot against me, again?" she asked.

"No, and I'm not gonna get frightened by whatever voodoo hoodoo you pull on me," the farmer jerk told her. Soon, he was tackled down by a shark with legs and hands.

Scott gulped. "Fang?!"

"Yep, poor critter lost a home, I adopted him, so he's my friend," Dawn said as she petted the mutated shark on the tip of his nose. "Now go on to swim in the sea."

Fang payed her close attention, let go of Scott, and dove straight into the water. "Glad you finally got him away from me," sighed Heather.

"Looks like there's gonna be another hundred dollar fine," Chris mumbled. The next camper appeared by a shiny golden motorboat which drifted to the island.

"Lightning!" Chris said. A jock who was pretty buff and had white jumped onto the dock.

"Sha-awesome!" He cried.

"Tyler, looks like you've got competition," Noah told the red jock.

"No probs, I could totally beat him in a game of soccer!" Tyler assured.

"Excuse me?" asked Lightning who had overheard Tyler. "You think you can beat the Lightning?!"

"Yeah!" the red jock exclaimed. "I can totally win you! Bring it on!" The campers stared at the determined faces of both jocks, knowing that they are becoming rivals.

"Oh boy, what have I done?" Noah said to himself. Chris, who was watching the whole thing, seemed excited. However, the next boat arrived.

"Ah, it's Beverly!" Chris cried.

"No it's B!" said the big contestant. A lot of people were surprised, including Dawn.

"B, that's impossible, how can you talk?" the surprised moon girl asked. "Your aura never lies!"

The silent genius spun around for the campers to see a robot. It was attached like a backpack and it looked a lot like the Drama Machine from some earlier seasons.

"I decided that since most people couldn't trust me anymore, I invented this robot that allowed me to say any word I wanted to say," explained the genius. "Advanced technology, you would say."

"Alright B, that's so cool!" Cody commented.

"So smart of you!" Harold added.

"Whoa, now you solved one of your problems!" Mike told the genius.

"Why is it all the nerds getting into all this techno stuff," Leshawna asked.

"Duh, it's the 20th century, by the 23rd, things become electrical," said Dakota, who was texting on her phone.

As the some campers admired B's robot, the next boat arrived with a girl who had mostly Leshawna's attitude, only skinnier and had a fashionable hair. Zoey immediately cringed.

"Anne Maria!" Chris welcomed. "Ready to compete with your pouffe?"

"Oh you bet I am, and I'm gonna spend my winnings with Vito," the Jersey Shore reject sighed. This made Zoey cringe even more. Mike had to pat her on the shoulder to calm her down.

Meanwhile, with all that happening, B stood toward Scott.

"Hello, Scott, wanna get voted off first?" the genius asked.

"You wish," Scott replied. "How about you?"

The two exchanged murderous glares as they growled at each other. "Am I interrupting something?" asked Izzy who was standing between the two enemies. "If it's a fight, you should've invited me!"

"No!" the farmer jerk yelled as he walked away from B. Another boat arrived with a military cadet. Both Mike and Zoey were happy to see him.

"Brick!" they both shouted. The two did a reunion hug but stopped when they noticed he was carrying a leg.

DJ shrieked again. "He killed someone!"

"What? Where?" asked a voice. The voice came from the leg which was attached to a bubble-headed nerd.

"Cameron!" Mike and Zoey shouted again. DJ immediately calmed down when he noticed that someone really didn't die.

"Brick, looks like you brought a friend," Chris said.

"Yep, I am his tutor in camp, where I coach him to be more fit!" the cadet explained.

"Like me and Noah," Katie exclaimed.

"Grammar Katie," the cynical schemer told her. Brick looked at Noah who was scrawny in his book.

"Yep, kid definitely needs help," Brick said. The schemer shrugged. The cadet headed towards Katie to give her tips on how to coach Noah while Mike and Zoey helped Cameron get off the boat. Cody wanted to meet Cameron too, but was stopped by Gwen.

"Gwen!" Cameron cheered. He hugged her happily. "Oh yeah, you guys were both in TDAS," Cody said.

"Yep, and you're Cody, right?" Cameron asked.

Cody bowed. "At your service."

Trent later walked to the three as he smiled at Cameron. "Hey, you're Trent, Gwen's boyfriend," Cameron said.

"Yep," the guitarist replied. Cameron could feel that Trent might have been a little jealous when Gwen kissed him in TDAS. Cody might've been too, but he didn't seemed bother.

"So, Cody, Sierra's talked about you way too many times," Cameron said. "How can you put up with a girl like her?"

"I don't, I always try to dodge her," replied the techno geek.

"Soon later, the next boat arrived with a screaming intern diving out the boat. The boat with no driver rummaged the dock as it came to a stop. Everyone raced to the beach as the dock started falling into pieces. Chris stared at the damaged dock and glared at the swimming intern who had come out of the beach.

"Alright, what the heck was that dude?!" yelled Chris.

"It was me dealing with that camper!" the intern cried. Chris looked at the boat and saw a chubby girl with a bow.

The host groaned, "Staci."

"Hi Chris, you know, my uncle can fix a dock like this, and a boat, he's an engineer-" Staci continued to babble about her uncle. Most of the campers covered their ears.

"She's annoying like Nicki Manaj or Justin Bieber!" complained Sam.

"Hey, I like both Nicki Manaj and Justin Bieber!" Anne Maria yelled.

"Owen, eat these!" Noah shouted towards Owen, who gave him a burrito.

"For me?" asked the party guy. The schemer nodded and handed to him. Owen gobbled it in one bite.

"Now, aim your butt at Staci!" he said. Owen did exactly he told him.

"Now everyone, cover your nose!" the schemer continued. Everyone did what Noah had told them as Owen blared a huge amount of gas onto Staci. She immediately fainted. Everyone released their noses and sighed. Brick patted the schemer's back as a reward.

"Great job cadet."

Chris looked at the unconscious Staci. "Yep, we need to bring her to her place to stay," the host finally said as two interns came and carried Staci and ran somewhere.

"Well, without a dock, we might as well introduce our campers here," Chris said. "Alright then, our other camper will be arriving here shortly." The host took out his walk talky and called, "Chef!"

Without warning, a tied up hooded girl dropped onto the sandy area of the beach. "Jo, so glad you could drop by," Chris teased.

Ezekiel and Mike went to her aid and untied her. "Yo Mclean, what's wrong with you, tying me up and throwing me off a plane?" Jo asked. Chris looked at the side of him to see Chef, in his military wear, who chuckled mischeviously.

A short while later some other boats began to arrive. "Seriously, more campers?" asked Courtney. "How many are there?"

"Like about fourteen more, and here comes one of them!" Chris said happily.

The boat came to a halt after noticing the damaged dock.

"Let's come here!" ordered Chris. The contestant dove straight into the water as she swam toward the beach. "Sky, you almost made a better entrance than Courtney and Duncan!"

"Gee, thanks," said the Olympic girl.

"Man, another hot girl!" Cody said.

"Try not ruin it, like in TDI," Jo whispered. The techno geek immediately shivered from thoughts. But before he could walk up to Sky and flirt with her, a faster boat than Sky's rammed the island, and out jumped a boy a lot like Noah, only with gray hair.

"Dave!" Chris cried. "Still trying to contact Sky?"

"Sky?!" Dave yelled angrily. "She's here?!"

"Well yeah, every Total Drama contestant that has competed are coming!" Chris explained. Dave fumed as he walked up to Sky and shoved aside her. Most of the campers gasped. Scott laughed but was caught by glares of Dawn and B. As Sky plummeted onto the ground, Cody slid under her as the Olympic girl landed on the techno geek himself.

"Oh gosh, are you alright?" Sky asked.

"I am now," Cody grinned, as his teeth shined through her eyes.

"Aww, I think they're gonna be couples!" Beth cried softly.

"Love doesn't happen that quick, Beth," Justin told her. The happy moment between Sky and Cody was interrupted when the next camper arrived.

"Shawn," Chris called. A boy who was a lot similar to Ezekiel walked carefully.

"Do you guys really have to wait on the sand, the zombies might grab your ankles!" he shivered.

"Actually, yeah, the dock is broken so we aren't able to wait by there," Chris replied. Shawn sighed and carefully walked toward the other campers. As he walked toward Heather's side she scoffed in disgust.

"Eww, get away dweeb!" she cried.

"But I'm trying to save you from the zombies!"

"Zombies?!" cried DJ. He let out another shriek of terror but his mouth was clamped shut by Shawn. "Calm down, the zombies might here you!"

Chris watched uneasily and saw that the next camper was coming. Off the the tip of the boat, a Australian girl swam to the shore. Shawn happily ran and cheered.

"Jasmine!" he screamed as he hugged the outback girl. The two later kissed which caused more awes.

"The awes never get old," Noah said.

The host again frowned. The two couples looked up and stopped kissing at once. "Thank you, now can I move on?"

"Our next campers are Amy and Samey, and just to let you know, their twins," Chris told the campers.

"Great, more double trouble," Scott groaned. "I was starting to get annoyed with these two." The farmer jerk pointed his thumb towards Katie and Sadie who were giggling and whispering.

"Don't get too excited Scott, these two aren't really that much of trouble, to you at least," Chris assured the jerk. The boat stopped with two girls, each wearing the same clothes and each too busy trying to kill each other.

"Chef!" Chris called. The hefty cook walked along and separated the two girls who were too busy trying to smack each other. Still fighting, Chris blew his air horn which echoed in not only in Amy and Samey's, but also Chef's ear.

"Yow! You could have warn me, Chris!" Chef cried. The host ignored the cook as he headed towards the girls.

The two started to argue instead of trying to kill each other.

"I'm prettier!" yelled Amy.

"No I am!" cried Samey. The two argued back and forth until finally Chris yelled in his megaphone.

"Finally, would you please shut up?!" Chris asked. "Jeez, the nerve of sisters."

"Uh, Chris, what would happen if one of them got eliminated and the one eliminated posed as the one not eliminated and the other one not eliminated got eliminated?" asked Geoff.

"I swear, if he says another word about elimination, I will punch an old man," Gwen told herself.

"I was just getting to that," continued Chris. "That's exactly what happened last season, but I just thought of a perfect way to prevent this. Just so we can tell each other apart, Samey will wear a blue shirt while Amy will leave her own shirt on."

Amy grinned evilly. Samey was handed the shirt and sighed miserably.

"Hey, I kinda like blue too," Cody told her. The sweet twin smiled. Amy lost her evil grin when she saw this.

"Our next camper is Sugar!" Chris told the campers. "And she's not that sweet, if you ask me."

A chubby buck-tooth girl walked out the boat who posed in front of the campers. "Howdy, y'all! Meet the new prettiest, cutest lady you've ever met," boasted Sugar.

"Yeesh, in her mind yes," Dave said. Sky giggled but stopped when she saw the glare in Dave's eyes.

"Her pretty? She seems as ugly as Eva," Leshawna told Gwen but then looked up at Eva. "No offense babe."

"None taken," Eva replied.

Sugar ignored the haters and headed toward Owen. "Hello baby, come to be my boyfriend?"

"Um, no, my girlfriend is Izzy here," Owen told her.

Sugar laughed. "Good one!"

"No no! I'm not joking!" the party guy assured her. He brought Izzy to his side which caused the farm girl to gasp in disbelief.

"Stay away from by boyfriend buddy!" Izzy barked. "Excuse me missy, that man is my boyfriend and you just stole him away from me!" the farm girl barked back.

"Steal him? Look pig lady, I've met Owen a lot longer than you ever had!" growled Izzy. "And he's gonna be my BF forever!"

"Aww you really mean it?" asked the party guy. The two couples kissed in front of Sugar who stomped up, separated them and went to take in place of Izzy's kiss. However, Izzy tackled Sugar to the ground as they started gnawing on each other.

However they both stopped when they heard a beautiful singing voice. "Feuding already?" Chris asked. "Well, that singing is here to make Sugar's life miserable, and it is coming from our next camper, Ella!"

Everyone watched the boat with a Snow White-like girl who was humming a beautiful tune. Fang popped out of the water and listened humbly to the tune of the maiden's voice. Sugar's gasp turned into an angry murderous glare.

"Ella!" she huffed. Her enemy was happily sitting on the boat railings while singing a parody of "Let It Go" while changing the words from "Let It Go" to "Let's Make Friends".

"That the best singing I have ever heard," Courtney cried, while being on the verse of tears. Cody sniffled and awed.

"Her voice makes her both pretty and cute!" he murmured. Bunny hopped around DJ's palm as Ella floated down the boat with some nearby birds. Her song ended with a bow, which caused an applause from the contestants. Even Heather and Eva broke into applauses.

However, Sugar marched toward the fairy-tale maiden and grasped her hand. "Ella, what do you think you're doing?" she growled.

"Why, singing," the maiden replied. Sugar did a heavy deep roar but stopped when both DJ and Cody strained her away.

"What's the matter, eh?" asked Ezekiel. "Messing with beautiful singer like her, eh?"

"I know right?" Noah agreed. "Apparently the 'prettiest and cutest' girl ever doesn't have a pretty and cute heart."

The farm girl heaved and huffed in anger as DJ and Cody, tightened their grip. She later calmed herself once the next camper came. He was big and hefty and looked a lot like Wreck-It Ralph.

"Rodney!" Chris said. "Welcome back big guy." The host nudged the country guy on the ribs who showed no remark of pain.

Instead he said, "I hope I'll last longer this season."

Jasmine, Samey and Shawn all welcomed him back. When both Jasmine and Samey welcomed him, his eyes shined. Both girls glanced at each other. "They're both pretty always," the country boy told himself.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Great, another Disney look-a-like."

"You take back what you said. I love Disney!" Sky told the farmer jerk. Rodney looked startled when Sky threatened Scott and walked slowly away.

Dave groaned when the next camper arrived. He was chubby in a way, and he managed to make a perfect air horn sound.

"Beardo!" Chris greeted. "Our fellow beat boxer!"

"Beat boxer?" Scott asked. "What's a beat boxer?"

"Someone who makes a jam with only sound effects," B replied.

"Jam?" Scott asked. "You can make jam using sound effects?" B slapped his forehead.

Beardo walked up to Chris who talked in his best robot voice. "It's pronounced Be-Ardo," the beat boxer told the host. Chris smiled.

"Alright, I'll remember it next time, Beardo!" the host told him, saying the beat boxer's name wrong again.

"Beat boxing is sick bra!" complimented Geoff. "I should invite you to my parties sometimes!"

Beardo gave the cowboy a fist pump and made some sound effects to it. Geoff laughed and slapped his knee. "I love this dude!"

"And our next camper is Leonard, the wizard geek!" Chris said, as a boy, who was dressed up in a green wizard's costume, jumped to shore.

"Wizard 101 rules!" the wizard geek said. Many of the campers gaped upon the boy who was pretty tall.

"You know, I'm starting to get the feeling that most of the contestants we've seen today, might've hit their head on a table when they were babies, like really hard," Trent said.

"No kidding," Zoey agreed. "A wizard geek who plays wizard games."

Sugar on the other hand seemed to be excited. "The wizard is back in town!" she yelled. "Quick, do us a magic trick!"

"Of course my number one fan!" Leonard replied. He took out a book, flipped through some of the pages and steadied out his wand, which was just an old stick. "This is a beauty spell, it will make whoever I choose, beautiful!" the wizard explained.

Lindsay immediately raised her hand. "Ooh, ooh, can I try it?" she asked.

The wizard nodded. Soon, the dumb princess raced to Leonard, but however, Sugar pushed her away. "Ow, what was that for Suzy?" Lindsay asked.

"Sorry, this is my spell, bring it on!" ordered the farm girl.

Leonard pointed his wand at the cow girl and shouted, "Beautia Sava!" No sparks came out and nothing changed.

"Now look at me, so beautiful and precious!" boasted Sugar.

"Ugh, more like fat and ugly," Heather managed to say.

"What now Chris?" asked Noah. "Any more weirdos around?"

"Yep, lots more," replied the host. As soon he stepped to the right, a boy who looked like a blonde Chris fell onto the ground.

"Topher!" the host introduced. "Wannabe me!"

It took awhile for the wannabe host to get up from the ground. As he finally did, he jumped in exaggeration. "Chris! I'm so psyched to be in this season!" he cried.

"Another wannabe, guess that makes one of you," Jo told Beth. The girl wannabe glared at the hooded jock as she smiled in approval.

"So we have another Chris," Bridgette said. "That's pretty messed up if you ask me."

"What's wrong with two Chris's?" asked Owen. "That means twice the food, and speaking of which, I'm hungry."

"Dude, I just fed you a burrito," Noah told the party giant. "And I don't carry a stockpile with me. That was literally my only lunch."

"Which you used for our health, great job!" Brick told the cynical schemer. The cadet patted the schemer on the shoulder. He received it with a smile, but was eagerly trying to escape his compliments.

As all that was happening the next boat crashed onto the island beach. The sandy particles flew into some of the contestants' eyes. One of them was Mike who groaned and gasped.

"Darn sand!" he complained. "Back in the old days, sand was used for decorations, not for things like dodgeball. Lousy kids!"

The multiple teenager was smacked to consciousness by Cameron.

"Snap it out Mike," the bubble boy cried. However, he stopped when he heard a choking laughter, coming from a purple-haired midget.

"Max!" Chris shouted. "The imp of mischief with a lot of imaginary ideas." The imp seemed offended by this statement.

"Imaginary?!" asked Max. "Those are real ideas! And I am one awesome villain." The imp looked at the other campers, who shook their heads in disbelief.

"Suit yourselves non-believers," grumbled the imp. "But when I win the one million dollars, you will bow down to me! Bow I tell you!"

"Dude, do you want to be falsely eliminated like last season, hmm?" Chris asked. "And if you don't remember why, it's because you couldn't shut up."

"And I curse you for that," the imp replied. He stuck his finger up at the host, who just brushed it off.

"I think Max might be one troubled soul, his family never cares for him," Dawn told the campers. She was caught by glances from the others. "What? It's all over his aura!"

"Maybe someday you would present an aura presentation," Topher told her. Realizing it was a pun, B punched the wannabe host on the back.

The next boat that had arrived wasn't the same as the other contestant. It was rusty and was made out of steel. It also alarmed, like a police car would do.

"Scarlett! Our extremely monstrous villain," Chris said when a red-haired girl was brought with her straitjacket. "She spent some time in custody, after she threatened to blow up the island."

"But luckily, I managed to help herself to another friendly contest of Total Drama," the host explained. "Since this was Total Drama Supreme, everyone's invited to play!"

"So you mean if I called my cousin right now, he would be a contestant?" asked Noah. "You should reword that."

"Fine, what I mean is, since this is Total Drama Supreme, every contestant is invited!" the host reworded. "And speaking of which, I made a deal with Scarlett here."

"I said that I would only play if Max got off my butt," the villainous growled through her prisoner custody mask. "I could have asked for the one million dollars, but apparently, it was against the rules."

She was unstrapped from her custody bonds and was given back her old Total Drama clothes. "And for our next contestant, Alejandro!" the host continued.

All of the first generation and some of the second booed and groaned. The third generation girls, however, awed over the sight of the Spaniard. This made Justin cringe of jealousy.

The third generation boys also cringed of jealousy. Alejandro stepped off the boat and walked to Chris. "Hola Chris", the Spaniard greeted.

"So mulla, Alejandro," Chris told the Spaniard. "You know I don't like that."

Alejandro chuckled. He then took a peek at Heather, who scoffed at the Spaniard. "Oh no, not Al!" Mike gasped.

"You better believe it, cause this time, I will rule with one million dollar gracias!" Alejandro told the campers. He later frowned at the multiple teenager. "And don't call me Al."

"And finally!" said Chris. "Our last camper for this season is Sierra!" The final boat drove at an especially high speed where it brought a girl with purple hair. She wheezed and puffed as she saw all fifty campers.

When she saw Cody, she wheezed harder. "CODY!" she screamed as she raced toward the techno geek, who also raced away. He hid behind Cameron.

"Help me," the geek whispered. He managed to see a hyperactive fan girl searching every contestant and asking them where was Cody. But then she spotted Cameron.

"CODY-CAM!" the fangirl squealed. She crushed the bubble boy when she hugged him. When she spotted Cody, she grabbed the geek and hugged the two of them.

"Agh, Mike help," Cameron managed. "And Cody too." Thankfully, Chris called Sierra by her name.

"Sierra, let go of those two," the host ordered. "Ratings are low, and we can't afford an injury from bone-crushing."

"Who said I was crushing bones?" asked the fangirl. She heard a small crack in Cody's arm, but pretended she didn't hear it.

"Chef!" Chris called. The cook walked by again and separated Sierra from Cody and Cameron. The fangirl tried to squirm from the cook's grip but wasn't as strong to do so. In fact, Chef tightened his grip to keep Sierra away.

"Now with that gone," Chris continued,"Let's get back to the rules of this competition. First off, you may have noticed that this is a new island."

"No duh, most of us know that the old island was blown up months ago," Heather said.

"I agree, but what happened to Pahkitew Island?" Sky asked, ignoring the scowls from Dave.

"Good question, you see, that was our original idea for the seventh season, but however, some of the animals got...cuckoo," Chris explained. "So we abandoned that island and decided to make a new one, with the exact structure as the old one, only tweeked."

"Is that why I see a new sign with a bear on it?" asked Gwen. She noted the sign where it was supposed to say, "Camp Wawanakwa," but it foreshadowed a drawing of a bear, that scraped across the words.

"Yep, guess that's why," the host replied. He led the fifty-one contestants to the Campfire Ceremony, which looked like the one from season 6, but had a dock connected to it.

"As always, one camper will be voted off the island," said Chris. "But there is something different. Instead of going to Plaza Da Losers, you will be going to...The Jailhouse of Loserdom!"

"A jail?" asked Lindsay. "But I don't think I did anything wrong. Except maybe, put on the wrong makeup."

"Don't worry, to make it hopefully, not past the twenty-five minute mark," the host replied as he looked at his watch. "I'll explain more later."

He then led the campers at the cafeteria, which was bigger than usual. Across the room was a list of awards for Chef. Some campers eyed them carefully.

"Hmph, this Award for Hefty should be mine, sha-bam!" Lightning said as he kissed his biceps. Dave looked disgusted and became even more disgusted once Owen passed gas in the room.

The party guy, waved it off. "Uh, Chris, where's the confessional?" he asked. "I really need to do some business."

"Sure big guy, it's where you always find it in our old island," the host replied. The party guy walked toward the outhouse where it was used mainly to share plans and dark secrets. As Owen walked, Chris began to explain the confessional.

Confessional: I'm Owinning this game!

Owen: (He sits on the toilet as he farts loudly. Gas is seen everywhere. He sighs after finishing.)

Shawn: I'm going to try to keep my confessions simple because last season, Chris used my confessions against me and Jasmine.

Alejandro: I would have to be careful this season, ever since TDWT, everyone's been treating me like dirt. But, I may have a chance to manipulate those girls from the third generation.

Meanwhile, back at the cafeteria, Chris continued to explain. Owen came in after he was done talking about the awards on the room.

"Now back to the show," the host continued. "This place is where you will be eating Chef's five star meals!"

Chris received a pat on the back from Chef, who was still mangling a squirming Sierra. "Make it six-stars please!" Owen pleaded.

"Dude, you like this grub?" Sam asked, taking his eyes off his DS for one second. "It's a mixture of garbage and barf."

"And it has no protein!" Lightning joined the complains. Both boys kept their mouths shut when Chef threw a knife between the boys' head, missing on purpose.

"Thank you Chef," Chris thanked. "Now that we're done with the cafeteria, let's head on to your very own, new home!"

He led them outside, where there awaited a gate that opened slightly and beautifully. The campers were amazed with the place that they were staying in. There were thirteen houses, each placed in their own separate areas. In the middle was a statue of Chris himself, who stood bravely.

"This is where we're staying?" Scott asked."It looks...pretty!"

"Glad you like it, cause we paid a lot of money for this estate," Chris told them.

"Wait a minute," Gwen said. "Why are you being nice to us, for this season?"

"I know, it just seems so weird to see Chris acting like this," Samey agreed.

"Uh, nobody asked you," Amy told her sweet twin.

"And nobody asked you to butt in," Samey replied back to her evil sister. Soon, they were arranged into a quarrel until finally, Chef let go of Sierra and separated the twins.

"Thank you again Chef, now to answer Gwen's question, a special someone wanted better cabins for all of you guys," the host eyed Courtney carefully. Duncan peeked at her. "And she threatened to sue."

"That sounds like CIT girl right there," Eva said. Everybody glanced at Courtney, who blushed.

"Fine, you caught me," she confessed. "I wanted to fix my mistakes in TDA. You know, the ones where I purposely got better pillows and blankets while you guys got the rusty ones."

Duncan immediately smiled and hugged Courtney.

"Thank you!" he cried. "I love you so much I could kiss you!"

"Duncan stop it!" the CIT pleaded. "You're embarrassing me!"

"Keep calm Mohawk," Noah told the criminal. "You don't want to ruin your character."

Duncan stopped hugging after he heard the schemer's remark. The CIT patted herself when the criminal set her down.

"Anyway, these houses you see are your dorms," Chris continued. "And if you haven't counted, there are thirteen dorms."

Sierra immediately cheered and waved her hand energetically. "I wanna sleep with Cody and Cody-Cam, no one else!"

"Oh, did I say you can choose?" referred the host. "No, we're doing this, Kobold Necromancer Style! You know from that story place called fan something. I forgot, but man. He writes good stories about me. Anyway, we're doing this alphabetically!"

"Noooo!" Sierra cried in sorrow. "I want Cody and Cody-Cam!"

"Sorry Sierra," Chris told her. "Total Drama rules."

The fangirl clinged onto Cody and was grabbed by Chef once again. Soon she was tossed into a dorm farther away. Both the techno geek and the bubble boy sighed in relief.

Confessional: Any secret hidden Cody?

Cody: (sighs happily) Finally, all peace and quiet. No foot messages, thumb-sucking, or underwear basket-weaving. (sighs again)

Sierra: (sobbing manically) Cody...

Cameron: (notices the tear puddles on the ground) Um, was someone crying in here?

Chris grabbed out a piece of paper. He scanned the entire group of contestants and prepare to announce the roommates.

"In Dorm 1, we'll have Amy, Anne Maria, Alejandro and B. Dorm 2 will be for Beardo-" Chris announced, ignoring the groan from Beardo's beatbox voice. "-Beth, Brick, and Bridgette. Cameron, Cody, Courtney and Dakota, will be roomies in Dorm 3."

Cody gave a high-five Cameron when he heard Chris say that they were roomies.

"Alright Cody!" Cameron cheered proudly when he saw that he had a new friend. Courtney rolled her eyes.

"Dorm 4 is for Dave, Dawn, DJ and Duncan," Chris continued. "Dorm 5 welcomes Ella, Eva, Ezekiel and Geoff. Gwen and Harold will join Heather and Izzy in Dorm 6. Jasmine will interact with Jo, Justin and Katie in Dorm 7."

"Wait, that means I'm not with Katie!" Sadie cried.

"Yep it does, also that whining, crying thing won't work this time like it did with TDI," the host told the latter BFF. Sadie was close to tears, but was patted on the head by Katie herself.

"Anyway," the host continued. "Leonard, Leshawna, Lightning, and Lindsay will be staying in Dorm 8. Mike, Noah and Owen will join evil forces with Max in Dorm 9. Rodney will live with Sadie, Sam, and Samey in Dorm 10. Scarlett, Scott, Shawn will bunk in with Sierra in Dorm 11. Staci will annoy the heck out of Sky, Sugar, and Topher in Dorm 12. And finally, Trent, Tyler and Zoey, in Dorm 13."

Zoey shivered. "Dorm 13?" the Indie girl squeaked. "That's pretty unlucky if you ask me."

Confessional: Indiana's girlfriend should be Zoey.

Zoey: Back where I come from, I had a lot of superstitions. One of them was something about bald men. (she shivers) Freaky.

Dorm 1: Alejandro, Amy, Anne Maria, B

Alejandro was amazed at the inside dorms, after Chris told the contestants to make enemies with his roommates. He was glad to be in the dorm, since he was roommates with two second and one third generation contestant.

If he was roommates with any first generation contestant, they would have killed him in his sleep, or at least throw him into the docks.

The Spaniard set his luggages into a room which was perfectly decorated and big. It resembled what people would usually see inside a Las Vegas room.

B walked in moments after Alejandro unpacked. "Jeez, you're a fast unpacker," the genius told him. "Could you help me unpack? A lot of robotics."

"Sure, I really need some companions in this season," the Spaniard replied. "They would really kick me off this island once I showed my face in their team."

"So you're unlike Justin," B concluded. Alejandro looked surprised. He sputtered a bit and then managed to speak words.

"Justin?" he asked. "That man is a verguenza! I am much more basante!"

"So you call Justin a disgrace and that you are more pretty?" B translated. The Spaniard was surprised once again.

"You take any Spanish class?" Alejandro asked. "Know any relative that can speak Spanish?"

"No, just studied the Spanish dictionary for awhile," B replied. He walked away to bring out his robotic equipments.

"Asombroso," Alejandro said to himself.

Confessional: Let's go span that dish!

Alejandro: So B can either be a great ally, or a pesky enemy. Still thinking about it.

Meanwhile, in a room that was farther away from Alejandro and B's, Anne Maria and Amy argued mainly the entire time since Anne Maria unpacked.

"Get your filthy stinky hair, out of my face!" Amy screamed.

"Hey for your information, this is a pouffe!" Anne Maria barked.

"I don't care if it's a marshmallow or pudding, just get it out my face!" the evil twin screamed.

"No, this is fashion!" Anne Maria growled. "You would know if you were popular!"

Amy gasped and tackled the Jersey Shore Reject to the ground. Soon they were in a cat fight, which is not suitable for cameras to see. Alejandro knocked on the room's door, which slowly creaked open as he saw the two girls pulling each other's hair.

"Um, can you guys please stop fighting," the Latino asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to be living a with a less classic Heather and Leshawna," B agreed as he joined Alejandro.

Anne Maria and Amy glared at each other and soon let go. "Fine, just don't annoy me!"

"Don't annoy me either!" Amy shouted back. Both Alejandro and B glanced at each other.

"They're going to get along just fine," B assured the Spaniard.

Dorm 2: Beardo, Brick, Beth, Bridgette

In the gym, Brick felt like he was doing a fine job exercising. In fact, he had just done thirty pull-ups, took up five minutes of his time working with weight-lifts and was just finishing his routine with push-ups.

At his side was Beardo who was helping contribute a coach's voice. Also on Brick's side was both Beth and Bridgette.

Bridgette was worried about the absence of Geoff, who was in another dorm. "I miss Geoff," she murmured.

"Aww, it's okay," assured Beth. "It's not like he's seeing another girl."

"After all, he has Ezekiel, Eva, and that Snow White girl."

"Ella?" Bridgette asked. The wannabe nodded. "You know, you're right. Ezekiel's maybe hanging out with Geoff right now, and I'm sure he isn't going hit on the girl who had tried to kill me on TDI and on Ella."

"That's the spirit, Bridgette!" Beth said. Meanwhile, Brick had finally finished his workout session and was being led back to the girls by Beardo.

"So Beardo," Brick called.

"It's Be-Ardo!" the beatboxer corrected him.

"Whatever, I just wanted to know why you like beatboxing so much," the cadet said.

"I wanna know too!" Beth squealed. She glanced at Bridgette. "Do you wanna know too?"

"Oh, what the heck," the surfer said to herself. Beardo looked at his curious roommates. With one breath, he told them.

Confessional: Beat up the boxer!

Beth: Oh my gosh that was so dramatic. Who knew he had a poor childhood!

Brick: Looks like that Beardo kid really needs his stuff. His poor childhood may prove why he's so chubby.

Bridgette: You know when I first saw Beardo, I always thought he had nothing to do. But now he has a reason why he beatboxes.

Dorm 3: Cameron, Cody, Courtney, Dakota

Cody was immediately a best friend of Cameron. During their conversation, they talked and found a whole lot of similarities.

One of them was the fact of their big brain of technology. Although Cameron was never intrigued into phones, Cody let the bubble boy test out the techno geek's own.

"Oh so that's how a phone works!" Cameron exclaimed. "How come I never knew how fascinating technology was?"

"I don't know, but hey, it's okay," Cody told the bubble-boy. "Almost everyone in this competition has a way with electronics."

"Like Dakota?" Cameron asked. "Say, what is your goal for this season? Besides winning the cash."

"Hopefully get myself a girlfriend as hot as Dakota," Cody confessed. "I want someone else other than Sierra."

"You know, I've observed that you liked almost most of the girls in the third generation," Cameron told the geek.

"Yep, like Sky, Samey, and Ella," Cody sighed in a happy feeling.

"No worries Cody, I believe that you will find yourself a girlfriend," the bubble-boy assured him.

"So the two geeks talking about love?" Courtney asked while leaning on the door that belonged to Cody's room.

"Courtney, the CIT," Cameron said. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, it was getting boring after Dakota fell asleep," the CIT told the two. "Hoping to find love? Don't bet on it, there are fifty-one campers. Some of the single boys may just take them away."

"Take Sky and Dave, sooner or later the two will come back as couples," Courtney told the two.

"Are you trying to act like Dawn?" Cameron asked. The CIT scoffed.

"Nope, it's all theories coming from my gut," she replied.

Confessional: This is all recorded on Cameron.

Cody: Why did Courtney have to say so? I need someone hot! Not like a creepy Sierra.

Courtney: I know all you Cody fans. "Stop being a total /censored/ Courtney!" Hey this is Total Drama Supreme. I was kidding when I said Dave and Sky would be back together! They are like brothers and sisters that can't stand each other!

Dorm 4: Dave, Dawn, DJ, Duncan

Dawn was meditating outside the room of a raging Dave, who laid on the bed while holding back tears.

Inside the mind of Dawn, she saw the past of the whiner's time on Pahkitew Island. He was saddened when he was turned down by Sky. Then later, she saw him get angry and cocky as he tried to destroy the Olympic athlete.

With a frantic open and awakening, Dawn gasped. She saw DJ, with Bunny, on the palm of his hands.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but I just came here to apologize," the jock told the moon girl. "You know, for calling you a ghost."

"Don't worry, I get that all the time," the moon girl assured the mama's boy. "One time, I snuck up on this kid who just screamed like a girl, he thought I was a ghost because of my meditating skills."

"So, Dave okay?" DJ asked. Dawn shook her head, as the two heard a small crash inside the room.

"Why'd I ask?" the jock asked. Bunny glanced up at him, which immediately healed his fear.

"I see that your love of animals has given you a pretty aura," Dawn told the jock. "It's a mixture of green and yellow and has a touch of red in it."

"Um, aren't auras like paranormal things that psychics can see?" DJ asked. "Cause if you are one, then."

"It's okay DJ, I look at how troubled some souls really are, for instance, Dave's soul is being troubled by Sky," the moon girl told him. Her explanation was interrupted by a bruised Duncan, who was covered with cuts and scratches.

"Curse you Chris!" the criminal cursed. "Leaving these plants with thorns on them onto the side of our dorms."

"You okay Duncan?" DJ asked. "You wanna go to the infirmary?"

"Nope, I just wanna pummel the guy who pushed me out the window, that little jerk!" Duncan said. He stomped his way towards Dave's room, which was heavily locked. However, the criminal managed to break it down. He found Dave laying on the bed, who was angrily glaring at him.

"Come here you pain in the /censored/," the criminal angrily commanded. DJ and Dawn tried to restrain him from hurting the whiner, but it was too late as he punched the boy in the face. Dave crumbled onto the floor, with a voice that shrieked in pain.

This time, Duncan was able to become easy to restrain as DJ and Dawn pulled him back. "Stop it Duncan!" the moon girl pleaded. "You're going to get arrested if you lay another punch!"

"Oh yeah, and how do you know?" the criminal asked.

"Because I can also tell the future!" she replied. Duncan stopped and stared at Dave who was curled up into a ball, covering his face. DJ helped him up, which his face managed to show a black eye.

"Oh no, what have I done?" the criminal whispered. Dawn patted him on the shoulder, as the criminal tried to think. Then, without warning, he picked up Dave and ran outside, leaving both DJ and Dawn behind.

Confessional: Toucan or Duncan?

Duncan: Okay, okay, maybe I overreacted a little, but man, that kid has issues pushing me out the window. If he was Courtney, I wouldn't care. But, at least I helped him to the infirmary. (the criminal whimpers) Oh, this is so gonna get on my personal criminal record.

Dorm 5: Ella, Eva, Ezekiel, Geoff

Ezekiel was being taught a lot of lessons for the past thirty minutes. Ever since his elimination on TDI and TDWT, he wanted to know the secrets behind not being the first of his team to be eliminated. His teacher was of course Geoff, and the prairie boy was happy with that. Ella wouldn't know what he was talking about, Eva would want to kill him, and so Geoff was his only choice.

Geoff would also have his own problems like dazing off whenever he thought of Bridgette, or forgetting what he was talking about.

"So, I have to think of what kids these days would talk about, in order to get further?" the prairie boy asked.

"Yep exactly!" the cowboy replied. "You heard what Eva said and I quote, 'you were eliminated for clumsy reasons'."

"So I have to not be clumsy, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"Of course bra!" Geoff told him. "People are always getting eliminated because they do something clumsy. For example, Eva was eliminated for accusing us of stealing her MVP player in TDI."

"I remember that!" Ezekiel said. "It was due to Heather that got her eliminated, so our team lost our number one player."

The cowboy stopped his conversation with his eye wide opened. "Wait, you mean Heather did that?"

"Duh, it was all over TV, eh," the prairie boy told him. He was aware that Geoff didn't get a chance to review his time on Total Drama.

"I should've known it was that witch!" the cowboy whimpered as he smacked his forehead.

"Hey, it ain't your fault that Heather stole her MVP player," Ezekiel assured him. "After all, from what I saw, no one noticed! Not even Chris, and it was right next to him!"

"You're right bra," Geoff told the prairie boy while patting his shoulder. "You know, today was a good lesson, try to remember what I told you."

"Don't be clumsy, eh," the prairie boy said. The cowboy smiled as Eva waked in.

"Prairie boy recovered from his sexist disease?" she asked. "Or does he need a bonk on the head to get him to learn."

Ezekiel whimpered like a dog and was about shout an insult until Geoff came to his aid. "Hey now, he's fine, I taught him some use."

Eva flexed her arm and stared at Ezekiel. "Good, he needs to know some girls are better than boys."

The female bully felt a toe on her shoulder and saw Ella, who was whistling. Then she broke out into a song that was like this:

Oh my roommates are just splendid

I felt I've just descended into heaven

With lots of friends, I'll find my prince

And it's been since that I have not wit-

Her mouth was clamped shut by Eva who was angrily glaring at her. "Don't do that, again!" she growled.

"Come on Eva, let the girl sing, she could be invited to one of my spectacular parties," Geoff told her.

"That would be wonderful, but I really need a prince," Ella replied. Then she broke into tears. "I don't think I will ever get my prince. Last time, my prince was interested in someone else."

"No worries Ella," Ezekiel assure her. "I'm pretty sure there will be a boyfriend for you."

"Why not Cody?" Geoff asked. "He really digs you."

'You think?" Ella asked.

"It is possible, I mean, he is looking for a date," Eva told her, which really surprised Geoff and Ezekiel. "What? Just because I may have anger issues doesn't mean I can't try to be nice."

"It is true," Geoff told her. "Unless you don't want Sierra to go after him."

Ella gasped. "Does he like her?"

"Nope, he doesn't," Eva replied. "She's as annoying as that Tiger cereal commercial. In fact, she caused a lot of pain to him in TDWT."

"So, you mean I have a chance?" the fairy-tale princess asked.

"Of course!" Geoff exclaimed. "He told me that he thinks you're hot!"

Ella gasped happily. "My prince will come!"

"Ella, will you stop with your prince mishaps!" Eva cringed. After seeing her eyes tremble, she immediately said, "I just meant that you should stop calling your future boyfriend, 'prince'."

"Okay I will, Eva!" the fairy-tale princess squealed. Geoff, Ezekiel and Eva sighed in relief. "Thank you roommates so much!"

Dorm 6: Gwen, Harold, Heather, Izzy

Confessional: Head around the corner for a green, hairy iguana.

Heather: Being stuck in Dorm 6 with all my enemies was torture! Gwen kept on hiding my nail polish away, Harold was too busy geek-talking, and Izzy cannot stop poking my boobs!

"Stop poking my boobs!" Heather screamed as Izzy poked her. The red-haired had been non-stop touching her breast ever since she had finished unpacking.

"I can't, it's like it's calling me to do so," Izzy replied. Heather squirmed away from the red-haired, but everywhere she went, Izzy would follow.

"Looks like you're having fun," Gwen smirked at Heather. The diva glared at the goth, but was ambushed by Izzy. She angrily tried to toss the red-haired away but she grasped onto the diva's hair.

As Heather screamed, Harold walked beside Gwen. "Is there a cat-fight going on?" he asked. "Cause I like cat-fights."

"Especially when it's Heather and Leshawna?" Gwen asked the nerd. Harold nodded as he saw Izzy chasing Heather around.

Soon later, Heather finally tripped and Izzy managed to regain her view of poking breasts. She laughed creepily as she done so.

Confessional: Creepy laughs equals something's wrong.

Gwen: Okay, I think Izzy may have had a weird childhood back in her home, and I really don't want to know how she reacts in school.

Harold: What's with Izzy and boobies? I've seen Heather's boobies before and that was not an easy sight.

Izzy: Okay, so basically, Owen wanted me to take a boob test by touching other girls' boobies. So I said, "sure, just give me five bucks."

Dorm 7: Jasmine, Jo, Justin, Katie

Justin was utterly confused when none of the girls was interested in him. When he asked all of them, they all answered in a bored tone.

Jasmine and Katie said they each had their own boyfriends while Jo answered that she was too smart to fall for a trick that involves beauty.

The model watched as Jo took a nice warm-up jog while Jasmine and Katie were playing a game of catch. Then he spotted a chubby girl who wore the exact clothes as Katie.

"Hi Justin!" the girl waved. Justin waved back as respect.

"Sadie," the model murmured. "So what brings you to Dorm 7?"

"Oh, I just wanted to check up on Katie," the BFF replied. "To see if she had made any friends like I did."

Justin peeked at Jasmine and Katie who were laughing as they threw the ball at each other. "Well, from the looks of it, I think she did."

"Who is it?" Sadie asked. "Huh? Tell me Justin!"

"That Australian girl if you need to know," Jo replied when she dashed her way towards her dorm. "Say, why aren't you hanging out with your friends at your dorm?"

"I just wanted to check up on Katie, you know, to make sure she's okay," the BFF replied to the girl jock, who was now stretching her arms.

"She's fine Sadie," Justin assured her. "She's playing catch with Jasmine, so there's nothing to worry about."

"Playing catch?" Sadie repeated. "Ooh, I wanna play too!"

And with moments off, she ran toward the two girls, who were delighted to have a third player.

"Eeh!" Katie squealed when her BFF arrived. "Sadie, I want you to meet Jasmine! She's like, totally awesome!"

"So you're Sadie?" the Australian asked. "Katie has told lots about you, and she also mentioned that you helped her get a boyfriend? How did you manage to do that?"

"Long story," was Sadie's reply.

Confessional: Said so...

Sadie: Okay, so basically, Katie and I took a shopping trip to a nearby mall, and she saw Noah there! So I told him that Katie adored him and he did say that he adored Katie back. And it was so romantic and stuff! (she squeals in delight)

Katie: Can I just say how awesome Jasmine is. I mean she's beyond awesome!

Jasmine: Ha! That's fifty bucks for me Shawn!

Dorm 8: Leonard, Leshawna, Lightning, Lindsay

Now Lightning was getting on Leshawna's last nerves. His numerous bicep kissing and speech on how awesome he was, really wanted to give him a heart attack.

Leshawna was trying very desperately to punch the determined jock in the gut. Luckily, Lindsay would appear at right time to stop the sister, since she would ask stupid questions. This gave Leshawna hope.

"Sauna, can you help me?" Lindsay asked. "Lenny is driving me insane with all his magic!"

"No worries!" Lightning immediately called. "Lightning to the rescue!"

The determined jock raced into Leonard's room, and was ready to give the wizard a black eye. However, Leshawna restrained him before he could do so.

"What're you doing sister?" the jock asked. "Can't you see I'm trying to save the day?"

"More like ruining the day," the sister jumbled. "Look, Lindsay meant that Leonard needs a little talking before-"

Her statement was cut short when Leonard pointed his wand at Lightning. "Stay back!" the wizard called. "I have the power of magic!"

"Man, that black boy has been watching too much Harry Potter," Leshawna finally said.

"Leshaniqua!" Lindsay yelled. "Run away! He's going to kill you!"

"Oh please, only two buffaloes and a tiger can kill me!" the sister assured the dumb princess.

"Lightning can do better!" Lightning said, still trying to struggle from the restraints. "It will take five buffaloes, two tigers, and a shark to kill me!"

Leshawna stared at the jock glumly, and then tackled him down. Leonard and Lindsay looked away as the sister cursed at the jock. Moments later, the jock was wounded, not so badly though.

"No worries, I can heal you with my magic!" Leonard told the jock.

"I don't believe in magic," Lightning managed to choke out. The wizard gasped in fright and kicked the jock.

"Is Lightbulb going to be alright?" Lindsay asked. Leshawna laughed.

"Oh please, it's like what he said, 'It will take five buffaloes, two tigers, and a shark to kill me!'" the sister quoted, while laughing.

Confessional: The lighting is real bad...

Lightning: (he, for some weird reason, is healed from his injuries) No one does that to Lightning! That girl is going down!

Lindsay: I still feel bad for Lego, he was really hurt.

Dorm 9: Max, Mike, Noah, Owen

Everything went awry in Dorm 9 because of Max. And it was not just him, but the robot. The evil failure went to invent his robot companion, which was merely the size himself, and was made out of parts from the Drama Machine.

He also persuaded Noah to help him with his schemes, and although the cynical schemer had no intension of becoming evil, he reluctantly done so.

And of course, the robot malfunctioned and was doing some absurd things, like for say, chasing the dorm mates around the dorm.

"How can you not know that water conducts electricity?!" Noah screamed. "Man, Scarlett was right about you!"

"Well if you need to know," Max screamed back while running. "I was too busy thinking of my diabolical plot!"

"Sweet mercy!" Owen yelled. "So this is what a moving popcorn machine would be like!"

"We're running from a robot that can shoot laser-beams from its eyes and that can pull a cuss word everywhere it goes, and you're thinking about popcorn?!" Mike scolded.

"But popcorn sounds good right now!" the jolly giant told the teenager. As he said that, the angry robot pulled out it's seventh cuss word.

Owen was now wide-eyed and he began to run faster than anyone else. The jolly giant was now heading into the bathroom, while the robot was getting closer to Mike.

With one pinch of its claws, the robot ripped off Mike's shirt. The teenager gasped for air and had his hair folded back like a gangster.

"Say, what's going on in this dump?" he said.

"Mike, what're you doing?!" Owen screamed as he watched in the bathroom.

"You're going to get killed!" Noah agreed. The two boys were wide-eyed and shocked, while Max just seemed a little interested.

"It's not Mike, it's Vito!" the gangster teenager told them. "And what in the blazes are you talking about?"

Vito managed to dodge a laser from the robot, that was surprisingly patiently waiting for him to finish introducing himself.

"Oh this thing?" Vito asked, jerking his thumb at the robot. "Hasta La Vista you mechanical geyser."

He punched the robot in one major hit that immediately destroyed the troubled bot.

"Man, thanks Vito," Owen thanked the gangster teenager. The jolly giant constantly shook hands with Vito who didn't seem to care.

"Uh, dude, can you put your shirt back on?" asked Noah. "It's really getting on my nerves."

"Yes, you definitely should!" agreed a rather angry Max. "You should be ashamed of yourself, destroying my robot companion!"

Vito looked at the evil midget, who was glaring straight at him. The gangster teen soon punched Max in the face and shrugged when he moaned.

Confessional: Whose the guy that lives in the evil, haunted dorm?

Vito: Ain't know one tells Vito what to do. (He brings out an extra shirt and throws it in the air, which lands perfectly to fit. Vito gasps) Um, what just happened.

Max: (He is severely injured) That fool shall pay!

Dorm 10: Rodney, Sadie, Sam, Samey

Rodney was feeling lonely, even though he did have three other dorm mates. However, all of them was too busy.

Sam was too busy taking his time playing video games. With each fast taps on the game console, the game geek was uninterested in anything was going on.

For Samey, she was watching Sam play his game. The hefty farmer sighed and and stared at the ground for a few moments until Sadie finally returned.

She was covered with sweat and dirt as she smiled at Rodney. "Sadie, finally someone to talk to!" the hefty famer exclaimed.

"Why?" asked the BFF. "You bored?"

"Yeah, Samey and Sam are just playing that electrical beeping thingy," Rodney replied.

"It's called a video game console, or more specifically, the Nintendo DS," Sam called towards the hefty farmer, without taking his eyes off the console.

Samey looked at both Rodney and Sadie and smiled. The BFF smiled back, while Rodney just got confused.

The good twin finally walked away from Sam, though the gamer didn't take any notice of this. "So Sadie," she said. "Um, you got a moment?"

The BFF nodded. The two girls left Rodney as he continued to watch Sam. In the bathroom, Sadie and Samey both squealed of joy.

"I didn't know you have a crush on someone on this island!" Sadie squealed.

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone," the good twin insisted.

"My lips are sealed," Sadie replied, mimicking on zipping her mouth shut. "So who is it? Oh wait, don't tell me. Is it Cody?"

"How'd you know?" Samey asked, surprisingly. She blushed as she thought of a geek like Cody.

"It was so obvious!" the BFF replied to the good twin. "After all, I saw how Cody reacted to you."

Samey blushed again, this time a little. She smiled and chuckled at the thought of being Cody's girlfriend.

"But you gotta be careful," Sadie warned her. "For all I know, three other girls like Cody too."

The good twin's face turned from red to pale. "Who are they?" she asked.

"Sierra, though I know Cody wouldn't want to hang out with her, Ella, and Sky," the BFF replied. "Oh, I just love Love Squares."

Confessional: Love Square Up!

Samey: Oh no! Three girls like Cody?! Now this is serious competition. Maybe I can win Cody, if Amy doesn't get in the way.

Sadie: Oh, I just love Love Squares. (she swoons)

Dorm 11: Scarlett, Scott, Shawn, Sierra

Scott was getting furious with all of Sierra's sobbing noises and her cry to Cody and Cameron. And it wasn't only him, Scarlett looked as if she were to punch a ship.

With all the crying within forty minutes, Scarlett stomped up to the bathroom that Sierra was whining in and punched a hole in the middle.

"Alright listen you little crying girlie-girl," she fumed. "I had enough of you crying within forty minutes in this dorm, and I want you to shut up!"

This caused Sierra to cry harder than before. The evil mistress sighed and was ready to give the fangirl a hard smack across the face until Scott managed to stop her.

"Calm down Red," he said as he restrained her from punching a fan. "She's just crying over two boys that don't like her."

"They do too like me!" Sierra yelled, getting up from the bathroom floor. "Just watch, any moment they will come barging in and kissing me!"

"You wish," Scarlett mumbled as she was finally let go of her restraints.

The dorm got quiet as Sierra waited for a knock on the door. After two minutes, there was a knock on the door. Happily, the fangirl raced towards the door and opened it. Instead of Cody or Cameron, she found Shawn, who struggling to hold his luggage.

"You're not Cody or Cameron," Sierra frowned.

"No wait!" Shawn tried to tell the fangirl, but it was too late, as the door shut completely on the zombie nut.

"So, your boyfriends failed to show up?" Scott asked, quite amused at the frowning fangirl.

Scarlett opened the door and carried Shawn's luggage with no sweat. "Seriously?" she asked. "You wasted forty minutes just trying to carry this?"

"What's in there?" Scott joined in. "Dumbbells?"

"Zombie Hunting Equipment," Shawn replied. "Or ZHE, never leave home without it."

Confessional: Dumb freakin bells.

Scott: I feel like Chris is inviting way too much of these weirdos onto this show.

Sierra: (sobbing hysterically)

Shawn: (He walks and notices a puddle on the ground) Um, did the toilet spring a leak?

Dorm 12: Staci, Sky, Sugar, Topher

Sky's ears were about to burst and explode. Ever since she met her other roommate Staci, the liar was going on non-stop on how her ancestors invented random items. When Topher and Sugar joined in, the liar started to yap even more.

Sugar was the only one to be satisfyingly interested in those lies. "Can you tell her to stop?" Sky asked, covering her ears.

"No way, she's getting to the best part," was the cow girl's replied. She ignored the fact that both Sky and Topher had their eyes twitching.

"Come on Topher, let's go to the other room," Sky suggested. The wannabe Chris nodded and followed the athlete to another room. However, even from there the two could still hear Staci's competitive lies.

"One day, she'll meet someone whose a lot annoying than her," Topher grumbled. "See how she likes it. Now I don't have time to become the second Chris!"

"I really want to go vote off Staci," the athlete grumbled. "Going to be a pain in this dorm if she's here."

"Alright, but if we get a chance," Topher agreed. He raised his pinkie and shook Sky's pinkie. "Let's vow to vote off Staci!"

Behind the door to Sky and Topher, Sugar eyed them carefully. "Not on my watch," the cow girl murmured.

She went to Staci's room but before she knew it, Staci had already fallen asleep. And plus, the liar was a heavy sleeper, since numerous times Sugar had to get her up. Eventually the cow girl quit and decided to rest with the liar.

Confessional: Liar liar, pants on fire!

Sugar: I ain't gonna let that athlete and wannabe get to my friend. I'll eliminate them if it's the last thing I do!

Sky: It's no wonder Staci was eliminated first on TDRI. If we're lucky, she might be off today.

Topher: Finally, some relaxation for me and my phone. You know, I'll be texting in here until the challenge starts. (someone knocks on the door)

Heather (outside): Oh no! You are not staying in here to text when I'm standing out here. A beauty queen needs to do her business.

Dorm 13: Trent, Tyler, Zoey

Trent, Tyler, and Zoey were all wide-eyed in shock. This dorm was a lot different than the others. First off, it had a bad paint job, with wallpaper all dusty and gray. The furniture was filled with cobwebs and one even had spider eggs in them. Tyler hopped on the sofa, which easily launched him onto the ceiling.

"Man, this stinks!" the jock groaned. "We only have three people in this dorm, everything needs a paint job, and the interns should start cleaning this place up!"

"Dude, I know, right?" Trent agreed. "Cobwebs? Spider eggs?"

"And you guys were wondering why I hate the number 13," Zoey added. "It's like Chris was planning for this one."

"Well, I guess we should make the best of it," Tyler told his two dorm mates. He sat on a chair which out came a big spider. The jock yelped and stood inches away from it.

Zoey hid behind Trent, who was hugging his guitar. "I think it's best to-" the guitarist's sentence was cut short when the spider leaped towards him. With a shrilish cry, Trent ran outside.

Tyler and Zoey followed and they shut the door behind them. "Now I know why Cameron was afraid of spiders," Zoey said, gasping for air.

"What do we do now?" Tyler asked. "We can't stay in that dorm, it's way too creepy!"

Trent looked across the other twelve dorms. Then, an idea struck toward him. "Maybe, we could stay in another dorm?"

"Best be that, I'm going to stay in Mike's dorm," Zoey told them.

"I'll be in whichever dorm Lindsay's in," Tyler said.

"And I'll take Gwen's," Trent added. Soon, the trio separated to some other dorms.

Confessional: Spider pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does.

Trent: That was the most terrifying moment of my entire life! Seriously Chris, there's no telling whether that spider could've been poisonous.

Tyler: Glad that's over, and now I can hang out with Lindsay.

Zoey: I'm actually pretty okay with staying in Mike's dorm, even though it's full of guys.

Chris: Just to be clear, that spider just nested into the dorm since yesterday. And it's highly poisonous, which is why we never got rid of it.

Chris blew his air horn into his megaphone where it shocked most people. Staci woke up from her sleep and ignored Sugar's pleas whilst everyone got out of their dorms. "Alright campers, we gave you plenty of time, and I see some had already made enemies," the host said through his megaphone. He eyed Amy and Anne Maria carefully. Then at Duncan and Dave, who were scowling at each, with the whiner having a black eye.

"Not bad," Chris continued. "But we could have had more enemies, or at least fights."

The campers stared at him blankly. "Anyway, let's head down to the starting point of your first challenge, follow me!"

As the campers followed, Chris looked at the camera...

What challenge awaits the campers?

Which team will survive this first challenge?

Which team will lose?

And who will be the eliminated loser?

Tune in next time on...




For those who want to take a cheat sheet on all of the contestants...

Alejandro- The Spaniard

Amy- The Bad Twin

Anne Maria- The Jersey Shore Reject

B- The Silent Genius

Beardo- The Beat Boxer

Beth- The Wannabe

Brick- The Cadet

Bridgette- The Surfer Gal

Cameron- The Bubble Boy

Cody- The Techno Geek

Courtney- The CIT

Dakota- The Fame Monger

Dave- The Whiner

Dawn- The Moon Child

DJ- The Heartfelt Jock

Duncan- The Juvenile Delinquent

Ella- The Fairy-Tale Princess

Eva- The Female Bully

Ezekiel- The Prairie Boy

Geoff- The Cowboy

Gwen- The Goth

Harold- The Geek

Heather- The Queen Bee

Izzy- The Psycho

Jasmine- The Australian

Jo- The Lady Jock

Justin- The Model

Katie- The BFF

Leonard- The Wizard

Leshawna- The Sister

Lightning- The Overachiever

Lindsay- The Dumb Princess

Max- The Evil Failure

Mike- The Teenager

Noah- The Schemer

Owen- The Party Guy

Rodney- The Country Boy

Sadie- The Other BFF

Sam- The Gamer

Samey- The Good Twin

Scarlett- The Evil Mistress

Scott- The Farmer Jerk

Shawn- The Zombie Nut

Sierra- The Fangirl

Sky- The Athlete

Staci- The Liar

Sugar- The Cow Girl

Topher- The Wannabe Chris

Trent- The Guitarist

Tyler- The Jock

Zoey- The Indie Girl

Next time on Total Drama Supreme...

The campers endure an obstacle course. Four teams, one winner, one loser, and one eliminated contestant. Who do you think it will be? Who do you think Cody's girlfriend should be: Samey, Sky, or Ella? Let me know and don't forget to review on what you think!