A/N: I'm so sorry that it has taken me so long to get this update out to you guys. I'm not going to sit here and explain why I've been away for so long. Just know that life sucks shit and it's finally giving me a small tiny break so I'm using it. Hopefully I'll be able to get updates out on a regular schedule... maybe... Here's the new chapter. Hopefully someone is still reading this story.

Chapter 8

Dave stood in the kitchen staring out into backyard. He was watching Blake place each piece of food meticulously onto the grill and an intense look of concentration. The ex-football player was in awe of the way she handled the food and grill. Her talent set resembled the skills of a famous chef on TV or YouTube. Anyone could see just how much Blake loved cooking. Truthfully Dave was stalling and trying to work up the courage and head outside so he could speak with Blake. He had to admit that when Blake wanted to be she could be extremely intimidating. Her glare made her seem so damn scary. It rivaled Santana's glare and both looks made him sweat.

Dave knew that he didn't have to go and talk to Blake. Rachel was sticking by her decision to let him live there regardless of what anyone else said. But Dave didn't want to live in an environment filled with so much tension. He at least wanted Blake to accept that he will be around permanently. He wasn't expecting them to be best friends or anything like that. He hated the rift his presence caused and wants to help fix that. He would take Rachel's advice and go talk to Blake one on one. After a few more minutes of staring Dave took several deep breathes before sliding open the back door and walking out.

"You can do this. You can do this." Dave repeated to himself as he walked over to Blake. He cleared his throat and waited until she acknowledged him. Blake side eyed Dave and noticed that he looked like he wanted to speak with her. She fought the urge to roll her eyes and ignore him. She is being childish and should speak with Dave. Rachel was giving him a chance so why shouldn't she. She sighed and nodded so that Dave knew she iss willing to listen and talk with him.

"Hey Blake... umm... I uhh... wanted to come over and... umm talk to you one on one..." Dave scratched the back of his neck nervously as he waited for a response. Blake took a deep breath before adding another piece of meat to the grill.

"Alright man, what's up?" Blake replied as she added more water to the steamer. She would give him the same opportunity she was giving Brittany and Santana. She wouldn't make it easy but she needed to trust Rachel and her decisions.

Dave let out a sigh of relief and smiled. To him the most difficult part was over. Blake agreed to talk with him. Dave feels ecstatic for the opportunity to say his peace. She could have easily ignored or yelled at him. Dave took a deep breathe before he begun.

"I know that you don't like me very much. I'm probably the last person you want in your home around your family. You have several legit reasons to not trust or like me. I was a terrible fucking person to just about everyone and your little sister was my go to target. Thinking about the person that I was disgusts me. Being on your own gives you a large amount of time to reflect on the past and... I just... I can't believe I let myself become that type of person. I... I never want... No I will never become that guy ever again."

Dave wouldn't apologize to Blake because he didn't need to. He has apologized to Rachel and determined to earn her forgiveness. One day he would work up the courage and apologize to Kurt and the other gleeks. He had a long way to go to redeem himself but he will do it. And getting his story out there was a first step.

"I'm not gonna make excuses for my actions because there aren't any to be made. But I can try and explain... Tell you why I acted the way I did... I think... No... I know that... I... I was horrible and terrible to everyone... It was easier than dealing with my issues. I was scared, confused, and angry all the time... And I couldn't talk about it with anyone... It started when I was about 12 or so... I wasn't checking out girls like other boys were... I didn't care about... which girls had the biggest boobs or nicest butt... I should have known then but..."

Dave paused for a moment to collect himself. It felt strange to speak so openly about himself. He use to live in a household that believed feelings made you weak. Blake fully turned to face Dave. She wasn't expecting the boy to open up to her like this.

"Freshmen year came around and I knew why I didn't find girls sexually attractive. It should have been obvious but the biggest clue came when I nearly popped a boner seeing the senior quarterback strip in the locker room." Dave burst out laughing thinking about that moment. Blake joined in the laughter as well. She had a similar moment when she first met... She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts.

."Everyone knows this towns feelings on homosexuality... And my parents are no exception... So I kept it to myself... I mean... I was already bullying others... It is expected of football players. Kurt and Rachel were already targets but... I made it worse for them... I took it further than others... I wanted others... Mainly them... I needed to see them... And everyone to feel the same... the same pain and helplessness I was feeling..." Dave paused once again as he saw the flash of emotions on Blake's face. He couldn't decipher her feelings. However with a nod he knew that he could continue.

"Kurt and Rachel were my main targets because they represented... They had a freedom that I didn't have but dreamed of... I wanted that freedom to be me but... I had a role to play... whether I wanted to or not... I had to maintain that role at all cost... It didn't matter who got hurt in the process... Then Kurt came out fully and Rachel would defend him, her dads, and the LGBTQ community... In my mind targeting them made the most sense."

Dave took a short pause before continuing on. He wanted to get everything off his chest before he lost his nerves and stopped talking. Dave was surprising Blake with his honesty. He is being so d candid with her. She thought the boy would make nothing but excuses for himself. She was beginning to realize that she may have judged the other teen prematurely.

"Kurt is out and proud to be himself. He never let what others thought get to him. And no matter how much I harassed or attacked him... he... he.. never stopped being him... It was frustrating because... I wanted him to hide who he is and be afraid like me. In my mind it wasn't fair he got to be himself and I didn't. And I know that was fucked up and I shouldn't have blame Kurt for my own insecurities... But I couldn't help it. I regret my actions towards Kurt the most. I could've had a friend that understood me and helped me. Instead I forced him to change schools because he feared for his life. I did that and I regret it everyday." Dave hung his head in shame as he tried to get control of his emotions. He would never forgive himself for what happened with to Kurt.

With Rachel, she never let anyone disrespect her dads' or the lgbtq+ community... She would always find some undermined way to insult us back. She's proud of her dads' and defended them constantly. She did the same for Kurt when he came out. She stood up for him on so many damn occasions. There were so many slushie attacks that were meant for him that she took. I doubt Kurt even knows what Rachel really did for him... Anyways... Kurt and Rachel had the freedom I dreamed of and I envied that." Dave continued on.

"My father... well... my sperm donor... is not a nice man at all... He is... He was mentally and physically abusive towards me. He's a self-righteous, bible thumping, hypocritical person. He is also a huge out and proud homophobe. And I was his closeted gay son... I was afraid of him and what he would do when he found out. I mean... I imagined things would have been ten times worse than getting kicked out but still. And the pressure from my peers definitely didn't help. I was afraid to stand up to them... If I had than I would have been bullied instead and I didn't want to go through that... I know that's shitty to say but it's the truth. They are complete assholes and fully believe in a social hierarchy. Santana and Brittany might have mentioned it to you. Those people are mindless sheep... honestly. They'll do anything... I was... sorry I'm going off track."

Dave paused once again to refocus his train of thoughts. He was starting to get sidetracked and didn't want that.

"I truly wish I could have done things differently. I wish I could have had more courage and stood up to my dad. But he's my dad and I have to admit that the guy scares me. I wish I hadn't cared what others thought of me so much. I wish I had stopped my teammates from bully others. I wish I hadn't been so afraid to just be myself. I wish I would have accepted who I am. At the time I couldn't and sure as hell wasn't ready for others to know... that... well... I am gay. But I'm ready now... I can't change the past but I can move on and do better from this point on."

Dave stopped talking to grab a bottle of water from the cooler next to the grill. He took several sips of water before he begun once again.

"And now because of Rachel and the rest of you I don't have to be afraid anymore. I'm going to be me and stand up for myself and others. I've been here for two days and this place makes me feel so safe. This house and being with all of you feels more like a home than any other place has. My entire life I've felt out of place, but not here. Even with all the tension that's been floating around here... I know that I have a long way to go but thanks to all of you, I have a chance. I have the chance to become a better person and the man that I want to be. I will never be able to repay Rachel or any of you for taking this chance on me."

Dave paused as his eyes begun to tear up. Every time he thought about Rachel and how she was helping he could help but become emotional. She has shown him things that his biological family hadn't.

"I've apologized to Rachel and I promise here and now that I won't hurt her or let anyone else hurt her ever again. I know my words mean nothing to you right now but I'm going... No... I will prove to you that you can trust me. You can trust me with this family... Because this is my family now too. None of my so called friends have tried to find me. I use to check Facebook everyday just to see if they were concerned about me and nothing. They haven't noticed that I've been MIA. You guys... the people in this house... are all I have now... and I can't… no… I won't...I won't... lose you guys too." Dave managed to get out. He used his shirt to wipe away his tears. He hated crying in front of others thanks to his father. The man saw it as weakness..

"Plus I heard from a little birdie that; you're a fantastic basketball player. If that's true than I'm hoping you can help me out with my game. With you helping with basketball and the others with my grades I might get a scholarship and get out of here. This group is my last hope and chance of making it out of this town. With all of you helping me then I'll be able to do well... whatever I want with my life." Dave finished. He nervously smiled and scratched behind his head as he waited for Blake to respond.

Blake was speechless and feeling a tad emotional after listening to Dave speak. Honestly she had not expected Dave to come and speak with her at all. She expected him to avoid her at all cost and use the others as a buffer. It's not like she made it easy for him to approach her either. She knew that she could be intimidating and a bitch at times. And it took some balls to approach her when she was in one of her moods. His actions earned him some respect points and his words earned him trust points.

"Alright so first I want to apologize. I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you. I was a jerk and you never deserved that. I... That's my little sister and you made her life hell... I had plans to confront you and beat the shit out of you... But then Rachel brings you home and says that you'll be living here now... Instead of listening to her I reacted... I let my anger get the best of me... I let it cloud my judgement..." Blake began. It took a lot out of her to apologize to Dave but she knew that she had to. She needs to be a better person as well and trust in her little sister's choices.

"Now... you have one shot, one chance to stay true to your word. Those girls, in that house, are my family, my life, and my everything. I'm letting you know that if you hurt my family I will hurt you." Blake stated looking Dave straight in the eyes so he could see the seriousness in them before her eyes softened.

Blake nudged Dave with her shoulder and sent him a small smile. The Dave she had heard stories about was nothing like the Dave in front of her now. She could tell that the other teen was extremely nervous but she could also see the sadness, hope, and determination in his eyes. Blake knew with 100% certainty that Rachel had made the best choice by letting him stay. She'd have to apologize to her little sister and make a grand gesture. She should have known that Rachel wouldn't half-ass something like this.

"I'm done threatening you now. I'll be honest I don't trust you yet, but I trust Rachel. She sees something in you and obviously has faith in you to be a better person. I mean she defended you against me and that says a lot. Rachel knows how cruel the world can be but she believes in second chances. She always brings the best out of people somehow. I mean... I didn't turn out to bad right. I can be a little stubborn but I get that from my mom. Now I'm guessing Rachel told you to mention basketball to me as a way to soften me up. And sadly it worked." Blake said with a smile and a chuckle.

Blake finally realized from this one on one with Dave the same thing that Rachel and Dave already knew. Dave had no where else to go and no one else to turn too. His family had turned their backs on him and left the boy on his own to fend for himself. Their little family unit is Dave's last chance at having a normalish life and getting out of this town. She didn't want to imagine what would happen to him if he ended up back on the streets. She wasn't a fan of Dave's yet she didn't want anything bad to happen to the teen. Which made her wonder about his friends.

How are they not concerned about him or at the very least wondering where he was? Blake was guessing that they probably haven't noticed Dave hadn't been around. It was something she couldn't understand. How were his so called friends just o.k. with his disappearance? Blake worries if Rachel is gone for more than 30 minutes let alone most of the summer. She would do everything she could to find Rachel, Brittany, Beth, or Santana if they ever disappeared. She would sell her soul to ensure they were found and returned safely.

"So let's talk basketball. What position do you play?" Blake asked. She wasn't ready to trust Dave fully but would allow him to earn that trust. Rachel has also preached to her that everyone deserves a second chance. I mean Santana and Brittany were getting a second chance, so why shouldn't he. Blake took a deep breathe and let her mind clear away the imagine of the old Dave so that she could get to know this new version of him.

The two fell into an easy conversation about basketball. Blake laughed in Dave's face when he tried convincing her the 91' Bulls was the greatest team of all time.

"Let me guess next you're going to tell me that you think LeBron James is a better player than Kobe Bryant." Blake said with a laugh. Dave chuckled as he continued on with his argument. He knew that he had far to go before Blake trusted him but he'd get there.

Rachel, now holding a fully awake Beth, Brittany, and Santana found the two basketball players still arguing 10 minutes later. The three teens shared a look before making there way over to the grilling area.

"Dude, I'm seriously rethinking this you staying thing if you keep this up. Buzz seriously where did you find this guy?" Blake joked once she spotted the others. Rachel couldn't help let a sigh relief when she saw the smile on Blake's face.

It's easy to tell (a little surprisingly to be honest) that something had changed between Blake and Dave. Rachel guessed that Dave talked to Blake like she encouraged him to. She knew Dave going on his own to talk with Blake would mean more to her then if Rachel had sat them all down to talk. Rachel was just happy that things were getting back to normal. She sent a nod to Brittany and Santana to let them know that things were o.k. and got smiles in return.

"What?" Rachel asked as she placed Beth down onto her play mat. It was tummy time for the little girl. Beth slapped her hands on the ground as she begun reaching for the noise makers in front of her. She wasn't a huge fan of being on her stomach but the noise makers made up for it.

"This fool is trying to tell me that LeBron James is better than Kobe Bryant like seriously." Blake replied. Rachel shook her head. Blake is as passionate about Kobe as Rachel is about Barbara Streisand. Unknowingly Dave had opened up a box that he should have left closed.

"If I were you, I'd tell her she's right. If not she'll bring out a hour long power point presentation on why Kobe is better to prove her point." Rachel stated with a smirk. Blake's eye instantly widened and her mouth dropped open..

"BUZZ! That was one time and you promised to never bring that up." Blake stated in horror. The other three teens doubled over with laughter at the look on Blake's face. She looked like Rachel had just told her biggest secret.

"Turtle, they already know you're a huge dork." Rachel replied with a laugh. She quickly ducked as a piece of broccoli came flying at her. Blake grumbled before flipping Rachel off and turning back to the grill with a pout on her face.

"I'm not a dork. I'm a total fucking badass." She grumbled to herself. Santana walked up next to Blake and bumped their hips together.

"Don't worry I think you're a super cute badass dork." Santana stated with a wink as her hand brushed down Blake's arm. Santana couldn't help but giggle as Blake's eyes widen and she started to squirm. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as Santana thought. If that reaction was anything to go by then Blake might feel something for her. I mean it has to be a sign that Blake at least finds her attraction.

"Language." Rachel chided before sharing a smile with Brittany.

Rachel quickly turned and headed towards the pool. She didn't want Blake to see the knowing look on her face as she watched her big sister interact with Santana. Rachel knew that Blake would fight her feelings but she wouldn't let her deny them. Rachel would ensure that Blake wouldn't pass up an opportunity to find love. She also had to admit a small part of her hoped that if she and Brittany were dating and Blake dated Santana than they'd go on double dates. Rachel smiled at that thought as she pulled her shirt off and started cleaning the pool.

Brittany was having a conversation with Santana when she saw movement in her peripherals. She turned and instantly her mouth dropped open. Rachel was standing in the shallow up of the pool with only a bikini top on and board shorts. And Brittany wasn't prepared for the magnificent sight in front of. Rachel's arms are toned and muscular, her six pack on full display, and she even had the v cut that dipped into the waistband of her shorts. Brittany could practically feel herself drooling at the magnificent view before her.

"You're drooling Britt." Santana teased as she watched her best friend ogle the brunette singer. She couldn't blame her best friend though because Rachel had a banging body.

"Are those tattoos?" Dave asked as he stared at Rachel. Just like the two cheerleaders, he hadn't expected Rachel to be so ripped or tattoo'd. Santana and Brittany both turned looked at Rachel before turning back to Blake for answers. It was obvious Rachel had tattoos, but they needed the verbal confirmation anyway.

"Yeah, she has a few but she keeps them hidden with makeup and such. I guess she felt to show them off today. The one on her back is the biggest one so far. We should plan for another one soon to commemorate this year." Blake responded with a shrug. Brittany turned to look at Rachel and tried to find the other tattoos on the shorter girl's body.

"Do you have tattoos also?" Santana asked. Blake smirked before replying. "Wouldn't you like to know." She winked at Santana before turning back to the grill. Santana could only stand with her mouth open as Brittany and Dave chuckled. Rachel and Blake were proving to be huge mysteries to them and they loved it.

Brittany shook her head before scooping Beth up and heading over to the pool. Once Santana regained control of her motor skills she grabbed their towels and their sunscreen before following Brittany. Brittany blew raspberries on Beth's tummy as she walked towards the pool. Everyone smiled fondly at the sound of Beth's squeals and giggles. Beth loved her big people and the games they played with her. They always ensured she is happy and smiling. She loved doing things that made them happy as well.

Beth had recently begun talking and the girls were ecstatic. Of course she wasn't saying actual words but that didn't discourage them from responding to her. Beth would look at them and begin making gurgling or other little sounds as though she was trying to talk with them. The older teens would always talk back to her like they understood what Beth was saying. Rachel had read that it would help her speech developmental skills.

"Hey, do you want me to hold Beth and put sunscreen on her while you guys get situated? Her sunscreen is in the bag by the grill." Rachel asked once she had finished with the pool. Brittany couldn't help but stare at Rachel's body causing the other girl to squirm. Rachel had to look away because the look in Brittany's eyes were doing things to her body that she didn't want anyone well seeing. Santana smirked before elbowing Brittany in the side.

"Umm... Oh... yeah... Right... Yeah we... uh totally forgot it... Sorry... Uh... Thank you and it's just until we get into the pool." Brittany replied. She was experiencing considerable difficulties keeping her eyes off of Rachel's body.

"We forgot to grab her little floatie seat thing also. Could you grab it? It's in the house on the kitchen table." Santana commented. Dave volunteered to grab the floatie seat while Rachel grabbed Beth from Brittany.

She cooed at that little girl as she walked back over to the grill area. Blake and Dave were playing with Beth as Rachel applied the sunscreen when they heard the two cheerleaders laughing from beside the pool. They turned to see what the cheerleaders were laughing at but instead their brains short circuited. Brittany and Santana had stripped down to their bikinis. Brittany was wearing a blue and white striped two piece bikini while Santana wore a red and black checkered two piece. The two cheerleaders seemed to be in their own little world as they were applying sunscreen to themselves. Rachel and Blake could only stare . They have seen the two cheerleaders in bikinis several times now and it still leaves them speechless.

"Drool or no drool today?" Brittany asked as she stripped her shirt and shorts off.

"Oh definitely drool today." Santana responded with a giggle. Brittany laughed and shook her head.

The two cheerleaders knew the effect they had on the other two girls and they loved it. Brittany giggled before looking over her shoulder and winking at Rachel then diving into the pool. Santana smirked as she waved at Blake then dived into the pool also. Blake and Rachel's eyes widen as they realized Brittany and Santana caught staring.

Dave walked back out of the house and chuckled at the look on Blake and Rachel's faces. He is positive they aren't breathing at the moment. He looked over towards the two cheerleaders. He honestly couldn't blame the two girls for their reaction. Even he, a newly out gay guy, had to admit that Brittany and Santana have amazing bodies. Sue's insane cheerleading workouts kept them in great shape. Dave also knew from the wink and the wave, the two knew what they were doing to the other two. Things were going to get very interesting around here he thought to himself.

Rachel and Blake were both struggling to breathe as they watched the two cheerleaders dive into the pool. They both quickly turned to face the grill before the cheerleaders surfaced in the pool. They did not want to risk getting hard while wearing compression shorts for the umpteenth time. It was also extremely uncomfortable for them. They certainly didn't want go inside to take care of it. There was no way they could come up with reasonable excuses this time.

"You can bring Beth over now." Brittany called out. She and Santana made their way to the side of the pool. Rachel's eyes widen as Beth wiggled in her arms at the sound of her name.

"Here you can take her over there seeing as you are holding the floatie thingie...and...umm yeah... Plus she needs to get use to you...yeah so... umm... hold her tight but not too tight...ummm..." Rachel rambled as she handed the little girl to Dave.

Dave, Blake, and Santana laughed while Brittany smirked as they watched Rachel ramble on. The singer was trying her hardest to not look over at the pool where Brittany is. She really... really didn't want to pop a boner. She didn't even notice that she had practically shoved Beth into Dave's arms.

This was the first time Dave is holding Beth. He would smile at her from afar but hadn't held her yet. He froze for a few seconds before relaxing when she didn't immediately start crying. Beth for her part didn't know how to react to being held in Dave's arms. She turned her head to look up at him in confusion until he started moving. Then she turned her head and realized that he was taking her to the pool. Beth started clapping her hand and wiggling around in excitement. Dave could only smile and laugh at the baby's excitement as he held the squirming baby a little tighter. He remembered when his younger siblings were this age. He felt slightly upset at the thought of never seeing them again, but he could still smile about the good times.

"I'll take Beth and Santana will take the floatie. Thanks Dave." Brittany said as she reached out for the baby. She couldn't hide the smirk on her face if she wanted to. She was certain Rachel was trying to keep her 'not so little friend' from making an appearance.

"You're not being subtle at all." Dave stated only getting a wink and a smirk in response. Santana laughed as she placed the floatie seat down into the water, so Beth could be placed inside of it.

Beth squealed in excitement once her little feet touched the water. She absolutely loved being in the pool and splashing around. She didn't get why the singing one and the curly haired one never got in when the others were around. Beth would love for all of her favorite people to be in the pool. She would be able to splash around with all of them. She had been there for almost two months now and is becoming attached to all four girls rather quickly. They were always there for her and she didn't want the singer and curly haired one to feel left out. She'd just have to make it up to them later tonight during bath time.

It wasn't long before Dave joined Brittany and Santana in the pool. The three teens were playing, laughing, and giggling with Beth. While Rachel and Blake sat in lounge chairs sitting beside the pool watching. They only ever got in the pool with Beth when it was just the three of them at the house. Even though they weren't in the pool they loved seeing their little family together and having so much fun.

It took another hour or so before the food is declared done. In that time Beth had tired herself out in the pool. She was given a bottle and currently sleeping in her playpen under a tree. Dave, Santana, and Brittany were currently sitting at a picnic table that Blake and Rachel had moved. The table was close enough so they could keep an eye on Beth, but not close enough to disturb the sleeping baby.

Rachel and Blake brought the food over and arranged it on the picnic table. Everything vegan friendly was placed in green containers while the red containers held the non vegan dishes. Rachel and Blake finally sat down once all the dishes were placed on the table.

Dave had to fight the chuckle that bubbled up. The girls were seated in their usual arrangement. He was positive that they didn't even notice it anymore. They always sat with Brittany and Rachel on one side and Blake and Santana on the other side.

"The food looks and smells delicious." Dave commented as his mouth watered. The others nodded their head in agreement.

Everyone shared a look before they begun filling their plates with food. Rachel filled her plate with several of her favorite vegan barbeque foods before going to check on Beth. She honestly couldn't help but constantly check on the little girl that had stolen her heart. She smiled down out the baby girl who was still sleeping peacefully with a cute little smile on her face. She moved a hair from the little girls face before making her way back over to the picnic table.

"So we all know how I got here but how did Brittany and Santana end up a part of this rat pack?" Dave asked once Rachel sat down again.

Brittany, Santana, and Rachel all froze at the surprising question. Blake on the other hand started to choke on the bite of food she had just put into her mouth. Santana quickly handed her a glass of water and patted her back. This was not a question they were prepared for.

"Well... umm... you can't deny that Beth is beyond adorable right. So... San and I were at the store buying food and saw these two. They were standing in the baby aisle looking entirely confused and out of place." Brittany began.

"So... we... umm... made our way over and helped them out. We couldn't let Beth be stuck with just these two and here we are." Santana finished smoothly. Blake and Rachel both nodding their heads in agreement.

Dave would have believed the story 100% if the girls hadn't kept sending looks towards one another. It seemed as though they were trying to silently communicate with one another to make their story seem plausible. Dave knew that if he were to call them out on it he'd be met with hositility. It wasn't his place to question things just yet. He would hopefully learn the entire true story one day.

"That makes sense to be honest. I wouldn't trust these two with a baby alone either." Dave joked. Blake and Rachel shouted 'Hey' in mock offense before shrugging their shoulders and nodding in agreement.

Everyone shared a laugh before the subject was changed. They all continued to eat and enjoy each others' company. It had been an extremely relaxing day for all of them. Once the sun began to set they decided to head inside. It didn't take to get everything cleaned up and put up in it's proper place. Rachel and Blake took care of Beth's needs while Brittany and Santana showered then they switched place. No one was surprised the little girl could barely keep her eyes open while she ate.

After everyone showered and a sleeping Beth was in her crib the teens decided to relax on the couch. The group had decided to watch something Netflix. After much consideration the four girls had decided that it's time to introduce Dave to the twisty, messed up, and crazy world of Scandal. After three episodes it's safe to say that he was hooked.

"Holy shit... like seriously... how can everything that Jake does... be so damn sexy." Dave whispered out loud. Rachel, Brittany, and Santana stared at Dave in shock while Blake chuckled.

"I never thought I'd ever hear the Dave Karofsky say something so... gay." Santana said with a laugh. Brittany and Rachel nodded in agreement.

"What… it's true... I mean seriously look at the man... he's just so damn..." Dave trailed off as he dramatically threw his hands in the air. Everyone chuckled in response. It wasn't long before Rachel yawned for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Geez... Tiny you have got to stop yawning." Santana teased as she covered up a yawn of her own.

"Yeah... you're right Santi. I'm beat. It's been a long day, so I'll see you awesome nerds in the morning." Rachel replied. She hugged Brittany and Santana before fist bumping Dave. Rachel and Blake stared at one another before smiling and doing one of their many high five handshakes.

Rachel made her way upstairs with a smile on her face. She couldn't help, but smile as she thought about her little family. She turned and opened the first door on her left. The door had Beth's name along with little ducks painted onto it. The Blake drew and Rachel painted. Rachel silently made her way over to the crib and watched Beth sleep. She caressed Beth's cheeks and smiled.

"You are so very loved little girl and you always will be. I love you Mini B and I am so thankful to have you in my life. In this short amount time you have taught me so much about myself. Thank you." Rachel whispered getting a sleepy grunt in response. Rachel chuckled to herself. She leaned down and kissed Beth on the cheek. She made sure that the baby monitor was on before quietly closing the door. She smiled as she made her way to her own room.

Back downstairs the others were deciding to call it a night as well. The day was long and tiring but they had to admit it had been a fun one. Blake hugged Brittany and Santana before high fiving Dave goodnight. She then went around the house and made sure that all of the doors were locked and that the alarm was set. She made her way upstairs stopping to check on Beth before making her way to her room. She looked around before bagging everything that she would need up.

Rachel walked into her room and straight into her bathroom to start her nightly routine. Exactly thirty minutes later as she walked back into her bedroom, there was a knock at her door.

"Come in." Rachel called out. She was surprised to see Blake shyly poking her head through the cracked door. Rachel smiled and waved her big sister into the room. Blake smiled before pushing the door open and walking inside.

Rachel eyed the two bags Blake had brought in and placed on her bed. Blake smiled as she begun unloading the items from the bags. She pulled out four huge bottles of orange PowerAde, a giant bag of air heads, a giant bag of Swedish Fish, a giant bag of Surf's Sweets Sour Bears, a giant bag of Sour Patch Kids, a giant bag of regular size Reese's, a large bag of Reese's Pieces, a giant bag of Smarties, a pint size carton's of Rachel's favorite vegan Strawberry ice cream, a pint size carton of froyo from their favorite place in New York, two pint size carton's of rocky road for herself, two giant bags of peanut butter s'mores (which she had to order several bags online from Sweet and Sara marshmellow confections), and the Toy Story movie series.

Rachel instantly knew that Blake was there to apologize. They always brought each other's favorite things along with a movie night to talk things through. Rachel smiled to herself because she knew that everything was going to be alright between them.

"Before we get to all of this stuff I owe you an super huge apology. I am so very sorry Buzz. I fucked up... big time... I hope that you can forgive me for being a colossal jerk. I will admit that I was already feeling like an ass but... Between talking with Santana and Dave... Well... they made me realize that I was being an even bigger ass than I thought." Blake begun pausing to grab one of the PowerAde's and taking a drink. Rachel grabbed the bag of air heads and opened it before grabbing one and eating it.

"I should have listened to you and let you explain things. I shouldn't have yelled at you or made you think that I don't trust you. I should have never made you feel like your choices and decisions aren't valid because they are. I know you are perfectly capable of making decisions for yourself. I mean sometimes I get a little confused because you're still the same height as you were when you were 6 years old." Blake continued with a laugh before dodging a pillow that Rachel threw at her.

"O.K. you grew a few centimeters maybe." Blake added which earned her another pillow, this time she didn't dodge it. Blake made her way over to the DVD player and put the first Toy Story movie in before walking back over to the bed.

"But seriously... I'm extremely sorry. To be honest not being able to protect you from all the shit that happened over the years has gotten to me. I made a promise to always protect you and I failed." Blake begun.

"Turtle..." Rachel tried to interrupt but Blake held her hand up to stop her. Blake knew that she needed to get all of this out before she clammed up. Dealing with and talking about her feelings wasn't something she was good at.

"Not being here for you has... umm... It felt like I was breaking that promise... I feel like I have failed you. You're my little sister and I wasn't here to protect you and I'm so sorry. I know technically it was out of my control... but I feel... I could have convinced the parents to let me stay for a semester... Or I just could have done something more... I should have done more to be here for you. And now that I'll be living here... I want to make up for it... I want to show you that I'm always going to be here and try my best to protect you from any kind of harm." Blake continued on. Rachel moved closer towards her big sister and grabbed her hand.

"Turtle, you haven't failed me. I promise you that. If anything you are the reason I'm still sane. Because let's be realistic here... If I had let that shit get to me and had a nervous breakdown. You would have come here and committed mass murder. I love knowing that no matter what you will always have my back... But... you know at some point... you're going to have to cut the cord." said Rachel as she opened the bag of sour patch kids. She grabbed a handful and shoved them into her mouth. Her face instantly scrunched up from the sourness but that was her favorite part about eating them.

"Ha… ha… ha… you're hilarious. But you're my little sister, dude. I take my role as your big sister seriously... A little too serious at times I'll admit, but I hate seeing you hurt. I absolutely hate seeing you sad... or upset... or whatever. It's like watching My Dog Skip and you know I can't handle watching that movie, Buzz." Blake replied. She grabbed one of the pints of ice cream. She dug around in the bag before fist pumping and pulling out two spoons handing one to Rachel. She popped the carton lid off and dug in.

Rachel laughed in response to that statement. She knew that Blake absolutely hated crying and being sad. And certain things made her cry no matter how hard she fought it. Coincidentally one of the those things was the movie My Dog SKip. It didn't matter that she has seen the movie hundreds of times. Every time she watches the movie she cries. And I mean full on sobbing with sniffling and snot everywhere.

"Turtle, I understand o.k... I understand fully just how protective you can be regarding me... I feel the same way about you. You may be bigger, stronger, and older than me but... That doesn't change how protective I feel. You forget that I had to sit back while you went... through all that shit in New York without me... You were unconscious... in a hospital bed... There wasn't a... a damn thing I could do about it... I... never want to... experience that again... Do you... do you... have any idea... that... umm... how fucking frustrating and devasting that is?" Rachel ranted with tears in her eyes. She paused to reign in her emotions and keep from punching something. Every time she thought about the New York incident her emotions went haywire.

Blake moved some of the candy out of the way and pulled Rachel into her arms. This whole conversation was honestly making her feel worse. She remembers how much that incident affected Rachel. She remembers that the Dads' had to literally drag Rachel, kicking and screaming, back to Ohio. The fiery brunette fought them the entire way and didn't speak to them for almost five months afterwards. Not that they were home much anyway. Rachel wrapped her arms around Blake's waist and buried her face in the taller girls' chest.

"I forgive you, Turtle, I do. I won't lie to you because if the roles were reverse, I would have reacted the same way. I probably would have marched in and fucked anyone of those assholes up. So I get why you reacted the way you did. I also could have done things differently. I should have told you from the start, who he was. We were both assholes. You way more than me of course." Rachel continued on. She yelped in pain as Blake pinched her side. Blake kissed the tp of Rachel's head and held her tightly. Rachel let Blake hold her for a few minutes before she leaned over the taller teen and grabbed both bags of peanut butter s'mores.

"One of those bags belong to me ya know." Blake commented as Rachel opened one of the bags. Rachel laughed because she knew that Blake would only eat half of the bag and she'd get to finish the rest. Blake didn't like the after taste of the candy to eat the whole bag.

"I'm truly sorry though..." Blake began after eating several pieces of candy.

"And I truly forgive you. I'm also sorry for the things I said too. I want you to listen very carefully to the words that I'm going to say to you right now. You have... absolutely no reason to feel like you have failed me. You need to release that guilt... Let go of that silly notion. Do you think I failed you because I wasn't there to protect you when you needed me?" Rachel asked. Blake shook her head no in response. She wouldn't say this to Racehl, but she's extremely thankful Rachel hadn't been there when everything went down. She doesn't even want to imagine what would have happened if Rachel was there.

"Exactly... It took me awhile to stop blaming myself for not being there but I have and you have to do the same thing. There is nothing that... and I mean nothing... Either of us could have done. We were forced by our parents to be thousands of miles apart from one another. Maybe things would have been different if we were together or maybe not. We will never know and honestly... there's no point in dwelling on the past." Rachel finished her little rant. She knew just how remorseful Blake felt. She felt the same way for years after the New York incident. Surprisingly Santana was the one who helped her realize that it wasn't her fault. That there wasn't anything that she could have done.

"You're right Buzz and I'm will... I'm going to try and let it go. I'm still super sorry..." Blake began.

"Dude, seriously stop..." Rachel tried to interrupt but Blake shoved a spoon full of vegan strawberry ice cream into her mouth.

"No, now it's your turn to listen to me. I'm so sorry about our fight. I should have listened to you and waited until I heard the full story from you and Dave before saying anything. You were right just like you always are... And I... I was... the hotheaded asshole who didn't listen. Don't try to deny it... I can be entirely to stubborn sometimes." Blake continued on

"I wasn't going to deny it." Rachel said earning herself a smear of ice cream on her cheek from Blake.

"Dude, come on, asshole." Rachel exclaimed as she rubbed her cheek on two proceeded to have a mini food fight with the ice cream. It took both girls several minutes to calm down before they could continue their conversation. Rachel continued to laugh as she made her way into the bathroom. She grab two wash clothes and ran then under the tap.

"Here you go, jerk." Rachel said as she tossed the wet wash clothe at Blake.

"Thanks... Just throwing this out there... But you have to admit that I've gotten a little better over the years. Younger me would still be pissed off and keeping away from you and everyone else at all costs." Blake commented as she wiped her face off.

"Co-sign on that one. Thank you for apologizing and for all of this. It's been a while since we've had B&T time. You're the Christina to my Meridith, dude. Plus I've been dying for some of these peanut butter s'mores. And I love hearing you say I'm right." Rachel responded with a huge smile. Blake rolled her eyes before taking one of said peanut butter s'mores and eating it.

"Ass. Oh... and smart move getting Dave to come talk to me alone. It helped me to come around faster. Just so you know I don't trust Dave but I do trust you and I got your back no matter what. You're my little sister and I'm always going to have your back... I'll always support you. Even if I don't like some of the things you do." said Blake before she nudged Rachel's shoulder with her own.

"To Infinity," Rachel began.

"And beyond." Blake finished. Rachel smiled at Blake before pulling her into a hug. She truly missed having her big sister around. Yeah, they got summers together but it wasn't the same and now Blake would living there.

Rachel settled up against the headboard as Blake laid her head in her lap. Rachel grabbed the remote and restarted the first toy story movie. They had two more movies to watch and a shit ton of junk food to get through. Neither wanted to linger on that conversation any longer. Rachel absolutely loved these moments with her big sister. Toy Story would always be their movie. At their first sleepover ever Blake ensured they watched the movie before they did anything else. She wanted Rachel to understand why she called her Buzz and it stuck. Toy Story became their movie. Then as they got older and more movies came out it became their series. They watch whenever they wanted to make each other feel better for whatever reason.

They watched the first movie without uttering another word. They ate their snacks and enjoyed the movie. Once the first movie ended Rachel got up to go to the bathroom and start the second film. As she was using the bathroom she thought back on the conversation between her and Brittany . She washed and dried her hands before deciding she really needed to talk about it. Blake was always her go to person for when she needed to talk things out and get a second opinion.

"So Brittany confessed to me that she likes me." Rachel blurted out as she was putting the second movie into the DVD player.

Blake's eye widen and she started to choke on a mouth full of Reese's pieces. This was the second time today that someone's words caused her to choke. Seriously were they trying to kill her or something? Rachel quickly grabbed one of the PowerAdes and handed it to Blake while patting her back. The smaller girl at first fought the urge to laugh at the look on her big sister's face. Blake took several gulps of her drink before turning and staring at Rachel.

"What... When... Seriously... What..." Blake sputtered out. Rachel couldn't hold the laughter in any longer. She exploded in a fit of laughter. She fell backwards onto her bed as she tried to gain control of herself.

"Wait... Are you fucking with me right now?" Blake asked. She was going to be so pissed if Rachel was lying to her. Rachel wiped away a tear as she finally calmed down.

"No, I'm serious, but your reaction was priceless." Rachel replied as she settled back into her spot on the bed. She grabbed the remote and started the movie. She pulled the bag of Sour Patch Kids towards her and digging in. She frowned when she realized she was almost to the bottom of the bag.

"Did she clarify which version of like she meant? Because like like and just like are two different things?" Blake asked. Rachel thought over the conversation before answering.

"Thinking back on her words I'm positive she meant like like but I don't know. I'm not good with this kind of stuff and you know it." Rachel replied.

"Ain't that the truth. It took you nearly three months to realize that Mailman Frank was hitting on you. And it wasn't til he tried to kiss you that you got the message." Blake commented.

"It's Mailman Finn and... yeah, you're right. But she's always touching me... in some way, cuddling up to me on the couch, or hugging me way longer then most people consider friend appriorate. Ugh... I honestly don't know though dude..." Rachel answered.

"Dude, that sounds like she like likes you. Which is fucking awesome, because you've been pinning after Legs for... like... ever. And now that I'm here and... I'm actually getting to know her, I can see how good you two are together. She can keep up with you on an intelligence level and shit." Blake started to ramble. She is excited for her best friend. All she has ever wanted is for Rachel to be happy and find someone who could love her just the way she is. And Brittany could be that someone.

"Are you forgetting about the dick hiding inside of my pants?" Rachel asked bluntly.

Blake paused to think about Rachel's question. She turned and really looked at her little sister. Rachel's posture screamed defeated. Her shoulder's were slumped forward and she had a sad and worried look on her face. Blake could honestly say she had never seen the brunette singer look so defeated before. It was like someone had zapped all of the light and happiness out of the world and Blake hated it.

"Do you honestly believe Brittany would have a problem with your body?" Blake asked.

"Turtle, I truly don't know. I want to with all the confidence in the world say that... Brittany wouldn't have a problem... with... with me... but I just don't know." Rachel responded sadly. Rachel honestly didn't think that Brittany would have a problem with her 'not so little' friend. But a little voice inside of her head kept planting little seeds of doubt.

Rachel had to admit that she was beyond terrified. The thought that Brittany might not be o.k. with her not so little friend devasted Rachel. She had spent four years pining after, daydreaming, wishing, and hoping that one day Brittany would want her. Then she finds out that her wildest dreams had come true. Brittany had confessed to liking her, Rachel wasn't sure if she meant in a romantic way, but it still made her feel amazing inside. But there was a chance that Brittany... might not want to be with her. Brittany might not be o.k. with her body and that thought scared her shitless. She honestly didn't want to imagine a life without the blonde dancer in it.

"What if she's not o.k. with it? I'm not sure I want to risk losing her. I know what it's like to have her in my life fully and I can't lose her." Rachel whispered out. She was trying her hardest to keep her emotions in check and not burst into tears. For the first time in her life she is truly terrified and has absolutely no idea what to do.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for being patient with me. I know it has been forever. The next chapter will pick up right where this one left off. I really hope you guys are still reading and loving this revamped version of this story.