Hermione – Vampire, Lioness Animagus, Dark Slytherin Attitude

Elphaba – WWW attitude

Raven – Darker attitude, cynical/dark humour

If their aim was to scare everyone present, they certainly achieved it. The gangs could barely recognise their respective girls.

Hermione wore the face of a Lioness like a mask. It was missing its bottom jaw but the teeth of its upper jaw were still in place. She wore a pair of gloves made from the paws of the lioness, its claws tipping her fingers. She wore a thick, open vest that was made of the lioness' pelt and a belt around her waist, the tail hanging from the back. Underneath her vest was a dark emerald spaghetti strap top with flecks of blood splattered across her stomach and dark crimson track pants that were shredded from the mid-calf down.

Elphaba wore a black, thick strap top and a flowing, black, mid-calf skirt. Her hair was out and its real length could be seen, reaching down to her waist. She wore a pair of thick, sturdy black combat boots and had a pair of gauntlets with a pair of sharp, black-metal blades on each.

Raven was floating a foot and a half off the ground. Her hair had grown to the same length as Hermione's. Her typical black leotard had been clawed at the right side of her waist and three strips of pale, greyish skin could be seen. She was channelling her inner Demoness as a second pair of eyes opened in her forehead and both pairs were a terrifying blood red in colour, the Scath symbols were printed over her arms and shoulders, her Midnight blue cloak was shredded at the hem and her hood had been ripped off.

All the scars the three of them had received over all their years were on display for all to see and all of them had absolute murder in their eyes.

One look at these three girls and one thing was clear:

It was a bad idea to cross any of them