A/N: Another King/Diane fluffy fanfic for my readers! I hope you all love it! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own the Seven Deadly Sins. (The anime or the manga.)

"Ban! Use a napkin to dry your mouth!" King scolded, swatting Ban's hand away from King's already spoiled shirt sleeve.

"Kiiiiing~! Stop acting so high and mighty just because you use a napkin~!" Ban pouted, stealing one of King's untouched napkins instead of using his own.

King swore that Ban did all these things just to spite him! Diane cocked her head in the direction of where she heard the petty feud, and as usual, laughed at their fight. But this time, she chimed in...

"Now that you mention it, Ban, King does have a high and mighty name..." Diane said as she rested her chin on her interlocked hands.

Ban looked up in thought, and after a moment of recollection, laughed heartily, "Ohhh, yeahhh~! King! King! You have a royal name! Kahahaha~!"

"And he acts like a king too!" Diane added, but not in a teasing tone. "He's proud, wise, brave, polite, and kinda slow."

Everyone at the table glanced at Diane, all thinking the same thing: "That's not exactly a quality of a king..." Nonetheless, they ignored the comment and went back to their conversations. King, however, decided to add into the prior conversation, a bit shyly if one were to mention.

"S-speaking of kings... Umm... D-Diane, wha-what would a queen be like?" King asked as naturally as possible.

"Hmmm..." Diane hummed, deep in thought, "a queen would have to be smart, beautiful, tough, and worthy of being the king's wife." She crammed a forkful of meat in her mouth as she awaited for an assumed reply from King.

"We-well... I think you would be a great q-queen, Diane..." King stuttered slightly, gently swinging his legs up and down to unnerve himself from he just said.

Diane stared at him for a while, as if thinking up a reply. There wasn't much to say - in fact, everyone was looking at the two, hoping for something entertaining to be said. King didn't notice at first that all eyes were on him and Diane, but once he did, he hurried to take back his comment.

"Sorry! I didn't mean-" King tried to say anything intelligible, but Diane beat him to it.

"Damn right! I'd be the best queen this world has ever seen!" Diane shouted excitedly, pumping her fist up in the air with a fork still full of meat clenched between her fingers and palm.

King smiled, hiding his reddened face with his napkin.