He doesn't like it, the smell of candies and flowers and any other scent he can't fully distinguish in the air. He takes another deep breath and tries to ignore the scent in his nose, the scent of omegas. Since he grew up surrounded by the scent of alpha, smell too much of omega's scent makes him feel dizzy and weak. If you are used to living with lions, subconsciously you will think you're also a lion, and so does Kise. For almost 3 years live amongst the strong alpha, makes Kise never enjoys the omega's scent. But this is going to be his new home, his new life, and he promised himself that the new page of his thick book of life will going to be wonderful, and all the past would be erased from his memories, consider all of it never exist.

Today is his first day as a senior high student. He hopes everything will go well, but he is not really sure, because being omegas man doesn't sit well with the omegas women. Yep, he is the omegas men, one of the rare human being that ever exist in the world, people often called them Yudai. There are very limited people with the same condition as him, if he is not wrong, only 5 in Japan, and (fortunately or not) all of them is around his age, and there are 2 of them in this school, and apparently, they were enrolled in this school before Kise came.

To be honest, Kise actually know one of the other Yudai (not the Yudai that enrolled in this school) long before he choose to entered this school.

He is his friend,or was, his friend in Kiseki no Sedai. His name is Kuroko Tetsuya, a light blue haired boy, shorter than him, smaller too, and a very passive and unexpressed, he never show any emotions and very easy to vanished. Kise terribly likes Kuroko, and even though kuroko almost always avoids him whenever he wanted to hug him, or ignored his messages, but Kise know that deep down inside, kuroko very concerned about Kise. And if it is not by Kuroko, Kise would absolutely still under pressure and desperate right now. If it is not by Kuroko, Kise probably already died in suicide. And he also feel really grateful for the small boy, since they are both Yudai, Kuroko have no problem at all about kise decision to take different school when both of them decided to leave the Kiseki no Sedai team.

As he walk in toward the gate, he hear some voice from the corner behind the building. Without hesitation, he run toward the place, and what he see next is something very unpleasant for him. Kise ever saw two big guy fighting, or a bunch of stupid alpha fight among each other, but this is sure something new to him. Standing not too far away from him, there are some boys that surround one little boy. The boy looks suffered, half beaten, bleed, clothes in tatters, whimpers and writhing, but not asking for help, the guys around him laughed while they kicked and hit the boy. After a while, he try to stand but it seems like his legs already giving up and he fell back to the ground.

Can't dwells it any longer, Kise runs toward them and stop whatever they were doing in there.

" Hey, stop it right now, what are doing?! Let him go!"

All of them stopped and look at Kise. From the scent, Kise could tell that almost all of them is Beta, but there are two scary guy that absolutely an Alpha. Of course that boy can't win against them.

At first they only stood there, waiting for their leader to make a decision. But as time passed, one of them whispered to one of the Alpha . " He is Alpha, strong one, better leave this kids today, boss, he look rich and powerful, we are not going to leave here untouched."

Kise watch them look hesitated before they all leave. " You are lucky today, Kazu – chan, this one might be your future mate, what a shame, we can't even give you some mark before you are taken." Said one of the Alpha as he gave his last kick to the boy's stomach and leave Kise and the raven boy alone.

" Could you stand? Need some help?" Asked Kise, but the boy just shook his head and use his hand to support his weight as he tried to stand, but failed. He try again and able to sit on the ground. From close distance, this boy look a bit bigger and older.

" Thanks, i'm sure i can not make it this time, they really take a shit out of me today. Alpha around here tend to hurt people just because we are some weak creature called omega. By the way, who are you, i've never seen you around here, before. what do an alphas doing here?" He said as he wiped away the blood from his hand and face, and straightened his hair. Kise have to admit that this boy is beautiful, well, this boy is handsome, but his face is cute and his body is small, he has a slender leg, small palms and a shoulder-length black hair that make him look fragile but tough in the same time. The boy is not that short, but absolutely shorter than Kise, and it seems like they are in the same age. Apart from it,the most beautiful part of him it's maybe his eyes, his silver blue eyes that look so captivating. And his scent smell like a honey, with some...green tea? Kise is not sure, but his scent kinda familiar...

" Well, for your surprise, i am not an alpha, i am a new student in here. I am all the same as you" Kise said with a huge grin on his lips.

The raven boy look up with a surprised expression in his face, he looked confused and hesitant for a moment " You're lying, your scent is absolutely an alpha. Stop kidding around, i am not stupid." His voice sounded as if he is offended, but Kise just give him his dazzling smile, and start to open the glove he wore. After both of his hand come into sight, he showed his palm to the raven boy. There are dark marks painted in his palm, half done marked which Kise always regret ever made .

" You are...kidding me? It's a marks? Really? How old are you? And...by that, you want to tell me that you are...you are...an omega? You?" he didn't seem too convinced, but Kise just nodded his head to reassure him .

" Maybe because of this marks, they tought i am an alpha, even though i hate this marks, but it never failed to protect me and cover up my scent, so other people smeel me as an alpha, not an omega, and altough made this marks was the biggest mistake i've ever made, but thanks to this, no body ever dare to approach me and hurt me. By the way, i am not chatch your name, so, you are..."

" Oh, i am Takao, Takao Kazunari. Nice to meet you, and you? Your face and the marks seems familiar to me, i don't know, it seems like i ever saw you somewhere, but i'm sure this is the first time we meet, right?"

Kise smile widely and nod. " Yeah, it's the first time we meet, i am Kise Ryouta, nice to meet you Takaocchi."

Takao chuckle after hear the cute nickname he got from the blondie, but suddenly freeze. Kise Ryouta. Sure, he knew kise, he knew him even before they are meet. " You are.. one of the Kiseki no Sedai? you are the copycat? Of course , how can i be so stupid, you are one of Shin-chan's friend, right? I saw you in magazine that featured the whole members of Kiseki no Sedai, and you are in it. "


" Yeah, shin-chan, Shintarou, Midorima Shintarou, you know him, don't you?" Takao looked very happy and excited, Shin-chan almost never allow him to meet with anyone, let alone his friends in Kiseki No Sedai, so when he met one of them, takao almost exploded by a lot of excitement.

" Yeah, i know Midorimachi, the last time i meet him is a month ago, how do you know him, Takaocchi?" asked Kise.

" Well, i used to be his neighbors a few years ago, before my family send me here, we were very close, maybe because our father work in the same place, his father is my father's superiors, they are close, and i always played with him, i knew him since... i don't know, 3...4, around that age, at first it was really hard to get close to him, you know him, with all his tsundere and horoscope's big maniac, but he was the only kids with the same age as me in the neighborhood, so i still stick with him, but i don't know since when, he started to accept my presence and never let me alone, but my father send me here when i was 13, since then, i've never met him or even talk to him anymore."

Takao looked sad for a moment, but remove the expression from his face and smile tenderly. Before Kise can reply with anything, a guy running toward them. He looked exhausted and out of breath, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked towards Takao, then hit his head slowly.

" Where have you been? I've been looking for you all around the campus, why are you always makes trouble, kazunari, look, you are bleeding again, principal won't let it slip this time. Why are you always challenging those stupid alphas? Oh my god." The man turn around and face Kise. " Thank you for helping this trouble kids, oh, you are new, who are you?"

Kise observe his face before answered. He is a young man with black hair, his bangs cover his left eyes, and there are a mole under his right eye. He looks like in the same age as Kise, maybe a bit older. He is smaller and shorter than Kise, and he is look...beautiful. kise is known as a very beautiful man in town, but this man is really something. He doesn't really look like a woman, but Kise sure that if the man didn't wear a pants, he would believe that the black hair men it's a woman. He is just so beautiful. Ah, and his scent is smell so nice, like lavender, make you relax the moment you smelled it. And there are a mix of baked cake and cherries in his scent. Make Kise suddenly feel hungry.

" I am Kise Ryouta, nice to meet you, i am a new student here, and you are...?"

"Kise Ryouta? Really? One of the Kiseki no Sedai? nice to meet you, i am Himuro Tatsuya, a student in this school. By what you said, you are.. an omega's man, right? I don't know that there are an omega's man inside Kiseki no Sedai. but, i am very happy to meet you, i though i would never meet another Yudai, you are so beautiful, did anyone ever told you that?" he smiled, a tender smile that makes his heart relaxed. He start to like the two of them.

" Thank you so much. Oh, can you told me what are we gonna learned in this school? I am kinda nervous, i hear a lot of omega's women doesn't like...our kind."

" Oh well, you don't have to be afraid, ki-chan, the chick in here just know how to bark, they afraid to bite, actually. They are all just jealous because we don't have to begged and being tottaly liveless and obedient to get a strong alpha poundering our hole with his thick dick..."

"Kazu, mind your word." Cut off Himuro, and Kise left out a little chuckle.

" It is true, Tatsu-chan, they are all just jealous. In here, Ki-chan, we are taught about how to be a nice little slut, how to flirt and all, just be the best omega that can serve the alpha and make them satisfy. In here, the girls willing to kill each other to be the number one, even if it's means hurting your own best friend. They stab each other back frequently. Just be careful, okay? But we are going to help you Ki-chan. I am come here first and i almost kill two chick, when Tatsu-chan came, my hassle with the girls peep down a little, and i hope with you here, we can strike down the girls and make them suffer." Takao said as he stand and laugh hard. But hisses a moment later when the pain in his small ripped lips come up.

" Wow, it's actually pretty scary, you know? I don't think i can survive here." Kise lets out a nervous chuckle, what Takao had describe somehow scarry to him. Kise is not one to hurt girl.

Himuro smile tenderly and pat Kise's shoulder " Relax, Kise, in here...we are the king."

" So you've been here for almost 4 years now? Why so long?" Asked Kise as they are sit in the cafeteria. Takao had already changes his clothes and bandaged his wounds. The moment they entered the cafeteria, a lot of eyes glued to their movement, whispered and pointed at them very obviously..

Taking a sip of his watermelon juice, Tatako nodded his head. "Yeah, just like what i said before, my old man send me here when i was 13, so basically, i was here since junior high, and alone, can you imagine that? the moment i enrolled here, i was pretty scared, i thought everybody gonna hurt me. But i survive nonetheless. if you can show them who's the boss, they would be scared and left you alone, though. They always did, because no matter what, they are just a little chick without a wings."

inevitably, Kise slightly agree with what Takao has been said , omega women sometimes .. creepy. they hurt anyone who prevented them from getting a strong alpha, and from Kise's personal experience , mostly omega women ... did not hesitate to seize alpha that is inappropriate to be hers anymore. they like to see a household broken and destroyed because of their behavior.

" Maybe because we are different.." Himuro started, "Maybe because we are Yudai, and a lot of Alpha prefer us rather than an omega's women, so the girls just...angry, after all, same sex relationship is still rare in this country. we are not only have to be wary of girls who hate us, we must also be careful of the many alpha male who tried to rape us. That sad indeed, when many people think we are a disgrace, they are also trying to find strength from us. lucky you are already marked, only half anyway, but at least you will be well protected, Kise." Himuro said as he pointed Kise's palms. Even though it already covered with the glove, but Himuro already seen it, the marks kise has.

Kise give a bitter chuckle, and shook his head. He gave them a painful expression and look down at his hand. " This marks, it is not something i am proud of. I regret it, actually. That's why i hide it behind the glove, it gave me a painful memory of my childhood life. Not something that i want to remember. I am lucky can get away from it before it's too late."

There are a silent for a couple of seconds, but Kise looked at them and laughed. The tension seems down a little.

" Well, who is this jerk? Should i give him my fist? Did they don't know that i am very good at fighting? Should i hit him for you, Ki-chan?" Jokes Takao, and all of them laughed.

" You? You can not even win against some Beta, Kazu. Learn some self defense before challenging a people, okay? Street fight is not your things, Kazu." Said Himuro as he gently pinched takao's cheek.

" Ah, don't treat me like a girls, and besides, just because you used to live in US, doesn't mean you are better than me at self-defense. I know how to fight, too." Takao pouted his lips and turn his body so his back facing Himuro, makes the other laugh. " You used to live in US? Really?" Asked Kise interested. himuro's face actually look a bit like foreign people.

"Yeah, i was born and grew up in US, my mother is Japanese though, and i follow my family to France when i was 14, only stayed there for 3 years, and move to Japan last year when i was 17. The moment i arrived in Japan, i immediately sent here, not a good experience, i could tell you. My family...not really proud of me, like i said before, they really hope i can have a powerful alpha as my mate, but they never really support me, they don't really care, too. But, enough about me, tell us about you, Kise, you seems pretty strong for an omega, with that marks, you don't really need this school protection, right? Why did you come all the way here?"

Kise paused, trying to think of an answer to the question just now. After a while, he start to answer. "Well, 6 month ago i would never agreed to enrolled here, but... the Kiseki no Sedai... turns up to be a group of a cruel specimen called Alpha. They are a special kids, you know, both of their parents is an Alpha. They are extremely strong, too much power in one body, and in the beginning, i feel really safe. Oh, i am not alone in there, there are one Yudai, his name is Kuroko Tetsuya, you gonna likes him, but the other Kiseki... after their first heat, the power they have is too overwhelming, they can't bottle it up. All of them explode like a grenade. I just know them since i was 13, and...and...there are a kid, i know him like...since i was born, maybe... i don't know, we knew each other so long, and he was the one that marked me, he let me played with the other Kiseki no Sedai, but suddenly, all of them being a jerk and started to insulted me and Kurokochi, we just...had enough, they were so cruel and we are just... we are just an omega. We decided to left the group and entered to the special school. But i refuse to go to Kyoto, i...didn't wanna being controlled by them anymore, so i choose to enrolled here, instead. That's all. Enough with the sad face, it's not as bad as it sounded, actually."

" You know, Ki-chan, i am sure gonna punch those stupid alphas for you if i ever meet them." Said Takao, he looked angry, and Kise only chuckle.

" No, you cannot, Takaocchi, because in fact, this man..." Kise raised his hand and pointed at his covered palms, " Is the ace of the Kiseki no Sedai, and practically.. he is really strong."