Hey. So I hated leaving you all with such a cliffhanger, that's why I've decided to write a sequel pretty quickly.
Here's the first chapter, hope you enjoy.
Please review xx
Katie xx
Zoe's eyes fluttered open. Max gasped. As her eyelids opened a sense of relief flooded Max's body. His beautiful Zoe choose to fight. He kissed her forehead and sat looking at her.
A doctor came in and took her off the ventilator and sat her up. Zoe tried to move her lips to speak but she was too weak.
"Don't princess. All in good time you've under gone major surgery and your body has suffered a lot of trauma. You need to rest."
She smiled weakly. Before squeezing Max's hand and closing her eyes.
Max was exhausted his eyes were heavy and his body ached. He needed sleep but Zoe needed him. The hospital was lay in silence. The night staff tended to the few patients that remained awake. A nurse stuck her head around the door to Zoe's room.
"Everything okay in here."
"Yeah she's fallen asleep."
"Aw okay. Are you okay, you look like you could do with a break."
"Nah I'm fine I don't want to leave her alone."
"Alright just don't let yourself burn out I'll go and fetch you some food when was the last time you ate?"
"I don't remember."
"I'll be right back."
Max was alone with Zoe once again, she looked peaceful for the first time since the accident. He couldn't help but think what if her eyes hadn't opened. What if she hadn't got the strength to fight against the light. He tried to shake the thoughts from his head. She was alive and that's all that mattered.
The nurse returned with a sandwich and a bottle of water.
"Here eat up. And then maybe think about getting some rest your going to need all the energy you can get Zoe will be awake again soon and she's going to need you more than ever.
Max ate and drank. He leant over Zoe and placed a kiss on her lips. Before laying in the chair as best as he could and draping his coat over him. Sleep over took.
Please review. There'll be more soon xx