The water swirled around in the sink, the bubbles slowly disappearing as the water became darker. As he finished the last dish, he dried his hands, inspecting the wrinkles on his fingers. Sighing softly, Luke looked out the window expecting to see an empty street and a dimmed street light, but instead his eyes landed on the girl from down the road. Frowning slightly, he put down the cloth and walked slowly to the back door, keeping his eyes on the girl.

"Hey!" he called, almost running to meet her in the middle of the street. "What are you doing in the middle of the road, especially at this time?" The girl looked flushed and very upset. Luke held out his hand, placing it softly on her arm. "Are you okay?' She nodded slowly, looking around in the dark.
"Lucy, is it?" Luke continued to try and start a conversation. The girl finally looked straight at him.
"Yes, Lucy," she said distractedly. "I'm looking for my dog, have you seen her?" Her eyes moved back to the dark, trying to see clearer. Luke jumped slightly when she yelled:
"Yes, her name is Pan," Lucy shook her head, sighing in frustration. Luke smiled slightly.
"It's okay. We'll find her," he chuckled softly. He turned away from Lucy, shaking his head and began scanning the dark for any sign of movement.
"Pan!" They called in unison.

They walked down the road for an hour with no luck. Luke found that it was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes open. When he looked over to Lucy, he saw that her cheeks were damp, her eyes were puffy and red. Stepping closer to her, he swung his arm around her shoulder.
"I'm sure she's fine," he whispered reassuringly. Lucy shook her head and leaned in closer.
"It's my fault! It's my fault she's gone!" Luke looked at her, his brow furrowed. She shook her head as she continued:
"I left the door open like an idiot."

They walked back down the street. They passed Luke's house and slowed as they came to Lucy's, the light in the window illuminating two figures who looked to be in an argument. Lucy winced as the curtains opened slightly and a face peeped through, his glasses hanging off the end of his nose. The man disappeared, but reappeared within seconds at the door.
"Lucille Weasley! What were you thinking, running off like that?!" the man yelled, walking across the yard. Luke backed away, hoping to stay out of this fight.
"Dad! I had to find Pan!" Lucy yelled back, her voice quivering slightly. They looked at each other for a second before Luke interrupted.

They all turned to see the other Weasley sister carrying something small in her arms.
"Pan!" Lucy shrieked, darting to her sisters' side. "Oh, Pan! Are you okay? Oh my…" she held out her arms and her sister passed the dog to Lucy, shaking her head.
"Thank you, Molly!" Molly said sarcastically, "We wouldn't have found her without you!" she looked back at Lucy and answered herself in a higher, more sickly sweet voice. "No problem, sis. I just did what anyone else would have done, I do love Pan as well." She looked at Luke, her eyes narrowed. "You live down the road, right?" Luke nodded as she shrugged. "Night, guys." She sauntered back into the house, and Luke watched as she went. A smile on his face.
"I like your sister," he said softly in Lucy's direction. She just rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Everyone does."

A/N: Written for the 10 characters, 10 prompts challenge and the Meet-Cute challenge. Using: Lucy Weasley/Pan and 24. The "My dog ran away and you helped me catch her" meet-cute.