Disclaimer: If I own Naruto, it'll definitely be a shoujo because of my NaruHina.

Masashi Kishimoto owns it though.

Words were spilled

Tears were shed

Hearts broke.

He never meant to say what he didn't want to ever happen

But it's too late for words to be erased when ears were reached.

She ran away from him as he reaches out for her,

Like water slipping from his fingers.

It's too late now. Accept defeat, stand up and prepare to fight again.

This time, he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

What happened earlier…

"What were you going to do if I didn't come? If I couldn't come?! Geez, you're making things harder! I already told you that it's no longer necessary for you to accept or go on any missions at all!" he spat out

"It's not like I can't protect myself… Why are you treating me like someone who couldn't fend for myself? You know that the one thing I hate the most is when someone's underestimating my capability as a ninja, and you know that. You know that more than anybody else!" she replies with the same amount of venom

"I am not underestimating your capabilities, Hinata. I'm just trying to say that you're an important figure in the village already and that it isn't necessary for you to go on any missions. You know that your safety is very important for the village and your clan. You are strong, I know, but there are times when we lose control of things. Everybody can commit mistakes in a mission, no matter how strong they are! And one mistake could end one's life, and again, I know that you know that." He countered

"I know what you're trying to say, Naruto, but all I want to do is to be of help to the village and be productive. I am not used to just sitting around especially that I've always trained when I was younger. " Hinata explains

Naruto, who's now a hokage, has been busy with a lot work lately, he's been trying to keep a cool head in this conversation, but sometimes, his wife could be so stubborn at times that he could no longer handle it with calm. The stress in his body is starting to take its toll on his temperament. He knew that what he's going to say next will make him regret it forever.

"You know what? Fine. Do whatever you like. As long as you can stay out of trouble to avoid troubling me. But if you're going to a mission and decide to just die, how I wish that I had never met you to avoid the pain you're going to put me through." He finished off but when silence came along after he had said those words, panic rushed into his heart as he looked over to his wife.

There, she stood with tear-filled eyes.

He couldn't utter a word because he knew it would only make things worse, and he knew he crossed the line.

"Hi…Hinata" was the only thing he managed to say

"I'm so so-sorry to have caused you trouble, Hokage-sama, I promise that I would never bother you ever again. I'm off." As soon as she utter out those words, she immediately left.

Naruto stood there in shock. Letting the words sink in, he felt his stomach twist. If she said those words, he knows that she means it.

"Ever again…" he repeats

Scrolls and papers flew in an empty room.

A/N: Now that I'm on vacation, I decided to post this fiction here. It's originally on tumblr and was surprised to find out that many people liked it.

Posting this here for easier updates and follow! Sorry for the wait.

original a/n: It's a bit OOC and please keep in mind that in this fanfic, Naruto and Hinata are married but the kids aren't existing. (yet?) because yeah, Naruto's a hokage already but we know that when Boruto and Himawari were born, he's not yet a hokage so yeah. The idea came from shisuisuchiha and I saw it via narutostaph …